The Post-Corona future
The world we make after the corona shock
How the corona crisis can strengthen the resilience of our economy and society. Professor Albrecht looks ahead to how the coronavirus can act as a game changer to change things fundamentally. With 20 years of the 21st century already behind us, we must say goodbye to the recipes of the 20th. Decisiveness, a sense of responsibility, efficiency, leadership and mobilisation of all our talents will be needed.
The World Is Round
In Search Of The Post-Corona Future
In this presentation, Jo goes in search of what the world might look like both in the near future as in a decade from now. It provides a framework for businesses to deal with the many challenges and uncertainties that we are facing today and tomorrow.
The Road to recovery
Onward and upward - to recovery, digital opportunities, and growth
Inspiring insights into the steps that organisations and sectors can take to successfully emerge from this crisis – or even more successful than before.
Welcome to the future: a new reality
Managing uncertainty is becoming an increasingly important skill, but how do you do this? What kind of organisation do you need to get this job done? What is the ‘magic’ of digital business models in times of crisis? How can you shift the business model in such a way that you can actually benefit from this crisis? And how do you manage such an operation?
Technology, Transformation and Innovation
How to cope with CHANGE and cultivate a growth mindset
Change comes in many forms; at work, in life, planned or unexpected. Leaving behind what we know and are used to, is almost always stressful. But change is inevitable. So how can we improve our ability to cope with change, with challenging periods and crises? You'll get to know the 6 strategies to get a growth mindset, how to become more resilient and how to be more positive towards change.
How to cope with CHANGE and cultivate a growth mindset
Change comes in many forms; at work, in life, planned or unexpected. Leaving behind what we know and are used to, is almost always stressful. But change is inevitable. So how can we improve our ability to cope with change, with challenging periods and crises? You'll get to know the 6 strategies to get a growth mindset, how to become more resilient and how to be more positive towards change.
The Corporate Unicorn?!
How can a Unicorn sprout from your Corporation? Is it at all possible and how do you get started? How big is the team and who should be in it? What is best practice and are there pitfalls? What does it take from top management? What is the link with sales and Customer Experience?
How to cope with CHANGE and cultivate a growth mindset
Change comes in many forms; at work, in life, planned or unexpected. Leaving behind what we know and are used to, is almost always stressful. But change is inevitable. So how can we improve our ability to cope with change, with challenging periods and crises? You'll get to know the 6 strategies to get a growth mindset, how to become more resilient and how to be more positive towards change.
Mental Resilience and Wellbeing
Managing a hybrid workforce beyond COVID
The talk explores practical strategies to help you succeed, collaborate better and find balance in our world of virtual teams and hybrid working.
How do you, as a manager or leader, build team performance and mental health in a virtual and hybrid context.
Managing a hybrid workforce beyond COVID
The talk explores practical strategies to help you succeed, collaborate better and find balance in our world of virtual teams and hybrid working.
How do you, as a manager or leader, build team performance and mental health in a virtual and hybrid context.
Managing a hybrid workforce beyond COVID
The talk explores practical strategies to help you succeed, collaborate better and find balance in our world of virtual teams and hybrid working.
How do you, as a manager or leader, build team performance and mental health in a virtual and hybrid context.
Managing a hybrid workforce beyond COVID
The talk explores practical strategies to help you succeed, collaborate better and find balance in our world of virtual teams and hybrid working.
How do you, as a manager or leader, build team performance and mental health in a virtual and hybrid context.
Work-life integration
Wellbeing for the hyrbid worker!
We have entered a new world: not only a new way of working, but also a new way of living. We no longer talk about Work-Life Balance but about Work-Life Integration.
Ann gives an interesting talk full of concrete tips for more structure in your working day, for more focus and with the necessary attention for breaks.
Feedback in practice
This workshop is the best way to train your feedback skills. A very practical and experienced-based workshop, where knowledge is immediately put into practice. Bring in your own real life cases!
Managing a hybrid workforce beyond COVID
The talk explores practical strategies to help you succeed, collaborate better and find balance in our world of virtual teams and hybrid working.
How do you, as a manager or leader, build team performance and mental health in a virtual and hybrid context.
Only Future-proof with happy and healthy employees
A webinar full of insights to get healthy, happy, and enthusiastic employees, with less stress and more resilience. Ann will provide you with a lot of tips and tricks and inspiring examples of other companies.
Busy is for losers!
An evidence-based and inspirational toolkit to escape perpetual busyness. It will help you to achieve more while feeling better!
Whealthy Workplaces, Whealthy Employees
A keynote full of disruptive thoughts and inspiring ‘daily life’ stories on the positive impact of whealthy employees in futureproof workplaces. Brecht will provide you with lots of tips and tricks to make your co-workers your best ambassadors.
Wellbeing: not a cost but a mind-shift
A wellbeing policy is key if you want to be a future proof company.
1. What can you do as an organization to have resilient and motivated employees?
2. As a team leader or manager, what can you do to increase the well-being of your employees?
3. How can you inspire and help employees to be healthy and happy?
Beheer van een hybride personeelsbestand buiten COVID
De talk verkent praktische strategieën om u te helpen slagen, beter samen te werken en balans te vinden in onze wereld van virtuele teams en hybride werken.
Hoe bouw je als manager of leider aan teamprestaties en mentale gezondheid in een virtuele en hybride context.
Recognizing and Reversing Burnout In Your Employees
In This Webinar You Will Learn:
What Burnout Is & How It Impacts Your Business
The Top 5 Reasons For Employee Burnout
What Employee Burnout Looks Like
Recognizing The Symptoms of Employee Burnout
Employee Burnout Prevention Strategies
Employee Burnout Recovery Solutions
The Whealthy Leader
12 reasons why you should invest as a leader in workplace health and well-being management - “Happy and healthy cows produce more milk”
Business and Strategy
Building a Better Business Together
4 Characteristics of a Future Proof Organization.
In his new keynote talk, Tom will elaborate on how to create a culture of innovation and what the characteristics are of future-proof organizations.
Climate, Sustainability and Energy
How to cope with CHANGE and cultivate a growth mindset
Change comes in many forms; at work, in life, planned or unexpected. Leaving behind what we know and are used to, is almost always stressful. But change is inevitable. So how can we improve our ability to cope with change, with challenging periods and crises? You'll get to know the 6 strategies to get a growth mindset, how to become more resilient and how to be more positive towards change.
How to cope with CHANGE and cultivate a growth mindset
Change comes in many forms; at work, in life, planned or unexpected. Leaving behind what we know and are used to, is almost always stressful. But change is inevitable. So how can we improve our ability to cope with change, with challenging periods and crises? You'll get to know the 6 strategies to get a growth mindset, how to become more resilient and how to be more positive towards change.
HR, Company Culture and Leadership
Blinded by Technology
Why the Future of Business is Machines + … Humans
In this presentation, Tom discusses the most important soft skills for the 21st century like ‘creativity’, ‘imagination’, ‘curiosity’ and ‘empathy’.
A new perspective on your company's inclusion strategy
This keynote will offer new insights on marketing strategies that take into account how heterogeneous the world around us has become, but will also focus on the next step: What happens after you're able to attract diverse potential employees?
The 6 dimensions to measure and build trust
Understanding the 6 fundamental dimensions that are part of trust helps people to better understand themselves, seeing the roadblocks between people, and put the right things in place to increase trust and build 'feeling good' and top-performing collaborations.
Fun Teambuilding
Give your team a great moment to relax and laugh together and feel connected.
Charlotte puts a smile on the face of your team members. See each other at work in a creative way, let go for a moment and connect. Through humor and fun games inspired by improvisational theatre.
Sales, Marketing and Customer Experience
Welcome to the Age of Relevance
How to become a Consumer-led Business
Today’s consumer and business reality are putting brands increasingly under pressure. Relevance is key! Learn why and how you can benefit from consumer centricity and being consumer-led.
Welcome to the Age of Relevance
How to become a Consumer-led Business
Today’s consumer and business reality are putting brands increasingly under pressure. Relevance is key! Learn why and how you can benefit from consumer centricity and being consumer-led.
Your co-workers voices are gold!
How can you build a strategic employee advocacy program creating more business opportunities.
Pause, Play & Fast Forward
Understanding Consumers in Times of Crisis
In times of uncertainty and rapid change, brands may be unsure if and how to integrate the voice of consumers into their decision making. Whilst these unusual times call for unusual measures, the need to stay connected is ever present. Consumer-centricity is key, now more than ever.
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