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  • 30 days Mental Energy Challenge

    Start to meditate together with your team! Let meditation help you and your colleagues to navigate through these challenging times. Hosted & guided by Goedele Leyssen, well-known yoga & meditation trainer. Now that teleworking is obligatory again, HR departments and team leaders try to support their coworkers as well as they can. An often heard piece of advice is: meditate to reduce stress and find your balance. However, that's easier said than done. How do you do this on your own? True, there are a lot of apps that try to assist you incorporating it in your daily life, but we find that after a couple of days, enthusiasm is dwindling and users give up. That's why Speakersbase came up with an initiative that helps teams and companies to successfully implement it the daily routine. The advantages can't be denied: Doing it as a team creates a sense of togetherness. As we rarely see our colleagues this improves the sense of belonging and stimulates connecting with colleagues again. In this fourth Corona wave, this is more important than ever before. Participating in group motivates you not to abandon the good resolutions and stick to it. This collective initiative avoids the pitfall to give up before one picks the fruits of it. And if you wonder what the fruits are. We limit ourselves to this list of advantages: more control over your emotions a calmer mind less worrying more self-confidence a clearer mind and more strategic thinking less stress more resilience better concentration more productivity better health more mental and physical energy

  • Telewerken terug de norm. Wat nu?

    In de aanloop naar het Overlegcomité woensdag hebben de federale topministers beslist dat werknemers maximaal één dag per week naar kantoor mogen. De rest van de week wordt thuiswerken weer de regel. Een zware klap voor zowel heel wat werknemers als werkgevers. We geven graag een aantal adviezen mee. Durf het te benoemen De vierde golf hakt er bij velen stevig in. Daarom is het belangrijk om het bespreekbaar te maken. Communiceer er snel over en wees daarbij voldoende transparant over de impact voor het bedrijf in het algemeen en de medewerkers in het bijzonder. Wees aandachtig dat je hierbij geen paniek te zaait, maar het bagatelliseren is evenmin een goed idee. Toon empathie Het is een stresserende periode. Empathie kan nu echt het verschil maken. Bovendien is een menselijke aanpak iets wat werknemers zich ook na de corona periode zullen herinneren. Wees extra alert voor alleenstaanden en moedig initiatieven aan om sociaal isolement te doorbreken. Reken hierbij niet enkel op die ene dag dat op kantoor werken is toegelaten. Streef naar continuïteit Er moet ingegrepen worden om de opflakkerende coronacrisis in te dijken, maar gooi het roer niet te drastisch om. Teveel verandering leidt immers tot onnodige stress en komt de operationele werking van de organisatie niet ten goede. Probeer wat er is om te denken naar de nieuwe realiteit. Aanpassen geniet de voorkeur boven schrappen. Eindejaarsinitiatieven zijn hier een goed voorbeeld van. We schreven al eerder een blogpost over het belang van togetherness en inspiratie voor employee engagement. Veel is mogelijk in een virtueel of hybride formaat. Het vergt een kleine inspanning om het script bij te sturen, maar het personeel zal het ten zeerste appreciëren dat het evenement waar ze naar uitkeken niet wordt afgelast. Ook een virtuele fun teambuilding is altijd een voltreffer. Voorzie ondersteuning Langdurige stress en angst kunnen invloed hebben op het welzijn van het personeel, en uiteindelijk op hun productiviteit. Stel de nodige informatie ter beschikking over de initiatieven i.v.m. geestelijke gezondheidszorg. In deze context stelde Speakersbase twee pakketten samen om deze periode samen het hoofd te bieden. De eerste is gericht op de werknemers. We bundelden de expertise van meerdere sprekers, elk met hun eigen expertise en invalshoek in een pakket van 3 tot 7 webinars naar keuze om je medewerkers handvaten en nuttige tips te geven bij het thuiswerken. Op die manier krijgen werknemers niet alleen het gevoel dat hun organisatie hen ondersteunt, maar zo zullen ze ook succesvoller werken van thuis uit. We leren hoe ze beter gefocust kunnen zijn om het werk gedaan te krijgen, maar de sessies bevorderen ook het mentaal, emotioneel en fysiek welzijn, zowel individueel als in teamverband. Keynotes voor werknemers: Team cohesie in COVID-tijden - door Julie Heyvaert Focus at home - door Florence Pérès Communicate like a pro from home - door Florence Pérès Boost your physical energy - door Goedele Leyssen Boost your mental energy - door Dominique Monami Happy at home - door Veerle Dobbelaere Work - life integration - door Ann De Bisschop Keynotes voor leidinggevenden: Ook leidinggevenden kunnen in deze moeilijke periode extra ruggesteun gebruiken. Voor hen selecteerden we 5 relevante onderwerpen die hen beter in staat stellen om hun teams aan te sturen. Managing a hybrid workorce - door Tony Crabbe The (engaged) digital workplace - door Inge Van Belle Only Future-proof with happy and healthy employees - door Ann De Bisschop Recognizing & reversing burnout - door Mahdi Brown The 6 dimensions to measure and build TRUST - door Henri Cnops Kortom, zet in op succesvol thuiswerken, in al zijn facetten. Ons aanbod biedt het antwoord op de vraag: hoe blijf je mentaal, fysiek en emotioneel gezond en in balans, gefocust, verbonden met elkaar en productief?

  • Three misconceptions about innovation

    Misconception #1: innovation is a goal “We need to innovate more” is often heard in boardrooms around the world. One doesn’t need to hold an MBA degree to know that successful innovation is good for business. Just look at the effect of ClickShare on Barco’s profitability and stock price. Yet, setting innovation as a goal is as senseless as putting the horse in front of the carriage. Innovation cannot be enforced. Sending (post corona) a group of smart people to an offsite to think out of the box and come up with innovative ideas is good for the local economy and moral of the troops, but will seldom result in meaningful outcomes. Innovation enforces itself when the incumbent way of solving a problem or providing a service is no longer adequate. One gets inspired while hopelessly trying to get a taxi in the pouring rain. You cannot plan for it. Misconception #2: innovation is a strike of luck While some innovations are accidental (for example the microwave) the majority are not. To solve the problem of getting a taxi in the rain, quickly and for a fair price, one had to come up with a different business model than the established best practice of a taxi business. Reed Hastings likes to tell the story that the Netflix business was triggered by his frustration of a 40$ penalty for returning the DVD ‘Appolo 13’ late to the Blockbuster DVD rental shop. Recognizing problems that can be solved in a better way is not about luck, it’s about staying curious and marvel about why we do things in a certain way?. Misconception #3: innovation is about new technology Some innovations are about technology or are the technology itself. For example the marvelous Compact Disk technology by Philips and Sony. Yet, some of the most successful innovations are often a creative combination of existing technologies. It's about seeing technology as an enabler, not as a goal by itself. Netflix started in 1997 by offering a DVD mail service. It was only 10 years later that Netflix started its streaming services. The progress in technology was an enabler for Netflix to provide the same service faster. The iPhone itself, one of the most influential innovations of this century, is about a smart combination of technologies that is genius in simplicity and functionality. Want to know more? Yoav Nir, the author of this post, gives keynotes and workshops on this topic.

  • Corporate end of year festivities: data, tips and inspiration for more impact than a hangover alone

    Work hard, play hard... It may sound like a cliché, but the play part has never been taken more seriously than today, in this post-confinement era. Employers are focused on employee engagement and are willing to cough up quite a bit of budget to end the year in beauty or start the new year with bravado. They've read the studies and know that employee engagement leads to revenue growth, increased productivity and significantly better retention rates. So festivities are being prepared and money is being spent, but little to no studies show what a good format is for these kinds of celebrations. Speakersbase did some research and comes up with suggestions and inspiration. Update 16/11/21: Though working from home is mandatory again for 4 days out of 5, the recommendations in this post remain valid. Now more than ever it is important to pay attention to the need and expectations of your employees. Speakersbase organized a survey in order to find out what people really want. Is it extreme sports? A smashing party? Or boardgames perhaps? We limited ourselves to one simple question: What does your ideal company event for the end of year period look like? We presented the respondents with 4 possible answers: a party giving back to society inspiration and fun I'd rather stay at home The results are somewhat surprising. With the rise of corporate social responsibility we had anticipated that at least some voters would have voiced an interest in option two, but this was not the case. On the contrary, the vast majority opted for the combination of inspiration and fun, while about one third is still in favor of an old school party. In all honesty, we admit we are happy with this outcome. After all, Speakerbase's baseline is inspire, learn and grow. So, why let a good opportunity go to waste? Why not combine a gathering of (part of) your staff with something that brings added value for your organization? It is the ideal moment not only to energize and create a sense of togetherness, but also to promote the company’s brand values and to embed company culture. After all, your company culture needs to be more than a few inspirational posters on a wall. If companies practice what they preach, an employee event can be a great way to bring your brand to life and let your employees feel the company they work for. Speakersbase sees it as its mission to prepare organizations for a bright future and to instigate change. What's a better way than getting started with a memorable event? Its impact will long outlive the hangover. We are more than happy to exchange views on what motivational keynote fits best with your organization. For your inspiration and convenience we've already come up with a shortlist. [addition 16/11/21] Don't think too restrictive about events. Also hybrid or virtual formats have proven to be effective and successful. All our keynotes speakers are experienced with digital formulas. Innovation and creativity Crossing borders: what can your organisation learn from other industries & other surprising sources? The essence of innovation from Woody Allen to Leonhard Cohen: inspiration and Hands-on advice to kickstart innovation in your organization. Boost your creativity, unlock your curiosity! Roll over Beethoven: the problem with creativity What can we learn from children to create the future of work? This motivational yet slightly provocative keynote takes you into the world of our children to shape the future of your organization. Future and trends Future mindset The World is Round: in search of the post-corona future Trends 2030, are you ready? Wellbeing Corporate Positivity Wellbeing: not a cost but a mind-shift The mental reset General interest How to sparkle in telling and selling your Story The importance of networking Blinded by technology Leaving a legacy

  • Three misconceptions of newly promoted managers

    As managers and leaders are shaped irrevocably by their first management positions I'd like to share some insights, because it is crucial not to leave them to their fate. Both organizations and individuals suffer considerably when a person has been promoted because of strong individual performance and then fails to adjust to management responsibilities. Misconception #1: nothing is going to change too much Though it is essential to remain yourself, if you stick only to what you know works, you are going to fail as a new boss. One of the biggest pitfalls for new leaders is not letting go of the past and failing to embrace the new requirements of the role. Sure, managers must see to it that everything runs smoothly, but they have to realize they are also responsible for initiating changes that will enhance their team's performance. In order to be able to do so, they need to grasp the complexity of the organization and work on their influence beyond their own team or department. If not, they will not be able to make changes that, more often than not, require challenging processes outside their area of formal authority. Once this sinks in, they discover that their role is even more demanding than they’d anticipated. They learn that the skills required for success as an individual contributor and those required for success as a manager are very different. It's only normal there is a gap between their current capabilities and the requirements of the new position, where they are responsible for a group's performance. In this context we can only recommend to seek help when or wherever needed. It's yet another misconception that this is being perceived as a sign of weakness. On the contrary, it demonstrates character. It gives evidence you have the guts to admit you don't have all the answers, but that you are going to figure it out. And more unexpected changes are luring around the corner. Former peers will watch your every move. They might be jealous to some extent and though you've always had a perfectly fine relationship with them before, the interpersonal relations will change more than you could anticipate. Managers are part of "the other side". Conversations will numb at the coffee machine and they won't confide in you as they did before. Misconception #2: I have to set my mark and I have to do it fast. People are not born as a manager. They need to grow into the new role. Learning to lead is a process of learning by doing and it can’t be taught in a classroom. It is a skill primarily acquired through on-the-job experiences and it is the negative experiences where you learn the most. When you're new in your role, you have to accept it is going to be a process of trial and error and that's hard, especially since you have been outperforming in your previous job. That's why there are better alternatives than marching in on your first day and throwing everything upside down. Don't immediately ditch or overhaul the old way of doing things. Spend plenty of time observing first. Gather data, build trust and dare to ask questions. When you're new in your role, it is very insightful to have 1 on 1's with your team. It's the ideal occasion to ask for their input. My favorites are “What is the one thing we should change?”, “What is one thing we should definitely not change?" and "Tell me something I don't want to hear." Only then you can come up with a plan that has more chances of succeeding. Misconception #3: I am finally in control. New managers too often believe their power is based on the formal authority that comes with their position in the hierarchy. It's no surprise they yearn for compliance from their subordinates. This implies they incline to adopt an autocratic approach, not necessarily because they want to exercise their new power, but because they are convinced that this is how it's done in order to get results. Unfortunately, it doesn't work that way. When direct reports are "ordered" to do something, chances are real they won't respond or react as expected. This is a very unsettling finding. Moreover, even if new managers are able to achieve some degree of control, they often mistake compliance for commitment. Needless to say that groups give evidence of far better performance if they are committed, and therefore take initiative. It's only when time passes that new managers learn that true power comes from character and credibility and that doesn't happen before they have earned people’s respect and trust. Want to know more? Anja Cappelle, the author of this post, gives workshops and trainings on this topic. Further reading Becoming a Manager, How New Managers Master the Challenges of Leadership by Linda A. Hill The First 90 Days, Updated and Expanded. Proven Strategies for Getting Up to Speed Faster and Smarter by Michael D. Watkins

  • Speakersbase expands: Florence Pérès and Anja Cappelle team up

    Former MD of digital agency The Reference Anja Cappelle joins Florence Pérès as Managing Partner at Speakersbase. Together they will further strengthen the speakers agency’s position as the leading one-stop-shop for premium thought leaders that inspire true behavioral change that boosts business and improves society. Anja Cappelle is enthusiastic about her new challenge: “With the vast curated selection of moderators, trainers, and speakers, Speakersbase offers a smart tailor-made approach that balances keynotes, workshops, trainings, content packages and coaching. It's exciting to be part of this impressive team that moves beacons in business and society.” Extra sales and management power Anja Cappelle started her career as a journalist and then joined digital agency The Reference, to become its Managing Director in 2007. Under her leadership, The Reference grew from 30 to 160 experts in Ghent, Antwerp and New York. She created a strong company culture, an agile collaboration style with long-term clients and customer intimacy. Anja also played a key role in opening The Reference’s office in Manhattan in 2017, and the acquisition of US digital agency Karbyn. She now commits herself to using her extensive experience in sales and management to scale up Speakersbase and further diversify its offering. No strangers The positive relationship between Speakersbase and Anja already started in 1994, when she was hired by Speakersbase shareholder Jo Caudron, who was CEO of The Reference at the time. Two years later, Florence Pérès joined The Reference and worked closely together with Anja for more than 10 years. This was the start of a friendship now bridging more than 25 years, making this match a natural and happy one. A matter of chemistry "I once read an actor’s quote Chemistry can't be created between two people. You either have it or you don't. The script can only enhance it," says Anja Cappelle. "This definitely applies to the collaboration between Florence and me. From day one we have been pushing each other to greater heights. When we meet up something magical happens. Moreover, we create added value while having fun. And that is what we will now also share with the growing family of Speakerbase clients." The future looks bright "It is clear the COVID period comes to its end,” adds Florence Pérès. "The demand is increasing fast; with Anja onboard we can meet and exceed our clients expectations. They appreciate our customer-oriented approach and the way we effect real change in organizations. Combine this with our portfolio of top notch speakers, trainers, moderators and coaches and you have a recipe for exponential growth."

  • Welcome back to the future!

    Many of us look forward to going back to the office and see our colleagues again in person. It’s the start of a new era, the new way of working, the start of the future! You don't want this milestone to go unnoticed, do you? So, mark it and celebrate it, together with your employees! At your welcome or 'reboarding' event, Speakersbase ensures two fitting keynotes to get ready for hybrid working and a lot of fun and entertainment aimed at meeting each other again in person, engage and connect. What can you expect? Florence Pérès and Ann De Bisschop, both renowned speakers and authors, will bring the necessary inspiration and tips for the brain worker of the future: what are the best ways to tackle hybrid work, what are the pitfalls, how to organize your work and private life and how to ensure well-being in the new normal? Charlotte De Metsenare, actress and facilitator, engages with the audience in a playful and very interactive way. She encourages your collaborators to listen actively, but above all to reconnect with each other in a spontaneous way. Expect a lot of humor and dynamism. This format is suitable for a large audience as well as for a smaller team. An ideal way to get back together after a long period of remote work. Do you want to know more about our format for your unique once in a lifetime in-company event? And would you like to be completely unburdened and leave the organisation of your internal event to professionals? That is also possible! Our partner will do the necessary. Or do you just want to offer one of the keynotes or both of them in person or webinar format, without the entertainment? That is possible too. We are happy to listen to your needs and wishes. Please send a mail to

  • Selling in the new normal

    Empower Your Sales Team to Sell Virtually Before the pandemic, about 50% of a B2B sales rep’s time was spent in face-to-face time (Gartner). But now, sales reps face an unprecedented challenge to meet demanding buyer needs, all while managing the limitations of a world restricted by COVID-19. People behave differently in #remoteselling scenarios; they don’t engage in the same way and are more easily distracted. This new reality requires new #sellingskills and techniques and the ability to avoid the pitfalls that exist during #virtualsalesmeetings. Learn the steps you need to take to go from in-person to #onlineselling: 👉 how to build trust and create connection, 👉 how to run an effective online meeting, 👉 how to increase credibility to drive momentum and win sales opportunities. Besides these practical issues, you'll get 👉 a new perspective on remote and hybrid selling today and in the future and how to engage with your clients in a new way! Our #VirtualLearningJourney 🔷 Remote Selling 🔷 includes the expertise of Jochen Roef - author of "Less contact, more Impact" and Christophe Jauquet, author of "Healthusiasm". With live and interactive webinars and with a video tutorial consisting of short and effective key learnings. Be ready for Selling in 2021! Contact us for more information via


    In need of more 🔹 team cohesion? Want to feel 🔹 connected with your co-workers? Or just spend a moment of sheer 🔹 fun and 🔹 relaxation? Letting go of 🔹 tension and pressure? Search no longer! And let yourself be convinced by a free demo session of our FUN #VirtualTeambuilding on 👉 Fri. 12/02 4-5 pm (Dutch session) & 👉 Wed. 17/02 11-12 am (English session) What can you expect? get a taste of the vibe, atmosphere and type of exercises experience for yourself why this is so connecting and energizing having a good laugh together with other people learn more about a virtual in-company session you could organize for your own team or department (Q&A) No pressure, nothing is required or mandatory, but you'll see it is hard to resist! Be prepared to have a really nice time with Charlotte! ➤ Enroll by sending a mail to with the date of your choice. Max. 2 people per company.

  • The top 3 concerns for remote leaders today

    We asked fifty leaders at one of our customers what concerns them most about managing their team remotely. What do they struggle with now? 👉 First on the list is a sense of #purpose (red: almost a third) 👉 2nd Promoting #teamcohesion (light green) 👉 On 3, approaching and addressing an employee with negative #stress or #burnout symptoms (dark green) The other 3 answers are equally divided: 👉 increase #trust, 👉 promoting #focus and finally 👉 increase #wellbeing among their employees. It's not a coincidence that these are exactly the themes we cover in our 🔹 Online Inspiration Journey 🔹 Remote Leadership 🔹 where our experts cover these aspects together with your leaders. Learn what we can do to help your remote leaders!

  • Boost your resilience!

    Many professionals work longer hours than before COVID and feel tired and exhausted. Having a good energy balance is therefore more important than ever. On top of this, being able to deal with constant change and being agile is paramount to be successful ànd happy. To make it through the current crisis and bounce forward to the new, constantly changing reality, you and your team will need to be resilient. The good news is that you can train this skill. Dominique Monami and Florence Pérès, both resilience coaches, but above all familiar with change and challenging circumstances in their own professional lives and careers, host a "double" on #resilience during a live #webinar for your team members. They will learn how to: 👉 become more resilient 🧠 👉 recharge their batteries 💡 👉 find more balance ⚖ 👉 embrace change 🌊 and become more agile Want to know more about our 👊 DOUBLE on 👊 Resilience? Contact us!

  • 6 new speakers ready to inspire you!

    The last couple of weeks, we were pleased to welcome 6 new #virtualspeakers. ⭐ Dominique Monami will boost your energy and stimulate your winning mindset ⭐ Julie Heyvaert will facilitate your team cohesion ⭐ Brecht Buysschaert will teach you how to become a ‘whealthy’ leader and establish a ‘whealthy’ workplace ⭐ Yoav Nir - inventor of ClickShare - shows you how to become innovative, ⭐ Charlotte De Metsenaere trains your management to give feedback and facilitates our FUN VirtualTeambuilding and ⭐ Tony Crabbe, the famous author of ‘Busy’ will inspire you on leading a remote team and on attention management. Curious to know more? Leave us a message!

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- Get inspired, learn & grow

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