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  • keynote Can Europe compete when it comes to tech?

    < back Can Europe compete when it comes to tech? ​ More detailed information A look at the past, present and future of the European technology industry in a global context, where technological innovation is fast becoming one of the most competitive advantages for any region on the geopolitical playing field. Request a quote Submit About Robin is a European technology journalist and media entrepreneur currently running the region's premier information portal and market intelligence platform, He is a frequently asked expert for international events to present data on the European tech scene, moderates panels and/or interviews executives, investors and policymakers. He is also the co-founder of Startup Europe Lens, a non-profit that aims to facilitate direct, regular and constructive dialogue between European policymakers and startup founders and founding member of BeCentral, the digital campus located in Brussels Central Station that has helped thousands of people learn technologies, grow a startup and have a positive impact on society. Robin Wauters Founding editor of European tech news and research platform; journalist, analyst, speaker, moderator and event curator. Co-founder of Startup Europe Lens and BeCentral.

  • Consultancy & coaching | Speakersbase

    Consultancy & coaching You feel inspired and want to take the next step? Are you short on time or expertise? Or there are certain skills you want to sharpen? Our consultants and coaches help to get you there! Consultancy Sometimes you just need an extra pair of hands or brain to turn that project into a success. Our multi-disciplinary experts can help you out. Also for short term assignments. Coaching Our coaches strengthen the performance of your leaders and co-workers, assist them in making key transitions, and enable them to alter behaviors that may be hindering their performance. Request more information What service do you want more information about? Choose the topic of your interest Submit Services form

  • keynote The essence of innovation from Woody Allen to Leonhard Cohen

    < back The essence of innovation from Woody Allen to Leonhard Cohen Inspiration and Hands-on advice to kickstart innovation in your organization. More detailed information It’s clear that innovation is crucial for the long term success or even survival of an organization. But how do you initiate and nurture positive change in your organization? In his talk, Bert Van Wassenhove uncovers the recipes for success in innovation and transformation. Senior executives and managers will appreciate this presentation for its motivational effect and the practical application it offers. The recommendations serve as a guide and inspiration to kickstart innovation in their company. In the presentation, the audience learns that curiosity, an open mind and especially a lot of hard work are the basis for innovation. After this talk, the participants will have a clear view on how to start and they will know how to avoid failure in the innovation and transformation process. Request a quote Submit About Bert Van Wassenhove is not a book publisher, but a "venture publisher", with significant experience in marketing and digital media – and by leveraging his network – Bert helps people and organizations take an innovative or transformative concept and turn it into a sustainable company. Today he is CEO of Solvice, an AI company focussing on solving complex decision intelligence problems. Authenticity is always a key value in his undertakings. Bert Van Wassenhove Venture publisher guiding innovative and transformative concepts to become sustainable companies.

  • keynote The Impact of AI: Chaos or Amazement?

    < back The Impact of AI: Chaos or Amazement? Navigating AI's Impact on Work More detailed information Join Clo Willaerts as she breaks down the real-world impact of AI on our work lives. This keynote explores the mix of challenges and opportunities AI brings, asking: Can it create chaos or amazement in our day-to-day professional experiences? Get ready for a down-to-earth exploration of AI's influence on how we work. In this captivating keynote, tech blogger Clo Willaerts, renowned for her critical insights, offers professionals a deep dive into the practical implications of AI in their daily work. Gain valuable perspectives on navigating the challenges and discovering the opportunities that AI brings to the table. Clo brings her unique blend of expertise and real-world examples to shed light on how your industry can thrive amidst the changing technological landscape. Book her now for an engaging and enlightening session that equips your team with the knowledge to embrace the future. Request a quote Submit About Clo is digital business expert, girl geek, tech optimist, avid keynote speaker, oldskool tech blogger, and published author. By day, she’s in charge of the postgraduate training “Digital Business” at KdG College in Antwerp. By night, she writes blog posts about robots making art, creates explainer videos on YouTube, and writes random chapters for what might some day become her 4th book. Lazy sins: listens to podcasts in bath and hopes one day AI will do her groceries. Clo Willaerts Clo is digital business expert, girl geek, tech optimist, avid keynote speaker, oldskool tech blogger, and published author.

  • keynote Sharp as a knife

    < back Sharp as a knife Cultivating personal leadership for success More detailed information Discover the secrets of personal leadership with Sofie Fransen in this compelling keynote. Drawing inspiration from her experience as a surgeon, Sofie emphasizes the importance of being "sharp as a knife" in both professional and personal endeavors. Through vivid storytelling and relatable examples, Sofie demonstrates how to hone your leadership skills and navigate challenges with precision and clarity. Get ready to sharpen your edge and lead with confidence in every aspect of your life. Request a quote Submit About Sofie Fransen is an abdominal surgeon with years of experience at the medical boardroom. She translates the principles of surgical precision with high-performance teamwork into business language. During her keynote, she invites you into the operating theatre. As a surgeon, she is accustomed to dealing with life-threatening emergencies. Her skills to make decisions at split seconds, combined with precise timing and focus, are necessary to work at this high level of performance. This way of working might be applied in every business. She encourages you to look through her surgical glasses. Observing your company's processes of timing, focus, and logistics from this surgical perspective may lead to the positive health of your company and its employees. Sofie Fransen As a surgeon and boardmember, Sofie emphasizes that surgical precision and teamwork are the key factors for the positive health of your business.

  • keynote How to collaborate in a more inclusive way in your team?

    < back How to collaborate in a more inclusive way in your team? workshop More detailed information Our teams are becoming increasingly diverse. We work with several generations and nationalities at the same time. This can be quite a challenge. Nevertheless inclusion is so needed to make people flourish. And this will highen retention. But how do we deal with this as an organization and more specifically as a leader or as a colleague? How do we ensure that we are not blinded by our own “backpack”? How can we as a team boost inclusion? We share 20 tips to work more inclusively as a team and employee. In addition, we do a dilemma exercise with colleague leaders and we facilitate a moment of reflection on it. All in order to provide you with concrete tools to work in more inclusive ways within your teams. Request a quote Submit About Julie's mission is to systematically increase engagement in the workplace, emphasizing the concept of bringing more FLOW into work environments. Flow represents a state of mind where individuals are highly engaged, motivated, and focused. It involves being completely immersed in tasks, driven by a powerful energetic force. Studies indicate that we spend only about 5% of our time in flow states, a statistic Julie aims to change. This motivation led her to establish her company – Flowspire, which seeks to foster connections within organizations and inspire employees to achieve better results for themselves, their colleagues, and society as a whole. Enhanced wellbeing and engagement contribute to stronger brands, increased loyalty, greater creativity, agility, and ultimately better outcomes—a proven fact. Julie brings unique perspectives to this arena due to her diverse background as a commercial engineer and over 15 years of international business experience. She has developed expertise in areas such as employer branding, change management, cultural shifts, leadership, and facilitation, working with companies of varying sizes from small to medium enterprises to multinational corporations. In her role as an Employee Engagement Architect and Facilitator, Julie formulates comprehensive change plans and ignites transformative movements within organizations. Additionally, she serves as a lecturer at Thomas More University, teaching courses on HR Trends and Employee Engagement. Julie is widely recognized for her high energy, deep expertise, and is esteemed for her balanced approach that combines results-driven strategies with a genuine care for people. Julie Heyvaert Employee Engagement Architect. Julie’s mission is to drive for more human energy on the workfloor.

  • keynote Digital Skills: Prepare your employees for the digital transformation

    < back Digital Skills: Prepare your employees for the digital transformation Are your employees future-ready ? What can they do to maximise their growth potential in a digital world. More detailed information Prepare your employees for digital transformation! Saskia will tell you how to collaborate digitally, make data-driven decisions and adequately protect one's data? Soft skills such as resilience, growth mindset, focus and empathy are also crucial in a digital world. What can they do to maximise their growth potential in a digital world? Request a quote Submit About Saskia leads the National Coalition for Digital Skills & Jobs for Belgium. In this role she focusses to skill/re-skill all talents to maximize the activation of everybody in the changing employment market going forward. As a manager, Saskia Van Uffelen always keeps a keen eye on the human aspects of collaboration in a company. She focusses heavily on ensuring the synergies between the different generations present in the workplace. In interviews, opinion articles and her book ‘Iedereen Baas! – Tous Patron!’ she encourages her colleagues to pay more attention to it as well. The world, our society, is changing and is screaming for a new model. We are living in a digital age, where everyone and everything is connected, where competition is no longer coming from within the sector and customers, users and citizens are in the driver’s seat. Data is gold and sharing is the new having. Dare to help build a new business world, with a balance between results in the short and long term. But dare just as much to help to build another society through personal life choices – a society that is ready for the next generation. ‘Dare for tomorrow’ is the title of her latest book. Saskia Van Uffelen How can we create a new culture in our organisations? Digital Skills Leader Belgium, boosting Future Skills and Jobs for everybody!

  • keynote speaker Jozefien De Feyter

    Jozefien De Feyter Sales expert empowering professionals to enhance sales strategies and cultivate meaningful connections in the digital world To be booked as/for Languages Tags Speaker, Trainer, Consultant Dutch, English Sales, Empathy Biography Topics Testimonials Pictures Get a quote Biography As the CEO of Blinc Sales Institute, Jozefien leads a team of experts dedicated to transforming sales organizations through comprehensive training, workshops, and consulting services. With over a decade of experience in the sales industry, Jozefien's exceptional knowledge and practical approach empower individuals and organizations to achieve outstanding results. As a dedicated sales consultant and coach, Jozefien leverages her deep understanding of sales techniques and innate ability to connect with others, providing tailored guidance to optimize performance and exceed targets. Her captivating stage presence, compelling storytelling, and actionable advice make her a sought-after keynote speaker, leaving audiences inspired to elevate their sales performance. Jozefien's book, "Less Contact, More Impact," has become a go-to resource, empowering professionals to enhance sales strategies and cultivate meaningful connections in the digital world. Beyond her expertise in sales, Jozefien's background in arts, teaching, and sales brings a unique perspective to her work. Her innovative strategies and real-world examples resonate with a wide range of audiences, making her an invaluable resource for corporations, educational institutions, and professional associations seeking to unlock the full potential of human connection. Furthermore, Jozefien enjoys using her musical talent to create magical atmospheres at important life events, such as weddings and funerals, where people can savor unforgettable moments. Topics People Skills Less contact, more impact Lees verder Why the human touch in sales is crucial in an increasingly digital world More People Skills Sell like a woman Lees verder Discover the power of feminine energy in sales More Sales Sales: It's Everyone's Business Lees verder Why every employee contributes to the revenue More I had the privilege of attending Jozefien de Feyter's keynote at our seminar in Ibiza. She delivered a keynote for our French-speaking clients on the topic of ROI: Touching People is Creating Customers. Jozefien's insights into the evolving landscape of customer engagement and acquisition left a profound impression on us. Her ability to dissect the complex interplay of "connexion" (connection) and "confiance" (trust), even within the hairdressing industry, was truly enlightening. In a world where customers seek highly personalized and unique purchasing experiences, Jozefien's keynote underscored the critical importance of expert guidance throughout the entire buying process. Jozefien's perspective on the challenges facing current hairdressers and the demanding expectations of customers came through clearly in her presentation. She not only identified the issues but also provided practical solutions and strategies to successfully navigate this changing landscape. Her passion and expertise shone through as she emphasized the need for our hairdressers to build personal connections with customers and instill trust during the buying journey. Jozefien's keynote was not only informative but also her interactive approach resonated strongly with the clients. In summary, Jozefien de Feyter's keynote at our Hairdressing Seminar 2023 was an eye-opening experience that inspired and motivated us to excel in all our sales efforts. Her enthusiasm and warmth will undoubtedly linger with us. Henkel Julie Van de Voorde Testimonials Sessions Pictures you can use to promote your event Get a quote Request a Quote Keynote of my preference submit Pictures Quot Anchor 3

  • keynote Wisdom and Impact

    < back Wisdom and Impact Create magnanimous leadership, beyond doubt More detailed information The ideal combination: wisdom and impact. How do you connect them? What do you have to offer and on what is it based? This keynote by Minke Tromp taps into key qualities of successful leaders: Strengthen insight and decisiveness, let your identity and managerial qualities synthesize, establish a balance between performance and reflection, and continue working with depth and effectiveness. Request a quote Submit About Minke's extensive experience as a boardroom consultant/coach and as a speaker/guest lecturer makes her the ideal conversation partner for navigating choices, decisions, and determinations. She enhances your capacity for critical thinking and provides alternative solution perspectives, enabling you to forge not only better but also stronger connections with yourself and your environment. Minke Tromp Applied Philosopher, entrepreneur, author and speaker with a passion for connecting wisdom and impact from a philosophical/anthropological perspective to provide added value

  • keynote Your co-workers voices are gold!

    < back Your co-workers voices are gold! How can you build a strategic employee advocacy program creating more business opportunities. More detailed information Request a quote Submit About After more than 20 years as commercial director in several international companies, Patrick decided to launch Social Seeder with his partners 6 years ago. The reason was that we all underestimate the gigantic power of word of mouth. Along the way, companies forgot how to really communicate with impact. It’s all about having relevant and authentic messages. Today, Social Seeder is helping over 250 organisations in their employee advocacy program, and whow…they have learned a lot; the failures, the quick wins, the do’s and don’ts on how to create an authentic footprint as an organization. Sharing these insights is Patrick's real passion. Patrick De Pauw CEO of Social Seeder. Employee advocacy expert.

  • keynote speaker Elke Struys

    Elke Struys Passionate about supporting other in being the best version of themselves, as a leader, intrapreneur,...a person...keeping it simple, yet effective To be booked as/for Languages Tags Speaker, Trainer, Consultant, Coach, Workshops English, Dutch leadership in balance, human-centric transformation, resilient teams Biography Topics Testimonials Pictures Get a quote Biography Elke is a strategy implementation and organization adviser, a change expert who, throughout her career, moved to the core of what this is all about; getting people into motion. Organizations, teams, leaders,… When she started to understand how people think, make decisions, and she found out how the informal interactions of people within an organization influence and impact engagement and productivity, she was able to design and guide transformations that make organizations thrive. As an entrepreneur, Elke was always driven by passion for her work and care for people. Nowadays, as an entrepreneur, she pursues a larger goal with the same level of high dedication and motivation. Therefore, it has become her duty to stay motivated all the time, for others to be their best version. To ensure success, also in the longer term, she had to learn to also take care of herself. This was the most challenging, yet the most fulfilling process so far in her life. And in order to continue to support organizations and people in being their best version, also in challenging times, she gladly inspires and supports them in putting this into practice as well. Focusing on performance and wellbeing in challenging times requires courage, confidence, and enthusiasm but also simple yet reasoned perspectives. You can expect hands-on tips and easy-to-apply techniques beyond the bog-standard tips. Elke shares insights and a language you can use with confidence and creativity to build awareness and trigger positivity and action at your workplace…and maybe at home. Topics Entrepreneurship Empowering welpreneurs: navigate stress and self-care Lees verder Unveiling the 4 Levers for entrepreneurial success More A big highlight on Elke as facilitator as she brought great energy, humor and insights. She is very caring, and creates a save context. ​ ​ Elke can create the most logical and clear stories and pull everyone in. I have never met a person that could explain things so well as Elke. ​ ​ Elke is a passionate person that is a great facilitator, capable to inspire others and also to make things understandable and easy. ​ ​ Testimonials Sessions Pictures you can use to promote your event Get a quote Request a Quote Keynote of my preference submit Pictures Quot Anchor 3

  • keynote speaker Jens Heitland

    Jens Heitland Former global Head of Innovation at IKEA Centres. Leading expert in corporate innovation and known for combining innovation and leadership to drive human innovation in organizations. To be booked as/for Languages Tags Speaker, Host, Coach, Consultant German, English Innovation, Leadership ▶️ Watch Jo Caudron on stage. Biography Topics Testimonials Pictures Get a quote Biography Jens Heitland combines Innovation and Leadership to Human Innovation. After Jens stepped down as global Head of Innovation IKEA Centres in 2019, he set out to accelerate the way organizations innovate successfully. He believes that processes and the organizational setup are just one part of the Innovation equation. Human Leadership is the missing part to innovate an organization successfully. Innovation + Leadership = Human Innovation Everything he does is part of this equation. Jens is considered one of the leading minds of corporate innovation. Known as CONNECTEUR he is described as a forward thinker and connector of thoughts, people and businesses by the people he engages with. Jens is an innovator at heart - he innovates businesses with people. Today he owns or co-owns several businesses. He is the founder of SUCCEED, a Leadership Education Platform that is set out to bring leadership education to 1 billion people by 2030. He owns The Human Innovation Academy where he and his colleagues help innovative leaders and teams to build innovation into their organizations. Jens owns HEITLAND INNOVATION, a company that helps organizations to innovate through an innovative interim Innovation Manager setup which has served clients in UK, Sweden, Denmark, Germany, United States, The Netherlands and Spain. In addition to contributing to several companies he lectures at StartUB! Barcelona University, Amsterdam University and is a Startup Mentor at StartUB! of Barcelona University. His podcast Human Innovation - The Jens Heitland Show ranks among the top podcasts in the innovation field globally. He is a public speaker and talks about human innovation, reverse mentorship and what he learned innovating at local and global positions in companies like IKEA, Deutsche Bank(M+W Zander) , Fjord (Accenture) and Foot Locker. Topics Innovation Innovate the Human Way Lees verder What I learned from innovating as the global head of innovation IKEA centres More Leadership Leading with Impact Lees verder Practical Tools that I utilized as the global Head of Innovation IKEA Centres. More Jens gave a guest lecture in our master’s program Entrepreneurship and Innovation, where he shared his expertise on financing new ventures. Jens, being an innovation expert, shared a lot of valuable knowledge regarding the process of entrepreneurial financing. He did not only share his expertise during the session, but he was also incredibly attentive and interactive with his audience. All the audience members were very inspired by his talk after the session. ​ ​ Jens is an extraordinary innovation coach that always find new insightful ways to push myself to do better. ​ ​ Testimonials Sessions Pictures you can use to promote your event Get a quote Request a Quote Keynote of my preference submit Pictures Quot Anchor 3

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