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  • keynote The future of leadership

    < back The future of leadership Navigating uncertainty in the era of rapid change More detailed information The rapid advancements in technology and society significantly impact business models, organizations, and, consequently, leadership. We require new leaders who can transform emerging uncertainties into success. Join us for a keynote by Richard as he explores the evolving landscape of leadership in the face of these challenges. Request a quote Submit About As a futurist, keynote speaker, and trendwatcher, Richard van Hooijdonk is an authority on new technology. He has several chip implants because he wants to physically experience the future. His inspiration sessions have been attended by over 550,000 people. He has given more than 2,000 lectures across 35 countries. With his international research team, he researches many trends in the field of robotics, drones, self-driving systems, 3D & 4D printing, sensors, blockchain, quantum computing, neurotech, biotech, platforms and augmented & virtual reality. Combined with artificial intelligence, these technologies offer groundbreaking opportunities, but also lead to challenges and threats for people, organisations and governments. Richard is driven by a desire to inject innovation and imagination into the mindsets of the people and organisations who are going to shape the world of tomorrow. With the right forward-looking mindset, he believes that we can better effect change for the improvement of our health, happiness, and prosperity. Richard van Hooijdonk Renowned trendwatcher and futurist and the man with several chip implants in his body.

  • keynote Omgaan met emoties

    < back Omgaan met emoties Emoties zorgen voor een goede werksfeer, minder stress en zijn sterk wapen tegen burn out. More detailed information “Wat zullen ze van mij denken als ik begin te wenen?” “Ik wil niet dat collega’s zien dat dit me raakt!” “Ik onderdruk mijn frustratie want dat past niet op het werk.” Het is niet vanzelfsprekend om op een gezonde manier om te gaan met onze emoties — al helemaal niet op de werkvloer. “Doe niet zo flauw”. Of: “Allez, nu is het genoeg.” En: “Wees flink”. Misschien herken je deze zinnen wel. Met deze adviezen zijn we opgevoed: een emotie is iets wat we zo snel mogelijk moeten opzij zetten om verder te kunnen gaan. Ondertussen weten we dat het onderdrukken van emoties op lange termijn nefast is voor onze mentale en fysieke gezondheid. Niet alleen slagen we er niet in om ze levenslang onder tafel te vegen, ze overvallen ons op termijn ook te pas en vooral te onpas. Tijd dus om die emoties recht in de ogen te kijken en beter te leren wat ze zijn, waarom ze er zijn, en hoe we ermee om kunnen gaan! Want ook op de werkvloer is het belangrijk om emoties beheerst te uiten. Zo zal je beter bestand zijn tegen burn out, een betere verstandhouding hebben met collega’s, minder stress ervaren, betere beslissingen nemen en meer vertrouwen uitstralen. Bovendien bevordert het ons welzijn en komt het ook al onze menselijke relaties zowel op de werkvloer als in onze privé, ten goede. Ten slotte zorgt het leren omgaan met je eigen emoties er ook voor dat je die van de ander sneller herkent en kan managen. Deze talk is bedoeld voor leidinggevenden en medewerkers die willen investeren in hun emotioneel management. En voor teams die gaan voor: … meer werkgeluk; … betere communicatie; … meer (zelf)vertrouwen; … gezonde medewerkers; … meer en beter samenwerken; … open communicatie; … verbinding; … veerkracht; ….welzijn. In een uur deelt Veerle haar kennis, inzichten rond dit thema. De keynote is opgebouwd rond praktische handvaten en ervaringen. Ook als workshop van 2u beschikbaar! Request a quote Submit About As an actress, she is highly attuned to her breathing, which forms the basis of how she utilizes her body as an instrument to embody a role. In her role as a coach, she is well-versed in understanding the impact of stress on the body. She harnesses the power of breath, which is readily available to everyone, to attain more rest, a crucial element for personal growth. She encapsulated this knowledge in her book "ADEMRUIMTE." By cultivating awareness of emotions and their physiological effects, by observing and gaining control over our thoughts, and by using breathwork to release tension from the body, individuals can create literal and metaphorical space. This space allows for better stress management and enhances enjoyment in various aspects of life such as work, relationships, and health. Veerle boasts over a decade of experience in the business realm, having developed numerous workshops and training programs focusing on wellbeing, creativity, and communication. Through her webinar titled "Hoe creëer ik meer ademruimte mentaal en emotioneel?" (available in Dutch only), participants can invest in their company's most valuable asset: its people. Veerle Dobbelaere Human behaviour and emotions have no secrets for Veerle, since she masters them being an actress. As a professional certified coach she uses this experience to improve collaborators' well-being.

  • keynote Putting transforming while performing into action

    < back Putting transforming while performing into action - Help you to Transform while Performing (Why) - Accelerate the co-creation and adoption of your Strategy and Culture (What) - Mix of Visualisation, Inspiration, Facilitation and Co-Creation (How) More detailed information We help people to see and sense inside-out and outside-in Through a combination of inspiration and co-creation we reflect on the why, what and how of personal and business transformation We visualise your current and future state, and co-create the bridge towards that future, listing strategic initiatives, priorities and capabilities for your organization Request a quote Submit About In September 2016 Olivier Van Duüren launched The Dualarity ( ), a business and a book, on how to take the pain out of your personal and business transformation, leaving you with a regained sense of spark. After 22 years working in the senior international executive ranks at one of the world's most successful technology companies called Microsoft, he has a unique perspective on the intersection of innovation, transformation, human behavior and societal changes. Olivier has held several senior level global and regional positions at Microsoft spanning sales, operations, marketing, business development, change management, innovation and strategy across consumer, online, retail, advertising, publishing and enterprise crossing all industries (B2C-B2B). He started at Microsoft in 1994 working out of the Benelux to global travelling out of Paris, London, Seattle and New York. He is an active founding investor in 9.5 Ventures ( building tailor-made startups for Corporates. He is a board member or strategic advisor in multiple startups and corporateas. He publishes in Newsweek. Olivier is a professor at the Zigurat Business School (linked to the university of Barcelona) for Technology and Innovation, guest lecturer at different Business Schools, a member of the Professional Speaker Association and Key Person of Influence UK (KPI). As part of The Dualarity Jixso partnership the ‘Visual Senseformers’ he helps organisations to envision and visualise a future proof strategy and culture, ready for the transformational age. Olivier Van Duüren An international public speaker, trend sensemaker, executive whisperer, startup builder, transformer, innovator, active investor and author. Olivier is a thought leader on personal and business transformation advising companies to find balance between performing and transforming. Olivier works with global, regional and local organisations from startups, scaleups, medium to large organisations.

  • keynote speaker Florence Pérès

    Florence Pérès Author, enthusiastic speaker and expert in coping with change, adaptive resilience, digital balance and focus. To be booked as/for Languages Tags Speaker, Workshops Dutch, French, English Digital Balance, Digital Detox, Focus, Mental Resilience, Change, Coping with change, Adaptive Resilience ▶️ Watch Florence on Change Hacking Biography Topics Testimonials Pictures Get a quote Biography “Fascinating and inspiring, instructive and full of enthusiasm. Florence understands the art of captivating an audience. Amazingly well brought, she anticipated the topics that matters to us ” according to a happy customer. Florence’s talks are based on 25 years of combined experience in the world of the Internet and digital media and mental well-being in the workplace. She held various roles in Sales & Marketing within the internet sector and worked for The Reference, ONE Agency, Dear Media and Duval Union Consulting (now Scopernia). Simultaneously, she delved into health sciences and was a certified mindfulness trainer for years. She was one of the core members of Better Minds at Work during several years. Today, she is Managing Partner of the speakers' bureau Speakersbase, which she co-founded amidst the COVID pandemic. Florence Pérès is the author of the reference work 'Digital Detox’ (Lannoo) and published 'Survivalgids voor tijden van verandering' (Lannoo Campus, 31/10/2023) and 'Survivalguide for times of change' (Lannoo Campus, available as of 15/12/2023). Expect passion, inspiration, interaction, evidence-based insights, practical tips & tools and a certain entertainment level during her presentations. Her keynotes are seamlessly delivered in Dutch, French, and English. Visit Topics Hybrid Working Disconnect to reconnect Lees verder For Better (Working) Relationships in a Hyper-connected World and a better Work/Life Balance More Productivity Digital Balance Lees verder Be in control of your screens ! More Specials Start to meditate Lees verder Taster session for active professionals More Change Change Hacking Lees verder Embrace change and challenges in the workplace More Resilience & Well-being Stress and Burn out Lees verder What is it? How to recognize it? How to prevent it? More Productivity Focus your brain Lees verder How to work with more focus and overcome distraction More Resilience & Well-being Boost your mental resilience Lees verder Actionable insights for less stress and more (mental) well-being More Florence is an inspiring storyteller. Her inspiring talk 'Communicate like a pro from home' greatly appealed to our employees. Throughout the presentation, she maintains a beautiful, coherent storyline, which enables her to capture the viewer's focus effectively. Agfa Thomas Cabes, Global Learning Officer Excellente animation d'un workshop sur le Digital Detox. Engie Axima Bernard Arimont, CEO Fascinating and inspiring, educational and filled with enthusiasm. Florence has a knack for captivating a group. Incredibly well delivered and tailored to our most important topics. Vandemoortele Carine Verbraeken, Field Sales Manager Florence had vanaf minuut 1 de volledige aandacht van het publiek en wisselde de theoretische benadering af met vele praktische en interactieve toepassingen. De vele tips & tricks zullen ons publiek (ca 900 medewerkers verspreid over 6 sessies) nog lang bijblijven waardoor Florence onze verwachtingen volledig heeft ingelost. Engie John Mestdag, HSEQ Manager Florence weet op een hele lichte manier toch door te dringen met haar sterke boodschap. Belfius Astrid Leemans, Head of Distribution The "Focus your brain" keynote of Florence during our annual Securex Sales & Marketing kick-off event was a success! Florence combines research-based content with personal anecdotes & fun. Eye openers & takeaways included. Well done! Securex Joelle Helbig, Sales & Marketing Director Testimonials Sessions Pictures you can use to promote your event Get a quote Request a Quote Keynote of my preference submit Pictures Quot Anchor 3

  • keynote Personal Leadership as organizational culture

    < back Personal Leadership as organizational culture The advantages of investing in personal leadership as organiszational culture More detailed information Making personal leadership part of your organizational culture brings many advantages. It combines increased solution and results orientation with improved employee engagement and job satisfaction. In this session Frans explains what personal leadership is about and how you may engrain it in your organization. Fostering personal leadership doesn’t involve complex methodologies or elaborate procedures, it is made out of small day-to-day habits. Together we explore how personal leadership may benefit your organization. Request a quote Submit About Frans specializes in guiding executive teams and collaborating with HR partners in the realms of leadership, talent management, and organizational change. Drawing from his extensive professional background at renowned companies such as IBM, Siemens, PwC, and Johnson & Johnson, he now serves as an independent executive coach and talent strategy advisor for Randstad RiseSmart. Frans also contributes his expertise as an executive coach at Vlerick Business School, where he helps current and emerging leaders unlock their full potential. In addition to his coaching roles, Frans is a sought-after guest speaker at institutions like Antwerp Management School and Artevelde Hogeschool, where he shares his enthusiasm for personal leadership and strives to inspire individuals to achieve their best selves. Through these engagements, Frans collaborates with a diverse range of national and international clients across both private and public sectors. His multifaceted experiences allow him to offer valuable insights and practical strategies tailored to the unique needs of each organization and individual leader, fostering growth, resilience, and success in today's dynamic business environment. Frans van de Ven Passionate personal leadership promoter, empowering executive - team - coach, trusted talent strategy adviser

  • keynote Understanding Generation Z in the workplace

    < back Understanding Generation Z in the workplace Intergenerational Communication More detailed information Radically different than Millennials, Generation Z has an entirely unique perspective on careers and how to define success in life and in the workforce. To better understand the challenges facing this rising workforce and their impact on employers and the workplace, Mariam takes you on the discovery of Generation Z and dives into their individual behaviors, attitudes, and preferences; and separate the myths and stereotypes from reality, how generational stereotypes shape our society and influence (communication in) the workplace. Not only will you discover the differences and similarities between generations, but you will also get tools on how to address intergenerational communication and embrace age diversity in the workplace. Especially for leaders who are now confronted with generation Z. Request a quote Submit About As a diversity and inclusion advocate and keynote speaker, Mariam aims to assist companies in elevating diversity and inclusion on their agendas and understanding the associated benefits. After obtaining her Master's degree in Biomedical Sciences from KU Leuven, she pursued further studies in consumer neuroscience. Mariam has supported various startups and organizations in enhancing their marketing strategies and visibility, with a particular emphasis on diversity and inclusion. Additionally, Mariam is the founder and owner of the statement streetwear brand, KinArmat - female roots in Armenian-. The brand's statements are designed to initiate conversations on topics ranging from gender equality and diversity to female empowerment. Mariam has been invited multiple times as a speaker to share her expertise and experiences, as well as to narrate the story of KinArmat and its marketing strategies. By heeding the insights of a young and diverse woman, companies gain a fresh perspective on marketing methodologies, crucial for attracting diverse talent and fostering inclusivity within their organizations. Mariam Harutyunyan Diversity and inclusion advocate. It's time to start talking about your company's inclusion strategy from marketing to company culture.

  • keynote Building a Strong Organization

    < back Building a Strong Organization with the 7 Pillars of Wellbeing More detailed information This is Ann's most requested "kick-off keynote." She is often asked to kickstart a Wellbeing program or add an extra dimension to a team day. This keynote can be tailored for management at a management away day or for all employees, focusing on the organization's needs. Ann, along with her audience, delves into the essence of workplace wellbeing through 7 powerful pillars. Each of these pillars forms a foundation for a healthy, thriving organization. The audience not only discovers how they can grow as individuals but also how they can collectively build a workplace that prioritizes wellbeing. 1. Company Culture and Values An organization is often judged not only by its products or services but also by the culture it fosters and the values it embraces. Company culture serves as the soul of the organization, the driving force behind all actions and decisions. A positive company culture creates an environment where employees feel valued, can be themselves, and take pride in their achievements. It goes beyond perks like ping pong tables and free fruit—it's about building relationships, promoting collaboration, and recognizing diversity. A strong company culture and clear values directly impact employee wellbeing, providing a sense of purpose and engagement. 2. The ABC of Workplace Happiness: Autonomy, Betrothal, and Competence Autonomy: Empowering employees to make decisions and take control of their tasks contributes to a sense of ownership and responsibility. Betrothal: Creating an environment where employees feel emotionally connected to their work and the organization's mission and vision not only enhances motivation but also strengthens team cohesion. Competence: Encouraging personal development, providing growth opportunities, and recognizing achievements lead to satisfaction. Ensure that everyone's talents are utilized to the fullest. 3. Mental Balance The modern hybrid work environment's hustle and bustle can take its toll. It's essential that we consciously make space for mental balance, which includes stress management and recognizing the value of focus, digital disconnection, and relaxation to maintain a resilient mind. 4. Physical Health A healthy mind resides in a healthy body. Physical health is the backbone of wellbeing. Promoting a healthy lifestyle, ergonomic workspaces, and physical activity energize employees. 5. Social Interaction Humans are social beings, and social contact is a necessary ingredient for wellbeing, although it might be a challenge in a hybrid work system. Encouraging a culture where team members regularly meet, support, and collaborate strengthens workplace bonds and has a positive impact on individual wellbeing. 6. Growth Perspectives Offering training, mentorship, coaching, and career development leads to more wellbeing and workplace happiness within your organization. Growth doesn't always have to be vertical; horizontal growth through job crafting and job rotation provides employees with opportunities. 7. Empathetic Leadership Good leadership is at the heart of organizational wellbeing. Leaders who show empathy create an environment where employees feel heard and valued. The ability to understand and respond to employees' needs contributes to a culture of respect and care, which is essential for an organization's wellbeing. With these seven pillars, we lay a solid foundation for a holistic wellbeing policy. Because wellbeing is more than just a few isolated initiatives. We are here to guide your organization through this journey. Request a quote Submit About Ann is a trailblazer in professionalizing well-being in the workplace. She held the distinction of being the first Wellbeing Director in Belgium at DPG media and has since become a highly sought-after and passionate speaker on topics such as well-being, work happiness, and leadership. Her mission is to persuade business leaders to integrate well-being into their organizations, making it an intrinsic part of corporate culture rather than a standalone initiative. She emphasizes that well-being within a company is a collective responsibility, highlighting the roles of the organization, managers, and employees. Ann motivates board and management teams while also inspiring individual employees with practical tips and insights to enhance resilience, foster a positive mindset, reduce stress, and achieve better work-life balance. She delves into topics such as efficient meetings, email management, and the significance of communication and connectivity, especially as organizations adopt hybrid work models. Ann is the author of the books 'Countdown to Monday' and 'Wellbeing = Profit,' and her collaborative effort with Prof. Stijn Baert resulted in 'je werk of je leven.' Her authentic and hands-on approach has made her a highly sought-after keynote speaker nationally and internationally. Her keynotes blend actionable tips from her books with a focus on the organizational and managerial aspects of employee happiness and engagement. Her presentations cover a range of topics, including: The rationale behind a well-being policy The roles of the organization, leaders, and employees in fostering well-being The importance of focus, breaks, and physical activity Nurturing connectivity in hybrid work environments Strategies for more effective meetings and email management Essential leadership skills in remote settings Stress and attention management techniques Cultivating a positive mindset during periods of change Self-care practices such as sleep hygiene, nutrition, and digital detoxification. Ann De Bisschop The first Wellbeing Director in Belgium :-), Author of 3 books, Keynote speaker & Wellbeing consultant

  • keynote Sleep Samurai

    < back Sleep Samurai Learn to sleep deeply and "faster" and make this the tool for your health, growth and happiness More detailed information Sleep is the basis of optimal emotional balance, health and growth. The key ingredients for vitality, safety and enjoyment of life. You may think, "I sleep well, don't I?" or "It can't get any better!". Due to stress and changing working hours, chances are you are (unconsciously) sleep deprived. Studies show that 4 hours of sleep deprivation makes you perform like you are drunk. An employee with sleep deprivation costs a company €34,816 a year! Improving sleep means preventively ensuring health, growth and safety. Sleep helps you balance and makes you make better decisions. By applying neuroscientific knowledge and his drum skills Leo teaches you how to use sleep as a tool to achieve all your goals. You become truly inspired and driven to actually apply the knowledge and skills you are handed: You have received groundbreaking information about the power of sleep and rest. You have discovered practical tools that you can use to immediately improve the quality of your sleep. You know & understand the sleep process including all the facts and fables surrounding sleep. You know what you can do to sleep more effectively. You can use sleep for resilience against stress. You can use sleep for optimal decision-making around and during incidents. You will go home with the ultimate sleep checklist with tips and tricks. Interactive, informative and entertaining. Every question you have about sleep is discussed and answered. Also available in workshop format. Request a quote Submit About Leo Van Woerden is not just a neuroscientist and sleep expert; he embodies a lifelong dedication to unraveling the mysteries of the human brain and optimizing our well-being. With a rich background as the son of doctors and growing up in a bustling household of six siblings, Leo's innate energy and curiosity were apparent from a young age. His journey into neuroscience was sparked by his own experiences with ADHD, a diagnosis that fueled his passion for understanding human biology and optimizing performance. Leo's studies at the Vrije Universiteit in Amsterdam illuminated the profound impact of lifestyle factors, particularly sleep, on cognitive function and mental health. This insight became the cornerstone of his work. Leo's expertise extends beyond theory; he has developed practical products and techniques aimed at achieving optimal states of mind, focus, energy, and sleep. Through personalized insights and a deep understanding of neuroscience, Leo empowers individuals to take control of their health by shaping their behaviors, nutrition, and environment. Drawing on his comprehensive knowledge of the brain, sleep science, nutrition, and natural supplements, Leo has crafted tailored solutions designed to meet the unique needs of the modern, Western lifestyle. His mission goes beyond education; Leo combines his positive energy and drumming skills to create engaging workshops, lectures, and training sessions that offer participants a captivating "neuroscience crash course." Leo's approach is not just informative but transformative. He connects with audiences on a personal level, instilling a sense of empowerment and motivation to enact lasting changes. With Leo's guidance, understanding, and enthusiasm, navigating the complexities of brain health and well-being becomes not only manageable but an exciting journey towards optimal living. Leo van Woerden Son of doctors, misdiagnosed with ADHD. Leo is a neuroscientist, speaker, coach, consultant and trainer. Giving neuroscience crash-courses using his drums.

  • keynote The future is hybrid

    < back The future is hybrid ​ More detailed information How to combine the power of digital technology and an obsession for the customer to transform into a future-proof organization. And let there be not mistake about it: the future will be hybrid. Online and offline will merge, analog and digital will go hand in hand, man and machine will work together for a brighter, better, more efficient and more fun future, emotional and rational needs will be addressed and the physical world will be augmented by virtual and invisible technology. Request a quote Submit About As a consultant and keynote speaker, Geert is passionate about the power of digital technology combined with the transformation of companies into a future-proof, hybrid organisation. Online and offline will merge, analog and digital will go hand in hand, man and machine will work together for a brighter, better, more efficient and more fun future and the physical world will be augmented by virtual and invisible technology. Geert has been working as a management consultant for over 18 years. He holds masters in Economics and Marketing Management. Geert is fluent in English, French and Dutch. Some say he is a bit of a petrol head. They might be right... Geert Martens Consultant & hybrid experience creator. Soccer dad & petrol head.

  • keynote It's the end of the world as we know it

    < back It's the end of the world as we know it but I feel fine! More detailed information Every crisis is a catalyst for change. The oil crisis in the 70ies has led to drastically improved fuel economy. Digital technology enabled new business models and superior customer experiences (often to the detriment of the incumbents that thrive on 'bad profits'). Covid19 will undoubtedly accelerate new and innovative ways of working, shopping, learning, living, entertainment, sports... As long as we keep on going. Be bold. Move fast. Request a quote Submit About As a consultant and keynote speaker, Geert is passionate about the power of digital technology combined with the transformation of companies into a future-proof, hybrid organisation. Online and offline will merge, analog and digital will go hand in hand, man and machine will work together for a brighter, better, more efficient and more fun future and the physical world will be augmented by virtual and invisible technology. Geert has been working as a management consultant for over 18 years. He holds masters in Economics and Marketing Management. Geert is fluent in English, French and Dutch. Some say he is a bit of a petrol head. They might be right... Geert Martens Consultant & hybrid experience creator. Soccer dad & petrol head.

  • keynote How can companies do well by doing good?

    < back How can companies do well by doing good? ​ More detailed information Consumers are now calling for more ethical and environmentally friendly corporate practices because they are more aware than ever of how business operations affect the environment and the population. From the car industry to manufacturers of consumer products, several global giants have answered the call by implementing more environmentally and socially responsible practices. But how can they do well by doing good? This talk is for you if: You want to engage your internal and external stakeholders in your quest to implement more sustainable practices You want to know more about the triple bottom line: people, planet, profit and how it applies to your business You want to understand why sustainability and profitability are going hand in hand You want to have a positive perspective on how to tackle climate change as a company. Request a quote Submit About Dr. Ngomsik holds a PhD in physical and analytical chemistry and is a seasoned strategist specializing in climate change and corporate social responsibility. As the CEO and co-founder of Trianon Scientific Communication, a management consulting firm, Dr. Ngomsik leads efforts to assist businesses with the highest CO2 emissions in harmonizing sustainability with profitability. Over the past two decades, she has collaborated closely with board members and executives to promote awareness, embed CSR principles into business strategies, implement sustainable practices, provide training for decision-makers, and explore innovative green solutions. Dr. Ngomsik firmly advocates for addressing the interconnected pillars of people, planet, and profit to effectively tackle today's sustainability challenges. Recognizing the value of diverse leadership and inclusive environments, Dr. Ngomsik emphasizes their role in driving innovation, problem-solving capabilities, revenue growth, and reducing organizational CO2 emissions. She integrates these principles into her consultancy work, viewing corporate environmental and social sustainability as catalysts for enhanced profitability. Dr. Ngomsik's expertise extends beyond devising strategies for emissions reduction; she actively promotes increased diversity among decision-makers within organizations, both in inherent traits and acquired perspectives. Her engaging keynote speeches are renowned for simplifying complex concepts into relatable anecdotes, fostering inclusive and enjoyable interactions with her audience, and bridging the crucial connection between People, Planet, and Profit (3P). With her unique blend of expertise, communication prowess, and commitment to holistic sustainability, Dr. Ngomsik continues to be a sought-after speaker and consultant, driving positive change and impactful strategies across industries. Dr. Audrey-Flore Ngomsik TEDx speaker, named “most inspiring women in sustainability”, Audrey-Flore uses science to positively influence businesses to take actions to solve climate change challenges.

  • keynote Handling privacy breaches the smart way

    < back Handling privacy breaches the smart way ​ More detailed information A constantly changing legal and regulatory environment is the “new normal” for privacy. The EU GDPR had a significant global impact since 2018 and inspired many other countries to renew their data protection regulations. The California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) went into effect in 2020. In addition, the global health crisis created concerns around new and emerging uses of personal data such as contact-tracing apps, telemedicine and network thermometers. As the complexity of privacy regulations increases, so does the responsibility for organizations to manage personal data and ensure their security and privacy teams are aligned to respond to potential privacy breaches. Data breaches are a constant threat for all organizations, and no matter how many policies, strategies or defenses there are, sooner or later a skilled attacker will be able to compromise them. In this presentation, Marc shows the importance of having a strong privacy practice including having robust policies, processes and tools in place to help manage data privacy and breach notification requirements. Employees should be regularly informed via training about basic privacy practices. HR, legal, compliance, security and IT are some of the teams affected by privacy and need to participate. In short, privacy is a team sport, and so are privacy breaches. The presentation shows which 5 steps need to be followed when a data breach occurs and mentions 10 appropriate technical and organisational measures to avoid possible data breaches. Request a quote Submit About Marc Vael is a known security and privacy expert from Belgium with 20+ years of experience. He is currently Chief Information Security Officer (CISO) at Esko. Marc has certifications in Infosecurity (CISM/CISSP), IT risk management (CRISC) and is a certified board director (GUBERNA). Marc is a visiting lecturer at Antwerp Management School, Solvay Brussels School, TIAS Tilburg and KdG Antwerp. Marc was elected Fellow of the Hogeheuvelcollege at KUL in 2012 for his contributions to the IT industry. Marc is a popular international keynote speaker and panelist who inspires with practical solutions and examples based on his experiences. He can cover security and privacy from the 10,000 feet level down to a step-by-step process. His talks range from a 30-minute inspirational keynote to a full five-day workshop. His engagements have taken him to 20+ countries around the world speaking to 15,000+ people. Marc Vael Security & Privacy Officer / Mentor / Author using real cases & solutions to simplify information protection

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