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  • keynote How to boost engagement through human relations?

    < back How to boost engagement through human relations? Experience moment More detailed information We are social beings. We want to belong. That is a fact. Being connected is even one of the key drivers for employee engagement. We’ve learned during covid that workplaces with a strong culture, companies that invested in relationships were better off. And yet there is so much growth potential in this era. Think about the relationship between employees and the broader company, with their leaders, with the colleagues and even with themselves. Julie creates an experience moment in which all participants will experience the power of human relations. Where you can eventually feel what this does to one another. Imagine what it could bring to you if you establish more such moments on your work floor? Finally Julie shares key take aways on how to establish stronger human relations on your workfloor. Request a quote Submit About Julie's mission is to systematically increase engagement in the workplace, emphasizing the concept of bringing more FLOW into work environments. Flow represents a state of mind where individuals are highly engaged, motivated, and focused. It involves being completely immersed in tasks, driven by a powerful energetic force. Studies indicate that we spend only about 5% of our time in flow states, a statistic Julie aims to change. This motivation led her to establish her company – Flowspire, which seeks to foster connections within organizations and inspire employees to achieve better results for themselves, their colleagues, and society as a whole. Enhanced wellbeing and engagement contribute to stronger brands, increased loyalty, greater creativity, agility, and ultimately better outcomes—a proven fact. Julie brings unique perspectives to this arena due to her diverse background as a commercial engineer and over 15 years of international business experience. She has developed expertise in areas such as employer branding, change management, cultural shifts, leadership, and facilitation, working with companies of varying sizes from small to medium enterprises to multinational corporations. In her role as an Employee Engagement Architect and Facilitator, Julie formulates comprehensive change plans and ignites transformative movements within organizations. Additionally, she serves as a lecturer at Thomas More University, teaching courses on HR Trends and Employee Engagement. Julie is widely recognized for her high energy, deep expertise, and is esteemed for her balanced approach that combines results-driven strategies with a genuine care for people. Julie Heyvaert Employee Engagement Architect. Julie’s mission is to drive for more human energy on the workfloor.

  • keynote Become an authentic & useful ally for more DEI

    < back Become an authentic & useful ally for more DEI How to tap into the diverse talents out there More detailed information Now more than ever, diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) are the way forward. But do you know what DEI actually is? Do you know why it is important for your organisation in general and for your workplace in particular? Maybe you consider yourself as an ally already. If so, what is an ally for you? What kind of ally are you? In this presentation you will learn: - To recognise your biases - Not to be afraid of uncomfortable conversations - The importance of belonging - That being an ally is a journey - That you will not do everything right, but that this is OK Request a quote Submit About Dr. Ngomsik holds a PhD in physical and analytical chemistry and is a seasoned strategist specializing in climate change and corporate social responsibility. As the CEO and co-founder of Trianon Scientific Communication, a management consulting firm, Dr. Ngomsik leads efforts to assist businesses with the highest CO2 emissions in harmonizing sustainability with profitability. Over the past two decades, she has collaborated closely with board members and executives to promote awareness, embed CSR principles into business strategies, implement sustainable practices, provide training for decision-makers, and explore innovative green solutions. Dr. Ngomsik firmly advocates for addressing the interconnected pillars of people, planet, and profit to effectively tackle today's sustainability challenges. Recognizing the value of diverse leadership and inclusive environments, Dr. Ngomsik emphasizes their role in driving innovation, problem-solving capabilities, revenue growth, and reducing organizational CO2 emissions. She integrates these principles into her consultancy work, viewing corporate environmental and social sustainability as catalysts for enhanced profitability. Dr. Ngomsik's expertise extends beyond devising strategies for emissions reduction; she actively promotes increased diversity among decision-makers within organizations, both in inherent traits and acquired perspectives. Her engaging keynote speeches are renowned for simplifying complex concepts into relatable anecdotes, fostering inclusive and enjoyable interactions with her audience, and bridging the crucial connection between People, Planet, and Profit (3P). With her unique blend of expertise, communication prowess, and commitment to holistic sustainability, Dr. Ngomsik continues to be a sought-after speaker and consultant, driving positive change and impactful strategies across industries. Dr. Audrey-Flore Ngomsik TEDx speaker, named “most inspiring women in sustainability”, Audrey-Flore uses science to positively influence businesses to take actions to solve climate change challenges.

  • FAQ | Speakersbase

    SOME QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS ABOUT SPEAKERSBASE What is Speakersbase? As you can read in the About section, Speakersbase was originally created in 2016 as an open platform to bring speakers and organisers together. There was no commercial objective and we offered our main activities (maintaining your speakers profile) as a free, no-commitment service to the public. In 2020 we decided to change this model drastically. Our ambition is to offer and commercially represent #virtualspeakers and hosts . These are people that we officially represent as a commercial booking agency. Why am I not on the list of current speakers? The current speakers are handpicked #virtualspeakers and hosts that we commercially represent as a booking agency for virtual events. If you are not on the list, it means that we do not have a deal to sell your services to our clients. As you will see, only a small group of people is represented so far. This list will grow in the near future with new speakers, yet we will always limit this to the amount of #virtualspeakers that we believe we can represent in a qualitative way. Can I become an active speaker or host? You can indeed apply to become one of our #virtualspeakers so that we can commercially represent you. Please bear in mind that this might take time: it is a manual process of selecting the best speakers we believe cover topics we want to offer to our clients. I have issues signing in to my old page, what's wrong? We are aware that the migration to the new domain caused some problems for a small group of users. Most of these issues should be fixed by now. If you still encounter problems, please let us know.​ Where are all the old speakers and their pages? Because of our new business model, the website now only shows the speakers that we offer to the market. This means that your speakerspage is no longer available through the main website. For now, the pages are still available on although the plan is to eventually switch them off during summer. This should give you time to grab possible assets from your page and store them elsewhere. I want to keep on using my speakerspage, is that possible? For the time being your old speakerspage is still available on but we plan to eventually turn the pages off, as this is no longer our core business and these functionalities will no longer be supported. ​ Is there a chance that my old speakerspage will remain available anyway? We got many positive reactions from speakers that want to keep using their profile pages, even if we don't represent them as #virtualspeakers in the new Speakersbase. They expressed the willingness to pay a small fee for that. We are currently investigating if that is an option. The more interest we feel, the bigger the chance that we will offer a solution for this.​

  • keynote Change Hacking

    < back Change Hacking Embrace change and challenges in the workplace More detailed information How to cope with change in your professional life with more adaptive resilience; to be able to "survive, succeed and stay relevant". Do your colleagues experience stress, uncertainty, resistance or even anxiety with change in the workplace? Whether it’s adapting to a new software system, going through a merger, or simply coping with challenging periods and crises, they might feel overwhelmed by the constant shifts affecting their work and personal lives. Florence is here to help them transition from discomfort to embracing change. In her captivating talk “Change Hacking”, she shares powerful insights, principles, practical tips and effective strategies for reducing stress, boosting resilience and engagement, enabling colleagues to navigate uncertain, complex, and rapidly changing times with greater ease. By attending, your collaborators will gain essential knowledge: • overcoming fear and resistance (also as a team) • where to focus on when confronted to change • cultivating self-efficacy, emotional flexibility and adaptive resilience • accepting and dealing with reality • developing proactivity • embracing change and stepping out of the comfort zone with confidence Request a quote Submit About “Fascinating and inspiring, instructive and full of enthusiasm. Florence understands the art of captivating an audience. Amazingly well brought, she anticipated the topics that matters to us ” according to a happy customer. Florence’s talks are based on 25 years of combined experience in the world of the Internet and digital media and mental well-being in the workplace. She held various roles in Sales & Marketing within the internet sector and worked for The Reference, ONE Agency, Dear Media and Duval Union Consulting (now Scopernia). Simultaneously, she delved into health sciences and was a certified mindfulness trainer for years. She was one of the core members of Better Minds at Work during several years. Today, she is Managing Partner of the speakers' bureau Speakersbase, which she co-founded amidst the COVID pandemic. Florence Pérès is the author of the reference work 'Digital Detox’ (Lannoo) and published 'Survivalgids voor tijden van verandering' (Lannoo Campus, 31/10/2023) and 'Survivalguide for times of change' (Lannoo Campus, available as of 15/12/2023). Expect passion, inspiration, interaction, evidence-based insights, practical tips & tools and a certain entertainment level during her presentations. Her keynotes are seamlessly delivered in Dutch, French, and English. Visit Florence Pérès Author, enthusiastic speaker and expert in coping with change, adaptive resilience, digital balance and focus.

  • keynote Art, Technology and Science

    < back Art, Technology and Science Art as a critical thinker’s “second opinion” on digital revolution More detailed information Many artists work with scientists, technologists, designers, developers, entrepreneurs and activists from all over the world, to address the central questions of our future. Their focus is on new technologies and how they change the way we live and work together. Since the seventies, our world has changed radically, and digitization has covered almost all areas of our lives. Scientists, developers, designers, entrepreneurs, activists and artists have shed light on these developments in our digital society and have speculated about their manifestations in the future. The activities of artists involved in technology are always guided by the question of what new technologies mean for our lives. They not only ask what technology can or will be able to do, but always what it should do for us. They don’t try to adapt to technology, but they want the development of technology to be oriented towards us. Therefore, the artistic research always focuses on ourselves, our needs, our desires, our feelings. With Machine Learning and AI, we are initiating the transition from automation to autonomy today. The digital becomes independent for the first time. On the threshold of this new era, we must set the course for our digital society to remain committed to fundamental values such as human dignity, freedom, democracy, equality, the rule of law and human rights. Artists together with scientists, developers, designers, entrepreneurs and activists from all over the world want to contribute to such a digital humanism. In a workshop or presentation about art and technology we will discuss and zoom in on artist who work and experiment with AI, VR, robots, augmented reality, security camera’s, meta-verse, quantum computing, biotech, 3D sound, computational creativity and other technological evolutions. This interaction between art and science&technology is also called the "new renaissance" or the avant-garde in the arts. Request a quote Submit About Erwin Van den Brande is on a mission to bridge the gap between the cultural and creative realms and the business world. Recognizing that companies face disruptive challenges requiring novel approaches and thinking, he advocates for mutual learning between business leaders and the art world. With a background in economics and experience in various management roles within technology companies, Erwin is also an entrepreneur who has founded multiple start-ups. Since 2010, he has pursued a parallel career as a visual artist, exhibiting his works in Belgium and internationally. His passion lies in uniting seemingly disparate worlds through art, viewing art as not just a form of expression but also a mindset for living and working. This vision led to the creation of Dual&Day, an initiative focused on facilitating connections between companies and cultural actors through "artification" processes. Erwin and Dual&Day offer a range of services including lectures, workshops, advisory sessions, publications, and concrete artification projects aimed at fostering creative collaborations and innovative thinking within businesses. Through these efforts, Erwin aims to harness the transformative power of art to inspire fresh perspectives and solutions in the corporate world while also enriching artistic endeavors with business insights. Erwin Van den Brande Advocate of paradoxes and oxymorons because they provide new insights

  • keynote Climate change from 1856 to 2050 and beyond

    < back Climate change from 1856 to 2050 and beyond Unveiling the past, present, and future of climate change: a journey to climate neutrality. More detailed information Already back in 1856, the impact of CO2 on our environment was published in a scientific paper. What progress have we made since then? What are we aiming for now? What comes next once climate neutrality is reached? In 1856, Eunice Newton Foote described the impact of CO2 on our environment in a scientific paper that should have changed the way we approach climate change. Although Eunice Newton Foote was a pioneer in climate science and one of the early women in science, her paper did not lead to significant changes at that time. Fast forward to today, we find ourselves at a critical juncture in the fight against climate change. In February 2024, scientific research recorded the first-time breach of the iconic 1.5°C temperature rise. How can we reach our goal by 2050? What comes next once climate neutrality is achieved? Welcome to a time travel journey that will change your view on climate change! Request a quote Submit About **Energy Transition Ambassador, Founder of Eunice Education, and Passionate Engineer** Niels is an ardent advocate for the energy transition, leveraging his education from the Cambridge Institute for Sustainability Leadership and his dual engineering master’s degrees. His mission is to empower others to seize the opportunities presented by the energy transition. Niels champions a sustainable and equitable transition towards climate neutrality, ensuring economic prosperity and competitiveness are maintained. He possesses a unique talent for translating complex technical and economic concepts into accessible insights, delivered with passion and clarity. By the end of his speech, you will feel a profound enthusiasm and a compelling drive to apply the newfound knowledge and make a tangible impact. Niels Vankrunkelsven On a mission to empower you to seize the opportunities of the energy transition!

  • keynote Your customer and you

    < back Your customer and you AI: going above and beyond the hype More detailed information This keynote touches upon the impact of AI on the customer experience, and how it intersects with the importance of building ecosystems. We will step into the world where Artificial Intelligence (AI) isn't just a tool but the artist crafting customer journeys as unforgettable and unique as Spotify's iconic playlists. This keynote simplifies the vast potential of AI, breaking down how it’s the key to becoming as relevant in your industry as Spotify is in music. AI isn't just about algorithms or technology; it's about connections & people. It's the secret ingredient for businesses aiming to resonate deeply with their customers' needs and preferences. We’ll uncover the simple truths behind the sophisticated tech and beyond the hype — showing you how AI curates experiences with the precision and care of a personal concierge. We will explore together how being relevant today means knowing your customer better than they know themselves. With AI, you can anticipate what your customers will love next, just as Spotify suggests the perfect song for a Monday morning or a Friday night. But it’s not just about the one-on-one moments; it’s about crafting entire ecosystems that keep customers returning. Like Spotify, explore how your business can become a hub where every service, product, and interaction fits perfectly into the customer’s daily rhythm. Let’s journey through the basics of building these ecosystems — environments where every touchpoint is an opportunity, and every service is a note in a greater symphony of user experience. By the end of our time together, you'll have the blueprint to not just reach for relevance but to grasp it. You'll see how to create a space in your industry where customers feel at home, engaged, and understood — a place they’ll keep coming back to, just like their favorite playlist. Request a quote Submit About Renout van Hove is an AI strategist spearheading both busines growth and sustainability with GrowthAgent and Earth+. As the Founder & Managing Partner of GrowthAgent, he aligns business strategy with AI to foster growth and profitability the right way using AI. He is called upon by premium brands in his capacity for combining the force of A, Data, Ecosystems to innovate and drive business impact for the decade to come. Renout's passion extends to Earth+, a platform that integrates geospatial monitoring, blockchain, and the tokenization of projects to drive environmental change. His dedication to bring solutions for remediation, CO2 capture, and the promotion of circular economies positions him at the forefront of environmental innovation and AI. His visionary book "Obsessed" from 2019 delves into the data paradigms, offering a guide to navigating the data-saturated landscape of today's business environment – and already warning you to ‘prepare for the era of AI’ back in 2019. Through his future work "The HyperScaler Chronicles," a series of 4 books to be released as of 2025, he touches upon the combined impact of AI, ecosystem and sustainability. With a track record at Showpad,, Dell, and HP, Renout embodies the intersection of technological innovation and sustainable development, leading businesses into a future of data-driven growth and impactful environmental care. Renout van Hove AI pathfinder, Polymath & Rennaissance man, Author of #Obsessed - Founder of, finds himself comfortable at the intersection of AI, Data ecosystems, Privacy, and Sustainability.

  • keynote Keep your smartphone safe!

    < back Keep your smartphone safe! Unveiling Smartphone Cyber Dangers and Defense Strategies More detailed information During this lecture Eddy Willems will show you the dark side of your smartphone! Eddy will have a look at the common cyber dangers of smartphones. Is there a difference in security between iOS (Apple) and Android (Google-Alphabet) smartphones? Is iOS really a safer operating system or not? What’s the difference between spyware and stalkerware? Is this a new phenomenon and what can you do about it? Eddy will show you several examples how it can go wrong. Several tips will improve the safety of yourself, your company and your smartphone! If you care about your privacy this lecture is a must. If you want to know more about cyberthreats on your smartphone this lecture can open your eyes even more. Request a quote Submit About Eddy Willems is a globally recognized cybersecurity expert from Belgium. He serves as a board member for three prominent security industry organizations: EICAR, AVAR, and LSEC. Additionally, he holds the positions of Resident Security Evangelist and Global Security Officer at G DATA Cyberdefense. Eddy's involvement in the cybersecurity field dates back to 1991 when he became a founding member of EICAR, one of the world’s earliest security IT organizations. Throughout his career, he has held numerous additional roles within various security industry organizations. His expertise is regularly sought after by several CERTs, press agencies, print and online publications, as well as broadcasting media, including CNN. In October 2013, Eddy published his debut book, 'Cybergevaar,' in Belgium and the Netherlands under Lannoo. This was followed by a German translation and an updated English version titled 'Cyberdanger,' published by Springer in 2019. He is also a co-author of the Dutch science fiction cyberthriller ‘Het Virus,’ released in 2020. Eddy is renowned for his engaging speaking style and regularly delivers lectures and presentations worldwide, catering to audiences ranging from children to cybersecurity experts. He has spoken at prestigious events such as TEDx, captivating diverse audiences with his insights and expertise in cybersecurity. Eddy Willems Cyber Security Guru | Inspiring Speaker | Author #Cyberdanger | Security Researcher | Director | Security Evangelist at G DATA CyberDefense

  • keynote Boost your (physical) energy!

    < back Boost your (physical) energy! How to stay energized throughout your (working) day More detailed information With increasingly busy lives, many people regularly find themselves feeling tired and drained. Studies found that total lost productive time averaged 5.6 hours per week for workers with fatigue. If the tiredness you’re experiencing is lifestyle-related, there are lots of things you can do. In this presentation, we first discuss how the body produces energy, and then you’ll learn five scientifically proven strategies to maximize your energy in a natural, healthy way. + Discover what to eat and drink to stimulate your energy. + Experience the power of the breath as an easy energy booster. + Get a deeper understanding of the effect of movement on your productivity and how you can start moving more (today). + Get more insights on the importance of quality sleep and regular recovery breaks to be at your best during your working hours. + Understand the draining effect of stress and negative thinking patterns on your energy level and start working on a positive mindset. Becoming more mindful and finding purpose in what you do are essential. After this presentation, you will know how to stay energized throughout the day, so you feel fresh, alert, and active while doing all the things that give your life purpose and meaning. Start incorporating the strategies into your daily life now, and you’ll reap the rewards very soon. Request a quote Submit About Goedele Leyssen worked for 12 years as a journalist. An opportunity to go to India for a story about yoga and meditation changed the course of her life. Back home, she followed a training to become a yoga and meditation teacher. Because Goedele strongly believes in a holistic approach of health and wellbeing, she also trained as a nutritionist. Between 2014 and 2019, she wrote 4 healthy lifestyle books and started to give keynotes and facilitate workshops. Together with a US naturopathic doctor, she launched an online anti-burnout coaching program for high performing professionals. Goedele believes self-care is the foundation for long lasting success and happiness in life. Her greatest joy is helping people build rituals for more resilience and deep inner peace. Goedele Leyssen 4 x author, speaker, yoga and meditation trainer, holistic nutritionist and self-care expert

  • keynote Habits of High-Visibility Leaders

    < back Habits of High-Visibility Leaders How can leaders increase their presence, visibility, and interaction? More detailed information Inspiring leaders share certain habits; they walk the corridors, are seen at the lunchrooms and participate in the after-work drink rituals. But more often than not, our top-level leaders live in another world; they work at the same company with the same goals, vision and share the same elevators, but are invisible to the community working around them. How can leaders increase their presence, visibility, and interaction with the people making the company run, and still meet the needs of other stakeholders, clients, partners and board members? We humans believe in things we see. Our concept of reality is built largely through our senses, and feeling the presence of leadership in our daily working lives communicates culture and purpose more powerfully than words. When our leaders are with us, working alongside us, ready to listen, this builds trust, inspires and empowers. Five habits of high-visibility leaders Walk the halls, sit in the lunchroom Comment, like, post, share Delegate the high-profile tasks Regular drop-in open Q&A Publish thought leadership Request a quote Submit About Speaker, author, trainer and coach, Fiona is a specialist of the Human at Work, leadership and the integration of AI into our working lives. She focuses on positive culture and engagement for large multinationals. Fiona is the author of the Comic Books for Executive Series and produces a regular podcast and video series called “Working Humans”. Her latest book, “The Handbook for Post-Covid Engagement” won at the UK Business Book Awards and received a Goody Award for thought leadership. Her new book is entitled “AI Powered”, due for release this year. Fiona spent many years in the corporate space in HR, in the area of internal communications and employee engagement. She has been Creative Lead, Senior Visual Communicator, Innovation Advisor, Explainer and Storyteller for some of the largest multinationals in Europe, in Vienna, London, Budapest, Brussels and Amsterdam. In 2020 she achieved a master’s in business management and AI concentration. Today, Fiona is a highly effective visual storytelling and stand-up comedian in training. She weaves solid, serious, research-driven advice with laughter and fun, guides for improving our working lives at any organization. Fiona Passantino Speaker, author, podcaster, thought leader. Expert on the Human-AI connection: engagement, communication, culture and AI integration.

  • keynote AI in HR: What’s real?!

    < back AI in HR: What’s real?! Clarifying 7 misconceptions about HR technology in 2024 More detailed information The pressure on HR and recruitment teams today reaches alarming levels. The ‘race for talent’ is ever-present, and 20% of employees report experiencing work-related fatigue several times a month. Think there's no reason to panic? Think again! Demographic analyses predict that, in the next 15 years, we will face even greater challenges. “AI will solve everything!” proclaim futurists. But is this truly the case, especially in a domain as people-sensitive as HR? This keynote aims to inform C-level executives, HR leaders, and innovation specialists in a clear and transparent manner about the state of HR technology augmentation today. What exactly is AI, and how does it differ from Machine Learning? What are black box AI and explainable AI? What distinguishes decision-making AI from supportive AI? What does the AI Act prohibit, and what does it permit? Addressing seven of the most common misconceptions about AI in the boardroom, this presentation delineates what is factual from what is not. It distinguishes between relevant optimism and naivety, as well as legitimate risk and disproportionate fear. Jochen Roef, a psychologist, former consultant, and current CEO of Traicie, an HR technology augmentation company, often encounters misconceptions about AI in his discussions with C-level executives and security and compliance departments from governments, banks, and corporate organizations. These conversations, which highlight both overly positive and overly negative views on AI, inspired this keynote. The aim is to educate executives in 45 minutes, using easy-to-understand terms and avoiding the exaggeration of both the positives and negatives. Request a quote Submit About Jochen Roef (1979) is former founder of Blinc and current founder/CEO of, both trend-setting companies in their market segment. Jochen is passionate about innovation, HR and entrepreneurship. After obtaining his master's degree in psychology, he entered several commercial and people management positions, which nurtured his fascination for human talent and diversity. He authored 2 books and co-developed the RIO method, a groud-breaking methodology that creates hyperpersonalized human2human experiences. Nowadays, Jochen creates pioneering AI applications that help HR departments worldwide augment and revolutionize recruitment processes. Jochen Roef Firm believer in human machine collaboration and domain expert "AI in HR"

  • keynote Knowledge Management

    < back Knowledge Management How to retain and grow your organization's knowledge More detailed information Your organization is like a barrel of knowledge. But how to keep this knowledge if employees leave? And how to train new employees faster? Or how to improve cooperation between employees, even across locations and cultures? Discover Knowledge Management as the ultimate approach to tackle these questions. Michael will introduce you to the 4 core elements of Knowledge Management. How to deploy them without expensive and inefficient software. How to merge them with the other aspects of your organization. Like the career tracks for your employees. So your employees no longer have to waste time looking for knowledge. So they don't have to reinvent the wheel. So mistakes won't reoccur. To make knowledge flow and GROW. To achieve more, TOGETHER with your employees. To ELEVATE your organization to the next level. Request a quote Submit About In short, he is a passionately curious and globally experienced Change Agent. His mission is to assist organizations in thriving alongside their people. He employs innovative and practical frameworks for Team Development and Knowledge Management, and he delivers talks and training sessions on Leadership, Management, and Personal Productivity. Prior to embarking on his journey as a solopreneur, he gained valuable experience in well-respected international companies. At Punch Powertrain, he established the R&D Department in China, and at ZF Group, he led the transformation of the global Product Validation Department within the Windpower Division. On a personal note, he is happily married and a proud father of two children. He enjoys sports, traveling, and personal development pursuits. Michael Houben Helping you grow a Benchmark Team with inspiring talks and trainings on Knowledge Management, Time Management and Intercultural Cooperation.

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