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  • keynote Introduction to the CARE Principles

    < back Introduction to the CARE Principles How can you grow your business while enhancing a positive impact on people & planet? More detailed information We are living in a transformational decade, with new employee and client demands. The CARE Principles' generic insight is about the social and sustainable role companies can play in people's lives. CARE also stands for 4 shifts in how to do business: collaboration, agility, reliability, and empathy. By implementing the CARE Principles, companies can take proactive steps to collaborate with stakeholders, increase agility in responding to changes, ensure reliability in their products and services, and demonstrate empathy towards customers and employees. This keynote gets you introduced and inspired by the CARE strategic framework to accelerate your ESG strategy and define your social, sustainable and impactful business strategy. #esg #companyculture #purpose #sustainability #sustainablestrategy #marketing #humanresources #impact Request a quote Submit About As an international keynote speaker, author and seasoned brand consultant, Isabel helps companies pivot toward a caring, sustainable, and impactful business strategy. The CARE strategic framework helps organizations transform with CARE, an acronym that stands for collaboration, agility, reliability, and empathy. Verstraete gives guest lectures with the CARE Principles at reputed universities such as Vlerick, Nyenrode, TU Delft or VU University in Amsterdam. Isabel researched during the pandemic how certain companies deal better with a crisis and discovered there is a pattern behind their success. She wrote a book about it called: ‘Does your brand care? Building a better world with the C A R E Principles.’ The C A R E Principles urges companies to place CARE for people and the planet at the core of the business strategy. Applying the CARE Principles starts internally by taking better CARE of your employees. The strategic model extends to clients, stakeholders, and CARE for the planet and taps into the ESG strategies. Isabel Verstraete Speaker, workshops, brand strategy expert, and author

  • keynote AI Lives?

    < back AI Lives? Navigating the Realities of Artificial Intelligence More detailed information ChatGPT is the buzzword of the past year. Suddenly everyone mentions and everything uses ChatGPT (or so they say). But there is much more to say about AI (Artificial Intelligence). What are the advantages of AI? Are there any disadvantages? Artificial intelligence is maybe offering hackers new sophisticated ways to intrude your systems. However It also allows cybersecurity software to detect suspicious behaviour much sooner. Has cybersecurity entered into a new league with AI? Even more questions will pop up and answered: Will AI fail in ways we do not understand? Will AI models set their own goals? Will AI be able to build better AI models, that people no longer control? What will be more evil: malicious AI or people using AI in an criminal way? What is the greatest threat for AI? And what about your job? 4 decades of security, IT and AI experience bundled in a pragmatic and passionate view about the real dangers and advantages of AI. Request a quote Submit About Eddy Willems is a globally recognized cybersecurity expert from Belgium. He serves as a board member for three prominent security industry organizations: EICAR, AVAR, and LSEC. Additionally, he holds the positions of Resident Security Evangelist and Global Security Officer at G DATA Cyberdefense. Eddy's involvement in the cybersecurity field dates back to 1991 when he became a founding member of EICAR, one of the world’s earliest security IT organizations. Throughout his career, he has held numerous additional roles within various security industry organizations. His expertise is regularly sought after by several CERTs, press agencies, print and online publications, as well as broadcasting media, including CNN. In October 2013, Eddy published his debut book, 'Cybergevaar,' in Belgium and the Netherlands under Lannoo. This was followed by a German translation and an updated English version titled 'Cyberdanger,' published by Springer in 2019. He is also a co-author of the Dutch science fiction cyberthriller ‘Het Virus,’ released in 2020. Eddy is renowned for his engaging speaking style and regularly delivers lectures and presentations worldwide, catering to audiences ranging from children to cybersecurity experts. He has spoken at prestigious events such as TEDx, captivating diverse audiences with his insights and expertise in cybersecurity. Eddy Willems Cyber Security Guru | Inspiring Speaker | Author #Cyberdanger | Security Researcher | Director | Security Evangelist at G DATA CyberDefense

  • keynote What matters to consumers: trends for today and tomorrow!

    < back What matters to consumers: trends for today and tomorrow! 12 consumers trends that highlight what matters to people More detailed information In a year infused with distress, instability and vulnerability, where we struggled through crisis after crisis, people are searching for meaning. The emerging trends for 2024 are centered around people recalibrating their roles and re-examining the world they live in and how they live in it. Whatever the context, this presentation will help you understand what matters to your audiences today and tomorrow. This is not just a trends presentation, but a story about what matters to people. Based on cultural and macro analysis, collaboration with leading-edge consumers, and a 17-market quantification, this story brings you 12 consumers trends that highlight what matters to people. Request a quote Submit About With 100 talks every year, Tom De Ruyck’s keynotes have inspired professionals across the globe to future-proof their business and ways of working. He has spoken in more than 50 countries and on 6 continents at major marketing, technology, customer experience and consumer insights events. Next to being Chief Growth Officer and Partner at global consultancy Human8, Tom is a teaching Professor at IESEG School of Management in Paris. He is co-author of 'The Consumer Consulting Board' and published over 80 papers and articles in academic journals and business magazines. Tom was awarded for his work many times, amongst others by the American Marketing Association, the CMO Council Asia and ESOMAR. Tom De Ruyck Tom’s talks will challenge your thinking and spark your view on the future of business & customer experience in this dynamic and high-tech world.

  • keynote Future Trends

    < back Future Trends The Transformational Economy More detailed information In this talk, Christophe examines the increasing challenges that emerging technologies and social shifts are posing for contemporary businesses. Crucially, he will help you decipher what these future trends will mean for your company within the context of a transformational economy, an environment where consumers are driven by the desire to make a positive impact on the world, their communities, and their own lives. (This talk can be adapted to various topics, including Artificial Intelligence, the Metaverse, Internet of Things, Health Trends, Sustainability, Social Justice, Globalization, etc...) Watch Christophe Speak: The Future of Self-care Request a quote Submit About Christophe Jauquet is an internationally recognized author and keynote speaker, renowned for his fresh and distinctive perspective on critical topics such as customer centricity, innovation, and emerging trends. His presentations guide businesses towards expanding their horizons by emphasizing health and happiness in customer engagement, innovation endeavors, and future planning. Tailored to suit the specific objectives of each event, industry dynamics, cultural nuances, and audience requirements, Christophe's keynotes are consistently finely tuned and relevant. He has delivered speeches in over 25 countries across a wide range of industries including healthcare, consumer business, finance, travel, automotive, retail, and real estate. Christophe is the author of the book "Healthusiasm," writes a popular bi-weekly newsletter on future scenarios, and hosts a globally popular podcast on the US-based 'Shift Forward Health' Channel. He is recognized as a visionary leader, having been quoted by Deloitte in their 2022 Global Life Sciences Outlook and featured as a guest writer on renowned websites such as Healthcare Transformers by Roche. Before establishing his own business, Christophe held various roles as an intrapreneur at Pfizer Inc., where he received several global innovation awards. He further honed his expertise by collaborating with pharmaceutical companies such as Roche, Takeda, and GSK, as well as consumer brands like L'Oreal, Nestlé, and Pepsi. Today, Christophe Jauquet inspires business leaders about the future of business in a health-conscious world. He has developed innovative tools to efficiently implement his vision, working towards making the world a healthier and happier place, one business strategy at a time. Christophe Jauquet Health marketeer on a mission to make the world healthy & happy.

  • keynote Excell!

    < back Excell! A testimonial on the interface between top-class sport and business. More detailed information This keynote is a testimony on the interfaces between top-class sport and the business world: coaching, ambition, teambuilding, how to deal with setbacks, stress management and motivation. No theoretical explanation, or scientific approach, but brought to you from the gut with examples from practice. Drenched in humour and a touch of drama. From top-class sport to being self-employed seems a big step, and it is. Nevertheless, there are many similarities. Gella's switch after sport went well. What counts are the results, both in sport and in business. Either the number of medals and cups, or the turnover at the end of the financial year. A coach or manager is a guide who directs, stimulates, motivates and confronts. Both in her judo career and in her second life as a self-employed person, Gella has to analyse the competition, innovate and scan the market, surfing on supply and demand. Motivation and ambition, stress, setbacks or injuries are inextricably linked to this. Top-class sport is her university of life and she now carries that with her as an entrepreneur. It remains a fascinating journey that Gella likes to tell about. As a guest speaker, she always tries to tell a story in a juicy and ad rem manner with anecdotes from her sporting past and fascinating present. Request a quote Submit About Gella Vandecaveye starts judo at the age of 8 at Judoclub Zwevegem. Her breakthrough came in '93 with a first world title in Hamilton, Canada and she successfully combines top sport and higher studies in communication management/journalism. In '96 she won a brilliant silver medal after a very difficult course. Breaking her neck in '98 and barely escaping the wheelchair, she became European Champion again 5 months later. Two months before the Olympic Games in Sydney 2000 she tore her cruciate ligaments in her right knee. In spite of this, she achieved a second Olympic bronze medal with a broken knee. 8 years after winning her first world title, she becomes world champion for the second time in 2001 and does not lose a single match that year. The reconversion after top sport is going smoothly and there is no question of the black hole. With the same determination, enthusiasm and commitment as in judo, she throws herself into her second life. A jack-of-all-trades, Vandecaveye is reorienting herself to become an independent entrepreneur in "PR & Sport Consulting" and is looking for exciting projects, new horizons and exciting challenges. Her professional activities are mainly focused on companies, the non-profit sector and sport for all. Her life's mission is to inspire people and promote a fit lifestyle through healthy eating, recreational events and sporting initiatives. On the other hand, promotional campaigns, judo initiations and demonstrations, travel shows, PR activities, team building, lectures and incentives also fill her agenda. As a cosmopolitan, she travels the world with her travel project Gella Goes Global. After her biography "Gella & Eddy, a neck-breaking duo", she will publish a second book. Thanks to, despite or partly due to the Corona crisis, Gella was stimulated to reorientate herself, and to reinvent and redirect herself for a second time. In addition to her "PR, Sport Consulting, Event" department, she added another "Real Estate, Renovation, Coordination" section to her professional activities! She takes care of people's renovations, in full transparency and in mutual consultation. Gella Vandecaveye Gella Vandecaveye, ex-judoka. Successfully combines top-level sport and higher studies in communication management/journalism, a paragon of willpower, perseverance and boundless ambition.

  • keynote Artificial Intelligence

    < back Artificial Intelligence Drivers for Success More detailed information Today, 80% of projects containing artificial intelligence (AI) ultimately fail to deliver on their intended promises to business. AI teams claims a major source of challenges is to be found in senior leadership who are lacking to see the value it can bring. However, is this the real problem? This keynote takes you behind the scenes of the AI world and looks in a non-technical way at the different components that are needed in order to succeed. According to research, despite increased interest in and adoption of artificial intelligence (AI) in the enterprise, only companies able to position AI in the new economical model (people, profit & planet) return value when it gets to AI. Multiple factors come into play when developing and implementing an AI project: Data, skills, domain understanding, company culture, AI strategy, data strategy, team setup, ... are a just few topics that play a key role in the success of AI projects. In this session, it will become clear that the major focus should not be on data and technology, but on people and processes. You will understand the current maturity of the technology and learn what’s needed to move beyond the typical PPP (Pilot, POC & Prototype) phase. The goal of the session is to guide you towards the successful drivers of AI projects in an accessible way. Request a quote Submit About Geertrui Mieke De Ketelaere is an Adjunct Professor at Vlerick Business School. She holds a master's degree in civil and industrial engineering and specialized in robotics and artificial intelligence during her studies. Over the last 30 years, she has worked for several multinationals on all aspects of data and analytics, including IBM, Microsoft, SAP, SAS, and others. From a business consulting perspective, she specializes in defining the AI business canvas, from potential value to predefined risks. With her deep understanding of the hindsight, insight, and foresight of AI technologies, she frequently serves as an expert and coach behind the scenes. In her public presentations and recent book, Mieke focuses on demystifying the hype around AI. In 2020, the State Secretary of Digitalisation, Mathieu Michel, appointed Mieke as the "Digital Mind." Additionally, she was the runner-up for "ICT Personality of the Year" in Belgium in both 2022 and 2023. Today, Mieke continues to share her vision for the future of AI as a speaker on international radio, television, and conferences. Geertrui Mieke De Ketelaere Mieke is an extraverted nerd, the engineer who balances profit, people and planet within all digitalisation efforts.

  • keynote Prevent Burnout

    < back Prevent Burnout Find your happiness! More detailed information For many centuries, people have been searching for an answer to the question, "What is happiness? Unfortunately, we are often in the dark. More than that, it seems that in the busy society with high expectations we have lost our way, resulting in a sharp increase in the number of depressions and burnouts. Happiness seems further away than ever. So what can you do to stay in balance? How do you find happiness? Within yourself. That is the basis of the Choose Conscious principle: everything you need to be happy is already inside you. Only the way to it is often blocked. In this keynote, Isabelle Gonnissen first unmasks a number of important misconceptions and pitfalls that stand in the way of a happy life. Then she will give you the seven building blocks of sustainable happiness, each of which will help you to get closer to yourself and your authentic values. The goal? To make the right life choices for you, and even more so: to get in touch with the core of your happiness, that place within you where all the answers lie. Happiness is waiting for you. Are you ready for it? Keypoints Explanation of the Choose Conscious principle: happiness lies within you! Debunking misconceptions about happiness Identifying the pitfalls that may be getting in the way of your happiness. Providing building blocks to be able to live more authentically and as a result be happier. Also available also as workshop. If you would like to highlight a particular aspect of happiness, we can certainly look at this together. Request a quote Submit About Isabelle Gonnissen is the driving force behind the successful campaigns of '30 Days Without Complaining' which have inspired over 2 million Belgians. In the last edition, a complaint barometer was launched. Thanks to its success, it provides 7 socially relevant insights that can contribute to less complaining and more productivity in the workplace. Isabelle is a lady with a mission: to inspire as many people as possible to complain less and to adopt a positive mindset! Why should you choose a positive mindset? A positive mindset allows you to face challenges and obstacles with an optimistic and solution-oriented attitude, attract positive opportunities and experience more happiness and fulfillment. Let a sparkling keynote motivate you to complain less, live more consciously and positively so you can be in your power and be happier. Isabelle is also the author of the book 'Choose Positive' and 'Choose Consciously'. She is a bio-engineer and works as sales director at Solvay/Syensqo. Isabelle Gonnissen Sales Director and the driving force behind the successful campaigns '30 days without complaining' and 'Complaint-free coffee'

  • keynote Focus your brain

    < back Focus your brain How to work with more focus and overcome distraction More detailed information It’s been called “The Productivity Paradox.” For all our technological innovations, productivity is declining ever more and stress levels are rising. The only way to achieve success in our work is to learn the art of focus. In the age of distraction and information overload, if we don’t master our attention, especially with jammers on the home front and the lack of the normal work routine when working remotely, we will never perform at our best. During this session, you will learn techniques in order to create more focus. You'll be able to: 1) apply the principles of deep work 2) manage your attention in order to be more efficient 3) avoid distractions and deal with information overload 4) learn how to set priorities 5) manage your reachability and availability 6) acquire a (remote and hybrid) meeting hygiene Request a quote Submit About “Fascinating and inspiring, instructive and full of enthusiasm. Florence understands the art of captivating an audience. Amazingly well brought, she anticipated the topics that matters to us ” according to a happy customer. Florence’s talks are based on 25 years of combined experience in the world of the Internet and digital media and mental well-being in the workplace. She held various roles in Sales & Marketing within the internet sector and worked for The Reference, ONE Agency, Dear Media and Duval Union Consulting (now Scopernia). Simultaneously, she delved into health sciences and was a certified mindfulness trainer for years. She was one of the core members of Better Minds at Work during several years. Today, she is Managing Partner of the speakers' bureau Speakersbase, which she co-founded amidst the COVID pandemic. Florence Pérès is the author of the reference work 'Digital Detox’ (Lannoo) and published 'Survivalgids voor tijden van verandering' (Lannoo Campus, 31/10/2023) and 'Survivalguide for times of change' (Lannoo Campus, available as of 15/12/2023). Expect passion, inspiration, interaction, evidence-based insights, practical tips & tools and a certain entertainment level during her presentations. Her keynotes are seamlessly delivered in Dutch, French, and English. Visit Florence Pérès Author, enthusiastic speaker and expert in coping with change, adaptive resilience, digital balance and focus.

  • keynote Attract, retain and develop diverse young talent

    < back Attract, retain and develop diverse young talent Changing trends in workplaces that are put in motion by the newest generations entering the job market More detailed information In a rapidly changing society, companies already have to sprint to keep up. Especially when it comes to representing society in the workplace. How can you attract and retain young diverse talent? And what about further developing their knowledge and skills? From Mariam's expertise and experiences with various companies she takes you through the different processes and zooms in on important factors that your company should pay attention to. Request a quote Submit About As a diversity and inclusion advocate and keynote speaker, Mariam aims to assist companies in elevating diversity and inclusion on their agendas and understanding the associated benefits. After obtaining her Master's degree in Biomedical Sciences from KU Leuven, she pursued further studies in consumer neuroscience. Mariam has supported various startups and organizations in enhancing their marketing strategies and visibility, with a particular emphasis on diversity and inclusion. Additionally, Mariam is the founder and owner of the statement streetwear brand, KinArmat - female roots in Armenian-. The brand's statements are designed to initiate conversations on topics ranging from gender equality and diversity to female empowerment. Mariam has been invited multiple times as a speaker to share her expertise and experiences, as well as to narrate the story of KinArmat and its marketing strategies. By heeding the insights of a young and diverse woman, companies gain a fresh perspective on marketing methodologies, crucial for attracting diverse talent and fostering inclusivity within their organizations. Mariam Harutyunyan Diversity and inclusion advocate. It's time to start talking about your company's inclusion strategy from marketing to company culture.

  • keynote Thriving in the Age of the Virtual Economy

    < back Thriving in the Age of the Virtual Economy Get ready to delight the new generation of customers 👩‍🎤 More detailed information There is a new generation waiting on our doorsteps, flourishing in virtual worlds and virtual communities. They think and act differently, from leisure over work and everything in between. The third wave of the Internet is unfolding in front of our eyes, but what is it about and which opportunities will the emerging virtual economy create for businesses, governments & society at large? How do you win in a world accelerated by artificial intelligence, immersive virtual environments, and blockchain technologies? Learn how the Magic Triangle of Community, Experience & Loyalty is the key to stay closer than ever to your customers. Request a quote Submit About Dado Van Peteghem is a seasoned entrepreneur, renowned speaker, and thought leader in digital transformation, innovation, and ecosystem thinking. As a founding partner at the transformation advisory firm Scopernia, he has been instrumental in guiding organizations towards embracing the digital age. Dado is also a co-founder of startups such as Social Seeder and Speakersbase, platforms that have made significant impacts in their respective industries. Dado holds a degree in Communication & Computer Sciences from the University of Ghent, where his passion for merging technology with strategic communication first blossomed. Over the years, he has delivered over a hundred keynote speeches annually, captivating audiences with insights into the intricacies of digital transformation and innovative strategies for success. As an accomplished author, Dado has contributed to the business world with his published works. His previous books include "Digital Transformation" (2014) with Jo Caudron, "Corporate Venturing" (2018) with Omar Mohout, and "Metasystems" (2020) with Nils van Dam, all of which have been well-received for their practical wisdom and forward-thinking perspectives. Dado's latest book, "The Virtual Economy," co-authored with Jeremy Denisty, delves into the evolving landscape of virtual worlds and communities. In this groundbreaking exploration, Dado and Jeremy shed light on the emerging opportunities within the third wave of the Internet, characterized by artificial intelligence, immersive virtual environments, and blockchain technologies. "The Virtual Economy" offers a roadmap for businesses, governments, and society to harness the potential of this new era, providing strategies to engage and serve the next generation of customers, communities, and citizens. As a member of the strategy committee at leading fashion group Chalhoub Group in Dubai, Dado brings a global perspective to his work, often bridging insights from the Middle East and Asia with international trends and best practices. With his deep expertise and visionary outlook, Dado Van Peteghem continues to inspire and empower organizations worldwide to thrive in an ever-evolving digital landscape. Dado Van Peteghem Leading expert in the digital sector, frequent speaker, author and entrepreneur.

  • keynote Dynamic equilibrium, from (im)power to strength in work relationships

    < back Dynamic equilibrium, from (im)power to strength in work relationships How a dynamic balance in working relationships can ensure that everyone can use their full potential to achieve great results together. More detailed information In his first book 'Build your dream team', author Johan De Keyser firmly stated that a high-performance team consists of strengthful personalities who are willing to work together to realize a collective dream. And that you do this on the basis of trustworthiness, in all openness and with clear agreements that team members hold each other to account while monitoring their progress. But how do you do that in everyday reality? Because in practice these qualities prove to be more difficult to implement than hoped. What are the relational dynamics that play a role in this collaboration? How do you become a strengthful personality, so that you also practice self-care? How do you deal with this as a team leader or team member? How do you find dynamic equilibrium and move from powerlessness to strength? How do you ensure equivalent relationships within a collaboration? How can you ensure that employees feel really involved, so that they enjoy realizing the set goals and dreams? In a smooth, interactive way, Johan De Keyser makes clear how a dynamic balance in working relationships can ensure that everyone, both inside and outside the organization, can use their full potential to achieve great results together. 'Dynamic Equilibrium' gives you innovative and stimulating insights that make you think, make you consciously reflect and give you the desire to get started right away.' Request a quote Submit About Over the past 30 years, Johan De Keyser has had the privilege of coaching and training a tremendous number of people, teams and organizations. From alcohol and drug addicts to people with depression or burnout. Both in the social sector and in education. But also in companies and SMEs, from workers to CEOs. He was a ward coordinator in a psychiatric hospital for two years, a Team Development Coach at Lineas, the largest private rail freight operator in Europe, an individual coach and therapist at the therapeutic center Tripsyco and a sociotherapist at day center De Welving of AZ Sint Maarten / Emmaus. In October 2018, his first book "Build your dream team" was published. May 2023 his second book 'Dynamic balance' will be published (both by LannooCampus). Johan De Keyser Expert on how to tackle toxic cultures by building dreamteams with powerful people in equivalent relationships. Author of 2 books and the first Humorologist of the BeNeLux.

  • keynote AI-Powered Sales

    < back AI-Powered Sales Introduction to AI for the non-technical Sales Professional More detailed information Whether you're an experienced sales professional, leader, or newcomer, the integration of multimodal AI (text, video, audio, visual, music) into your team and workflows is, nowadays, a necessity. AI integration into your own work process includes evaluation, retraining, understanding of basic principles, and the creation of a strategic roadmap. This AI "bootcamp for non-technicals" covers the various aspects of AI work integration while explaining technical jargon. Learn the language of the LLM, and we'll take the first steps towards an AI-Human workflow. PART I: AI Basics What is AI and how does it work? A Look into the AI brain What you need to know about Co-creation? The AI Sales Funnel every step of the way AI and Human skills PART II: Multimodal AI The multimodal world: Text, Visual, Voice, Video Tools and Opportunities AI integration, policy and applications in sales External Audit: Future-oriented Work The Future: Singularity, Quantum Computing Questions & Answers Request a quote Submit About Speaker, author, trainer and coach, Fiona is a specialist of the Human at Work, leadership and the integration of AI into our working lives. She focuses on positive culture and engagement for large multinationals. Fiona is the author of the Comic Books for Executive Series and produces a regular podcast and video series called “Working Humans”. Her latest book, “The Handbook for Post-Covid Engagement” won at the UK Business Book Awards and received a Goody Award for thought leadership. Her new book is entitled “AI Powered”, due for release this year. Fiona spent many years in the corporate space in HR, in the area of internal communications and employee engagement. She has been Creative Lead, Senior Visual Communicator, Innovation Advisor, Explainer and Storyteller for some of the largest multinationals in Europe, in Vienna, London, Budapest, Brussels and Amsterdam. In 2020 she achieved a master’s in business management and AI concentration. Today, Fiona is a highly effective visual storytelling and stand-up comedian in training. She weaves solid, serious, research-driven advice with laughter and fun, guides for improving our working lives at any organization. Fiona Passantino Speaker, author, podcaster, thought leader. Expert on the Human-AI connection: engagement, communication, culture and AI integration.

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