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  • keynote speaker Yoav Nir

    Yoav Nir Co-inventor of ClickShare®, Virtual and Augmented Reality pioneer and author of the book Game-changing Innovation To be booked as/for Languages Tags Speaker, Trainer, Workshops Dutch, English, French, Hebrew Intrapreneurship, Start-up, Scale-up, Problem Solution Fit, Product Market Fit, Innovation ▶️ Watch Yoav's TEDx talk. Biography Topics Testimonials Pictures Get a quote Biography Creative entrepreneur Yoav has an outstanding track record as the inventor of ClickShare and a pioneer in Virtual Reality. He excels at crafting and executing innovative and strategic visions for products and market strategies. Public speaking is his preferred method for sharing his extensive knowledge and over 20 years of experience. Yoav aims to entertain, motivate, and inspire audiences, infusing his talks with his unique brand of dry humor. Drawing from his gut and personal experiences, he covers the full spectrum from theory to reality to best practices. Specializing in topics such as game-changing innovation, creativity, intrapreneurship, and navigating uncertainty with perseverance, Yoav captivates audiences with his insights. Topics Innovation The Corporate Unicorn Lees verder ​ More Marketing From idea to product-market fit Lees verder Testimonial of a Corporate Entrepreneur More Innovation Busting the myths of innovation Lees verder Yoav inspires with his humor, chotspe and savoir-faire. The audience can immediately take their Innovation insights and learning with confidence into practice. More Yoav’s inspiring presentation on our CEO-seminar in March 2018 - clear, transparent and illustrated with a lot of examples from the insurance industry - was particularly complementary with the concrete cases of innovating solutions presented by Insurtechs and was very much appreciated by the CEOs of the insurance companies that are members of Assuralia. Assuralia Gino Leroy, Director Thanks Yoav for the original insights on innovation and how to change the game. It was nice that you took the time to listen to our different startup companies and giving them tailor-made recommendations. I got a lot of positive feedback after the event! Start it @ KBC Kjell Clarysse, Community Manager Every two years Televic organizes the Televic Tech Day with the tagline: Technology meets Business, Business meets Technology. The largest group of attendees for this mostly internal event are our R&D departments (150+ engineers). As a technology-driven company we value innovation, however, we may not forget the business side and the value it creates for the customer. Yoav succeeded in engaging our audience and as a closing keynote concluded a great day. Not only bringing his own story but also relating to the other speakers and presentations we had during the day. His names and speech still pops up months after the event, so that definitely means he left his mark. Televic Bruno Van Den Bossche, CTO Testimonials Sessions Pictures you can use to promote your event Get a quote Request a Quote Keynote of my preference submit Pictures Quot Anchor 3

  • Keynotes on Business and strategy

    Business and strategy Without purpose no vision and without vision no strategy. What's the best approach to successfully grow your organization? < Back to all topics Thriving in the Age of the Virtual Economy Dado Van Peteghem Get ready to delight the new generation of customers 👩‍🎤 Read more The future of work and learning, Learning Ecosystems Katja Schipperheijn Workshop Read more Big Data and Customer Experience Maarten Vanhoof Tap into the potential of your data Read more The Meaningful Organisation Dado Van Peteghem Moving beyond profit Read more Timeliness is different from urgency Minke Tromp Timeliness is about making the right decisions at the right moment Read more Business & Brand Strategy Isabel Verstraete How do you do business while taking care of people and planet? Read more Leaving a Legacy Kaat Peeters Re-invent your strategies to boost your impact Read more Mastering the AI-Shock Jo Caudron A strategic view on Artificial Intelligence Read more Strategic Storytelling Barbara Rogoski Integrating Strategic Storytelling into Your Business Can Make a Difference Read more A disability-inclusive transition to a low carbon economy Dr. Audrey-Flore Ngomsik Climate change is not diversity neutral. And when it comes to people with disabilities, they bear the brunt of climate change in ways that go beyond what others experience. Read more A trip along the yellow brick road of new organization models Bert Van Wassenhove A journey along a variety of alternative ways of working, managing and building businesses, from the network economy to sociocracy 3.0 Read more Wine with a story tastes better Kathleen Van den Berghe Navigating the Red Ocean: Lessons from 14 Years in Wine Entrepreneurship Read more Artificial Intelligence Geertrui Mieke De Ketelaere Drivers for Success Read more Innovation Christophe Jauquet Innovate for what matters most to your customers² Read more The Guide to the Ecosystem Economy Rik Vera Unveiling the Blueprint for Sustainable Business Success Read more The impact of AI on the future of organisations and humanity Katja Schipperheijn AI is neither hype nor new! However, it is more urgent than ever to include in a future-proof strategy. Read more How to scale your business to your first million euro in revenues Véronique Bockstal Véronique talks about the three things you need in order to scale your business to your first million euro in revenues. She developed a methodology, called the 3M-roadmap with M standing for Mindset, Manpower ('mensen') and Means ('middelen'). Read more Building bridges across cultures Tamara Makoni How you can harness cultural diversity to fuel business growth Read more Transform while performing Olivier Van Duüren To sparkle in your transformation your need to - See what’s happening at the outside - Understand how to respond as a person and as a business - Find balance in performing (operational excellence) while transforming (innovation excellence) Read more Understand how to transform as a person and business Olivier Van Duüren Read more What is Startup to Scaleup lifecycle Olivier Van Duüren From Startup to Scalup – the startup-scalup life-cycle, value creation, value capture and value sustainability. Read more Find your ‘Ikigai’ through art Tom De Ruyck Acting on your values and realizing your purpose through art Read more Putting transforming while performing into action Olivier Van Duüren - Help you to Transform while Performing (Why) - Accelerate the co-creation and adoption of your Strategy and Culture (What) - Mix of Visualisation, Inspiration, Facilitation and Co-Creation (How) Read more Crossing Borders Cyriel Kortleven What can your organisation learn from other industries & other surprising sources? Read more From idea to product-market fit Yoav Nir Testimonial of a Corporate Entrepreneur Read more Leadership - deciding and letting go Rik Moons also during crisis situations Read more How can companies do well by doing good? Dr. Audrey-Flore Ngomsik ​ Read more Regenerative sustainability Dr. Audrey-Flore Ngomsik The new sustainable? Read more Introduction to the CARE Principles Isabel Verstraete How can you grow your business while enhancing a positive impact on people & planet? Read more Artification Erwin Van den Brande Organizations are seeking other, new, original and authentic ways to set up their marketing, boost their brand, foster innovation and initiate research. The arts and culture can help in many ways. Read more What can you learn from the top 20 Business Transformation of the past decade? Olivier Van Duüren ​ Read more Your business and you Renout van Hove AI: going above and beyond the hype Read more Setting up ecosystem strategies for sustainable growth Dado Van Peteghem The power of the network for enterprises Read more Precision in Practice Sofie Fransen Embracing surgical principles for business success Read more

  • keynote How to boost engagement through human relations?

    < back How to boost engagement through human relations? Experience moment More detailed information We are social beings. We want to belong. That is a fact. Being connected is even one of the key drivers for employee engagement. We’ve learned during covid that workplaces with a strong culture, companies that invested in relationships were better off. And yet there is so much growth potential in this era. Think about the relationship between employees and the broader company, with their leaders, with the colleagues and even with themselves. Julie creates an experience moment in which all participants will experience the power of human relations. Where you can eventually feel what this does to one another. Imagine what it could bring to you if you establish more such moments on your work floor? Finally Julie shares key take aways on how to establish stronger human relations on your workfloor. Request a quote Submit About Julie's mission is to systematically increase engagement in the workplace, emphasizing the concept of bringing more FLOW into work environments. Flow represents a state of mind where individuals are highly engaged, motivated, and focused. It involves being completely immersed in tasks, driven by a powerful energetic force. Studies indicate that we spend only about 5% of our time in flow states, a statistic Julie aims to change. This motivation led her to establish her company – Flowspire, which seeks to foster connections within organizations and inspire employees to achieve better results for themselves, their colleagues, and society as a whole. Enhanced wellbeing and engagement contribute to stronger brands, increased loyalty, greater creativity, agility, and ultimately better outcomes—a proven fact. Julie brings unique perspectives to this arena due to her diverse background as a commercial engineer and over 15 years of international business experience. She has developed expertise in areas such as employer branding, change management, cultural shifts, leadership, and facilitation, working with companies of varying sizes from small to medium enterprises to multinational corporations. In her role as an Employee Engagement Architect and Facilitator, Julie formulates comprehensive change plans and ignites transformative movements within organizations. Additionally, she serves as a lecturer at Thomas More University, teaching courses on HR Trends and Employee Engagement. Julie is widely recognized for her high energy, deep expertise, and is esteemed for her balanced approach that combines results-driven strategies with a genuine care for people. Julie Heyvaert Employee Engagement Architect. Julie’s mission is to drive for more human energy on the workfloor.

  • keynote Become an authentic & useful ally for more DEI

    < back Become an authentic & useful ally for more DEI How to tap into the diverse talents out there More detailed information Now more than ever, diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) are the way forward. But do you know what DEI actually is? Do you know why it is important for your organisation in general and for your workplace in particular? Maybe you consider yourself as an ally already. If so, what is an ally for you? What kind of ally are you? In this presentation you will learn: - To recognise your biases - Not to be afraid of uncomfortable conversations - The importance of belonging - That being an ally is a journey - That you will not do everything right, but that this is OK Request a quote Submit About Dr. Ngomsik holds a PhD in physical and analytical chemistry and is a seasoned strategist specializing in climate change and corporate social responsibility. As the CEO and co-founder of Trianon Scientific Communication, a management consulting firm, Dr. Ngomsik leads efforts to assist businesses with the highest CO2 emissions in harmonizing sustainability with profitability. Over the past two decades, she has collaborated closely with board members and executives to promote awareness, embed CSR principles into business strategies, implement sustainable practices, provide training for decision-makers, and explore innovative green solutions. Dr. Ngomsik firmly advocates for addressing the interconnected pillars of people, planet, and profit to effectively tackle today's sustainability challenges. Recognizing the value of diverse leadership and inclusive environments, Dr. Ngomsik emphasizes their role in driving innovation, problem-solving capabilities, revenue growth, and reducing organizational CO2 emissions. She integrates these principles into her consultancy work, viewing corporate environmental and social sustainability as catalysts for enhanced profitability. Dr. Ngomsik's expertise extends beyond devising strategies for emissions reduction; she actively promotes increased diversity among decision-makers within organizations, both in inherent traits and acquired perspectives. Her engaging keynote speeches are renowned for simplifying complex concepts into relatable anecdotes, fostering inclusive and enjoyable interactions with her audience, and bridging the crucial connection between People, Planet, and Profit (3P). With her unique blend of expertise, communication prowess, and commitment to holistic sustainability, Dr. Ngomsik continues to be a sought-after speaker and consultant, driving positive change and impactful strategies across industries. Dr. Audrey-Flore Ngomsik TEDx speaker, named “most inspiring women in sustainability”, Audrey-Flore uses science to positively influence businesses to take actions to solve climate change challenges.

  • FAQ | Speakersbase

    SOME QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS ABOUT SPEAKERSBASE What is Speakersbase? As you can read in the About section, Speakersbase was originally created in 2016 as an open platform to bring speakers and organisers together. There was no commercial objective and we offered our main activities (maintaining your speakers profile) as a free, no-commitment service to the public. In 2020 we decided to change this model drastically. Our ambition is to offer and commercially represent #virtualspeakers and hosts . These are people that we officially represent as a commercial booking agency. Why am I not on the list of current speakers? The current speakers are handpicked #virtualspeakers and hosts that we commercially represent as a booking agency for virtual events. If you are not on the list, it means that we do not have a deal to sell your services to our clients. As you will see, only a small group of people is represented so far. This list will grow in the near future with new speakers, yet we will always limit this to the amount of #virtualspeakers that we believe we can represent in a qualitative way. Can I become an active speaker or host? You can indeed apply to become one of our #virtualspeakers so that we can commercially represent you. Please bear in mind that this might take time: it is a manual process of selecting the best speakers we believe cover topics we want to offer to our clients. I have issues signing in to my old page, what's wrong? We are aware that the migration to the new domain caused some problems for a small group of users. Most of these issues should be fixed by now. If you still encounter problems, please let us know.​ Where are all the old speakers and their pages? Because of our new business model, the website now only shows the speakers that we offer to the market. This means that your speakerspage is no longer available through the main website. For now, the pages are still available on although the plan is to eventually switch them off during summer. This should give you time to grab possible assets from your page and store them elsewhere. I want to keep on using my speakerspage, is that possible? For the time being your old speakerspage is still available on but we plan to eventually turn the pages off, as this is no longer our core business and these functionalities will no longer be supported. ​ Is there a chance that my old speakerspage will remain available anyway? We got many positive reactions from speakers that want to keep using their profile pages, even if we don't represent them as #virtualspeakers in the new Speakersbase. They expressed the willingness to pay a small fee for that. We are currently investigating if that is an option. The more interest we feel, the bigger the chance that we will offer a solution for this.​

  • keynote Change Hacking

    < back Change Hacking Embrace change and challenges in the workplace More detailed information How to cope with change in your professional life with more adaptive resilience; to be able to "survive, succeed and stay relevant". Do your colleagues experience stress, uncertainty, resistance or even anxiety with change in the workplace? Whether it’s adapting to a new software system, going through a merger, or simply coping with challenging periods and crises, they might feel overwhelmed by the constant shifts affecting their work and personal lives. Florence is here to help them transition from discomfort to embracing change. In her captivating talk “Change Hacking”, she shares powerful insights, principles, practical tips and effective strategies for reducing stress, boosting resilience and engagement, enabling colleagues to navigate uncertain, complex, and rapidly changing times with greater ease. By attending, your collaborators will gain essential knowledge: • overcoming fear and resistance (also as a team) • where to focus on when confronted to change • cultivating self-efficacy, emotional flexibility and adaptive resilience • accepting and dealing with reality • developing proactivity • embracing change and stepping out of the comfort zone with confidence Request a quote Submit About “Fascinating and inspiring, instructive and full of enthusiasm. Florence understands the art of captivating an audience. Amazingly well brought, she anticipated the topics that matters to us ” according to a happy customer. Florence’s talks are based on 25 years of combined experience in the world of the Internet and digital media and mental well-being in the workplace. She held various roles in Sales & Marketing within the internet sector and worked for The Reference, ONE Agency, Dear Media and Duval Union Consulting (now Scopernia). Simultaneously, she delved into health sciences and was a certified mindfulness trainer for years. She was one of the core members of Better Minds at Work during several years. Today, she is Managing Partner of the speakers' bureau Speakersbase, which she co-founded amidst the COVID pandemic. Florence Pérès is the author of the reference work 'Digital Detox’ (Lannoo) and published 'Survivalgids voor tijden van verandering' (Lannoo Campus, 31/10/2023) and 'Survivalguide for times of change' (Lannoo Campus, available as of 15/12/2023). Expect passion, inspiration, interaction, evidence-based insights, practical tips & tools and a certain entertainment level during her presentations. Her keynotes are seamlessly delivered in Dutch, French, and English. Visit Florence Pérès Author, enthusiastic speaker and expert in coping with change, adaptive resilience, digital balance and focus.

  • keynote speaker Johan Terryn

    Johan Terryn Media content creator & Soulpreneur, Speaker & Author on matters of the soul, creativity and positive thinking To be booked as/for Languages Tags Speaker, Moderator, Coach, Workshops, Host English, Dutch Positive Thinking, Creative Thinking, Regret, Reframing, Throughfeel Biography Topics Testimonials Pictures Get a quote Biography Johan Terryn studied Language and Literature (UAntwerp) and Communication Science (UGent). He soon embarked on a career in media. Both in radio and TV, in public and commercial broadcasting. Johan discovered all genres there. From light entertainment to better documentary work. He wrote screenplays, did final editing, acted, presented and directed. Yet he remained hungry to grow substantively. He did this by following a professional coaching course. And to delve into NLP and Systemic work. As a Professional Certified Coach, he has been coaching TV stars and business leaders since 2017. Since 2020, he has been telling stories to better connect people with themselves and with each other. He conducted a major narrative study on 'mourning' in the podcast "Het uur blauw". That resulted in a book and a theater performance. He has a project about 'regret' with "Tot onze grote spijt" that includes a podcast, a book and a performance. He also writes columns for Radio 1 and hosts the podcast "Seks verandert alles" with Rika Ponnet. Topics Resilience & Well-being How to stay positive in times of trouble? Reframe and Feel through. Lees verder Being positive is not a mindset you can just turn on. You need to practise in thoughts and feelings. More Motivation & Ownership The power of regret as a compass for the future Lees verder How do you use regret as a feedback instrument to make better decisions in the future? More Testimonials Sessions Pictures you can use to promote your event Get a quote Request a Quote Keynote of my preference submit Pictures Quot Anchor 3

  • keynote Wild foraging: local power foods

    < back Wild foraging: local power foods Teambuilding that nurishes the stomach and soul More detailed information In this workshop, we immerse ourselves in nature. Increasingly, studies highlight the positive effects of greenery on our health. Nature not only reduces stress but also decreases the likelihood of illness. Apart from that, our natural environment has another surprise in store: wild edible plants. These are plants that grow in the wild and haven't been cultivated. As a result, they are packed with vitamins and minerals. During a guided walk, we search for these power plants, learning interesting facts about our natural surroundings along the way. Finally, we incorporate them into a dish (herb-infused salt, appetizers, etc.) in a lively and engaging manner. Request a quote Submit About Saartje Vandendriessche earned her stripes in the media. For 17 years, she worked for VRT and created several adventurous programs. Consider "Op de man af," "Saar in het bos," and "Beweeg in uw kot," programs in which Saartje stepped out of her comfort zone and faced fascinating challenges. Today, her mission is to inspire as many people as possible to live life with more energy. Through keynotes, teambuilding activities, and energy boost camps (2-day mini-retreats), she raises participants' energy levels in all areas (via food, exercise, sleep, and especially mindset). She demonstrates the path to a healthy lifestyle full of energy. As always, she does this in her own stubborn, energetic way, with the necessary dose of humor. Saartje Vandendriessche Saartje makes sure everyone goes home with an energy boost

  • keynote Art, Technology and Science

    < back Art, Technology and Science Art as a critical thinker’s “second opinion” on digital revolution More detailed information Many artists work with scientists, technologists, designers, developers, entrepreneurs and activists from all over the world, to address the central questions of our future. Their focus is on new technologies and how they change the way we live and work together. Since the seventies, our world has changed radically, and digitization has covered almost all areas of our lives. Scientists, developers, designers, entrepreneurs, activists and artists have shed light on these developments in our digital society and have speculated about their manifestations in the future. The activities of artists involved in technology are always guided by the question of what new technologies mean for our lives. They not only ask what technology can or will be able to do, but always what it should do for us. They don’t try to adapt to technology, but they want the development of technology to be oriented towards us. Therefore, the artistic research always focuses on ourselves, our needs, our desires, our feelings. With Machine Learning and AI, we are initiating the transition from automation to autonomy today. The digital becomes independent for the first time. On the threshold of this new era, we must set the course for our digital society to remain committed to fundamental values such as human dignity, freedom, democracy, equality, the rule of law and human rights. Artists together with scientists, developers, designers, entrepreneurs and activists from all over the world want to contribute to such a digital humanism. In a workshop or presentation about art and technology we will discuss and zoom in on artist who work and experiment with AI, VR, robots, augmented reality, security camera’s, meta-verse, quantum computing, biotech, 3D sound, computational creativity and other technological evolutions. This interaction between art and science&technology is also called the "new renaissance" or the avant-garde in the arts. Request a quote Submit About Erwin Van den Brande is on a mission to bridge the gap between the cultural and creative realms and the business world. Recognizing that companies face disruptive challenges requiring novel approaches and thinking, he advocates for mutual learning between business leaders and the art world. With a background in economics and experience in various management roles within technology companies, Erwin is also an entrepreneur who has founded multiple start-ups. Since 2010, he has pursued a parallel career as a visual artist, exhibiting his works in Belgium and internationally. His passion lies in uniting seemingly disparate worlds through art, viewing art as not just a form of expression but also a mindset for living and working. This vision led to the creation of Dual&Day, an initiative focused on facilitating connections between companies and cultural actors through "artification" processes. Erwin and Dual&Day offer a range of services including lectures, workshops, advisory sessions, publications, and concrete artification projects aimed at fostering creative collaborations and innovative thinking within businesses. Through these efforts, Erwin aims to harness the transformative power of art to inspire fresh perspectives and solutions in the corporate world while also enriching artistic endeavors with business insights. Erwin Van den Brande Advocate of paradoxes and oxymorons because they provide new insights

  • keynote Roll over Beethoven

    < back Roll over Beethoven The problem with creativity More detailed information Creativity is an often misunderstood word, something that blocks rather than motivates people and organisations. In this talk you'll learn about the problem of creativity and how to unlock innovation in your company or organisation. Request a quote Submit About Fredo, originally Frédéric De Smet, embarked on his journey after graduating in 2001 with a master's degree in Art Science and History. His academic pursuits centered on a philosophical exploration questioning the intrinsic value of reality, drawing from interdisciplinary studies in art, film, postmodern philosophy, and popular culture. Concurrently, Fredo delved into the professional realm as the head of production at local radio station, marking the inception of his diverse career trajectory. His inherent passion for pop culture steered Fredo towards a vibrant career in the local nightlife scene. Over a decade, he transitioned from a music producer and curator, traversing cities such as Paris, London, Barcelona, New York, and others, all while shaping his understanding of media, audiences, and experiential marketing strategies. This culminated in the development of innovative initiatives spanning virtual reality experiences, audio narratives, art fairs, and conferences, both as a freelance creative and as the entrepreneurial force behind Avenue L, a concept agency. In recent years, Fredo has carved a niche as an independent curator and consultant specializing in human-technology relations. His insights and expertise led him to advisory roles at esteemed institutions such as the public broadcaster VRT and as an advising curator for the acclaimed Hello, Robot exhibition at Design Museum Ghent. Furthermore, Fredo spearheads Gent M, an online publisher and think tank that critically examines the ethical and tangible impacts of technology on society, showcased through platforms like podcasts. Fredo's unique perspective and multidisciplinary background enable him to shed light on the unseen aspects of our evolving relationship with technology, guiding individuals and organizations to navigate the complexities of this rapidly changing landscape. Fredo De Smet Ask him anything about technology, change and creativity. But also about culture, both in society and organisations.

  • keynote The power of healthy humor

    < back The power of healthy humor Learn how to use humor as a form of communication in which everyone can feel good in order to perform and achieve goals in a healthy and wise way. More detailed information Humor seems like a light-hearted subject. But the way humor is used often says something about how someone feels and looks at life. Humor is therefore not about having to be funny 'always and everywhere'. It is about the dosed use of a form of communication in which everyone can feel good. So that everyone can achieve the goals he or she has set for themselves in a healthy and wise way. During the fascinating and interactive lecture by humorologist Johan De Keyser you will learn that not all humor is healthy. Mental health has more to do with the presence of healthy humor and the absence of unhealthy humor. By healthy humor we mean the positive look with which you look at life and the way in which you can work together with others in a pleasant and relaxed way. Unhealthy humor is at the expense of yourself and your relationships. You will also find out how high your personal H.Q. is. You will receive a number of tips to increase that humor quotient by a few percentages and you will learn how to use humor adequately within the context of your organization. Request a quote Submit About Over the past 30 years, Johan De Keyser has had the privilege of coaching and training a tremendous number of people, teams and organizations. From alcohol and drug addicts to people with depression or burnout. Both in the social sector and in education. But also in companies and SMEs, from workers to CEOs. He was a ward coordinator in a psychiatric hospital for two years, a Team Development Coach at Lineas, the largest private rail freight operator in Europe, an individual coach and therapist at the therapeutic center Tripsyco and a sociotherapist at day center De Welving of AZ Sint Maarten / Emmaus. In October 2018, his first book "Build your dream team" was published. May 2023 his second book 'Dynamic balance' will be published (both by LannooCampus). Johan De Keyser Expert on how to tackle toxic cultures by building dreamteams with powerful people in equivalent relationships. Author of 2 books and the first Humorologist of the BeNeLux.

  • keynote speaker Valérie Deridder

    Valérie Deridder Journalist at Knack with a passion for everything to do with technology and digital transformation To be booked as/for Languages Tags Speaker, Moderator, Host Dutch, English, French, Spanish, Turkish, Persian AI, Digital Transformation, B2B Technology, International Politics, Middle East Biography Topics Testimonials Pictures Get a quote Biography Valérie Deridder, a journalist at Knack, possesses a fervent passion for technology and digital transformation. With a notable background in hosting debates for esteemed institutions like the Flemish Parliament and the European Commission on AI, her expertise extends to corporate events focused on digital transformation. Moreover, Valérie boasts a strong understanding of foreign politics, particularly specializing in the Middle East, a topic she frequently delves into within her writings for Knack. Her warmth and infectious enthusiasm define her personality, complemented by her theater experience that lends her a natural ease on stage. Above all, Valérie thrives in moderating debates and chairing events. Topics I'm really enjoying working with Valérie for lots of reasons. First and foremost, you can always count on her for setting a light tone that makes everyone feel welcome. Besides that, she doesn’t settle and has a great radar for interesting content. You can always count on her for going the extra mile and delivering an interesting result. She takes a lot of pride in her work and this translates into creations of the highest quality. ​ ​ Testimonials Sessions Pictures you can use to promote your event Get a quote Request a Quote Keynote of my preference submit Pictures Quot Anchor 3

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