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  • keynote Change Hacking

    < back Change Hacking Embrace change and challenges in the workplace More detailed information How to cope with change in your professional life with more adaptive resilience; to be able to "survive, succeed and stay relevant". Do your colleagues experience stress, uncertainty, resistance or even anxiety with change in the workplace? Whether it’s adapting to a new software system, going through a merger, or simply coping with challenging periods and crises, they might feel overwhelmed by the constant shifts affecting their work and personal lives. Florence is here to help them transition from discomfort to embracing change. In her captivating talk “Change Hacking”, she shares powerful insights, principles, practical tips and effective strategies for reducing stress, boosting resilience and engagement, enabling colleagues to navigate uncertain, complex, and rapidly changing times with greater ease. By attending, your collaborators will gain essential knowledge: • overcoming fear and resistance (also as a team) • where to focus on when confronted to change • cultivating self-efficacy, emotional flexibility and adaptive resilience • accepting and dealing with reality • developing proactivity • embracing change and stepping out of the comfort zone with confidence Request a quote Submit About “Fascinating and inspiring, instructive and full of enthusiasm. Florence understands the art of captivating an audience. Amazingly well brought, she anticipated the topics that matters to us ” according to a happy customer. Florence’s talks are based on 25 years of combined experience in the world of the Internet and digital media and mental well-being in the workplace. She held various roles in Sales & Marketing within the internet sector and worked for The Reference, ONE Agency, Dear Media and Duval Union Consulting (now Scopernia). Simultaneously, she delved into health sciences and was a certified mindfulness trainer for years. She was one of the core members of Better Minds at Work during several years. Today, she is Managing Partner of the speakers' bureau Speakersbase, which she co-founded amidst the COVID pandemic. Florence Pérès is the author of the reference work 'Digital Detox’ (Lannoo) and published 'Survivalgids voor tijden van verandering' (Lannoo Campus, 31/10/2023) and 'Survivalguide for times of change' (Lannoo Campus, available as of 15/12/2023). Expect passion, inspiration, interaction, evidence-based insights, practical tips & tools and a certain entertainment level during her presentations. Her keynotes are seamlessly delivered in Dutch, French, and English. Visit Florence Pérès Author, enthusiastic speaker and expert in coping with change, adaptive resilience, digital balance and focus.

  • keynote Roll over Beethoven

    < back Roll over Beethoven The problem with creativity More detailed information Creativity is an often misunderstood word, something that blocks rather than motivates people and organisations. In this talk you'll learn about the problem of creativity and how to unlock innovation in your company or organisation. Request a quote Submit About Fredo, originally Frédéric De Smet, embarked on his journey after graduating in 2001 with a master's degree in Art Science and History. His academic pursuits centered on a philosophical exploration questioning the intrinsic value of reality, drawing from interdisciplinary studies in art, film, postmodern philosophy, and popular culture. Concurrently, Fredo delved into the professional realm as the head of production at local radio station, marking the inception of his diverse career trajectory. His inherent passion for pop culture steered Fredo towards a vibrant career in the local nightlife scene. Over a decade, he transitioned from a music producer and curator, traversing cities such as Paris, London, Barcelona, New York, and others, all while shaping his understanding of media, audiences, and experiential marketing strategies. This culminated in the development of innovative initiatives spanning virtual reality experiences, audio narratives, art fairs, and conferences, both as a freelance creative and as the entrepreneurial force behind Avenue L, a concept agency. In recent years, Fredo has carved a niche as an independent curator and consultant specializing in human-technology relations. His insights and expertise led him to advisory roles at esteemed institutions such as the public broadcaster VRT and as an advising curator for the acclaimed Hello, Robot exhibition at Design Museum Ghent. Furthermore, Fredo spearheads Gent M, an online publisher and think tank that critically examines the ethical and tangible impacts of technology on society, showcased through platforms like podcasts. Fredo's unique perspective and multidisciplinary background enable him to shed light on the unseen aspects of our evolving relationship with technology, guiding individuals and organizations to navigate the complexities of this rapidly changing landscape. Fredo De Smet Ask him anything about technology, change and creativity. But also about culture, both in society and organisations.

  • keynote The power of healthy humor

    < back The power of healthy humor Learn how to use humor as a form of communication in which everyone can feel good in order to perform and achieve goals in a healthy and wise way. More detailed information Humor seems like a light-hearted subject. But the way humor is used often says something about how someone feels and looks at life. Humor is therefore not about having to be funny 'always and everywhere'. It is about the dosed use of a form of communication in which everyone can feel good. So that everyone can achieve the goals he or she has set for themselves in a healthy and wise way. During the fascinating and interactive lecture by humorologist Johan De Keyser you will learn that not all humor is healthy. Mental health has more to do with the presence of healthy humor and the absence of unhealthy humor. By healthy humor we mean the positive look with which you look at life and the way in which you can work together with others in a pleasant and relaxed way. Unhealthy humor is at the expense of yourself and your relationships. You will also find out how high your personal H.Q. is. You will receive a number of tips to increase that humor quotient by a few percentages and you will learn how to use humor adequately within the context of your organization. Request a quote Submit About Over the past 30 years, Johan De Keyser has had the privilege of coaching and training a tremendous number of people, teams and organizations. From alcohol and drug addicts to people with depression or burnout. Both in the social sector and in education. But also in companies and SMEs, from workers to CEOs. He was a ward coordinator in a psychiatric hospital for two years, a Team Development Coach at Lineas, the largest private rail freight operator in Europe, an individual coach and therapist at the therapeutic center Tripsyco and a sociotherapist at day center De Welving of AZ Sint Maarten / Emmaus. In October 2018, his first book "Build your dream team" was published. May 2023 his second book 'Dynamic balance' will be published (both by LannooCampus). Johan De Keyser Expert on how to tackle toxic cultures by building dreamteams with powerful people in equivalent relationships. Author of 2 books and the first Humorologist of the BeNeLux.

  • keynote speaker Valérie Deridder

    Valérie Deridder Journalist at Knack with a passion for everything to do with technology and digital transformation To be booked as/for Languages Tags Speaker, Moderator, Host Dutch, English, French, Spanish, Turkish, Persian AI, Digital Transformation, B2B Technology, International Politics, Middle East Biography Topics Testimonials Pictures Get a quote Biography Valérie Deridder, a journalist at Knack, possesses a fervent passion for technology and digital transformation. With a notable background in hosting debates for esteemed institutions like the Flemish Parliament and the European Commission on AI, her expertise extends to corporate events focused on digital transformation. Moreover, Valérie boasts a strong understanding of foreign politics, particularly specializing in the Middle East, a topic she frequently delves into within her writings for Knack. Her warmth and infectious enthusiasm define her personality, complemented by her theater experience that lends her a natural ease on stage. Above all, Valérie thrives in moderating debates and chairing events. Topics I'm really enjoying working with Valérie for lots of reasons. First and foremost, you can always count on her for setting a light tone that makes everyone feel welcome. Besides that, she doesn’t settle and has a great radar for interesting content. You can always count on her for going the extra mile and delivering an interesting result. She takes a lot of pride in her work and this translates into creations of the highest quality. ​ ​ Testimonials Sessions Pictures you can use to promote your event Get a quote Request a Quote Keynote of my preference submit Pictures Quot Anchor 3

  • keynote Psychological Safety

    < back Psychological Safety Unlocking Innovation through Trust and Openness More detailed information Discover the profound impact of cultivating a culture of psychological safety within organizations. This keynote by Najima El Kasmi delves into the critical role that trust and openness play in fostering growth and innovation. Gain valuable insights into creating a supportive environment for employees, essential for building a resilient and successful corporate culture. Explore the vital importance of psychological safety in the modern workplace and its direct influence on business performance. Through real-world examples, participants will be guided in cultivating trust and openness, leading to significant innovations and success. This session highlights how reinforcing psychological safety within teams can enhance productivity and contribute to the development of a positive corporate culture. Join us on this transformative journey towards unlocking the full potential of your organization. Request a quote Submit About Najima El Kasmi, founder of Almuruna, is a seasoned leader advocating for resilience, inclusivity, and people-centered approaches within organizations. With over two decades of experience, Najima has become a visionary in driving organizational development and empowering individuals. Najima's innovative methodologies, rooted in authentic communication and experiential learning, aim to optimize organizational performance and foster a safe, inclusive culture. Her unique approach in professional development initiatives generates lasting impacts on both personal and professional levels. About Almuruna 'Almuruna,' Arabic for flexibility and resilience, guides Najima's team in helping businesses discover and strengthen organizational resilience. Resilient organizations, in Almuruna's vision, are agile and future-proof, with a focus on inclusivity. The team at Almuruna recognizes the uniqueness of each individual, team, or organization, delivering customized organizational development to promote growth. Expertise in Training, Workshops, and Keynotes Najima is an expert speaker on various topics, including psychological safety, authentic communication, diversity and inclusion, and people-centered leadership. Her sessions reflect her ability to make complex topics accessible and relevant to a broad audience. Publications and Awards Najima's contributions to publications and projects, including receiving the Piet Cleemput Prize in 2006, showcase her dedication to impactful research. Her research on resilience enhancement, titled "Strong Mothers, Strong Children," has been published in The Journal of Social Intervention (2020). Najima El Kasmi Champion of leadership, flexibility, and forward-thinking within organizations, always with a deep core focus on resilience, connection, inclusivity, and people-centered leadership.

  • keynote The war for talent; be prepared

    < back The war for talent; be prepared How to attract the right people and how to determine which talents you need for your business More detailed information Watch the video for more information (Dutch) Request a quote Submit About Saskia leads the National Coalition for Digital Skills & Jobs for Belgium. In this role she focusses to skill/re-skill all talents to maximize the activation of everybody in the changing employment market going forward. As a manager, Saskia Van Uffelen always keeps a keen eye on the human aspects of collaboration in a company. She focusses heavily on ensuring the synergies between the different generations present in the workplace. In interviews, opinion articles and her book ‘Iedereen Baas! – Tous Patron!’ she encourages her colleagues to pay more attention to it as well. The world, our society, is changing and is screaming for a new model. We are living in a digital age, where everyone and everything is connected, where competition is no longer coming from within the sector and customers, users and citizens are in the driver’s seat. Data is gold and sharing is the new having. Dare to help build a new business world, with a balance between results in the short and long term. But dare just as much to help to build another society through personal life choices – a society that is ready for the next generation. ‘Dare for tomorrow’ is the title of her latest book. Saskia Van Uffelen How can we create a new culture in our organisations? Digital Skills Leader Belgium, boosting Future Skills and Jobs for everybody!

  • keynote speaker Merijn Tinga

    Merijn Tinga His surfboard is a weapon. His target: politicians and company ceo's. The goal: real change! To be booked as/for Languages Tags Speaker Dutch, English Plastic Pollution, Storytelling, Surfing Expedition, Plastic Recycling, Littering, Societal Change, Political Change Biography Topics Testimonials Pictures Get a quote Biography In 2014, Merijn constructed a surfboard using washed-up plastics and surfed along the Dutch coast, earning him the nickname "Plastic Soup Surfer." Sadly, mere awareness is insufficient for catalyzing change. Consequently, he shifted his campaign focus towards policy makers and companies. To date, Merijn's campaigns and expeditions have influenced political resolutions and led to product bans, demonstrating the impact of individual action. Alongside an expanding community of passionate individuals, he persists in achieving tangible results and effecting change. Merijn shares his story to inspire and educate others on how they too can contribute to making a difference. Topics Sports How to make a difference? Lees verder Plastic pollution is a worldwide epidemic. By now we are aware of this but how does real change come about? More Testimonials Sessions Pictures you can use to promote your event Get a quote Request a Quote Keynote of my preference submit Pictures Quot Anchor 3

  • keynote speaker Pieter Van Leugenhagen

    Pieter Van Leugenhagen Pieter is a VR/AR & Metaverse Strategist - Keynote Speaker successfully venturing in XR for 8 years, working with national and international brands. To be booked as/for Languages Tags Speaker, Moderator, Host Dutch, English Metaverse, virtual reality, augmented reality, virtual worlds, brands Biography Topics Testimonials Pictures Get a quote Biography Pieter is an all-around entrepreneur, public speaker, author and business strategist with a fondness for immersive experiences. As co-founder and managing partner of yondr, Pieter has been pioneering internationally in the field of virtual and augmented reality for 10 years. Yondr is a creative agency that focuses on mixed reality, building virtual worlds, and digital experiences. He's also the author of the bestseller 'Welcome to the Metaverse' and 'Navigating the New Dimension, A Journey Through Spatial Computing', in which he offers insights into how the three-dimensionalization of our internet will impact our lives and work, and how all this becomes clearer through the evolution of computing. Topics Web3, Metaverse, AR & VR Navigating the New Dimension: A Journey Through Spatial Computing Lees verder Embark on a fascinating exploration of the latest computing paradigm that is redefining our digital world More Web3, Metaverse, AR & VR Meet you in the metaverse Lees verder Are your ready for what's next? More Testimonials Sessions Pictures you can use to promote your event Get a quote Request a Quote Keynote of my preference submit Pictures Quot Anchor 3

  • Consultancy & coaching | Speakersbase

    Consultancy & coaching You feel inspired and want to take the next step? Are you short on time or expertise? Or there are certain skills you want to sharpen? Our consultants and coaches help to get you there! Consultancy Sometimes you just need an extra pair of hands or brain to turn that project into a success. Our multi-disciplinary experts can help you out. Also for short term assignments. Coaching Our coaches strengthen the performance of your leaders and co-workers, assist them in making key transitions, and enable them to alter behaviors that may be hindering their performance. Request more information What service do you want more information about? Choose the topic of your interest Submit Services form

  • keynote The Power of Curiosity in L&D

    < back The Power of Curiosity in L&D For Learning and Development Professionals More detailed information Curiosity is hot in L&D. Curiosity is the initial spark which ignites learning and growth, creativity and innovation. It also creates deeper relationships and allows people to become intently aware of their values, beliefs and biases. In times of stability, curiosity and exploration is marginalised, in times of volatility like we are now, it comes to the forefront. Many L&D teams are already exploring how to redesign their strategy with curiosity at the centre and best practices are emerging. The implications of the changing industrial landscape and consequently the way people grow and learn are indeed vast for L&D. L&D leaders and their teams have the opportunity to step up and embrace this concept within their own ranks and reinvent themselves. They can also embark on a journey to mobilize the leaders and employees to get better at curiosity with novel learning solutions. Furthermore, more broadly they have the opportunity to redesign the way their organisations and professionals learn, unlearn and relearn. In this interactive session, we explore what we know about curiosity, why it is important for the workplace, what the barriers are and what L&D can do to get better at intentional curiosity for themselves and the people in their care. Request a quote Submit About Stefaan van Hooydonk is the founder of the Global Curiosity Institute and the author of the bestselling book "The Workplace Curiosity Manifesto." He initially worked in investment consulting and established executive education at the China Europe International Business School (CEIBS) in China. Van Hooydonk has held executive roles as Chief Learning Officer in Fortune 200 companies such as Nokia, Royal Philips, Cognizant, Saudi Aramco, Agfa, and Flipkart. He has lived and worked in Belgium, France, Hong Kong, China, Finland, the Netherlands, India, Saudi Arabia, and the United Kingdom. His most recent position was as Chief Learning Officer for Cognizant, where he oversaw learning and development for over 300,000 associates worldwide. Stefaan van Hooydonk focuses his research on workplace curiosity within companies. He asserts that curious individuals require stimulating environments to thrive, especially during times of uncertainty when intentional curiosity becomes crucial. Utilizing diagnostics he has developed, he generates insights into what drives and impedes individuals and organizations from embracing curiosity. He provides consultation to global corporations and leadership teams to enhance their curiosity quotient, advocating for the cultivation of a robust curiosity mindset. Van Hooydonk is a sought-after speaker globally, discussing the transformative power of curiosity for professionals, leaders, teams, and organizations. Stefaan van Hooydonk I am the 'curiosity guy'. I make leaders curious about the power of curiosity at work and all its wonderful benefits.

  • keynote Thriving Amidst Turbulence

    < back Thriving Amidst Turbulence Navigating Constant Change and Overcoming Adversity with Polar Expedition Wisdom More detailed information In the ever-evolving landscape of team dynamics, Julie Brown imparts invaluable wisdom on the essentiality of resilience as a cornerstone of success. Drawing parallels between resilience in polar expeditions and navigating life's tumultuous currents, Julie sheds light on the transformative power of adaptability in the face of uncertainty. Rooted in her profound experiences in polar exploration and personal tragedy, Julie illuminates the indomitable spirit required to weather life's storms. As she grapples with the aftermath of Dixie's tragic accident, Julie's journey epitomizes resilience in action, offering a beacon of hope amidst uncertainty. By embracing resilience, individuals cultivate an environment conducive to innovation and productive problem-solving, even in the most challenging circumstances. Julie's narrative transcends the boundaries of conventional leadership discourse, infusing her insights with the depth of personal experience and the resilience forged in the crucible of adversity. Through her guidance, teams discover the resilience to navigate constant change, emerging stronger and more united in their pursuit of collective goals. With Julie Brown as their guide, teams embark on a transformative journey toward resilience, harnessing the lessons of polar exploration to conquer the most formidable challenges with unwavering determination. Request a quote Submit About Julie Brown, born in 1964 in Detroit, Michigan, USA, is a founding partner and managing director of Polar Circles/Polar Experience expedition activities since 1999. With extensive experience in polar exploration, she serves as a project manager and communications director for her team of polar guides. In addition to expedition management, Julie specializes in developing and delivering corporate activities, including keynote presentations and inspiring motivational speeches to diverse audiences. Fluent in English as her native language, Julie is also proficient in Flemish/Dutch as her second language and conversational in French. Her unique ability to translate the rich metaphors from ambitious polar expeditions into relevant lessons for the business world adds an unexpected spark to any event. With over 20 years of public speaking experience, Julie excels in connecting with live audiences, particularly during spontaneous Q&A sessions, where she shares real anecdotes and visual stimulation from polar expeditions. Julie's journey into polar exploration began under the guidance of Dixie Dansercoer (1962 – 2021) during her first polar expedition to Antarctica in 2000, which included a Mount Vinson ascent. Since then, she has served as the project coordinator for various expeditions, such as the Bering Strait Odyssey in 2005, In the Wake of the Belgica in 2007-2008, Antarctic ICE in 2011-2012, and Greenland ICE in 2014. Beyond expedition management, Julie has also contributed to polar expedition cruises as a lecturer and guide in regions including the Antarctic Peninsula, Greenland, Svalbard, and Norway. Collaborating with Dixie, she has led corporate ICE Campaigns in Iceland, Spitsbergen, and Switzerland. Julie is not only an experienced explorer but also a prolific writer, having published several expedition-related accounts since 1998. In 2014, she co-authored "Surpassing Sastrugi," a book that draws relevant parallels for corporate audiences. Julie also maintains the Polar Experience blog, sharing insights and experiences from her expeditions. Julie was married to Dixie Dansercoer for 22 years until his passing in June 2021. Together, they have four children: Jasper, Evelien, Thijs, and Robin. Recently, they welcomed their first grandchild, Ender Dixie Dansercoer, into their family. Julie Brown Polar expedition coordinator and captivating storyteller, illuminating the parallels between polar expeditions and corporate challenges

  • keynote Welcome to the future; a new reality!

    < back Welcome to the future; a new reality! Managing uncertainty is becoming an increasingly important skill, but how do you do this? More detailed information COVID-19 has structurally changed the world. We have entered a severe recession, and to have a fighting chance to get through this, we need new rules. Organisations and companies now need to adapt faster than ever before. What kind of organisation do you need to get this job done? What is the ‘magic’ of digital business models in times of crisis? How can you shift the business model in such a way that you can actually benefit from this crisis? And how do you manage such an operation? What kind of leader is needed to prepare the organisation for a bright future? Request a quote Submit About As a futurist, keynote speaker, and trendwatcher, Richard van Hooijdonk is an authority on new technology. He has several chip implants because he wants to physically experience the future. His inspiration sessions have been attended by over 550,000 people. He has given more than 2,000 lectures across 35 countries. With his international research team, he researches many trends in the field of robotics, drones, self-driving systems, 3D & 4D printing, sensors, blockchain, quantum computing, neurotech, biotech, platforms and augmented & virtual reality. Combined with artificial intelligence, these technologies offer groundbreaking opportunities, but also lead to challenges and threats for people, organisations and governments. Richard is driven by a desire to inject innovation and imagination into the mindsets of the people and organisations who are going to shape the world of tomorrow. With the right forward-looking mindset, he believes that we can better effect change for the improvement of our health, happiness, and prosperity. Richard van Hooijdonk Renowned trendwatcher and futurist and the man with several chip implants in his body.

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