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  • keynote The Meaningful Organisation

    < back The Meaningful Organisation Moving beyond profit More detailed information Milton Friedman declared in 1970 that “The Social Responsibility of Business is to Increase its Profits”. This business imperative has become outdated as today’s business leaders steer their organizations beyond profit. We need to think about topics like sustainability, diversity, giving back, etc. Organizations are taking up a bigger role in society and pursue a purpose. Not answering the meaningful call of duty could risk organizations losing on two fronts: customers & employees will lose interest and switch to more purpose-driven alternatives. Request a quote Submit About Dado Van Peteghem is a seasoned entrepreneur, renowned speaker, and thought leader in digital transformation, innovation, and ecosystem thinking. As a founding partner at the transformation advisory firm Scopernia, he has been instrumental in guiding organizations towards embracing the digital age. Dado is also a co-founder of startups such as Social Seeder and Speakersbase, platforms that have made significant impacts in their respective industries. Dado holds a degree in Communication & Computer Sciences from the University of Ghent, where his passion for merging technology with strategic communication first blossomed. Over the years, he has delivered over a hundred keynote speeches annually, captivating audiences with insights into the intricacies of digital transformation and innovative strategies for success. As an accomplished author, Dado has contributed to the business world with his published works. His previous books include "Digital Transformation" (2014) with Jo Caudron, "Corporate Venturing" (2018) with Omar Mohout, and "Metasystems" (2020) with Nils van Dam, all of which have been well-received for their practical wisdom and forward-thinking perspectives. Dado's latest book, "The Virtual Economy," co-authored with Jeremy Denisty, delves into the evolving landscape of virtual worlds and communities. In this groundbreaking exploration, Dado and Jeremy shed light on the emerging opportunities within the third wave of the Internet, characterized by artificial intelligence, immersive virtual environments, and blockchain technologies. "The Virtual Economy" offers a roadmap for businesses, governments, and society to harness the potential of this new era, providing strategies to engage and serve the next generation of customers, communities, and citizens. As a member of the strategy committee at leading fashion group Chalhoub Group in Dubai, Dado brings a global perspective to his work, often bridging insights from the Middle East and Asia with international trends and best practices. With his deep expertise and visionary outlook, Dado Van Peteghem continues to inspire and empower organizations worldwide to thrive in an ever-evolving digital landscape. Dado Van Peteghem Leading expert in the digital sector, frequent speaker, author and entrepreneur.

  • Speakers and keynotes on Diversity & Inclusion

    Keynotes and speakers on Diversity & Inclusion < Back Delve into impactful keynotes and expert speakers dedicated to diversity and inclusion (D&I). In today's globalized and interconnected world, fostering a diverse and inclusive workplace is not just a moral imperative but also a strategic advantage. Booking a keynote speaker on D&I can inspire teams, share best practices, and guide organizations in building a culture of equity and belonging. Discover our curated list of D&I-focused keynotes and speakers, and empower your organization to harness the full potential of diversity for innovation, creativity, and sustainable growth! Julie Brown Embracing Diversity: on complicity and inclusion Fostering collaboration across cultures, genders, and generations Read more Najima El Kasmi Building Bridges: Mastery in Intercultural and Intergenerational Communication Navigating the Tapestry of Diversity in Modern Business Read more Elke Jeurissen How to fix the blind spots for more diversity in your company Five drivers for a more inclusive company culture (with 30 + examples of tactics that really work) Read more Lenny Benaïcha Value alignment — inclusive recruitment How can we make sure our technology is unbiased? Read more Mariam Harutyunyan Attract, retain and develop diverse young talent Changing trends in workplaces that are put in motion by the newest generations entering the job market Read more Elke Jeurissen Polarisation or (re)connection? It's your call Going beyond what divides us and finding what connects us, at the kitchen table, in the workplace and in society. Read more Julie Heyvaert How to collaborate in a more inclusive way in your team? workshop Read more Mariam Harutyunyan The shift from exclusive to inclusive consumers Brands have to change the way they market to their customers Read more Elke Jeurissen The journey to inclusive leadership Why diversity is not a problem, but a growth opportunity for your organization. Read more Fatima Llouh Inclusive marketing and communication The value of inclusive communication Read more Dr. Audrey-Flore Ngomsik Become an authentic & useful ally for more DEI How to tap into the diverse talents out there Read more Elke Jeurissen You are not the norm How to create a more inclusive workplace going beyond diversity? Read more Michael Houben Leading a culturally diverse team How to foster understanding and outstanding cooperation between people with different cultural backgrounds Read more Geertrui Mieke De Ketelaere Me, myself and my AI For the successful adoption of AI, we need more female leaders. Why? As AI projects succeed on 4 factors (data, technology, people and processes), women normally possess the right qualities to lead projects to build real-world AI products more successfully as they fully master the enablement of an environment for collaboration and inclusion. Read more Dirk Schyvinck Longevity: how organizations can prepare for the age of longevity Organizations and generations: a new look on 10 trends impacting the future of work. Read more Tamara Makoni Use inclusion to spark innovation Is innovation your goal? A culture of inclusion is your best way to make this a reality. Read more Mariam Harutyunyan Understanding Generation Z in the workplace Intergenerational Communication Read more Fiona Passantino High-Visibility Habits for Women at Work Support and fuel female professionals on International Women’s Day Read more Isabel Verstraete Marketing & generational shifts How this gen Z fundamentally changes organizations. Read more Tamara Makoni Accelerating the path to gender equality Gender inequality is a key challenge of our time. How can we accelerate progress - and how does doing this benefit us all? Read more Tamara Makoni Building bridges across cultures How you can harness cultural diversity to fuel business growth Read more Dr. Audrey-Flore Ngomsik The Return of Investment on social sustainability And why should social sustainability be part of your business? Read more Request a quote Keynote of my preference (leave blank for personal advice) Submit

  • keynote speaker Julie Heyvaert

    Julie Heyvaert Employee Engagement Architect. Julie’s mission is to drive for more human energy on the workfloor. To be booked as/for Languages Tags Speaker, Trainer, Consultant, Workshops Dutch, English, French Team Cohesion, Team Dynamics, Employee Engagement Biography Topics Testimonials Pictures Get a quote Biography Julie's mission is to systematically increase engagement in the workplace, emphasizing the concept of bringing more FLOW into work environments. Flow represents a state of mind where individuals are highly engaged, motivated, and focused. It involves being completely immersed in tasks, driven by a powerful energetic force. Studies indicate that we spend only about 5% of our time in flow states, a statistic Julie aims to change. This motivation led her to establish her company – Flowspire, which seeks to foster connections within organizations and inspire employees to achieve better results for themselves, their colleagues, and society as a whole. Enhanced wellbeing and engagement contribute to stronger brands, increased loyalty, greater creativity, agility, and ultimately better outcomes—a proven fact. Julie brings unique perspectives to this arena due to her diverse background as a commercial engineer and over 15 years of international business experience. She has developed expertise in areas such as employer branding, change management, cultural shifts, leadership, and facilitation, working with companies of varying sizes from small to medium enterprises to multinational corporations. In her role as an Employee Engagement Architect and Facilitator, Julie formulates comprehensive change plans and ignites transformative movements within organizations. Additionally, she serves as a lecturer at Thomas More University, teaching courses on HR Trends and Employee Engagement. Julie is widely recognized for her high energy, deep expertise, and is esteemed for her balanced approach that combines results-driven strategies with a genuine care for people. Topics Team Dynamics How to boost FLOW and human energy on your work floor? Lees verder ​ More Change Leading in times of change Lees verder Workshop More Company Culture How to win the war for talent? Lees verder while boosting retention More Motivation & Ownership How to boost engagement through human relations? Lees verder Experience moment More Motivation & Ownership How to motivate your team? Lees verder workshop More Hybrid Working Activity based working Lees verder ​ More Resilience & Well-being Self-care for team leaders Lees verder Workshop More Diversity & Inclusion How to collaborate in a more inclusive way in your team? Lees verder workshop More Highly recommended in this time of working from home to stay connected! Otary Cindy Maes, HR Manager Testimonials Sessions Pictures you can use to promote your event Get a quote Request a Quote Keynote of my preference submit Pictures Quot Anchor 3

  • keynote speaker Cyriel Kortleven

    Cyriel Kortleven Boosting the Change Mindset and Simplifier To be booked as/for Languages Tags Speaker, Workshops, Host, Moderator Dutch, English Change Mindset, Staying agile & resilient in change, Crossing Borders, No More Boring Webinars ▶️ Watch Cyriel's TEDx Talk. Biography Topics Testimonials Pictures Get a quote Biography For more than 20 years, Cyriel Kortleven has been inspiring organisations like IKEA, NASA and Unilever to approach Change with courage, confidence and enthusiasm. His pragmatic advice has earned him the nickname The Simplifier. In an increasingly complex world, we need new simple perspectives to enable us to navigate uncertainty and to turn problems into opportunities. Be ready for practical tips & tools to help you as a leader drive behavioural change. Your audience will be armed with new language and a boost of energy to transform the fear of change into a positive attitude towards the goals you want to achieve. Cyriel uses interaction and humour to create a context where people think and feel differently to reignite their appetite for creativity, taking risks and achieving ambitious results. More than 300 recommendations on Linkedin are proof of his track record of satisfied clients. Don’t mind the change. Change your Mind. Topics Innovation Crossing Borders Lees verder What can your organisation learn from other industries & other surprising sources? More Hybrid Working No More Boring Webinars Lees verder Tools to create interaction and engagement in online sessions More Change The Change Mindset Lees verder Survival kit for professionals in change: staying agile & resilient in change More Change Making Change Simple Lees verder Embrace the power of Simplification to boost the effectiveness of change initiatives. Make it Specific, Smooth & Small. More Cyriel is in a league of his own! His energy, enthusiasm and passion towards delivering an interactive, educational and fun keynote presentation are undeniable, leaving a lasting and memorable impact on attendees. Different thinking Events Daniel Merza, speaker Cyriel worked with the Belgian Unilever Change Leaders on innovative and creative thinking. He delivered a splendid and energizing keynote presentation and afterwards facilitated a workshop in which we developed new ideas and solutions for some Unilever challenges. A great experience. Unilever Sabine Blanchet, Country HR manager Cyriel's approach and insights into "how to succeed in business" is fresh and exciting! He teaches with humor down to earth tools that can easily be used by graduates to seasoned business professionals. With less effort, you get better results - a winning formula! South African's thoroughly enjoyed his unique approach! DUKE Corporate University Julia Cook, director Global Corporate Leadership Cyriel is pro-active, interested, easy to work with and a pleasant person. Cyriel got the highest score of all speakers with a 4,6/5 followed by comments such as "Absolutely brilliant", "By far the best inspiration and needed session", "Excellent thinking",...This says it all and makes my day. Teneo Meetings Michael Nielsen, organiser HRcoreAcademy Cyriel is able to apply enormous amounts of creativity to his sessions. Whether it's about behaviour, strategy, team-spirit or out-of-the-box-thinking, it's always worthwhile exchanging thoughts with Cyriel! Nike Peter Lathouwers, Europe Business Intelligence Director Testimonials Sessions Pictures you can use to promote your event Get a quote Request a Quote Keynote of my preference submit Pictures Quot Anchor 3

  • keynote speaker Christophe Jauquet

    Christophe Jauquet Health marketeer on a mission to make the world healthy & happy. To be booked as/for Languages Tags Speaker, Moderator, Workshops Dutch, English, French Marketing Strategy, Customer centricity, Healthcare, Health trends, Technology impacting expectations ▶️ Watch Christophe on stage. Biography Topics Testimonials Pictures Get a quote Biography Christophe Jauquet is an internationally recognized author and keynote speaker, renowned for his fresh and distinctive perspective on critical topics such as customer centricity, innovation, and emerging trends. His presentations guide businesses towards expanding their horizons by emphasizing health and happiness in customer engagement, innovation endeavors, and future planning. Tailored to suit the specific objectives of each event, industry dynamics, cultural nuances, and audience requirements, Christophe's keynotes are consistently finely tuned and relevant. He has delivered speeches in over 25 countries across a wide range of industries including healthcare, consumer business, finance, travel, automotive, retail, and real estate. Christophe is the author of the book "Healthusiasm," writes a popular bi-weekly newsletter on future scenarios, and hosts a globally popular podcast on the US-based 'Shift Forward Health' Channel. He is recognized as a visionary leader, having been quoted by Deloitte in their 2022 Global Life Sciences Outlook and featured as a guest writer on renowned websites such as Healthcare Transformers by Roche. Before establishing his own business, Christophe held various roles as an intrapreneur at Pfizer Inc., where he received several global innovation awards. He further honed his expertise by collaborating with pharmaceutical companies such as Roche, Takeda, and GSK, as well as consumer brands like L'Oreal, Nestlé, and Pepsi. Today, Christophe Jauquet inspires business leaders about the future of business in a health-conscious world. He has developed innovative tools to efficiently implement his vision, working towards making the world a healthier and happier place, one business strategy at a time. Topics Customer Experience Customer Centricity Lees verder Every customer wants to be healthy & happy More Marketing Health & happiness Lees verder Why health & happiness is the single most important thing in (y)our lives More Innovation Innovation Lees verder Innovate for what matters most to your customers² More Sustainability & CSR No healthy people on a sick planet Lees verder Health & well-being as the biggest drivers of the sustainability trend More Future Trends Future Trends Lees verder The Transformational Economy More Christophe's marketing knowledge and health expertise sure did help us to make quick and future proof decisions. Colruyt Group Ignace De Nollin Christophe presented “The Pharma Momentum” at the kick off meeting for the Levant countries at Roche. It was an inspiring session for the entire team. We particularly liked the engaging discussions and interesting real life examples. Roche Talar Santourian, Head People & Culture, Levant & Iraq Christophe’s talk was the opening keynote at the Future of Healthcare Meetings in Cannes. He successfully set the tone for the rest of this global event, leaving our audience inspired and energized for the rest of the programme. The feedback we got was great and I would happily work with Christophe again in the future. ICCA Frances van Klaveren, Community Engagement Manager Christophe is an extremely powerful speaker, inspiring, driven, sharp, and quick. And he combines this with the skill and intelligence to build a superb keynote. Highly recommended! OMcollective Nathalie Vandermeersch, Communication & Event Manager Christophe brought us some new and different perspective to the larger marketing debate. I can only recommend congress organizers and content creators to involve him! Belgian Association for Marketing Alain Heureux Christophe presented at our European Health Insurance Event in Austria to an audience of C-level industry leaders. He is a remarkable speaker who brings an inspiring story in a compelling yet very simple way. Management Events Meriem Seghir, Content Producer Testimonials Sessions Pictures you can use to promote your event Get a quote Request a Quote Keynote of my preference submit Pictures Quot Anchor 3

  • keynote Knowledge Management

    < back Knowledge Management How to retain and grow your organization's knowledge More detailed information Your organization is like a barrel of knowledge. But how to keep this knowledge if employees leave? And how to train new employees faster? Or how to improve cooperation between employees, even across locations and cultures? Discover Knowledge Management as the ultimate approach to tackle these questions. Michael will introduce you to the 4 core elements of Knowledge Management. How to deploy them without expensive and inefficient software. How to merge them with the other aspects of your organization. Like the career tracks for your employees. So your employees no longer have to waste time looking for knowledge. So they don't have to reinvent the wheel. So mistakes won't reoccur. To make knowledge flow and GROW. To achieve more, TOGETHER with your employees. To ELEVATE your organization to the next level. Request a quote Submit About In short, he is a passionately curious and globally experienced Change Agent. His mission is to assist organizations in thriving alongside their people. He employs innovative and practical frameworks for Team Development and Knowledge Management, and he delivers talks and training sessions on Leadership, Management, and Personal Productivity. Prior to embarking on his journey as a solopreneur, he gained valuable experience in well-respected international companies. At Punch Powertrain, he established the R&D Department in China, and at ZF Group, he led the transformation of the global Product Validation Department within the Windpower Division. On a personal note, he is happily married and a proud father of two children. He enjoys sports, traveling, and personal development pursuits. Michael Houben Helping you grow a Benchmark Team with inspiring talks and trainings on Knowledge Management, Time Management and Intercultural Cooperation.

  • About Us | Speakersbase

    Keynotes The Post-Corona future Technology, Transformation and Innovation Climate, Sustainability and Energy HR, Company Culture and leadership Mental Resilience and Wellbeing Sales, Marketing and Customer Experience Business and Strategy The Post-Corona future The world we make after the corona shock Johan Albrecht How the corona crisis can strengthen the resilience of our economy and society. Professor Albrecht looks ahead to how the coronavirus can act as a game changer to change things fundamentally. With 20 years of the 21st century already behind us, we must say goodbye to the recipes of the 20th. Decisiveness, a sense of responsibility, efficiency, leadership and mobilisation of all our talents will be needed. The World Is Round Jo Caudron In Search Of The Post-Corona Future ​ In this presentation, Jo goes in search of what the world might look like both in the near future as in a decade from now. It provides a framework for businesses to deal with the many challenges and uncertainties that we are facing today and tomorrow. The Road to recovery Richard van Hooijdonk Onward and upward - to recovery, digital opportunities, and growth ​ Inspiring insights into the steps that organisations and sectors can take to successfully emerge from this crisis – or even more successful than before. Welcome to the future: a new reality Richard van Hooijdonk Managing uncertainty is becoming an increasingly important skill, but how do you do this? What kind of organisation do you need to get this job done? What is the ‘magic’ of digital business models in times of crisis? How can you shift the business model in such a way that you can actually benefit from this crisis? And how do you manage such an operation? Topic 1 Technology, Transformation and Innovation How to cope with CHANGE and cultivate a growth mindset Florence Pérès Change comes in many forms; at work, in life, planned or unexpected. Leaving behind what we know and are used to, is almost always stressful. But change is inevitable. So how can we improve our ability to cope with change, with challenging periods and crises? You'll get to know the 6 strategies to get a growth mindset, how to become more resilient and how to be more positive towards change. How to cope with CHANGE and cultivate a growth mindset Florence Pérès Change comes in many forms; at work, in life, planned or unexpected. Leaving behind what we know and are used to, is almost always stressful. But change is inevitable. So how can we improve our ability to cope with change, with challenging periods and crises? You'll get to know the 6 strategies to get a growth mindset, how to become more resilient and how to be more positive towards change. Andere tekst Florence Pérès Andere tekst Andere tekstAndere tekstAndere tekstAndere tekstAndere tekst The Corporate Unicorn?! Yoav Nir How can a Unicorn sprout from your Corporation? Is it at all possible and how do you get started? How big is the team and who should be in it? What is best practice and are there pitfalls? What does it take from top management? What is the link with sales and Customer Experience? How to cope with CHANGE and cultivate a growth mindset Florence Pérès Change comes in many forms; at work, in life, planned or unexpected. Leaving behind what we know and are used to, is almost always stressful. But change is inevitable. So how can we improve our ability to cope with change, with challenging periods and crises? You'll get to know the 6 strategies to get a growth mindset, how to become more resilient and how to be more positive towards change. Topic 2 Mental Resilience and Wellbeing Managing a hybrid workforce beyond COVID Tony Crabbe The talk explores practical strategies to help you succeed, collaborate better and find balance in our world of virtual teams and hybrid working. How do you, as a manager or leader, build team performance and mental health in a virtual and hybrid context. Business, Strategy and Management Managing a hybrid workforce beyond COVID Tony Crabbe The talk explores practical strategies to help you succeed, collaborate better and find balance in our world of virtual teams and hybrid working. How do you, as a manager or leader, build team performance and mental health in a virtual and hybrid context. Business, Strategy and Management Managing a hybrid workforce beyond COVID Tony Crabbe The talk explores practical strategies to help you succeed, collaborate better and find balance in our world of virtual teams and hybrid working. How do you, as a manager or leader, build team performance and mental health in a virtual and hybrid context. Business, Strategy and Management Managing a hybrid workforce beyond COVID Tony Crabbe The talk explores practical strategies to help you succeed, collaborate better and find balance in our world of virtual teams and hybrid working. How do you, as a manager or leader, build team performance and mental health in a virtual and hybrid context. Business, Strategy and Management Work-life integration Ann De Bisschop Wellbeing for the hyrbid worker! We have entered a new world: not only a new way of working, but also a new way of living. We no longer talk about Work-Life Balance but about Work-Life Integration. Ann gives an interesting talk full of concrete tips for more structure in your working day, for more focus and with the necessary attention for breaks. Business, Strategy and Management Feedback in practice Charlotte De Metsenare This workshop is the best way to train your feedback skills. A very practical and experienced-based workshop, where knowledge is immediately put into practice. Bring in your own real life cases! Business, Strategy and Management Managing a hybrid workforce beyond COVID Tony Crabbe The talk explores practical strategies to help you succeed, collaborate better and find balance in our world of virtual teams and hybrid working. How do you, as a manager or leader, build team performance and mental health in a virtual and hybrid context. Business, Strategy and Management Only Future-proof with happy and healthy employees Ann De Bisschop A webinar full of insights to get healthy, happy, and enthusiastic employees, with less stress and more resilience. Ann will provide you with a lot of tips and tricks and inspiring examples of other companies. Business, Strategy and Management Busy is for losers! Tony Crabbe An evidence-based and inspirational toolkit to escape perpetual busyness. It will help you to achieve more while feeling better! Business, Strategy and Management Whealthy Workplaces, Whealthy Employees Brecht Buysschaert A keynote full of disruptive thoughts and inspiring ‘daily life’ stories on the positive impact of whealthy employees in futureproof workplaces. Brecht will provide you with lots of tips and tricks to make your co-workers your best ambassadors. Business, Strategy and Management Wellbeing: not a cost but a mind-shift Ann De Bisschop A wellbeing policy is key if you want to be a future proof company. ​ 1. What can you do as an organization to have resilient and motivated employees? 2. As a team leader or manager, what can you do to increase the well-being of your employees? 3. How can you inspire and help employees to be healthy and happy? Business, Strategy and Management Beheer van een hybride personeelsbestand buiten COVID Tony Crabbe De talk verkent praktische strategieën om u te helpen slagen, beter samen te werken en balans te vinden in onze wereld van virtuele teams en hybride werken. Hoe bouw je als manager of leider aan teamprestaties en mentale gezondheid in een virtuele en hybride context. Business, Strategy and Management Recognizing and Reversing Burnout In Your Employees Mahdi Brown In This Webinar You Will Learn: What Burnout Is & How It Impacts Your Business The Top 5 Reasons For Employee Burnout What Employee Burnout Looks Like Recognizing The Symptoms of Employee Burnout Employee Burnout Prevention Strategies Employee Burnout Recovery Solutions Business, Strategy and Management How to cope with CHANGE and cultivate a growth mindset Florence Pérès ​ Business, Strategy and Management The Whealthy Leader Brecht Buysschaert 12 reasons why you should invest as a leader in workplace health and well-being management - “Happy and healthy cows produce more milk” Business, Strategy and Management Topic 3 Business and Strategy Building a Better Business Together Tom De Ruyck 4 Characteristics of a Future Proof Organization. In his new keynote talk, Tom will elaborate on how to create a culture of innovation and what the characteristics are of future-proof organizations. Topic 4 Climate, Sustainability and Energy Why the energy transition is not yet working Johan Albrecht ​ The Road to recovery How to cope with CHANGE and cultivate a growth mindset Florence Pérès Change comes in many forms; at work, in life, planned or unexpected. Leaving behind what we know and are used to, is almost always stressful. But change is inevitable. So how can we improve our ability to cope with change, with challenging periods and crises? You'll get to know the 6 strategies to get a growth mindset, how to become more resilient and how to be more positive towards change. How to cope with CHANGE and cultivate a growth mindset Florence Pérès Change comes in many forms; at work, in life, planned or unexpected. Leaving behind what we know and are used to, is almost always stressful. But change is inevitable. So how can we improve our ability to cope with change, with challenging periods and crises? You'll get to know the 6 strategies to get a growth mindset, how to become more resilient and how to be more positive towards change. Topic 5 HR, Company Culture and Leadership Blinded by Technology Tom De Ruyck Why the Future of Business is Machines + … Humans ​ In this presentation, Tom discusses the most important soft skills for the 21st century like ‘creativity’, ‘imagination’, ‘curiosity’ and ‘empathy’. A new perspective on your company's inclusion strategy Mariam Harutyunyan This keynote will offer new insights on marketing strategies that take into account how heterogeneous the world around us has become, but will also focus on the next step: What happens after you're able to attract diverse potential employees? How to hybrid working Models and key success factors Florence Pérès Florence looks at hybrid work from the perspective of 'work', how to organise for hybrid work and what the company, managers and employees have to consider to make a smooth transition. The 6 dimensions to measure and build trust Henri Cnops Understanding the 6 fundamental dimensions that are part of trust helps people to better understand themselves, seeing the roadblocks between people, and put the right things in place to increase trust and build 'feeling good' and top-performing collaborations. Fun Teambuilding Charlotte De Metsenaere Give your team a great moment to relax and laugh together and feel connected. Charlotte puts a smile on the face of your team members. See each other at work in a creative way, let go for a moment and connect. Through humor and fun games inspired by improvisational theatre. How to hybrid working Models and key success factors Florence Pérès Florence looks at hybrid work from the perspective of 'work', how to organise for hybrid work and what the company, managers and employees have to consider to make a smooth transition. Topic 6 Sales, Marketing and Customer Experience Welcome to the Age of Relevance Tom De Ruyck How to become a Consumer-led Business Today’s consumer and business reality are putting brands increasingly under pressure. Relevance is key! Learn why and how you can benefit from consumer centricity and being consumer-led. Welcome to the Age of Relevance Florence Pérès How to become a Consumer-led Business Today’s consumer and business reality are putting brands increasingly under pressure. Relevance is key! Learn why and how you can benefit from consumer centricity and being consumer-led. Welcome to the Age of Relevance Florence Pérès How to become a Consumer-led Business Today’s consumer and business reality are putting brands increasingly under pressure. Relevance is key! Learn why and how you can benefit from consumer centricity and being consumer-led. Welcome to the Age of Relevance Tom De Ruyck How to become a Consumer-led Business Today’s consumer and business reality are putting brands increasingly under pressure. Relevance is key! Learn why and how you can benefit from consumer centricity and being consumer-led. Your co-workers voices are gold! Patrick De Pauw How can you build a strategic employee advocacy program creating more business opportunities. Pause, Play & Fast Forward Tom De Ruyck Understanding Consumers in Times of Crisis In times of uncertainty and rapid change, brands may be unsure if and how to integrate the voice of consumers into their decision making. Whilst these unusual times call for unusual measures, the need to stay connected is ever present. Consumer-centricity is key, now more than ever. Topic 7

  • keynote Polarisation or (re)connection? It's your call

    < back Polarisation or (re)connection? It's your call Going beyond what divides us and finding what connects us, at the kitchen table, in the workplace and in society. More detailed information True inclusion is about going beyond what divides us and looking for what connects us. This world is full of polarisation. Ongoing geopolitical conflicts, important elections across the globe, top down leaders taking the front in more than one country, ... This world is full of connection. There are over 1 million volunteers in Belgium, companies working on more inclusive workplaces, youngsters driving societal change, managers moving towards a shared leadership style... Both statements are true. The question is: what do you focus on? You have to make a conscious choice every day. Will you focus on polarisation or focus on reconnecting with other people? In this talk Elke shares loads of hands-on ideas to reconnect, at the kitchen table, in the workplace and in society. Based on the insights from her 25 years career working for over 100 companies in the public and private sector, her experience as a mum of 5 in a blended family and her interviews for her Dutch podcast Bindstof . Request a quote Submit About In her vision of diversity, equity, and inclusion, Elke encapsulates her philosophy succinctly: "Don’t fix the people, fix the culture. " She believes that inclusive leaders play a pivotal role in making diversity work within organizations. They view diversity as a growth opportunity for the company, embracing challenges posed by differing perspectives and actively seeking diversity within their teams. Understanding that inclusion is not solely an individual responsibility but a collective endeavor, Elke has developed a model comprising five drivers, initially introduced in 2019 as part of her INSEAD Gender Diversity Program. In her podcast , she elaborates on her recipe for cultivating truly inclusive workplaces. Having shared her vision on inclusion through over 150 keynote talks and leadership workshops, Elke has assisted numerous companies in identifying their next best steps. In 2024, she launched the Dutch podcast Bindstof , featuring interviews with inclusive leaders across society, focusing on fostering connections beyond differences. Elke emphasizes the importance of creating awareness throughout organizations, identifying and transforming barriers for diverse talents into accelerators, and holding leaders accountable for change. Drawing from global best practices and the real-life experiences of hundreds of leaders, her solutions for inclusive leadership are rooted in tangible successes. Recognizing persistent barriers faced by women in non-inclusive workplaces, Elke founded Fierce Ladies in 2012, a platform where women support each other's growth. Through initiatives like role model talks, growth academies, and international retreats, Fierce Ladies aims to dismantle systemic barriers and empower women across sectors and generations. With a rich professional background spanning stakeholder engagement, corporate communications, public relations, and public affairs, Elke has collaborated with leaders in various spheres, including Microsoft, HP, and SBS media group. She has shared her insights on numerous conference stages and is a co-author of the book "Who run the world, the power of female leadership." As of April 2022, Elke serves as President of the Board at VDAB, the Flemish agency for employment, driving initiatives for an inclusive job market. At home with her husband Jo, Elke endeavors to foster inclusivity within their blended family of five children aged between 18 and 30, with the excitement of welcoming their first granddaughter soon. They believe that respecting and embracing the diversity of personalities and talents around their dinner table is fundamental to their children's growth. For Elke and her family, inclusivity is an ongoing journey of learning, with each day presenting new opportunities to cultivate inclusiveness. Elke Jeurissen Entrepreneur, Community Builder (Inclusive Leaders Connect, Straffe Madammen, 72Hours Reload), co-author of 2 books, (step)mum of 5.

  • keynote speaker Céline Malyster

    Céline Malyster Allow her to give your event a bit of oomph. Sharp-witted multilingual host and speaker. To be booked as/for Languages Tags Moderator, Host, Speaker, Workshops Dutch, English, French Sharp-witted multilingual host, Personal branding, Creative multipassionate ▶️ Watch Céline on stage Biography Topics Testimonials Pictures Get a quote Biography Being an entrepreneur with many years of management experience in various industries, Céline's broad knowledge enriches her professional capabilities. Knowing a little about a lot enables her to effectively moderate interviews, panel discussions, and podcast episodes. While she takes pride in her preparation and organizational skills, Céline admits that she is at her best when she can unleash her spontaneity. She understands that nobody says it’s easy, but also acknowledges that it shouldn't be boring either. Céline receives most compliments for her personal style - characterized by a tongue-in-cheek approach - and her ability to mentally store answers and quotes throughout events, seamlessly integrating them into questions or recaps. Nothing escapes her attention, and she ensures that each of her stage guests shines brightly. Topics Marketing From Identity to Image Lees verder The Power of Personal Branding for Entrepreneurs and Intrapreneurs More Celine Malyster is al sinds 2016 de vaste host van het Belgian Customer Contact Congress, het grootste evenement van de klantcontact branches, waar ze al met thema's als AI in contact centers, nieuwe innovaties en de impact hiervan op de medewerkers aan de slag mocht. Als organisator zijn we uiterst tevreden van Celine, die perfect tweetalig is en veel voeling heeft met het publiek en met onze sector. Ze scoorde in de meest recente evaluatie een 4,2 op 5 met alleen maar 4 en 5 scores. Wij zullen haar in de toekomst zeker nog boeken! Contactcenter Federatie Hans Cleemput, directeur Collaborer avec Céline a été un réel plaisir. Passionnée et professionnelle, elle a non seulement été à l’écoute de nos demandes, mais a aussi considérablement enrichi les conférences malgré les quelques imprévus. Son organisation et sa gestion du temps étaient impeccables. Un véritable rayon de soleil, Céline a su créer une atmosphère positive et engageante et a su mettre en lumière le différents speakers tout au long de la journée. Ecommerce, Social Media, Marketing Digital, Panel sur l’entreprenariat féminin, Innovation, Metaverse ou encore Programmatic Advertising, rien ne fait peur à Céline qui saura introduire toutes ces thématiques avec brio. Sa prestance et son aisance en public étaient toujours au rendez-vous, même avec des talons aiguilles pendant une journée entière.😉 Digimedia Manon Vandevelde Testimonials Sessions Pictures you can use to promote your event Get a quote Request a Quote Keynote of my preference submit Pictures Quot Anchor 3

  • Snackbox | Speakersbase

    Add an extra touch to your event with tasty snackboxes You're planning an event? Make it extra special and order a healthy snackbox for all participants. It's not only a pleasant surprise, but it also shows you care about the attendees and you walk the talk. Smart and healthy snacking contributes to a healthier body, more energy & better resistance, less pressure on our health system and a smaller ecological footprint. You can have it delivered to the participants at home for your online events, to a physical location or a mix of both. Basic A rigorously selected mix of 4 savory and sweet healthy snacks one healthy drink personal message and logo facts about healthy snacking a reference to the charity that you support by ordering this box. At home The snackbox is delivered to the (home) address of all individual participants. Do they live abroad? We ship all over Europe! The perfect way to have everybody in the right mood for your event! Medium A rigorously selected mix of 9 savory and sweet healthy snacks one healthy drink personal message and logo facts about healthy snacking a reference to the charity that you support by ordering this box. At your venue Do you want healthy snacks in your offices or at your event location? Plenty of options here: display with the number of snacks of your choice a goody box for your employees or customers shipping included Large A rigorously selected mix of 11 savory and sweet healthy snacks one bottle of cava a personal message and logo facts about healthy snacking a reference to the charity that you support by ordering this box. A combination Snack from any location. Combine the best of both worlds and we deliver at home as well as at your venue. Get a Quote Choose your box Where to be delivered? Send

  • keynote How to enhance a more sustainable cosmetic industry?

    < back How to enhance a more sustainable cosmetic industry? ​ More detailed information Cosmetics haven’t always had the best reputation when it comes to environmental and animal welfare considerations. However, the times they are a-changing, and over the last fifty years, the industry has developed in leaps and bounds to become more sustainable and eco-conscious. This presentation gives a short overview of green sustainable innovation and why that will enhance the green beauty sector as they meet the sustainable development goals drawn up by the UN. With this presentation you can learn: · What makes cosmetic products sustainable? · The difference between green, bio, natural, sustainable cosmetics · Does natural mean safe? Does chemical mean dangerous? · What are the new trends in green & more sustainable innovation for cosmetics? · Why are nanoparticles so predominant in the industry, and · Why are they a driving force for the future of the cosmetic industry Request a quote Submit About Dr. Ngomsik holds a PhD in physical and analytical chemistry and is a seasoned strategist specializing in climate change and corporate social responsibility. As the CEO and co-founder of Trianon Scientific Communication, a management consulting firm, Dr. Ngomsik leads efforts to assist businesses with the highest CO2 emissions in harmonizing sustainability with profitability. Over the past two decades, she has collaborated closely with board members and executives to promote awareness, embed CSR principles into business strategies, implement sustainable practices, provide training for decision-makers, and explore innovative green solutions. Dr. Ngomsik firmly advocates for addressing the interconnected pillars of people, planet, and profit to effectively tackle today's sustainability challenges. Recognizing the value of diverse leadership and inclusive environments, Dr. Ngomsik emphasizes their role in driving innovation, problem-solving capabilities, revenue growth, and reducing organizational CO2 emissions. She integrates these principles into her consultancy work, viewing corporate environmental and social sustainability as catalysts for enhanced profitability. Dr. Ngomsik's expertise extends beyond devising strategies for emissions reduction; she actively promotes increased diversity among decision-makers within organizations, both in inherent traits and acquired perspectives. Her engaging keynote speeches are renowned for simplifying complex concepts into relatable anecdotes, fostering inclusive and enjoyable interactions with her audience, and bridging the crucial connection between People, Planet, and Profit (3P). With her unique blend of expertise, communication prowess, and commitment to holistic sustainability, Dr. Ngomsik continues to be a sought-after speaker and consultant, driving positive change and impactful strategies across industries. Dr. Audrey-Flore Ngomsik TEDx speaker, named “most inspiring women in sustainability”, Audrey-Flore uses science to positively influence businesses to take actions to solve climate change challenges.

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