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  • keynote What can you learn from nation-state cyberattacks?

    < back What can you learn from nation-state cyberattacks? 3 decades of cybersecurity experience bundled in a short pragmatic and passionate view More detailed information Eddy Willems will give you his view on nation-state cyberattacks during this lecture. What should you be afraid of as a company, organization or as an individual? Are you sure you did the right thing to be ready? Are nation-state attacks not exaggerated? Eddy dives into the dark world of nation-state attacks and analyzes a couple of examples. What are the real lessons we can learn from those cyberattacks until now? Are nation-state attacks different from other cyberattacks? 3 decades of cybersecurity experience bundled in a short pragmatic and passionate view on what we all can learn from the biggest cyberattacks now and in the future. Request a quote Submit About Eddy Willems is a globally recognized cybersecurity expert from Belgium. He serves as a board member for three prominent security industry organizations: EICAR, AVAR, and LSEC. Additionally, he holds the positions of Resident Security Evangelist and Global Security Officer at G DATA Cyberdefense. Eddy's involvement in the cybersecurity field dates back to 1991 when he became a founding member of EICAR, one of the world’s earliest security IT organizations. Throughout his career, he has held numerous additional roles within various security industry organizations. His expertise is regularly sought after by several CERTs, press agencies, print and online publications, as well as broadcasting media, including CNN. In October 2013, Eddy published his debut book, 'Cybergevaar,' in Belgium and the Netherlands under Lannoo. This was followed by a German translation and an updated English version titled 'Cyberdanger,' published by Springer in 2019. He is also a co-author of the Dutch science fiction cyberthriller ‘Het Virus,’ released in 2020. Eddy is renowned for his engaging speaking style and regularly delivers lectures and presentations worldwide, catering to audiences ranging from children to cybersecurity experts. He has spoken at prestigious events such as TEDx, captivating diverse audiences with his insights and expertise in cybersecurity. Eddy Willems Cyber Security Guru | Inspiring Speaker | Author #Cyberdanger | Security Researcher | Director | Security Evangelist at G DATA CyberDefense

  • Overview | Speakersbase

    Our Services Speakersbase is not just a speakers agency. We believe in the power of inspiration, but we don't stop there. We walk the talk. That's why we also offer additional services in order to truly effect change. Keynotes 100 top notch speakers who master the art of engaging their audience. Each and every one of them covers a topic that is extremely relevant for today's world we live in. Hosting & moderation 12 hosts and moderators that make your event a success. They make sure everyone feels welcome and that the day runs smoothly. And they are multi-lingual, of course. Teambuilding Sometimes it doesn't have to be too serious. That's why we also provide teambuildings with a twist. They promote team dynamics and are memorable, every time. Training Never underestimate the power of a training. They enhance employee performance, boost employee productivity, reduce employee turnover, and improve company culture. Workshops You feel inspired and want to take the next step? The best way to move forward is having one of our experts guide you. We bring the most relevant insights to the meeting table. Consultancy & coaching Workshops and trainings already take you a long way, but sometimes it's not enough to reach your final destination. With our consultants and coaches it is. Also for individual guidance. Request more information What service do you want more information about? Choose the topic of your interest Submit Services form

  • keynote Omgaan met grenzen

    < back Omgaan met grenzen Voorkom burn out en leer je grenzen aan te geven More detailed information “Ik doe het snel zelf want tegen dat ik het heb uitgelegd” “Wat gaan ze van me denken als ik nee zeg?” “Vinden ze me dan nog wel leuk?” Een grens is een scheidingslijn tussen twee dingen of mensen. Dat kan tussen landen zijn, tussen de zee en de lucht, tussen jou en je medewerkers, en ook tussen wat je wél kan en niet kunt, of wat je wél wil en niet wilt. De meesten onder ons vinden het erg lastig om te aan te geven, laat staan te bewaken. Vaak zijn ze al overschreden alvorens we het voelen dat we er weer over zijn gegaan. Je grenzen zelf leren kennen en voelen is dan ook de eerste stap in het beter beheren van die scheidingslijn. We hebben dit immers niet zo goed geleerd, en staan vaak eerder ten dienste van de ander. In deze keynote gaat Veerle dieper in op jouw grenzen, hoe ze te voelen, aan te geven en te bewaken. Deze keynote is voor leidinggevenden en medewerkers die willen leren hoe ze met grenzen moeten omgaan. Waar eindigt jouw grens en waar start die van je collega? Voor teams die gaan voor: … betere communicatie; … een open omgeving die uitnodigt tot werkgeluk; … minder frustraties en meer werkgeluk; … gezonde medewerkers die hun grenzen voelen en aangeven; … meer en beter samenwerken. Wie denkt aan grenzen, denkt heel vaak aan ‘nee’ zeggen tegen bepaalde taken. In deze keynote ontdek je dat grenzen over veel meer gaat dan dat. In deze keynote leer je hoe je… … je grenzen kan voelen; … je grenzen kan aangeven; … blijft communiceren vanuit verbinding; In een uur deelt Veerle haar kennis, inzichten rond dit thema. De keynote is opgebouwd rond praktische handvaten en ervaringen. Ook als workshop van 2u beschikbaar! Request a quote Submit About As an actress, she is highly attuned to her breathing, which forms the basis of how she utilizes her body as an instrument to embody a role. In her role as a coach, she is well-versed in understanding the impact of stress on the body. She harnesses the power of breath, which is readily available to everyone, to attain more rest, a crucial element for personal growth. She encapsulated this knowledge in her book "ADEMRUIMTE." By cultivating awareness of emotions and their physiological effects, by observing and gaining control over our thoughts, and by using breathwork to release tension from the body, individuals can create literal and metaphorical space. This space allows for better stress management and enhances enjoyment in various aspects of life such as work, relationships, and health. Veerle boasts over a decade of experience in the business realm, having developed numerous workshops and training programs focusing on wellbeing, creativity, and communication. Through her webinar titled "Hoe creëer ik meer ademruimte mentaal en emotioneel?" (available in Dutch only), participants can invest in their company's most valuable asset: its people. Veerle Dobbelaere Human behaviour and emotions have no secrets for Veerle, since she masters them being an actress. As a professional certified coach she uses this experience to improve collaborators' well-being.

  • keynote speaker Leo van Woerden

    Leo van Woerden Son of doctors, misdiagnosed with ADHD. Leo is a neuroscientist, speaker, coach, consultant and trainer. Giving neuroscience crash-courses using his drums. To be booked as/for Languages Tags Speaker, Trainer, Coach, Consultant, Workshops Dutch, English Sleep, Biohacking, Neuroscience, Mental balance, Wellbeing ▶️ Watch Leo's TEDx Biography Topics Testimonials Pictures Get a quote Biography Leo Van Woerden is not just a neuroscientist and sleep expert; he embodies a lifelong dedication to unraveling the mysteries of the human brain and optimizing our well-being. With a rich background as the son of doctors and growing up in a bustling household of six siblings, Leo's innate energy and curiosity were apparent from a young age. His journey into neuroscience was sparked by his own experiences with ADHD, a diagnosis that fueled his passion for understanding human biology and optimizing performance. Leo's studies at the Vrije Universiteit in Amsterdam illuminated the profound impact of lifestyle factors, particularly sleep, on cognitive function and mental health. This insight became the cornerstone of his work. Leo's expertise extends beyond theory; he has developed practical products and techniques aimed at achieving optimal states of mind, focus, energy, and sleep. Through personalized insights and a deep understanding of neuroscience, Leo empowers individuals to take control of their health by shaping their behaviors, nutrition, and environment. Drawing on his comprehensive knowledge of the brain, sleep science, nutrition, and natural supplements, Leo has crafted tailored solutions designed to meet the unique needs of the modern, Western lifestyle. His mission goes beyond education; Leo combines his positive energy and drumming skills to create engaging workshops, lectures, and training sessions that offer participants a captivating "neuroscience crash course." Leo's approach is not just informative but transformative. He connects with audiences on a personal level, instilling a sense of empowerment and motivation to enact lasting changes. With Leo's guidance, understanding, and enthusiasm, navigating the complexities of brain health and well-being becomes not only manageable but an exciting journey towards optimal living. Topics Resilience & Well-being Sleep Samurai Lees verder Learn to sleep deeply and "faster" and make this the tool for your health, growth and happiness More Specials Yoga Nidra Neuroscience Crash Course Experience Lees verder A workshop combining of neuroscience, drumming, yoga and singing More Leadership Leadership and vitality growth program Lees verder For leaders looking to improve their team's performance More Specials Heart & Mind Drum workshop Lees verder An experience of drumming the biological and resonating together More Leo is a very passionate speaker and motivator. Over 20 years of research and knowledge of sleep and what it does to our lives. Sleep is the foundation on which we function. Leo helps you strengthen that foundation. A recommendation for anyone who wants to make a difference from a strong foundation. ​ Elly Blanksma-van den heuvel, Mayor of Helmond Leo is a true sleep expert and this was evident during a workshop Leo recently gave at Unilever on the importance of good sleep. I think sleep is 1 of the most underrated parts of lifestyle. His story had good content and Leo works evidence-based without making it complicated. He also delivers the content in a very creative way. Definitely worth inviting Leo to your company. Unilver Iris Cremers I recently got to experience a workshop by Leo. What a successful session! Leo knows how to captivate people like no other in his own authentic and inspiring way. You can hear (also by using his drum), see and feel that. His approach is also interactive, down-to-earth and to-the-point, explaining difficult medical terminology in an understandable way. If you want to learn to sleep well and therefore function better, take a look at his website or attend one of his webinars. I have benefited from it! ​ Folkert Venema Testimonials Sessions Pictures you can use to promote your event Get a quote Request a Quote Keynote of my preference submit Pictures Quot Anchor 3

  • keynote speaker Saartje Vandendriessche

    Saartje Vandendriessche Saartje makes sure everyone goes home with an energy boost To be booked as/for Languages Tags Speaker, Host, Workshops, Moderator, Coach french, English, Dutch Energy, Healthy food, Health mindset, Excercise Biography Topics Testimonials Pictures Get a quote Biography Saartje Vandendriessche earned her stripes in the media. For 17 years, she worked for VRT and made several adventurous programmes. Just think of Op de man af, Saar in het bos and Beweeg in uw kot; programmes in which Saartje had to get out of her comfort zone and was confronted with fascinating challenges. Today, her challenge is to inspire as many people as possible to live life with more energy. Through keynotes, teambuildings and energy boost camps ( 2-day mini retreats), she raises participants' energy levels in all areas (via food, exercise , sleep and especially our mindset). And she shows the way to a healthy lifestyle with tons of energy. She does this, as always, in her own stubborn, energetic way, and with the necessary dose of humour. Topics Specials Wild foraging: local power foods Lees verder Teambuilding that nurishes the stomach and soul More Resilience & Well-being Master your energy Lees verder More energy and well-being in the workplace More Resilience & Well-being Cold therapy Lees verder Teambuilding that provides an energy boost More Testimonials Sessions Pictures you can use to promote your event Get a quote Request a Quote Keynote of my preference submit Pictures Quot Anchor 3

  • keynote The (engaged) digital workplace

    < back The (engaged) digital workplace Master this new context of work from anywhere, anytime from any device and an even fiercer war on talent More detailed information The pandemic accelerated the implementation of the digital workplace. Organisations managed to remain productive and to keep the communication alive by using the latest digital collaboration tools. In this new context of work from anywhere, anytime from any device and an even fiercer war on talent than ever before, companies with a strong identity and outspoken organisational culture will be the winners of tomorrow. Inge provides leaders the necessary tools to attract, engage, retain and inspire the right people for your tribe, all along the digital transformation. Based on a phygital approach: genuine, real live employee experiences, measured, facilitated and enhanced with data. Resulting in a stronger (employer) brand and higher customer experience and, thus, growth. Request a quote Submit About Co-founder of Herculean Alliance, home to formats like Employee Engagement Awards and Hercules Trophy. Inge led employee experience projects in 10 countries. This international background, combined with a hunger for knowledge, gave her wings to specialise in the 12 drivers of employee engagement. Inge is strategic advisor to Dubai Police and speaker for United Nations Women. She’s passionate to solve the challenges of disconnected employees in a hybrid working environment. Author of “Employee Engagement, what else?” with Klaus Lommatzsch, to help leaders up their engagement game using best marketing practices. You will appreciate Inge’s energy: a combination of her authentic personality, refreshing creativity, witty humour and work ethic. Inge’s favourite quote is: “We rise by lifting others”, summing up her determination to make the world a better place, one employee at a time. Inge van Belle Restless entrepreneur with corporate background in communication & sales. Dubai based Employee Engagement aficionada.

  • keynote The Privacy Revolution: A New Era of Customer Engagement in the Wake of Third-Party Cookies

    < back The Privacy Revolution: A New Era of Customer Engagement in the Wake of Third-Party Cookies The Role of Customer Data Platforms and How to translate this to your world More detailed information The digital marketing landscape is undergoing a seismic shift, with the end of third-party cookies, the increasing focus on privacy by major tech players such as Apple, Google, and Meta, and the rise of innovative solutions like data clean rooms and customer data platforms. Marketers must stay agile and adapt to these changes to thrive in this ever-evolving space. This keynote session will help you navigate the privacy revolution and emerge as a trailblazer in the post-cookie world of digital marketing. It will build a bridge with the revolution and the technology needed to cope with it. Topics covered: As third-party cookies become a thing of the past, marketers must now rely on new strategies and tools to reach their target audience effectively. We will show you tactics and strategies that have proven to work in real life The importance of first-party data has grown, urging marketers to strengthen their relationships with customers and foster trust. The emergence of data clean rooms and customer data platforms offers promising alternatives, enabling secure data sharing and collaboration while maintaining privacy and compliance. We will navigate this forest of Martech together. You will find out new ways to identify and engage with your audience We will share examples of data monetization strategies in retail, banking and insurance We will share examples of how to build an ecosystem and show you who’s done this before We will walk through the ROI and economics of new technologies such as Customer Data Platforms and Data Clean Rooms Request a quote Submit About No, this is not another keynote speaker that talks Metaverse, Web3.0 nor is it about NFTs. This is about future-proof but pragmatic data-driven approaches that work today. This is a talk Google, Facebook and your media agency will not want you to follow. It's about becoming data-driven? How to mine data as the new gold as you manage the next wave of privacy revolutions beyond what the law is instructing us. Want to find out how a major bike manufacturer created a hybrid ecosystem as they leveraged their digital dominance for the benefit of both their resellers and themselves? And how about making a dress part of your attribution model? Filled with real-life examples that have shown their value and proven to work the sessions are filled with mechanics and tactics that are applicable across industries. Prior to founding GrowthAgent, Renout was a founding employee of in Belgium over 13 years ago, and prior to that played a key leadership role in growing Dell both in Belgium and in EMEA. Today Renout is the Managing Partner of GrowthAgent - the martech agency within, and the author of Obsessed - a best seller that touches upon the new paradigm Customer Data Platforms bring as a technology concept. Renout van Hove Multipotentialite, co-Author of #Obsessed - Founder of, finds himself comfortable at the intersection of Advertising, Data ecosystems, Privacy and Technology

  • keynote Storytelling

    < back Storytelling Stories build brands and organisations More detailed information Why do we need, use and love stories? Why are they so important in the digital arena and how can organizations benefit from them? What is needed to make good stories, how can you become a better storyteller? Storytelling gives depth and credibility to modern-day brands and organisations. Organisational storytelling is dead if it is not endorsed by CEO or owner. Storytelling can be used in HR, in corporate and leadership communication, in marketing communication and for presentation purposes. Even Jeff Bezos agreed on the last one, his staff was at one point forbidden to present powerpoint; they had to bring a story.... What is needed for a good story (or a pitch presentation) and how shall we make and tell them? It’s about crafting the story and building the structure, and it’s about bringing the narrative to life. You will get an overview, examples, techniques, insights and tips & tricks to help you make the perfect pitch for your project. Content of the talk/workshop: Why storytelling Storytelling in the digital era The function of a story Crafting the story: Content – Audience – Structure – telling Delivering the story Techniques and scenario’s Tips & tricks, Focus points Who benefits from this talk or workshop? That's an easy one: communicators! And not only the communication department but everybody who needs to communicate and wants to strengthen their message. Request a quote Submit About Storytelling, talking about storytelling, and telling stories. It's what Guido does and what he likes to do. Guido has built a living out of speaking and teaching. Both internationally and locally, on the importance of telling good stories that stick. It's about emotion, ratio and structure. It's above all about adding value, to your business, to your event, to your people. Guido Everaert Storyteller, marketeer, writer. Likes to see things differently and comment on it.

  • keynote The future of finance

    < back The future of finance ​ More detailed information You’re correct. Bitcoin won’t ruffle finance’s feathers. But there’s a lot more to blockchain and web3 than bitcoin. And chances are that this *will* ruffle finance’s feathers. In this talk, we explore the wonderful WTF world of Decentralised Finance. What are the building blocks? What are stable coins? What if you could use digital assets as collateral? How will programmable money affect the future of payments and financial agreements? These things are both real and futuristic. Together we’ll explore the potential impact of web3 on the world of finance. Can you safely ignore this or should you start exploring? Request a quote Submit About Clients have described Gerrie as accessible, enthusiastic, and adept at simplifying complex concepts. He embraces this characterization. He enjoys challenging the status quo while also appreciating the value of common sense, a trait that comes with experience (or as some might say, age). With 25 years of experience in industries disrupted by the internet, Gerrie has become a hands-on expert in navigating the digital landscape. His expertise has benefitted various clients, spanning from FMCG corporates to AI startups and from government agencies to the World Chambers Congress. While he remains up-to-date with digital trends, he tends to frequently use words like 'user,' 'why,' and 'alignment.' His fascination with blockchain led him to write a book about it ('Blockchain is WTF'). Prior to his immersion in digital, Gerrie's diverse background included writing about music, producing television, founding two companies during his 15 years in London, and serving as a civil servant. Gerrie Smits Chief Curiosity Officer. Intrigued by the impact of tech on business, people & society. Author/Facilitator/Speaker.

  • keynote A prediction of the future of cybersecurity

    < back A prediction of the future of cybersecurity What will it look like in 2030? More detailed information While 8 years may seem a long way into the future, the speed at which the industry is evolving is sure to make the next decade fly by. Predicting the future of cybersecurity is not about looking into the crystal ball. By envisioning how the industry will change in 8 years, CIO and CISO can prepare for future challenges, so they do not look back and wish they had acted in 2023. In this presentation Marc will share his thoughts on what the future of cybersecurity may look like. What cyber security threats will remain an issue? Are organisations prepared for tomorrow’s threats? Highly targeted cyber attacks Abuse of open-source and legitimate software and tools Ongoing disinformation campaigns What’s coming next for the cybersecurity industry in terms of spending evolution and cybersecurity roles? Marc also addresses the top cyber security trends and potential threats that organisations should keep an eye on, regardless of size or industry. He hereby focuses on elements like Cybercrime-as-a-service (CaaS), Malware automation, Polymorphic malware, Third-party risks and threats, the human element, use of internet-of-things (IoT), the evolving shape of online fraud, the Role of AI in the Future of Cybersecurity, the Cybersecurity Skills Gap and Women in Cybersecurity. Request a quote Submit About Marc Vael is a known security and privacy expert from Belgium with 20+ years of experience. He is currently Chief Information Security Officer (CISO) at Esko. Marc has certifications in Infosecurity (CISM/CISSP), IT risk management (CRISC) and is a certified board director (GUBERNA). Marc is a visiting lecturer at Antwerp Management School, Solvay Brussels School, TIAS Tilburg and KdG Antwerp. Marc was elected Fellow of the Hogeheuvelcollege at KUL in 2012 for his contributions to the IT industry. Marc is a popular international keynote speaker and panelist who inspires with practical solutions and examples based on his experiences. He can cover security and privacy from the 10,000 feet level down to a step-by-step process. His talks range from a 30-minute inspirational keynote to a full five-day workshop. His engagements have taken him to 20+ countries around the world speaking to 15,000+ people. Marc Vael Security & Privacy Officer / Mentor / Author using real cases & solutions to simplify information protection

  • Speakers and keynotes on Security & Privacy

    Keynotes and speakers on Security & Privacy < Back Delve into essential keynotes and expert speakers focused on security and privacy. In an increasingly interconnected digital world, safeguarding sensitive data and ensuring cybersecurity are paramount for businesses and individuals alike. Booking a keynote speaker on security and privacy can provide valuable insights, best practices, and cutting-edge strategies to mitigate risks, protect valuable information, and comply with regulations effectively. Discover our curated list of security and privacy-focused keynotes and speakers, and fortify your organization's defenses, instilling confidence and trust among stakeholders and customers alike! Eddy Willems Cyberdangers and The Human Will we ever learn? Read more Marc Vael EU Cybersecurity Legislation How to comply with EU cybersecurity legislation? Read more Marc Vael Handling privacy breaches the smart way ​ Read more Eddy Willems What can you learn from nation-state cyberattacks? 3 decades of cybersecurity experience bundled in a short pragmatic and passionate view Read more Eddy Willems Keep your smartphone safe! Unveiling Smartphone Cyber Dangers and Defense Strategies Read more Marc Vael A prediction of the future of cybersecurity What will it look like in 2030? Read more Marc Vael How to design rock-solid security Security by design Read more Eddy Willems Stalkerware - the spy inside all of us What about your privacy? Read more Marc Vael Is it be online today and tomorrow? How to create a secure climate by embracing technology and change Read more Renout van Hove Riding the Data Wave Unleash the Power of Data Clean Rooms to build your own Google Empire Read more Eddy Willems The real truth behind ransomware and most other malware This presentation will give you the real story behind ransomware. Read more Marc Vael Ransomware risks and solutions How does ransomware work and how to protect against it? Read more Renout van Hove The Privacy Revolution: A New Era of Customer Engagement in the Wake of Third-Party Cookies The Role of Customer Data Platforms and How to translate this to your world Read more Request a quote Keynote of my preference (leave blank for personal advice) Submit

  • keynote EU Cybersecurity Legislation

    < back EU Cybersecurity Legislation How to comply with EU cybersecurity legislation? More detailed information Cybersecurity is a critical issue that affects individuals, businesses, and governments on a daily basis. With the increasing number of cyber-attacks and data breaches, it is essential to have a clear understanding of the European cybersecurity legislation and its implications. This keynote speech by Marc Vael provides a comprehensive overview of the legislation, highlighting its key features and objectives, and outlining the potential impact on businesses and individuals. This will enable attendees to gain a better understanding of the current state of cybersecurity in Europe and the measures being taken to combat cyber threats. Request a quote Submit About Marc Vael is a known security and privacy expert from Belgium with 20+ years of experience. He is currently Chief Information Security Officer (CISO) at Esko. Marc has certifications in Infosecurity (CISM/CISSP), IT risk management (CRISC) and is a certified board director (GUBERNA). Marc is a visiting lecturer at Antwerp Management School, Solvay Brussels School, TIAS Tilburg and KdG Antwerp. Marc was elected Fellow of the Hogeheuvelcollege at KUL in 2012 for his contributions to the IT industry. Marc is a popular international keynote speaker and panelist who inspires with practical solutions and examples based on his experiences. He can cover security and privacy from the 10,000 feet level down to a step-by-step process. His talks range from a 30-minute inspirational keynote to a full five-day workshop. His engagements have taken him to 20+ countries around the world speaking to 15,000+ people. Marc Vael Security & Privacy Officer / Mentor / Author using real cases & solutions to simplify information protection

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