Master your energy

More energy and well-being in the workplace
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If you suffer from energy dips, from a fatigue you cannot immediately explain, then it is time to take action.
Saartje herself struggled with an energy deficit years ago. She found life too precious to step through it tired and started a search for more energy. Above all, she discovered that everyone is tired and that lack of energy is a social problem. Her experiences brought her to the core of energy: nutrition-movement-sleep and, above all, the mental aspect (the mindset).
In our modern society, we have forgotten that life energy is vital. The higher our energy, the better we perform in everything we do.
If we are unable to build our lives around our energy levels, we are in trouble. Because energy deficits lower our individual quality of life. Moreover, chronic energy shortages are currently the leading cause of absence from work.
Entrepreneurship is top-class sport, which is why Saartje wants to bring the business world into this energetic story. What is the secret to maximum performance? What factors promote fatigue and what can we do about it? And how can we optimise our energetic potential?
It is this knowledge that she loves to share with you in an interactive keynote. Saartje will work on some techniques and provide an extra boost to the group.
Keynote by
Saartje Vandendriessche earned her stripes in the media. For 17 years, she worked for VRT and created several adventurous programs. Consider "Op de man af," "Saar in het bos," and "Beweeg in uw kot," programs in which Saartje stepped out of her comfort zone and faced fascinating challenges.
Today, her mission is to inspire as many people as possible to live life with more energy. Through keynotes, teambuilding activities, and energy boost camps (2-day mini-retreats), she raises participants' energy levels in all areas (via food, exercise, sleep, and especially mindset).
She demonstrates the path to a healthy lifestyle full of energy. As always, she does this in her own stubborn, energetic way, with the necessary dose of humor.
Saartje makes sure everyone goes home with an energy boost
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