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  • keynote Stress yourself

    < back Stress yourself Stress is not your enemy; it is an opportunity for self-development and growth. More detailed information Stress is not your enemy; it is an opportunity for self-development and growth. If you use it in a smart, sustainable way, it will help you to push yourself without burning yourself out. This presentation helps you to change your mind about stress. Talking points: Your attitude about stress alone influences your health and wellbeing. How can you change negative thinking styles and cultivate a positive mindset when you experience challenges? Too much or longterm stress can be dangerous, but the right amount serves as a powerful stimulus for growth. How do you assess what the correct amount is? What are the best strategies and techniques to stay focused, productive, optimistic, and calm when you are under a lot of pressure? We look at food, lifestyle, and peak performance techniques like mindfulness meditation. We often default to unhealthy, counterproductive behavior when we feel stressed. It doesn’t have to be that way. When you apply the principles in this presentation, you will start to view stress in a much more positive way and experience what stress can do FOR you (instead of TO you). Request a quote Submit About Goedele Leyssen worked for 12 years as a journalist. An opportunity to go to India for a story about yoga and meditation changed the course of her life. Back home, she followed a training to become a yoga and meditation teacher. Because Goedele strongly believes in a holistic approach of health and wellbeing, she also trained as a nutritionist. Between 2014 and 2019, she wrote 4 healthy lifestyle books and started to give keynotes and facilitate workshops. Together with a US naturopathic doctor, she launched an online anti-burnout coaching program for high performing professionals. Goedele believes self-care is the foundation for long lasting success and happiness in life. Her greatest joy is helping people build rituals for more resilience and deep inner peace. Goedele Leyssen 4 x author, speaker, yoga and meditation trainer, holistic nutritionist and self-care expert

  • keynote Consumers in 2030

    < back Consumers in 2030 Imagine future possibilities More detailed information We can’t predict the future, but by framing cultural thrills and innovations we can imaging future possibilities. In this lecture we jump 10 years ahead to understand to biggest societal changes. Future thinking is only interesting when you can start working on it today. Topics: Demographical shifts, Mobility, Cities, Fashion, Food, Technology, Work - life balance. Request a quote Submit About Tom Palmaerts is a thought leader on consumer attitudes and behavior in a changing world. He is an acclaimed keynote speaker, trend consultant, author, and managing partner at Trendwolves, a full-service trend-watching agency focusing on young consumers and modern families. Palmaerts excels in understanding and identifying opportunities within broader cultural trends. His notable achievements include: 2019: Publication of 'Ready or Not: 11 Ways to Become Future Proof' (Lannoo, Dutch) 2017: Co-founded 'La Madrugada,' a vineyard in Mendoza, Argentina, as a side project with three friends 2015: Publication of 'Futures' (Lannoo, Dutch), co-written with Herman Konings and Joeri Van den Bergh 2014: Initiated hosting Futuro getaway sessions in Italy three times a year 2013: Awarded Trendwatcher of The Year 2010: Became a board member of the music and art community Subbacultcha 2008: Recognized as "Youth Trend Specialist of the Year" by the Dutch trendwatching platform Second Sight 2007: Joined Trendwolves 2002 - 2007: Conducted research on youth subcultures at Ladda Tom Palmaerts One goal in mind: Giving people an appetite for the future.

  • keynote What’s next on the digital horizon?

    < back What’s next on the digital horizon? Trends and future scenarios for your industry More detailed information It’s impossible to predict the future, remember Covid? But it’s possible to prepare for it. Some organizations always seem to be lucky to catch the right (digital) train, but luck is the residue of design. Spotting early-stage innovations, identifying digital trends, and planning future scenarios is part of the art of foresight and part of our daily business. Dado brings these trends and future scenarios to your industry and helps you to anticipate what is to come. Request a quote Submit About Dado Van Peteghem is a seasoned entrepreneur, renowned speaker, and thought leader in digital transformation, innovation, and ecosystem thinking. As a founding partner at the transformation advisory firm Scopernia, he has been instrumental in guiding organizations towards embracing the digital age. Dado is also a co-founder of startups such as Social Seeder and Speakersbase, platforms that have made significant impacts in their respective industries. Dado holds a degree in Communication & Computer Sciences from the University of Ghent, where his passion for merging technology with strategic communication first blossomed. Over the years, he has delivered over a hundred keynote speeches annually, captivating audiences with insights into the intricacies of digital transformation and innovative strategies for success. As an accomplished author, Dado has contributed to the business world with his published works. His previous books include "Digital Transformation" (2014) with Jo Caudron, "Corporate Venturing" (2018) with Omar Mohout, and "Metasystems" (2020) with Nils van Dam, all of which have been well-received for their practical wisdom and forward-thinking perspectives. Dado's latest book, "The Virtual Economy," co-authored with Jeremy Denisty, delves into the evolving landscape of virtual worlds and communities. In this groundbreaking exploration, Dado and Jeremy shed light on the emerging opportunities within the third wave of the Internet, characterized by artificial intelligence, immersive virtual environments, and blockchain technologies. "The Virtual Economy" offers a roadmap for businesses, governments, and society to harness the potential of this new era, providing strategies to engage and serve the next generation of customers, communities, and citizens. As a member of the strategy committee at leading fashion group Chalhoub Group in Dubai, Dado brings a global perspective to his work, often bridging insights from the Middle East and Asia with international trends and best practices. With his deep expertise and visionary outlook, Dado Van Peteghem continues to inspire and empower organizations worldwide to thrive in an ever-evolving digital landscape. Dado Van Peteghem Leading expert in the digital sector, frequent speaker, author and entrepreneur.

  • Speakers and keynotes on Resilience & Well-being

    Keynotes and speakers on Resilience & Well-being < Back Explore empowering keynotes and expert speakers dedicated to resilience and well-being. In the face of challenges and adversity, resilience is the key to bouncing back stronger and maintaining well-being is crucial for sustainable success. Booking a keynote speaker on resilience and well-being can provide valuable insights, practical strategies, and tools to help individuals and teams navigate stress, build mental toughness, foster work-life balance, and promote overall health and wellness. Discover our curated list of resilience and well-being-focused keynotes and speakers, and empower your organization to thrive in both personal and professional aspects, leading to enhanced performance, engagement, and fulfillment! Julie Brown Innovating grief / legacy Transforming loss into a legacy of resilience Read more Lieven Van Linden Fully Charged - A roadmap towards more energy and better results Discover the 3 principles for more resilience and better results. Read more Ann De Bisschop Building a Strong Organization with the 7 Pillars of Wellbeing Read more Florence Pérès Boost your mental resilience Actionable insights for less stress and more (mental) well-being Read more Cedric Dumont Dare to jump! Empower success in times of disruption: dare, lead, grow and flow Read more Florence Pérès Digital Balance Be in control of your screens ! Read more Mahdi Brown Recognizing & reversing burnout What every leader should know about burn out within their team to help prevent it Read more Goedele Leyssen Build new success habits & rituals Rituals help you to optimize your time and ensure that your body and mind are working to their full potential Read more Wim Smets The only way is up How to improve the agility and resilience of people in a changing world. Read more Ann De Bisschop Thriving in the Workplace by Fostering Professional and Personal Well-being Read more Veerle Dobbelaere Omgaan met grenzen Voorkom burn out en leer je grenzen aan te geven Read more Lieven Van Linden Stronger by stress Learn how stress can help us to become more resilient in work and life Read more Fiona Passantino Burning out, and “Burning in” The key to wellbeing is less rather than more; building in space for silence and creativity. Read more Lieven Van Linden Breathe less, fear less Overcoming fear and anxiety...with one single breath Read more Martine Reyners Harmony through singing A personal testimonial that gives evidence of major resilience Read more Florence Pérès Start to meditate Taster session for active professionals Read more Saartje Vandendriessche Cold therapy Teambuilding that provides an energy boost Read more Goedele Leyssen 30 days Mental Energy Challenge Start to meditate together with your team! Let meditation help you and your colleagues to navigate through these challenging times. Read more Florence Pérès Disconnect to reconnect For Better (Working) Relationships in a Hyper-connected World and a better Work/Life Balance Read more Johan Terryn How to stay positive in times of trouble? Reframe and Feel through. Being positive is not a mindset you can just turn on. You need to practise in thoughts and feelings. Read more Brecht Buysschaert 5 Stepstones to a Whealthy Workplace Investing in Workplace Well-being, a Win-Win-Win Read more Sofie Fransen Achieving positive health Balancing mental and physical wellbeing for success Read more Lieven Van Linden The Quantified Self: Using data & technology to accelerate sustainable performance Optimize health and performance in a sustainable way Read more Orianne Aymard A Woman at the Top : One Story of Resilience & Self-Leadership Brain Hemorrhage Survivor who climbed the highest mountains in the world, Everest and Lhotse Read more Tom Ryckaert Disruptive Workplaces How to create your sustainable and future proof work environment Read more Julie Brown Thriving Amidst Turbulence Navigating Constant Change and Overcoming Adversity with Polar Expedition Wisdom Read more Lieven Van Linden Reframe your routines Break the habit of being yourself Read more Florence Pérès Stress and Burn out What is it? How to recognize it? How to prevent it? Read more Goedele Leyssen Boost your (physical) energy! How to stay energized throughout your (working) day Read more Brecht Buysschaert From I-care to WE-care Empowering Well-being: The Journey from Self-Care to Collective Care Read more Isabelle Gonnissen Prevent Burnout Find your happiness! Read more Goedele Leyssen Body Detox Healthy Online Teambuilding! Cook together! Learn what you can do to reset your body after the end of year festivities. Read more Leo van Woerden Yoga Nidra Neuroscience Crash Course Experience A workshop combining of neuroscience, drumming, yoga and singing Read more Elke Geraerts Mental Resilience Elke shares her insights on mental resilience and how we can deal swiftly with any challenge. Read more Julie Heyvaert Self-care for team leaders Workshop Read more Dirk Schyvinck Resilience for a long and happy life De 5 do's! Read more Rudy de Waele Energetic Balance Workshop 🌟 Discover Balance and Prosperity with this Energetic Balance Workshop! 🌟 Read more Saartje Vandendriessche Master your energy More energy and well-being in the workplace Read more Elke Struys Empowering welpreneurs: navigate stress and self-care Unveiling the 4 Levers for entrepreneurial success Read more Dominique Monami Boost your (Mental) Energy! Useful insights and tips to optimize energy levels for the knowledge worker. Read more Gella Vandecaveye Excell! A testimonial on the interface between top-class sport and business. Read more Isabel De Clercq How's Work? 7 Lies About Work and What Actually Works Read more Dominique Monami Winning mindset The right mindset is key to be successful! Read more Herre Zonderland Manage your Energy to excel How do you ensure a high performance culture, right now? Read more Ann De Bisschop The Impact of AI on Employee Wellbeing Balance technological progress and employee wellbeing Read more Leo van Woerden Leadership and vitality growth program For leaders looking to improve their team's performance Read more Ann De Bisschop Building Your Well-being From Resilience to Balance Read more Leo van Woerden Sleep Samurai Learn to sleep deeply and "faster" and make this the tool for your health, growth and happiness Read more Julie Heyvaert How to boost FLOW and human energy on your work floor? ​ Read more Frans van de Ven Digital well-being: why deconnecting is crucial Managing your digital information flows has become critical in ensuring a healthy wellbeing Read more Veerle Dobbelaere Ademruimte Hoe creëer ik mentaal en emotioneel meer ademruimte? Read more Goedele Leyssen Stress yourself Stress is not your enemy; it is an opportunity for self-development and growth. Read more Luc Van Imschoot Laughter yoga team building Laughter makes employees feel better about themselves, making interactions with colleagues and customers more motivated and friendly. Read more Request a quote Keynote of my preference (leave blank for personal advice) Submit

  • keynote How to conduct a motivating and non-irritating (performance) conversation?

    < back How to conduct a motivating and non-irritating (performance) conversation? Make it meaningful! More detailed information -- also available in workshop format -- Certainly not an easy task, the annual performance conversation. Few of us look forward to it. And yet, it still remains on most of our agendas. How can we ensure that this conversation is meaningful and goes well? That you obtain the desired information and can express what you need to say in a connecting manner. So that your people can grow and their high-quality motivation increases! But such a conversation is more than just speaking. It's also important that you receive the information you need. How do you create a safe space for such a conversation? How do you listen? How do you hear everything that is being said? In this keynote, you will receive concrete and practical tips, and you will practice directly! And as with all my keynotes, the foundation here is solid science. No fluffy story! Request a quote Submit About Hermina Van Coillie, Ph.D. in Psychology, is an esteemed motivation expert, keynote speaker, lecturer in various HRM postgraduate courses, author, senior consultant, and business manager at Flourish. In April 2021, she debuted her first book, co-authored with Prof. Dr. Anja van den Broeck, titled "Motivating Without Control: Getting Started with Self-Determination Theory in the Workplace!" published by Die Keure. Renowned for her captivating presentations, Hermina is in high demand, delivering keynotes, inspiration sessions, masterclasses, workshops, and training sessions to diverse audiences, including business leaders, HR directors, managers, executives, prevention advisors, and coaching teams. Her unique approach brings to life the profound insights of self-determination theory, offering practical applications not only in the workplace but also in personal and recreational settings. With her charismatic presence, authenticity, and expertise, Hermina engages her audience, delivering new and practical insights grounded in years of dedicated research. Eschewing excessive theories, she empowers individuals by unveiling the innate motivations within them. Her interactive sessions, filled with thought-provoking questions, humorous anecdotes, and relatable situations, resonate with audiences across various backgrounds, leaving them with actionable insights ready for immediate implementation. Hermina's expertise extends beyond mere motivation, encompassing a wide array of HR themes such as burnout, well-being, leadership, remote and flexible working, performance management, work-life balance, and more. Through her presentations, she illustrates how high-quality motivation serves as a catalyst for peak performance and personal flourishing, ultimately transforming individuals into high performers across all facets of life. Hermina Van Coillie Hermina Van Coillie, Dr. in psychology, is a motivation expert, keynote speaker, lecturer in several HRM postgraduate courses, author, senior consultant and business manager at Flourish

  • keynote From energy crisis to climate neutrality

    < back From energy crisis to climate neutrality The energy paradox and alternatives that contribute to climate solutions More detailed information The current energy crisis is hitting Europe very hard. A war always has economic consequences but European energy policy has ignored important geopolitical risks. For example, after Russia's annexation of Crimea in 2014, some EU member states nevertheless increased their dependence on Russian natural gas. Meanwhile, energy markets were further liberalized and integrated so that any exogenous shock could have very significant implications for all European countries, including those that do not themselves purchase gas from Russia. In the short term, Europe is fully committed to drastically reducing gas consumption. In the longer term, Europe wants to become climate-neutral, using hardly any fossil fuels at all. A drastic acceleration of climate policy is therefore the answer to the gas crisis. However, the current European climate policy does not appear to be very performant. Between 2014 and 2018, energy-related CO2 emissions in Europe fell by only 1.1%, and in 2019 Europe announced with the Green Deal that it wants to reduce emissions by 95% by 2050. And this radical goal must be met by tightening climate policies that have so far failed to break the trend. How can we explain this paradox and are there alternatives that do contribute to climate solutions? Request a quote Submit About Prof. Dr. Johan Albrecht is an experienced economist with a broad interest in societal and technological changes. By combining different disciplines, he brings new insights that help in mastering our changing world. His key interests relate to sustainability challenges and the need to prepare for the future we aspire to. Since 2006, he has been a senior fellow at the Itinera Institute, an independent think tank based in Brussels ( ). His research activities focus on energy systems, climate policy, and the dynamics of housing markets. His recent books include "Corona Shock" (2020), "Investeer in een gezonde levensstijl. Op weg naar een activerend preventiebeleid" (2020), "Oikonomia" (2018), "Energietrilemma" (2017), and "Het gewicht van vlees" (2016). He is the author of 40 publications in international journals and volumes, and as a scientific advisor, he works for Belgian and international organizations. Johan Albrecht When economic analysis meets sustainability and societal challenges

  • keynote Thriving in the Workplace

    < back Thriving in the Workplace by Fostering Professional and Personal Well-being More detailed information Step into the world of enhanced resilience, reduced stress, and elevated well-being and job satisfaction in the dynamic context of hybrid work. Ann is here to inspire your audience, employees, or managers, always tailored to your organization's needs. She can deliver this as a comprehensive narrative or dive into one or more of the following themes to address the specific points that require attention within your organization: Boost Resilience: Cultivate the strength to flourish amidst challenges and change. Embrace a growth mindset over a fixed mindset. Opt for "motivation" rather than "mustivation." Reduce Stress: Embrace a life with less pressure and more balance. Learn to distinguish between healthy and unhealthy stress and discover that a certain level of stress is necessary for productivity. Preventing Burnout: Recognize the signs and build resilience to prevent burnout. Minimize Absenteeism and Presenteeism: Create a healthy work environment with engaged employees. Enthusiastic and driven employees are less likely to be absent. Enhance Focus: Master the art of targeted concentration for improved performance. With concrete tips, ensure better "brain management" and do the right things at the right time. Foster Connection: Build strong relationships and strengthen the sense of teamwork. Together, you can achieve more and deliver strong results. Efficient Hybrid Work: Navigate the world of flexible work smoothly. I'll teach you the dos and don'ts. Inspirational Leadership: Develop leadership skills that inspire and motivate. Using the 4 C's of the ideal leader (Communicate, Collaborate, Connect, Care), I'll provide you with valuable tools. Effective Communication: Learn to communicate with impact and empathy. Ensure psychological safety and make everything discussable. Taking Care of Each Other: Cultivate a culture of well-being and support. Productive Meetings: Transform meetings into valuable and productive sessions. Reimagining Email Management: Manage your emails in a smart and healthy manner. Request a quote Submit About Ann is a trailblazer in professionalizing well-being in the workplace. She held the distinction of being the first Wellbeing Director in Belgium at DPG media and has since become a highly sought-after and passionate speaker on topics such as well-being, work happiness, and leadership. Her mission is to persuade business leaders to integrate well-being into their organizations, making it an intrinsic part of corporate culture rather than a standalone initiative. She emphasizes that well-being within a company is a collective responsibility, highlighting the roles of the organization, managers, and employees. Ann motivates board and management teams while also inspiring individual employees with practical tips and insights to enhance resilience, foster a positive mindset, reduce stress, and achieve better work-life balance. She delves into topics such as efficient meetings, email management, and the significance of communication and connectivity, especially as organizations adopt hybrid work models. Ann is the author of the books 'Countdown to Monday' and 'Wellbeing = Profit,' and her collaborative effort with Prof. Stijn Baert resulted in 'je werk of je leven.' Her authentic and hands-on approach has made her a highly sought-after keynote speaker nationally and internationally. Her keynotes blend actionable tips from her books with a focus on the organizational and managerial aspects of employee happiness and engagement. Her presentations cover a range of topics, including: The rationale behind a well-being policy The roles of the organization, leaders, and employees in fostering well-being The importance of focus, breaks, and physical activity Nurturing connectivity in hybrid work environments Strategies for more effective meetings and email management Essential leadership skills in remote settings Stress and attention management techniques Cultivating a positive mindset during periods of change Self-care practices such as sleep hygiene, nutrition, and digital detoxification. Ann De Bisschop The first Wellbeing Director in Belgium :-), Author of 3 books, Keynote speaker & Wellbeing consultant

  • keynote speaker Dominique Monami

    Dominique Monami World-famous athlete who has become a speaker and share the lesson-learned throughout her career To be booked as/for Languages Tags Speaker, Moderator, Host, Workshops French, Dutch, English Self Leadership, Growth Mindset, Energy Management, Resilience Biography Topics Testimonials Pictures Get a quote Biography With her renowned-worldwide athlete experience, Dominque's drive and belief is that we are our only limit. She inspires people to find the power to move out of their comfort zone and use their potential to impact their business positively. Based on her unique path and vibrant energy, she gives dedicated keynotes and tailor-made sessions to help individuals and teams to understand how they can rebound and exceed expectations. Dominique is also a great facilitator for your event or talk show. Topics Sports Winning mindset Lees verder The right mindset is key to be successful! More Sports Boost your (Mental) Energy! Lees verder Useful insights and tips to optimize energy levels for the knowledge worker. More It was a real pleasure to have Dominique speak at our international sales meeting. She captured our consultants and customers with her inspiring story and down to earth attitude. It was our first but surely not last time! Trimble Hung Bauer, VP HR Dominique was the perfect speaker for our Women in Food event. She made sure that her presentation was catered to our audience. She engaged with them to make the presentation interactive and gave an abundance of tips to boost our energy. The audience was captivated by every word she said. Her open personality also gave the audience the possibility to approach her and speak to her before and after the keynote. ​ Kathleen Malfroy, CEO Testimonials Sessions Pictures you can use to promote your event Get a quote Request a Quote Keynote of my preference submit Pictures Quot Anchor 3

  • keynote speaker Charlotte De Metsenaere

    Charlotte De Metsenaere Communication expert, international improvisational theater teacher and public speaking coach To be booked as/for Languages Tags Trainer, Moderator, Speaker, Workshops, Host Dutch, French, English Theater, Humor, Teambuilding, Feedback, Communication, Improvisation, Fun Biography Topics Testimonials Pictures Get a quote Biography There are not enough words to capture Charlotte's essence: enthusiasm, energy, humor, flexibility, daring to take risks, creativity, curiosity, cooperation, trust, acceptance, connecting, active listening, and authenticity are just a few of her qualities. Charlotte's passions lie in communication and improvisational theater, two worlds she believes have much to teach each other. She finds strength in combining theater and business, focusing on the overlap between them to guide her work. Her goal is to help companies rediscover the joy of playfulness, laughter, and innocence, while also fostering insights into flexibility, assertiveness, leadership, listening, connecting, and effective communication through theater exercises. Charlotte's team-building workshops unite people through laughter and creativity, creating a unique and memorable experience. Her communication workshops delve deeper into theoretical insights while maintaining a hands-on approach. With a Master's degree in Business Communication, Charlotte seamlessly merges experiential learning from improvisation games with essential communication principles like giving feedback, public speaking, performing under pressure, customer focus, and authentic leadership. Beyond communication and soft skills, Charlotte is passionate about social issues such as society, diversity, and gender awareness. She excels not only as an enthusiastic speaker, trainer, and coach but also as a skilled host and moderator. Topics People Skills Feedback in practice Lees verder How to give feedback? Learning by doing. More Team Dynamics Fun Teambuilding Lees verder (Online) Teambuilding based on improvisational theatre More Specials Break the ice Lees verder Laugh, connect and enjoy! More Het was een zeer leerrijke workshop rond communicatie en improvisatie. Interactief en gevarieerd, met enkele vernieuwende invalshoeken. Maar vooral de passie waarmee het gebracht wordt, werkt aanstekelijk voor de deelnemers. Federale Politie ​ Charlotte straalt enthousiasme en ervaring uit. De tijd vliegt! Oxfam ​ Charlotte, thank you for a wonderful workshop ! The ladies were all super excited and it set the bar high for the rest of the day, which continued on the high level of energy you were able to generate in the group. Feedback was unanimously positive, from introverts and extraverts alike. McKinsey & Company ​ Testimonials Sessions Pictures you can use to promote your event Get a quote Request a Quote Keynote of my preference submit Pictures Quot Anchor 3

  • Speakers and keynotes on Customer Experience

    Keynotes and speakers on Customer Experience < Back Explore captivating keynotes and expert speakers dedicated to enhancing customer experience. In today's competitive business landscape, delivering exceptional customer experiences is paramount for success and long-term growth. Booking a keynote speaker on this topic can inspire teams, share best practices, and drive customer-centric strategies that result in increased loyalty and satisfaction. Discover our curated list of customer experience-focused keynotes and speakers, and unlock the potential to create memorable and meaningful interactions for your customers! Tom De Ruyck The Age of Relevance Creating experiences that are hyper relevant, Instagram-able and memorable Read more Dado Van Peteghem Thriving in the Age of the Virtual Economy Get ready to delight the new generation of customers 👩‍🎤 Read more Renout van Hove Unlocking Next-Level Customer Experiences: The Transformative Power of AI Envision a World Transformed by AI Read more Alain Thys The Customer Fitness Code Monetise customer experience Read more Christophe Jauquet Customer Centricity Every customer wants to be healthy & happy Read more Rik Vera The New Normal Navigating the Digital Work Landscape Read more Inge van Belle CX or EX: the chicken or the egg? High employee engagement (EX) leads to high customer satisfaction (CX) Read more Gerrie Smits Customer Centricity is rubbish. Long live Customer Centricity. There’s more to Customer Centricity than your customer. Read more Alain Thys How to Be(come) a Customer-centric Leader? The true meaning of customer-centric leadership Read more Geert Martens Customer Experience Post Covid19 The impact of Covid19 on customer experience Read more Request a quote Keynote of my preference (leave blank for personal advice) Submit

  • keynote The Power of Curiosity

    < back The Power of Curiosity For HR Professionals More detailed information Curiosity is hot. The world as we know it is not the same anymore in the post-covid era. In times of change, Leaders are starting to realise that they need to be both pursuing operational efficiency as well as openness towards an unknown future. Those companies that balance both exploitation and exploration well remain competitive. Yet why is this renewed focus on exploration and curiosity so hard for companies? Intentional Curiosity is of paramount importance in times of change. The implications of this fundamental change for HR are vast. Not only does HR need to embrace this concept within their own ranks and reinvent themselves, they also need to embark on a journey to ensure curiosity is embedded in recruitment, onboarding, talent management, and talent development processes. In this interactive session, we explore what we know about curiosity, why it is important for the workplace, what the barriers are, and what HR can do to get better at intentional curiosity for themselves and the people in their care. Request a quote Submit About Stefaan van Hooydonk is the founder of the Global Curiosity Institute and the author of the bestselling book "The Workplace Curiosity Manifesto." He initially worked in investment consulting and established executive education at the China Europe International Business School (CEIBS) in China. Van Hooydonk has held executive roles as Chief Learning Officer in Fortune 200 companies such as Nokia, Royal Philips, Cognizant, Saudi Aramco, Agfa, and Flipkart. He has lived and worked in Belgium, France, Hong Kong, China, Finland, the Netherlands, India, Saudi Arabia, and the United Kingdom. His most recent position was as Chief Learning Officer for Cognizant, where he oversaw learning and development for over 300,000 associates worldwide. Stefaan van Hooydonk focuses his research on workplace curiosity within companies. He asserts that curious individuals require stimulating environments to thrive, especially during times of uncertainty when intentional curiosity becomes crucial. Utilizing diagnostics he has developed, he generates insights into what drives and impedes individuals and organizations from embracing curiosity. He provides consultation to global corporations and leadership teams to enhance their curiosity quotient, advocating for the cultivation of a robust curiosity mindset. Van Hooydonk is a sought-after speaker globally, discussing the transformative power of curiosity for professionals, leaders, teams, and organizations. Stefaan van Hooydonk I am the 'curiosity guy'. I make leaders curious about the power of curiosity at work and all its wonderful benefits.

  • keynote Continuous improvement through innovation and learning

    < back Continuous improvement through innovation and learning Keynote and workshop based on the book Learning Ecosystems, finalist best international business books More detailed information In these times of ever-faster innovation, the impact on us as people, as employees, and in our organisations is often overwhelming. A positive mindset towards learning is therefore the best way not to be left behind, and more so, to help shape the uncertain future itself. In this often provocative keynote, we look at a future that has already caught up with us and draw inspiration from innovations that support learning and growth. For this, we look at the concept of learning ecosystems where learning is supported by all stakeholders to support growth as individuals and as organisations and, by extension, society. A roadmap for continuous improvement through learning is the result there. Based on the book Leaning Ecosystems, this talk is ideally suited for executives who want to commit to continuous improvement through innovation and a learning culture with engaged employees. An adapted form is also very interesting as an inspirational talk for employees to help shape an agile strategy in which their competences help shape the learning organisation. This keynote can also be extended with a workshop for CEO/COO/CXOs or Senior Executives/Leaders in Innovation, HR and L&D. The aim of this workshop is to come up with implementable innovations (processes and technology) that support the future of work and put the organisation on a path of continuous improvement Request a quote Submit About Katja Schipperheijn is an internationally recognised author, strategist, futurist, lecturer and keynote speaker. Her expertise focuses on AI and pioneering innovations that create a human-machine symbiosis to enable learning ecosystems to flourish. In doing so, she advocates adopting a learning mindset at the personal, team and corporate levels not to become overwhelmed, but to thrive and sustainably shape the future itself. Her provocative ideas challenge traditional dogmas and offer fresh perspectives. Sheinspires everyone to adapt and embrace learning before they suffer irreversible damage because AI and other innovations are already pervasive. They are affecting organisations and their employees with unprecedented speed. To incite change, she does not shy away from hypes and discusses the impact of what now seem futuristic, such as Brain-Computer Interfaces (BCI) or hyper-realistic avatars that make deepfaking a child's play. Katja explores the intersection of technology and humanity and its impact on our society. For example, she looks at how competences such as imagination, curiosity and consilience play a role. She explores the similarities between neuroscience and computer science to optimise the learning of both human and artificial intelligence. Human connection is paramount in shaping the future of work, which is why she often draws her inspiration from the future as seen through the eyes of children. Katja's keynote speeches are therefore engaging and inspiring for a very diverse audience. Often, her keynotes are the starting point for a future readiness workshop and a continuous improvement project. Besides advising governments, multinationals, educational institutions and start-ups, Katja is also a philanthropist as founder of sCooledu and author of Little Digital Citizens (Dutch 2018). More than 15,000 children have already participated in her workshops on the future and the increasingly virtual world. This shows her commitment to social responsibility and the importance of promoting digital literacy among young people. By booking Katja for an event, you not only get valuable insights but also support a good cause. As an author, Katja achieved international recognition with her book Learning Ecosystems (2023) finalist best international business books in London and included in the Top 100 best international business books by the eLearning Journal in Germany. This book will therefore be available in several languages including Arabic during 2024. 2024 will also see the release of her latest book. The Learning Mindset: Combining human competencies with technology to thrive. Katja Schipperheijn Author, learning strategist and keynote speaker with a passion for continuous improvement through human-centred innovations that support learning

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