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  • keynote Master your energy

    < back Master your energy More energy and well-being in the workplace More detailed information If you suffer from energy dips, from a fatigue you cannot immediately explain, then it is time to take action. Saartje herself struggled with an energy deficit years ago. She found life too precious to step through it tired and started a search for more energy. Above all, she discovered that everyone is tired and that lack of energy is a social problem. Her experiences brought her to the core of energy: nutrition-movement-sleep and, above all, the mental aspect (the mindset). In our modern society, we have forgotten that life energy is vital. The higher our energy, the better we perform in everything we do. If we are unable to build our lives around our energy levels, we are in trouble. Because energy deficits lower our individual quality of life. Moreover, chronic energy shortages are currently the leading cause of absence from work. Entrepreneurship is top-class sport, which is why Saartje wants to bring the business world into this energetic story. What is the secret to maximum performance? What factors promote fatigue and what can we do about it? And how can we optimise our energetic potential? It is this knowledge that she loves to share with you in an interactive keynote. Saartje will work on some techniques and provide an extra boost to the group. Request a quote Submit About Saartje Vandendriessche earned her stripes in the media. For 17 years, she worked for VRT and made several adventurous programmes. Just think of Op de man af, Saar in het bos and Beweeg in uw kot; programmes in which Saartje had to get out of her comfort zone and was confronted with fascinating challenges. Today, her challenge is to inspire as many people as possible to live life with more energy. Through keynotes, teambuildings and energy boost camps ( 2-day mini retreats), she raises participants' energy levels in all areas (via food, exercise , sleep and especially our mindset). And she shows the way to a healthy lifestyle with tons of energy. She does this, as always, in her own stubborn, energetic way, and with the necessary dose of humour. Saartje Vandendriessche Saartje makes sure everyone goes home with an energy boost

  • keynote Innovating grief / legacy

    < back Innovating grief / legacy Transforming loss into a legacy of resilience More detailed information In her poignant keynote on innovating grief / legacy, Julie shares a determined hope to reshape the narrative surrounding the grieving process, infusing it with curiosity and authenticity. Drawing from her personal journey navigating grief, Julie invites audiences to view the ebb and flow of loss with less negativity and more openness to its evolving nature. At the heart of Julie's narrative is Dixie's multi-faceted legacy, characterized by his unwavering positivity in the face of adversity. Julie reflects on her own experiences, navigating grief on her terms and uncovering profound discoveries along the way. Through innovation and authentic positivity, she has not only survived a traumatic loss but thrived alongside the tragedy that has profoundly impacted her and her family. Recognizing that grief is a universal experience, Julie emphasizes the importance of supporting individuals dealing with devastation within teams. Finding a delicate balance between allowing space for healing and maintaining productivity is key, ensuring that affected members can continue to contribute meaningfully while navigating their trauma and loss. Join Julie Brown as she shares her inspiring journey of resilience, offering insights and strategies to empower individuals and teams to transform grief into a legacy of strength and perseverance. Request a quote Submit About Julie Brown, born in 1964 in Detroit, Michigan, USA, is a founding partner and managing director of Polar Circles/Polar Experience expedition activities since 1999. With extensive experience in polar exploration, she serves as a project manager and communications director for her team of polar guides. In addition to expedition management, Julie specializes in developing and delivering corporate activities, including keynote presentations and inspiring motivational speeches to diverse audiences. Fluent in English as her native language, Julie is also proficient in Flemish/Dutch as her second language and conversational in French. Her unique ability to translate the rich metaphors from ambitious polar expeditions into relevant lessons for the business world adds an unexpected spark to any event. With over 20 years of public speaking experience, Julie excels in connecting with live audiences, particularly during spontaneous Q&A sessions, where she shares real anecdotes and visual stimulation from polar expeditions. Julie's journey into polar exploration began under the guidance of Dixie Dansercoer (1962 – 2021) during her first polar expedition to Antarctica in 2000, which included a Mount Vinson ascent. Since then, she has served as the project coordinator for various expeditions, such as the Bering Strait Odyssey in 2005, In the Wake of the Belgica in 2007-2008, Antarctic ICE in 2011-2012, and Greenland ICE in 2014. Beyond expedition management, Julie has also contributed to polar expedition cruises as a lecturer and guide in regions including the Antarctic Peninsula, Greenland, Svalbard, and Norway. Collaborating with Dixie, she has led corporate ICE Campaigns in Iceland, Spitsbergen, and Switzerland. Julie is not only an experienced explorer but also a prolific writer, having published several expedition-related accounts since 1998. In 2014, she co-authored "Surpassing Sastrugi," a book that draws relevant parallels for corporate audiences. Julie also maintains the Polar Experience blog, sharing insights and experiences from her expeditions. Julie was married to Dixie Dansercoer for 22 years until his passing in June 2021. Together, they have four children: Jasper, Evelien, Thijs, and Robin. Recently, they welcomed their first grandchild, Ender Dixie Dansercoer, into their family. Julie Brown Polar expedition coordinator and captivating storyteller, illuminating the parallels between polar expeditions and corporate challenges

  • keynote Career twists

    < back Career twists Think twice about promotion More detailed information A career does not have to be linearly ascending to be satisfying. Taking a step back now and then to study again, to (re)find the balance between work and life, to regain the feeling that you can handle your job or to be able to make a difference through individual attainments - these are all good reasons to think twice about that promotion. In this session you will learn: That there is a linear career with promotion as ultimate success But there is also a boundaryless career with demotion as an opportunity The win-win of taking a step back Tips and tricks how to handle a step back Request a quote Submit About Tanja is a strong believer in ownership, lifelong learning, and the power of trust. She is author of several books on demotion. Tanja holds a master's degree in communication sciences and a PhD in applied economics. Tanja Verheyen Passionate, driven communication expert, specialised in career twists

  • keynote AI-Integration Strategy for Communication Professionals

    < back AI-Integration Strategy for Communication Professionals An introduction to multimodal integration for non-technical working teams More detailed information Generative AI – text, voice, image, video, music - is a set of powerful multi-modal tools that are set to superpower our content development strategies. This is your “stack”. We look at ChatGPT, MidJourney, Dall-E, 11Labs and HeyGen and see how they combine to augment your internal-external communication, visual storytelling, audio podcasting and social messaging. Whether you’re improving presentations, onboarding or training materials, produce powerful thought leadership content or engaging better with your customer, knowing how AI works and how to use it will give your work an edge. PART I: Understanding AI What AI is and how does it work? What tools do what, what are the risks and opportunities? What’s a Mixture of Experts? A Parameter, a Weight, a DAWN, or Running Inference? Understanding terminology and language of right now. Multimodality: text, image, music, voice, video. PART II: Integrating AI Co-Creating in your team: pulling apart your tasks. The Human skills to augment: empathy, listening, humor, improvisation and creativity. Data safety Externals: auditing your freelancer lineup. Request a quote Submit About Speaker, author, trainer and coach, Fiona is a specialist of the Human at Work, leadership and the integration of AI into our working lives. She focuses on positive culture and engagement for large multinationals. Fiona is the author of the Comic Books for Executive Series and produces a regular podcast and video series called “Working Humans”. Her latest book, “The Handbook for Post-Covid Engagement” won at the UK Business Book Awards and received a Goody Award for thought leadership. Her new book is entitled “AI Powered”, due for release this year. Fiona spent many years in the corporate space in HR, in the area of internal communications and employee engagement. She has been Creative Lead, Senior Visual Communicator, Innovation Advisor, Explainer and Storyteller for some of the largest multinationals in Europe, in Vienna, London, Budapest, Brussels and Amsterdam. In 2020 she achieved a master’s in business management and AI concentration. Today, Fiona is a highly effective visual storytelling and stand-up comedian in training. She weaves solid, serious, research-driven advice with laughter and fun, guides for improving our working lives at any organization. Fiona Passantino Speaker, author, podcaster, thought leader. Expert on the Human-AI connection: engagement, communication, culture and AI integration.

  • keynote The Media - how to get your story out there

    < back The Media - how to get your story out there ​ More detailed information Putting out a press release is no longer the best way to get the media's attention. It's about standing out, being connected, and having something truly relevant to tell. Request a quote Submit About I like to get out the best in people: what makes them and their story special? It takes more than some questions, it takes two people who trust each other and dare to get connected. For more than 20years I have been a journalist. Interested in all kinds of stories and discussions. Asking questions, but also listening. A successful interview is one in which people can tell their story, enlighten us with their insights while they also dare to engage themselves as an individual into that conversation. Knowledge and emotions. That's how the story really gets passed on. A good on/offline talk always contains these elements: information, context, nuance, clarity and humanity. An interview or talk without one single emotion is a missed opportunity. My job is getting people and ideas connected, by challenging the speakers as well as the ones who are listening. What is truly being said? How do you know? Why should we care? What can we do? We are in it together! Lisbeth Imbo Asking the right questions, listening and getting people connected.

  • keynote High-Visibility Habits for Women at Work

    < back High-Visibility Habits for Women at Work Support and fuel female professionals on International Women’s Day More detailed information A chair is a solid, real thing to us. We sit on it, stand on it, trust it to hold our weight. But it’s mostly empty space, held together by unimaginably tiny particles using a great deal of energy. We humans believe in the things we see. When we see and feel the presence of others, we are drawn to them, trust them, listen to them, engage with them, and support them. Visible professionals, male and female, at any level, share certain characteristics. They connect, convince and compel. They are role models and mentors, confident and respectful. They are helpful and accept help, they give and receive feedback, can make difficult decisions and conduct uncomfortable conversations. Becoming connected and visible at work is a practice of consistent actions that can be learned and incorporated into a daily routine without adding time to a busy schedule. Female professionals have a special set of skills and superpowers we bring to the work floor, as well as our own set of demons, mindsets and cultural expectations to wrestle with. Workshop topics: Understanding the roles we play at work and our attitudes. The state of women’s’ engagement and self-assessment of our effectiveness. Our demons: environment, thinking, many roles. A bit of “tough love” from one woman to another: our need for control, our lack of psychological safety, our need to multitask, over-perform. We may feel uncomfortable leveraging our networks. We may let our emotions undermine our consistency, we may over-think and become paralyzed. Our superpowers: skills and strengths, natural networking abilities and what we lose when we try to go it alone. Our ability to listen, empathy and intuition, instinct to support, our humor, our voices, and our brains. We are experts in pattern recognition, 360-degree vision. We identify with stakeholders. TIP 1: become the expert: Becoming highly knowledgeable in a small area, you are the “go-to” person for anything on that matter. Work this passion into everything you do. TIP 2: upskill natural networking: be present and make interactions memorable. TIP 3: dare to be seen: walk the corridors, engage as a habit. Make the strategic casual conversation part of your work day. TIP 4: engage digitally: get into the social stream in the right way. How and when to publish, what, how often and where. TIP 5: smart delegation: knowing when to seek help, help others, share the burden. For many, a double-win for your network and your own brand as an expert Request a quote Submit About Speaker, author, trainer and coach, Fiona is a specialist of the Human at Work, leadership and the integration of AI into our working lives. She focuses on positive culture and engagement for large multinationals. Fiona is the author of the Comic Books for Executive Series and produces a regular podcast and video series called “Working Humans”. Her latest book, “The Handbook for Post-Covid Engagement” won at the UK Business Book Awards and received a Goody Award for thought leadership. Her new book is entitled “AI Powered”, due for release this year. Fiona spent many years in the corporate space in HR, in the area of internal communications and employee engagement. She has been Creative Lead, Senior Visual Communicator, Innovation Advisor, Explainer and Storyteller for some of the largest multinationals in Europe, in Vienna, London, Budapest, Brussels and Amsterdam. In 2020 she achieved a master’s in business management and AI concentration. Today, Fiona is a highly effective visual storytelling and stand-up comedian in training. She weaves solid, serious, research-driven advice with laughter and fun, guides for improving our working lives at any organization. Fiona Passantino Speaker, author, podcaster, thought leader. Expert on the Human-AI connection: engagement, communication, culture and AI integration.

  • keynote Marketing Post-Corona

    < back Marketing Post-Corona from Profit to Purpose More detailed information Some classic marketing channels, like events and billboards are now on ice. Meanwhile, customer experience optimization has now become the new marketing, with digital as its default channel. Clo offers actionable hacks to leverage these digital first marketing opportunities. Request a quote Submit About Clo is digital business expert, girl geek, tech optimist, avid keynote speaker, oldskool tech blogger, and published author. By day, she’s in charge of the postgraduate training “Digital Business” at KdG College in Antwerp. By night, she writes blog posts about robots making art, creates explainer videos on YouTube, and writes random chapters for what might some day become her 4th book. Lazy sins: listens to podcasts in bath and hopes one day AI will do her groceries. Clo Willaerts Clo is digital business expert, girl geek, tech optimist, avid keynote speaker, oldskool tech blogger, and published author.

  • keynote Stress yourself

    < back Stress yourself Stress is not your enemy; it is an opportunity for self-development and growth. More detailed information Stress is not your enemy; it is an opportunity for self-development and growth. If you use it in a smart, sustainable way, it will help you to push yourself without burning yourself out. This presentation helps you to change your mind about stress. Talking points: Your attitude about stress alone influences your health and wellbeing. How can you change negative thinking styles and cultivate a positive mindset when you experience challenges? Too much or longterm stress can be dangerous, but the right amount serves as a powerful stimulus for growth. How do you assess what the correct amount is? What are the best strategies and techniques to stay focused, productive, optimistic, and calm when you are under a lot of pressure? We look at food, lifestyle, and peak performance techniques like mindfulness meditation. We often default to unhealthy, counterproductive behavior when we feel stressed. It doesn’t have to be that way. When you apply the principles in this presentation, you will start to view stress in a much more positive way and experience what stress can do FOR you (instead of TO you). Request a quote Submit About Goedele Leyssen worked for 12 years as a journalist. An opportunity to go to India for a story about yoga and meditation changed the course of her life. Back home, she followed a training to become a yoga and meditation teacher. Because Goedele strongly believes in a holistic approach of health and wellbeing, she also trained as a nutritionist. Between 2014 and 2019, she wrote 4 healthy lifestyle books and started to give keynotes and facilitate workshops. Together with a US naturopathic doctor, she launched an online anti-burnout coaching program for high performing professionals. Goedele believes self-care is the foundation for long lasting success and happiness in life. Her greatest joy is helping people build rituals for more resilience and deep inner peace. Goedele Leyssen 4 x author, speaker, yoga and meditation trainer, holistic nutritionist and self-care expert

  • keynote Authentic Intelligence

    < back Authentic Intelligence How to future-proof yourself and your team More detailed information The COVID-19 pandemic has been accelerating the digital revolution and is creating an earlier-than-expected tipping point that is likely to transform businesses forever. Hence the voices asking whether we humans can still compete against robots and artificial intelligence are getting louder. In this highly topical speech, Elke points out that it is time to demystify technology and to shift the focus back onto human beings. She examines which uniquely human qualities can be used to secure our professional future, and which assets you really should embed in your organization's DNA if you want to ensure your viability in this disruptive world. An inspiring presentation for organizations that already have both feet firmly planted in the future and want to use this pandemic as a transformational momentum. Request a quote Submit About Enthusiasm knows no boundaries, and Elke embodies this with her global presence, having graced platforms worldwide from Kyoto to Cape Town, Lima to Sydney, Dubai, and San Francisco. Her unmatched ability to engage audiences stems from her unique blend of expertise, scientific background, and humor. Elke's enthusiastic approach to translating cutting-edge academic insights into practical everyday applications has garnered widespread acclaim. Her insatiable curiosity and passion for people have paved the way for a successful academic journey. With a PhD in psychology, Elke has held esteemed positions at renowned institutions such as Harvard, St Andrews, Maastricht, and Rotterdam, garnering international recognition for her groundbreaking research. Currently, she serves as a Professor at the University of Ghent. Driven by her deep understanding of mental resilience, Elke founded "Better Minds at Work" in 2014, an international consultancy dedicated to enhancing the mental well-being, energy, and productivity of employees. The company has since grown to include over seventy psychologists, doctors, and consultants. Elke's signature lies in her ability to translate complex psychological concepts into practical, accessible strategies, inspiring individuals and organizations to cultivate resilience and thrive in turbulent times. Her groundbreaking work includes the bestselling book "Mentaal Kapitaal" (Mental Capital: 2015), now in its thirteenth edition and recently launched in English as "Better Minds," as well as in Chinese. She has also released her latest book, "The Mental Reset," offering insights and strategies for navigating a post-pandemic world with resilience and success. Elke Geraerts Keynote Speaker | Human Capital Expert | #1 Bestselling Author | Building the bridge between science and practice | Ptofessor I Doctor in Psychology

  • keynote Boost your mental resilience

    < back Boost your mental resilience Actionable insights for less stress and more (mental) well-being More detailed information Did you know that cultivating strong mental resilience can effectively counteract stress and burnout? Moreover, you have the ability to shape your behavior in order to enhance your mental resilience. By actively nurturing your resilience, you will fortify yourself both personally and professionally. This serves as a crucial component for enhancing well-being and preventing exhaustion in today's demanding and challenging world. However, it encompasses more than just well-being; it paves the way for increased fulfillment, heightened productivity, happiness, and success. During this lecture, you will gain insights into the key drivers of mental resilience and practical strategies to invest in it. Florence delivers this keynote in an engaging and interactive manner, infused with humor. The insights and specific tips shared are rooted in the latest advancements in brain science, providing immediate assistance in boosting your mental energy and enthusiasm within your personal and professional life. Request a quote Submit About “Fascinating and inspiring, instructive and full of enthusiasm. Florence understands the art of captivating an audience. Amazingly well brought, she anticipated the topics that matters to us ” according to a happy customer. Florence’s talks are based on 25 years of combined experience in the world of the Internet and digital media and mental well-being in the workplace. She held various roles in Sales & Marketing within the internet sector and worked for The Reference, ONE Agency, Dear Media and Duval Union Consulting (now Scopernia). Simultaneously, she delved into health sciences and was a certified mindfulness trainer for years. She was one of the core members of Better Minds at Work during several years. Today, she is Managing Partner of the speakers' bureau Speakersbase, which she co-founded amidst the COVID pandemic. Florence Pérès is the author of the reference work 'Digital Detox’ (Lannoo) and published 'Survivalgids voor tijden van verandering' (Lannoo Campus, 31/10/2023) and 'Survivalguide for times of change' (Lannoo Campus, available as of 15/12/2023). Expect passion, inspiration, interaction, evidence-based insights, practical tips & tools and a certain entertainment level during her presentations. Her keynotes are seamlessly delivered in Dutch, French, and English. Visit Florence Pérès Author, enthusiastic speaker and expert in coping with change, adaptive resilience, digital balance and focus.

  • keynote How do you increase psychological safety in your team?

    < back How do you increase psychological safety in your team? A critical success factor for innovation, retention and growth. More detailed information -- also available in workshop format -- Do you recognize this? You're in a meeting, wanting to ask a question because something is not clear. You look around... But, oh well. No one asks that question. Everyone seems to know this already. So what do you think? "I'm expected to know it too." And what do you do? You stay silent. "I better not ask, imagine what they'll think of me. I'll figure it out later on my own." This is what happens in a psychologically unsafe environment. We don't dare to admit that we don't know something. But it's more than that. It's also about not daring to suggest that things can be done differently, or not being able to say that we disagree with a proposal, not daring to question something... Can you see how this "silence" causes a team or organization to simply not function? Stagnation? Stalemate? No progress, no innovation, demotivated people. Employees constantly walking on eggshells, unable to be themselves. It's not enjoyable to work in such a team, and you actually want to leave as soon as possible. "In a team with a low level of psychological safety, people are not comfortable speaking up and/or feel that there may be consequences if they question things." In this keynote, you will find answers to the following questions: Why don't we dare to speak? Why don't we ask that question? Why don't we say that it could be done differently? Why don't we dare to make our proposal? How can you make your team (feel) safe again? What variables make a team unsafe? How can you work on this? You will receive the scientific background of psychological safety and tips and exercises to immediately start working on it. After this keynote, you will have everything you need to create a team where you and your employees can truly be yourselves, make mistakes (and learn from them), ask questions no matter how crazy they may be, take risks, address problems, and disagree. Your team will become a safe place where everyone feels at home, can grow, learn, feel good, and achieve top performance! In this workshop/keynote/training, depending on the available time (ranging from 20 minutes to 2 days), we will start with some thought-provoking questions, followed by a section of theory, then exercises, tips, and we always conclude with an exciting challenge. A challenge that you can take home or try out with your team! Request a quote Submit About Hermina Van Coillie, Ph.D. in Psychology, is an esteemed motivation expert, keynote speaker, lecturer in various HRM postgraduate courses, author, senior consultant, and business manager at Flourish. In April 2021, she debuted her first book, co-authored with Prof. Dr. Anja van den Broeck, titled "Motivating Without Control: Getting Started with Self-Determination Theory in the Workplace!" published by Die Keure. Renowned for her captivating presentations, Hermina is in high demand, delivering keynotes, inspiration sessions, masterclasses, workshops, and training sessions to diverse audiences, including business leaders, HR directors, managers, executives, prevention advisors, and coaching teams. Her unique approach brings to life the profound insights of self-determination theory, offering practical applications not only in the workplace but also in personal and recreational settings. With her charismatic presence, authenticity, and expertise, Hermina engages her audience, delivering new and practical insights grounded in years of dedicated research. Eschewing excessive theories, she empowers individuals by unveiling the innate motivations within them. Her interactive sessions, filled with thought-provoking questions, humorous anecdotes, and relatable situations, resonate with audiences across various backgrounds, leaving them with actionable insights ready for immediate implementation. Hermina's expertise extends beyond mere motivation, encompassing a wide array of HR themes such as burnout, well-being, leadership, remote and flexible working, performance management, work-life balance, and more. Through her presentations, she illustrates how high-quality motivation serves as a catalyst for peak performance and personal flourishing, ultimately transforming individuals into high performers across all facets of life. Hermina Van Coillie Hermina Van Coillie, Dr. in psychology, is a motivation expert, keynote speaker, lecturer in several HRM postgraduate courses, author, senior consultant and business manager at Flourish

  • keynote How to conduct a motivating and non-irritating (performance) conversation?

    < back How to conduct a motivating and non-irritating (performance) conversation? Make it meaningful! More detailed information -- also available in workshop format -- Certainly not an easy task, the annual performance conversation. Few of us look forward to it. And yet, it still remains on most of our agendas. How can we ensure that this conversation is meaningful and goes well? That you obtain the desired information and can express what you need to say in a connecting manner. So that your people can grow and their high-quality motivation increases! But such a conversation is more than just speaking. It's also important that you receive the information you need. How do you create a safe space for such a conversation? How do you listen? How do you hear everything that is being said? In this keynote, you will receive concrete and practical tips, and you will practice directly! And as with all my keynotes, the foundation here is solid science. No fluffy story! Request a quote Submit About Hermina Van Coillie, Ph.D. in Psychology, is an esteemed motivation expert, keynote speaker, lecturer in various HRM postgraduate courses, author, senior consultant, and business manager at Flourish. In April 2021, she debuted her first book, co-authored with Prof. Dr. Anja van den Broeck, titled "Motivating Without Control: Getting Started with Self-Determination Theory in the Workplace!" published by Die Keure. Renowned for her captivating presentations, Hermina is in high demand, delivering keynotes, inspiration sessions, masterclasses, workshops, and training sessions to diverse audiences, including business leaders, HR directors, managers, executives, prevention advisors, and coaching teams. Her unique approach brings to life the profound insights of self-determination theory, offering practical applications not only in the workplace but also in personal and recreational settings. With her charismatic presence, authenticity, and expertise, Hermina engages her audience, delivering new and practical insights grounded in years of dedicated research. Eschewing excessive theories, she empowers individuals by unveiling the innate motivations within them. Her interactive sessions, filled with thought-provoking questions, humorous anecdotes, and relatable situations, resonate with audiences across various backgrounds, leaving them with actionable insights ready for immediate implementation. Hermina's expertise extends beyond mere motivation, encompassing a wide array of HR themes such as burnout, well-being, leadership, remote and flexible working, performance management, work-life balance, and more. Through her presentations, she illustrates how high-quality motivation serves as a catalyst for peak performance and personal flourishing, ultimately transforming individuals into high performers across all facets of life. Hermina Van Coillie Hermina Van Coillie, Dr. in psychology, is a motivation expert, keynote speaker, lecturer in several HRM postgraduate courses, author, senior consultant and business manager at Flourish

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