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  • keynote Cracking the Productivity Code

    < back Cracking the Productivity Code Unveiling Fresh Insights and Shattering the False Promises of Time Management More detailed information Are you tired of clichéd approaches to time management that offer false hope? Does your important work always seem to take a backseat? Are constant interruptions and pop-up notifications leaving you dissatisfied at the end of each workday? If you're ready for a game-changing keynote, look no further. Isabel De Clercq is here to challenge conventional wisdom and provide fresh insights that go beyond the illusion of complete control. In this captivating presentation, Isabel empowers business leaders, team managers and employees to make conscious choices about their focus, attention and productivity. It's not about gaining full control over your to-do lists. Instead, it's about regaining control over value creation for customers and leveraging your time effectively. Unlike other productivity and time management gurus who make empty promises, Isabel unveils the ultimate truth about productivity, dismantles the myth of absolute control and emphasises that our condition humaine, with its time and talent limitations, is not a threat but rather a liberation. By sidestepping the blame game on technology, Isabel reveals the true culprits responsible for our fragmented attention and provides tangible tools for organisations, teams and individuals to break free from the cycle of inefficiency. Her mission is to transform work environments into healthy spaces where employees can thrive, feel a sense of accomplishment and focus on tasks that truly make a difference. Get ready to shatter the status quo , challenge outdated notions and discover fresh perspectives that will revolutionise your approach to productivity. Isabel De Clercq's keynote is your ticket to unlocking true productivity and embracing a new era of meaningful work. Request a quote Submit About Meet Isabel! She graduated in Romance Philology and after a career at the University Language Centre of Ghent University and Wolters Kluwer Belgium, she has now become a sought-after keynote speaker and consultant. Isabel specializes in advising companies on their quest for sustainable work practices, disseminating her expertise through books, blogs, and podcasts. With a wealth of fresh perspectives, she's poised to revolutionize your approach to productivity in the hybrid workplace. Drawing on the latest research, Isabel adeptly bridges the gap between theory and practice, transforming scientific insights into actionable steps. Her approach is a breath of fresh air, injecting positivity into every step of your journey. Isabel's charisma extends beyond the stage. With a robust workshop background, she understands that the strategies advocated by the world's organizational gurus often clash with the complexities of real-world scenarios. Leveraging her extensive experience, Isabel translates even the loftiest ideals into practical steps tailored to our daily reality. Isabel De Clercq is passionate about the pursuit of good and sustainable work practices. She believes in the pivotal role played by what she terms the Holy Trinity: the individual taking responsibility for their own happiness, teams establishing effective agreements for synchronous and asynchronous collaboration, and organizations unequivocally embracing leadership and focus time. Expect a captivating storyline, firmly grounded in scientific research and always translated into the everyday reality of organizations. Audience members not only leave energized but also armed with a checklist of tips & tricks and a questionnaire to further their engagement. Isabel De Clercq Author and speaker passionate about the pursuit of good and sustainable work practices

  • keynote Stalkerware - the spy inside all of us

    < back Stalkerware - the spy inside all of us What about your privacy? More detailed information How would you feel if your ex-partner was constantly watching you digitally after the break-up? That he or she knows exactly what you say to whom, when you've been where and browses through your private photos and videos? Terrible right? Understandable: not only is your privacy seriously compromised, but you may no longer feel safe and at ease. The software used by perpetrators to do this is called stalkerware. During this lecture Eddy Willems will take you inside the dark world of some specific spyware: stalkerware. Why is stalkerware so special or isn’t it? Is this a new phenomenon? Eddy will guide you through the most common features of stalkerware. Is it easy to install? What are the differences between spyware and this kind of malware. How do the companies who create this software advertise themselves? Is it really legal? Eddy will show you a couple of examples. What are the technical challenges for the security industry? What can you do about it? What if your husband, wife, boyfriend, ex-lover or even father is using it against you? If you care about your privacy this lecture is a must. If you want to know more about spyware this lecture can open your eyes even more. Request a quote Submit About Eddy Willems is a globally recognized cybersecurity expert from Belgium. He serves as a board member for three prominent security industry organizations: EICAR, AVAR, and LSEC. Additionally, he holds the positions of Resident Security Evangelist and Global Security Officer at G DATA Cyberdefense. Eddy's involvement in the cybersecurity field dates back to 1991 when he became a founding member of EICAR, one of the world’s earliest security IT organizations. Throughout his career, he has held numerous additional roles within various security industry organizations. His expertise is regularly sought after by several CERTs, press agencies, print and online publications, as well as broadcasting media, including CNN. In October 2013, Eddy published his debut book, 'Cybergevaar,' in Belgium and the Netherlands under Lannoo. This was followed by a German translation and an updated English version titled 'Cyberdanger,' published by Springer in 2019. He is also a co-author of the Dutch science fiction cyberthriller ‘Het Virus,’ released in 2020. Eddy is renowned for his engaging speaking style and regularly delivers lectures and presentations worldwide, catering to audiences ranging from children to cybersecurity experts. He has spoken at prestigious events such as TEDx, captivating diverse audiences with his insights and expertise in cybersecurity. Eddy Willems Cyber Security Guru | Inspiring Speaker | Author #Cyberdanger | Security Researcher | Director | Security Evangelist at G DATA CyberDefense

  • keynote How to make a difference?

    < back How to make a difference? Plastic pollution is a worldwide epidemic. By now we are aware of this but how does real change come about? More detailed information Merijn Tinga AKA the Plastic Soup Surfer has influenced policy in the Netherlands and made companies take plastic products from their shelves. He has ample knowledge of recycling and consequences of plastic pollution. In his entertaining and sometimes funny presentations he uses his expeditions on selfmade surfboards from plastic-waste as the storyline. He inspires to take action and shows how you too can make a difference. Request a quote Submit About In 2014, Merijn constructed a surfboard using washed-up plastics and surfed along the Dutch coast, earning him the nickname "Plastic Soup Surfer." Sadly, mere awareness is insufficient for catalyzing change. Consequently, he shifted his campaign focus towards policy makers and companies. To date, Merijn's campaigns and expeditions have influenced political resolutions and led to product bans, demonstrating the impact of individual action. Alongside an expanding community of passionate individuals, he persists in achieving tangible results and effecting change. Merijn shares his story to inspire and educate others on how they too can contribute to making a difference. Merijn Tinga His surfboard is a weapon. His target: politicians and company ceo's. The goal: real change!

  • keynote Leaving a Legacy

    < back Leaving a Legacy Re-invent your strategies to boost your impact More detailed information Ever heard of the 17 SDG’s as defined by the UN? And did you know that 83% of the employees put purpose in the workplace in their top 3 motivators, on a much higher position than f.i. ‘reputation for growth’ or ‘distinction’? No? Then you should definitely hear out Kaat’s talk. Kaat brings a presentation full of inspiration, tools and a strong call-to-action to re-consider your strategies so that your company continues to be successful while boosting positive impact. ‘We don’t inherit the world from our parents, rather we borrow it from our kids’ is a highlighted proverb. If we want to show resilience and contribute to a better world, we have to start today, but how? This keynote will take you on a trip about why and how you should define more long-term goals, consider how you are changing the world and adopt new strategies that will make the next generations proud on your achievements. Kaat creates a platform of urgency and brings you strategic and hands-on expertise. This session provides the interactive tool ‘Legacy Canvas’ that will be available to you as a tool for further reflection. Some of the subjects that Kaat will treat: Awareness about how we all impact the world The importance of thinking in the long term, being innovative and purpose-driven by all means The impact your company has and why it matters to your clients and employees Tips and tricks to increase your positive impact The call-to-action: start today! You’ll be able to: Define your own impact goals Honestly assess the impact stage your company is at Define strategies to achieve your intended positive impact on the world- Use vocabulary to take your stakeholders in your long-term strategies and boost a mindshift Better the world Also available as workshop. Request a quote Submit About Kaat is an impact maker, author of two books and keynote speaker with a diverse track record in associations, governmental institutes and as an entrepreneur. For 6 years, Kaat managed the Sociale Innovatiefabriek, an accelerator for social innovation and social entrepreneurship. This experience nurtured her belief that everyone is a changemaker and that companies have the duty to deeper reflect about how they impact the world. As a hands-on member of the board of several associations, social enterprises, as well as a member of the jury in international contests, creating an impact has become the baseline of her life. Kaat teaches social innovation at Erasmus University College Bxl and through her consulting organization, Social Impact Projects, Kaat helps impact organizations to design and implement their growth strategies. Kaat is co-author of Zaken die je Raken, an inspiring book about how social make the world a better place. Recently, Kaat released the book Leaving a Legacy. Increase Your Social Impact, co-authored by Omar Mohout. This book is a stepstone in Kaat’s mission to inspire companies about their role as changemaker. “Everyone has the duty and possibility to create a positive impact.” Get inspired by Kaat about how to become a changemaker and leave the world a great legacy. Kaat Peeters Keynote speaker on a mission to boost changemakers. Inspirational speeches about strategies for impact

  • keynote Thriving in the Workplace

    < back Thriving in the Workplace by Fostering Professional and Personal Well-being More detailed information Step into the world of enhanced resilience, reduced stress, and elevated well-being and job satisfaction in the dynamic context of hybrid work. Ann is here to inspire your audience, employees, or managers, always tailored to your organization's needs. She can deliver this as a comprehensive narrative or dive into one or more of the following themes to address the specific points that require attention within your organization: Boost Resilience: Cultivate the strength to flourish amidst challenges and change. Embrace a growth mindset over a fixed mindset. Opt for "motivation" rather than "mustivation." Reduce Stress: Embrace a life with less pressure and more balance. Learn to distinguish between healthy and unhealthy stress and discover that a certain level of stress is necessary for productivity. Preventing Burnout: Recognize the signs and build resilience to prevent burnout. Minimize Absenteeism and Presenteeism: Create a healthy work environment with engaged employees. Enthusiastic and driven employees are less likely to be absent. Enhance Focus: Master the art of targeted concentration for improved performance. With concrete tips, ensure better "brain management" and do the right things at the right time. Foster Connection: Build strong relationships and strengthen the sense of teamwork. Together, you can achieve more and deliver strong results. Efficient Hybrid Work: Navigate the world of flexible work smoothly. I'll teach you the dos and don'ts. Inspirational Leadership: Develop leadership skills that inspire and motivate. Using the 4 C's of the ideal leader (Communicate, Collaborate, Connect, Care), I'll provide you with valuable tools. Effective Communication: Learn to communicate with impact and empathy. Ensure psychological safety and make everything discussable. Taking Care of Each Other: Cultivate a culture of well-being and support. Productive Meetings: Transform meetings into valuable and productive sessions. Reimagining Email Management: Manage your emails in a smart and healthy manner. Request a quote Submit About Ann is a trailblazer in professionalizing well-being in the workplace. She held the distinction of being the first Wellbeing Director in Belgium at DPG media and has since become a highly sought-after and passionate speaker on topics such as well-being, work happiness, and leadership. Her mission is to persuade business leaders to integrate well-being into their organizations, making it an intrinsic part of corporate culture rather than a standalone initiative. She emphasizes that well-being within a company is a collective responsibility, highlighting the roles of the organization, managers, and employees. Ann motivates board and management teams while also inspiring individual employees with practical tips and insights to enhance resilience, foster a positive mindset, reduce stress, and achieve better work-life balance. She delves into topics such as efficient meetings, email management, and the significance of communication and connectivity, especially as organizations adopt hybrid work models. Ann is the author of the books 'Countdown to Monday' and 'Wellbeing = Profit,' and her collaborative effort with Prof. Stijn Baert resulted in 'je werk of je leven.' Her authentic and hands-on approach has made her a highly sought-after keynote speaker nationally and internationally. Her keynotes blend actionable tips from her books with a focus on the organizational and managerial aspects of employee happiness and engagement. Her presentations cover a range of topics, including: The rationale behind a well-being policy The roles of the organization, leaders, and employees in fostering well-being The importance of focus, breaks, and physical activity Nurturing connectivity in hybrid work environments Strategies for more effective meetings and email management Essential leadership skills in remote settings Stress and attention management techniques Cultivating a positive mindset during periods of change Self-care practices such as sleep hygiene, nutrition, and digital detoxification. Ann De Bisschop The first Wellbeing Director in Belgium :-), Author of 3 books, Keynote speaker & Wellbeing consultant

  • keynote Care for the Planet

    < back Care for the Planet Care for the Planet as a strategic pillar in your brand positioning More detailed information 70% of people don’t believe the sustainability efforts brands are making. Green & purpose- washing have created trust issues between people and brands. Creating a positive impact on the planet is a responsibility demanded by employees, customers and governments. With a pragmatic step-by-step approach, aligned with your ESG strategy the CARE strategic framework helps you to place CARE for the planet into the core of your business strategy. Topics in the keynotes are: How can the CARE Principles help you to accelerate your sustainable strategy. How can you bring transparency, honesty and authenticity in your sustainable journey. Prepare yourself for the current and next generations of customer needs. How to collaborate with sustainable partnerships and stakeholder management. How can external collaboration help you grow sustainably. This keynote gets you introduced and inspired by the CARE strategic framework to accelerateyour sustainable ESG #esg #sustainability #csr #green #impact Request a quote Submit About As an international keynote speaker, author and seasoned brand consultant, Isabel helps companies pivot toward a caring, sustainable, and impactful business strategy. The CARE strategic framework helps organizations transform with CARE, an acronym that stands for collaboration, agility, reliability, and empathy. Verstraete gives guest lectures with the CARE Principles at reputed universities such as Vlerick, Nyenrode, TU Delft or VU University in Amsterdam. Isabel researched during the pandemic how certain companies deal better with a crisis and discovered there is a pattern behind their success. She wrote a book about it called: ‘Does your brand care? Building a better world with the C A R E Principles.’ The C A R E Principles urges companies to place CARE for people and the planet at the core of the business strategy. Applying the CARE Principles starts internally by taking better CARE of your employees. The strategic model extends to clients, stakeholders, and CARE for the planet and taps into the ESG strategies. Isabel Verstraete Speaker, workshops, brand strategy expert, and author

  • keynote The Media - how to get your story out there

    < back The Media - how to get your story out there ​ More detailed information Putting out a press release is no longer the best way to get the media's attention. It's about standing out, being connected, and having something truly relevant to tell. Request a quote Submit About I like to get out the best in people: what makes them and their story special? It takes more than some questions, it takes two people who trust each other and dare to get connected. For more than 20years I have been a journalist. Interested in all kinds of stories and discussions. Asking questions, but also listening. A successful interview is one in which people can tell their story, enlighten us with their insights while they also dare to engage themselves as an individual into that conversation. Knowledge and emotions. That's how the story really gets passed on. A good on/offline talk always contains these elements: information, context, nuance, clarity and humanity. An interview or talk without one single emotion is a missed opportunity. My job is getting people and ideas connected, by challenging the speakers as well as the ones who are listening. What is truly being said? How do you know? Why should we care? What can we do? We are in it together! Lisbeth Imbo Asking the right questions, listening and getting people connected.

  • keynote speaker Isabel Verstraete

    Isabel Verstraete Speaker, workshops, brand strategy expert, and author To be booked as/for Languages Tags Speaker, Workshops, Consultant Dutch, French, English Future Brand Strategy, Repositioning, Collaboration, agility, Care for the Planet, The Care Prinicples, CSR, ESG strategy Biography Topics Testimonials Pictures Get a quote Biography As an international keynote speaker, author and seasoned brand consultant, Isabel helps companies pivot toward a caring, sustainable, and impactful business strategy. The CARE strategic framework helps organizations transform with CARE, an acronym that stands for collaboration, agility, reliability, and empathy. Verstraete gives guest lectures with the CARE Principles at reputed universities such as Vlerick, Nyenrode, TU Delft or VU University in Amsterdam. Isabel researched during the pandemic how certain companies deal better with a crisis and discovered there is a pattern behind their success. She wrote a book about it called: ‘Does your brand care? Building a better world with the C A R E Principles.’ The C A R E Principles urges companies to place CARE for people and the planet at the core of the business strategy. Applying the CARE Principles starts internally by taking better CARE of your employees. The strategic model extends to clients, stakeholders, and CARE for the planet and taps into the ESG strategies. Topics Company Culture Introduction to the CARE Principles Lees verder How can you grow your business while enhancing a positive impact on people & planet? More Marketing Business & Brand Strategy Lees verder How do you do business while taking care of people and planet? More Company Culture Care for your People Lees verder A prerequisite to attract and retain talent More Marketing Marketing & generational shifts Lees verder How this gen Z fundamentally changes organizations. More Marketing Care for the Planet Lees verder Care for the Planet as a strategic pillar in your brand positioning More Testimonials Sessions Pictures you can use to promote your event Get a quote Request a Quote Keynote of my preference submit Pictures Quot Anchor 3

  • keynote How to overcome self-limiting beliefs?

    < back How to overcome self-limiting beliefs? We impose unnecessary and unjustified restrictions on ourselves which have no other proof than what we make ourselves believe. Self-limiting beliefs prevent us from growing as a person, as a professional, as a business founder or owner. More detailed information According to the U.S. National Science Foundation, our brain produces 50,000 thoughts daily. A hallucinatory 95% of them return every day. You are the one who decides which of those thoughts involve an "I can" or "I can't. The thoughts you choose become your beliefs and those beliefs color your mindset. Your mindset, in turn, guides your behaviour, and what you do shapes your reality. Self-limiting beliefs are pernicious, they feed your self-doubt and undermine your self-confidence. Worse, they slow you down and in the worst case they hold you back, causing you to miss opportunities and business progress. The good news is you can intervene and learn how to take control over your thoughts and resulting self-limiting beliefs. Véronique tells a thing or two on how to tackle self-limiting beliefs. Request a quote Submit About Started her first real business at the age of 50 after having traded marketing expertise time for money during 14 years during which she started up, managed and reorganized marketing departments and teams, ranging from 4 tot 40 people, for a wide variety of local and international businesses and sectors. She ventured into the unknown by starting up a wholesale food business. She made – all – the first time entrepreneur mistakes one can imagine, irregardless their age. After three years she sold her start-up, wondering why and how too many female entrepreneurs sabotage the growth of their business. Her research led to the launch of a female-only accelerator programme and a first book ‘The one million euro woman’, in close collaboration with UCLL (KULeuven) where Véronique is a marketing, entrepreneurship and leadership skills lecturer. She talks about scaling your business, self-limiting beliefs and leadership skills. Véronique Bockstal Serial entrepreneur, scaling & fundraising coach, author 'De vrouw van 1 miljoen', lecturer marketing & entrepreneurship and researcher female entrepreneurship

  • keynote A Woman at the Top : One Story of Resilience & Self-Leadership

    < back A Woman at the Top : One Story of Resilience & Self-Leadership Brain Hemorrhage Survivor who climbed the highest mountains in the world, Everest and Lhotse More detailed information In a gripping and inspiring keynote address, Orianne Aymard shares her remarkable journey of resilience and determination. At the young age of 25, in the remote corners of North India, Orianne's life took an unexpected turn when she suffered a devastating brain hemorrhage. The medical prognosis was bleak, condemning her to a life devoid of the high altitudes and mountains she loved. However, against all odds, Orianne embarked on a quest that would redefine the limits of human potential. With unwavering determination and a spirit unbroken by adversity, she not only defied medical predictions but also achieved the unimaginable. Orianne scaled the highest peaks on Earth, conquering Lhotse (8,516m) and standing atop the majestic Chomolungma, also known as Everest (8,848m) - the Mother Goddess of the world. In her captivating keynote, Orianne shares her incredible journey with humility and authenticity, providing insights into her daring adventures, triumphant victories, and moments of doubt. Her story unfolds as she walks the audience through the pivotal milestones that led her to the summits of Lhotse and Everest. Her experiences offer profound lessons in the art of self-transcendence and the ability to confront crisis situations head-on. Moreover, Orianne's narrative is a testament to the boundless capacity of the human spirit for resilience and leadership. Her extraordinary journey serves as a source of inspiration and empowerment, encouraging individuals to overcome their own challenges and reach for their dreams, regardless of the obstacles they may face. Request a quote Submit About Orianne Aymard exemplifies resilience, having survived a brain hemorrhage and ascended Everest and Lhotse. Beyond her mountaineering feats, her diverse career spans diplomacy, humanitarian aid, and academia, reflecting her dedication to making a positive impact. Orianne's humanitarian work includes significant roles with the ICRC in conflict zones and contributions to earthquake relief in Haiti. Her diplomatic efforts addressed critical global issues, enhancing discussions on religious tensions and human rights. Holding a Ph.D. in Religious Studies, she's also an acclaimed author, sharing her journey of overcoming adversity. Residing in Chamonix, Orianne's life story make her an inspirational keynote speaker, promising audiences a compelling narrative of triumph over adversity, emphasizing that with determination, anyone can overcome challenges and achieve greatness. Watch Orianne speak. Orianne Aymard Dr. Orianne Aymard, a brain hemorrhage survivor, defied odds by climbing Everest and Lhotse, embodying resilience and determination in her keynotes

  • keynote speaker Gerrie Smits

    Gerrie Smits Chief Curiosity Officer. Intrigued by the impact of tech on business, people & society. Author/Facilitator/Speaker. To be booked as/for Languages Tags Speaker, Host, Moderator, Trainer, Workshops Dutch, English Sustainable business, Ethics, Fair value, Organisation design, Collaboration, Humanity, User-centricity, Zag to the Zig, Impact, Framing, Tangible, Blockchain ▶️ Watch Gerrie on stage. Biography Topics Testimonials Pictures Get a quote Biography Clients have described Gerrie as accessible, enthusiastic, and adept at simplifying complex concepts. He embraces this characterization. He enjoys challenging the status quo while also appreciating the value of common sense, a trait that comes with experience (or as some might say, age). With 25 years of experience in industries disrupted by the internet, Gerrie has become a hands-on expert in navigating the digital landscape. His expertise has benefitted various clients, spanning from FMCG corporates to AI startups and from government agencies to the World Chambers Congress. While he remains up-to-date with digital trends, he tends to frequently use words like 'user,' 'why,' and 'alignment.' His fascination with blockchain led him to write a book about it ('Blockchain is WTF'). Prior to his immersion in digital, Gerrie's diverse background included writing about music, producing television, founding two companies during his 15 years in London, and serving as a civil servant. Topics Web3, Metaverse, AR & VR Metaverse: immerse or curse? Lees verder If a giant like Facebook/Meta decides to pivot and embrace a tech trend, it's worth paying attention. But what is 'the Metaverse' and what does it mean for your business? More Web3, Metaverse, AR & VR Is Web3 a fad or is it fundamental? Lees verder Discover the building blocks of Web3 and the impact on your business More Web3, Metaverse, AR & VR The future of finance Lees verder ​ More Marketing The Customer of The Now-Future Lees verder In this talk, Gerrie shows you how to understand consumer-centric trends to use them in your own context. Don’t pre-dict, but start pre-pare for the now-future. More Customer Experience Customer Centricity is rubbish. Long live Customer Centricity. Lees verder There’s more to Customer Centricity than your customer. More That was awesome. Exactly what we needed: clear and full of energy! SAP Senior Executive I just witnessed the PERFECT explanation of the blockchain is and it starts with an orange ​ Doron Wesly, Chief Marketing Officer Been awhile since I had an AHA moment like I did on stage when you were speaking Microsoft Julia Glidden, CVP Testimonials Sessions Pictures you can use to promote your event Get a quote Request a Quote Keynote of my preference submit Pictures Quot Anchor 3

  • keynote speaker Dado Van Peteghem

    Dado Van Peteghem Leading expert in the digital sector, frequent speaker, author and entrepreneur. To be booked as/for Languages Tags Speaker, Workshops, Consultant English, Dutch Trust, Ecosystems, Purpose, Digital Transformation ▶️ Watch Dado's talk on AI. Biography Topics Testimonials Pictures Get a quote Biography Dado Van Peteghem is a seasoned entrepreneur, renowned speaker, and thought leader in digital transformation, innovation, and ecosystem thinking. As a founding partner at the transformation advisory firm Scopernia, he has been instrumental in guiding organizations towards embracing the digital age. Dado is also a co-founder of startups such as Social Seeder and Speakersbase, platforms that have made significant impacts in their respective industries. Dado holds a degree in Communication & Computer Sciences from the University of Ghent, where his passion for merging technology with strategic communication first blossomed. Over the years, he has delivered over a hundred keynote speeches annually, captivating audiences with insights into the intricacies of digital transformation and innovative strategies for success. As an accomplished author, Dado has contributed to the business world with his published works. His previous books include "Digital Transformation" (2014) with Jo Caudron, "Corporate Venturing" (2018) with Omar Mohout, and "Metasystems" (2020) with Nils van Dam, all of which have been well-received for their practical wisdom and forward-thinking perspectives. Dado's latest book, "The Virtual Economy," co-authored with Jeremy Denisty, delves into the evolving landscape of virtual worlds and communities. In this groundbreaking exploration, Dado and Jeremy shed light on the emerging opportunities within the third wave of the Internet, characterized by artificial intelligence, immersive virtual environments, and blockchain technologies. "The Virtual Economy" offers a roadmap for businesses, governments, and society to harness the potential of this new era, providing strategies to engage and serve the next generation of customers, communities, and citizens. As a member of the strategy committee at leading fashion group Chalhoub Group in Dubai, Dado brings a global perspective to his work, often bridging insights from the Middle East and Asia with international trends and best practices. With his deep expertise and visionary outlook, Dado Van Peteghem continues to inspire and empower organizations worldwide to thrive in an ever-evolving digital landscape. Topics Artificial Intelligence Grasping the exponential power of AI Lees verder Artificial Intelligence (AI) is one of the most transformative technologies of our time, and it is changing the way we do business. More People Skills Unleash the power of trust in your relations Lees verder Trust is a crucial concept to radiate towards your employees, partners, and clients. More Company Culture The Meaningful Organisation Lees verder Moving beyond profit More Sales Setting up ecosystem strategies for sustainable growth Lees verder The power of the network for enterprises More Web3, Metaverse, AR & VR The Metaverse Generation Lees verder How to thrive in the exciting virtual future More Digital Transformation What’s next on the digital horizon? Lees verder Trends and future scenarios for your industry More Digital Transformation Thriving in the Age of the Virtual Economy Lees verder Get ready to delight the new generation of customers 👩‍🎤 More Specials Level Up: what you can learn from the world of games Lees verder Insight into the dynamics behind the innovation and the tactics that create strong, revenue-generating fan communities More We invited Dado at our Health & Care Network Event to speak about trends, innovation and digital transformation in healthcare. A fantastic presentation that inspired a very heterogeneous group. Dado can challenge people and gives everybody energy tot think outside the box! I definitely recommend Dado as a keynote speaker. Health & Care Network Ellen Vanhoof As usual great presentation by Dado. Only positive feedback received by the Audience. Dado is inspiring, funny, master his subject and his a great presenter. ​ Christopher Franskin Working with Dado was a great pleasure! Dado showed us a presentation who was like smoking a cigar : you enjoy it from the start to the end! He is a dynamic and passionated person with a creative mind who can help you with different projects. If you never lived it, please do so as soon as possible. J. Cortes Fred Vandermarliere, CEO Testimonials Sessions Pictures you can use to promote your event Get a quote Request a Quote Keynote of my preference submit Pictures Quot Anchor 3

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