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  • keynote The Imperative of Explainable AI

    < back The Imperative of Explainable AI Demystifying the black box More detailed information Without understanding the reasoning behind AI decisions, broad acceptance and trust in these technologies is not possible. Explainable AI (XAI) should clarify the inner workings of AI systems, so the user can understand why the machine makes a particular decision. The core learnings of this session are based on 10 years of experience at Solvice in working with AI and complex decision intelligence issues with customers worldwide. Also read Bert's blogpost on this topic . Request a quote Submit About Bert Van Wassenhove is not a book publisher, but a "venture publisher", with significant experience in marketing and digital media – and by leveraging his network – Bert helps people and organizations take an innovative or transformative concept and turn it into a sustainable company. Today he is CEO of Solvice, an AI company focussing on solving complex decision intelligence problems. Authenticity is always a key value in his undertakings. Bert Van Wassenhove Venture publisher guiding innovative and transformative concepts to become sustainable companies.

  • keynote speaker Gerrie Smits

    Gerrie Smits Chief Curiosity Officer. Intrigued by the impact of tech on business, people & society. Author/Facilitator/Speaker. To be booked as/for Languages Tags Speaker, Host, Moderator, Trainer, Workshops Dutch, English Sustainable business, Ethics, Fair value, Organisation design, Collaboration, Humanity, User-centricity, Zag to the Zig, Impact, Framing, Tangible, Blockchain ▶️ Watch Gerrie on stage. Biography Topics Testimonials Pictures Get a quote Biography Clients have described Gerrie as accessible, enthusiastic, and adept at simplifying complex concepts. He embraces this characterization. He enjoys challenging the status quo while also appreciating the value of common sense, a trait that comes with experience (or as some might say, age). With 25 years of experience in industries disrupted by the internet, Gerrie has become a hands-on expert in navigating the digital landscape. His expertise has benefitted various clients, spanning from FMCG corporates to AI startups and from government agencies to the World Chambers Congress. While he remains up-to-date with digital trends, he tends to frequently use words like 'user,' 'why,' and 'alignment.' His fascination with blockchain led him to write a book about it ('Blockchain is WTF'). Prior to his immersion in digital, Gerrie's diverse background included writing about music, producing television, founding two companies during his 15 years in London, and serving as a civil servant. Topics Web3, Metaverse, AR & VR Metaverse: immerse or curse? Lees verder If a giant like Facebook/Meta decides to pivot and embrace a tech trend, it's worth paying attention. But what is 'the Metaverse' and what does it mean for your business? More Web3, Metaverse, AR & VR Is Web3 a fad or is it fundamental? Lees verder Discover the building blocks of Web3 and the impact on your business More Web3, Metaverse, AR & VR The future of finance Lees verder ​ More Marketing The Customer of The Now-Future Lees verder In this talk, Gerrie shows you how to understand consumer-centric trends to use them in your own context. Don’t pre-dict, but start pre-pare for the now-future. More Customer Experience Customer Centricity is rubbish. Long live Customer Centricity. Lees verder There’s more to Customer Centricity than your customer. More That was awesome. Exactly what we needed: clear and full of energy! SAP Senior Executive I just witnessed the PERFECT explanation of the blockchain is and it starts with an orange ​ Doron Wesly, Chief Marketing Officer Been awhile since I had an AHA moment like I did on stage when you were speaking Microsoft Julia Glidden, CVP Testimonials Sessions Pictures you can use to promote your event Get a quote Request a Quote Keynote of my preference submit Pictures Quot Anchor 3

  • keynote Trends 2030, are you ready?

    < back Trends 2030, are you ready? Afraid of the future? What lies ahead? More detailed information Tomorrow's world is just around the corner, with robots performing repetitive and predictable tasks, and sensors and cameras representing the digital feelers of our world. Self-learning algorithms will intervene on time and offer the best solutions at astonishing speeds. We will soon have cheap, autonomous transportation options at our disposal, while 3D printing technology will enable us to print everything we need. Virtual reality will enable us to experience anything we can possibly desire. But will we be safe? Will we not be outsmarted by cybercriminals? The acceleration of smartification has begun. Are you prepared? Request a quote Submit About As a futurist, keynote speaker, and trendwatcher, Richard van Hooijdonk is an authority on new technology. He has several chip implants because he wants to physically experience the future. His inspiration sessions have been attended by over 550,000 people. He has given more than 2,000 lectures across 35 countries. With his international research team, he researches many trends in the field of robotics, drones, self-driving systems, 3D & 4D printing, sensors, blockchain, quantum computing, neurotech, biotech, platforms and augmented & virtual reality. Combined with artificial intelligence, these technologies offer groundbreaking opportunities, but also lead to challenges and threats for people, organisations and governments. Richard is driven by a desire to inject innovation and imagination into the mindsets of the people and organisations who are going to shape the world of tomorrow. With the right forward-looking mindset, he believes that we can better effect change for the improvement of our health, happiness, and prosperity. Richard van Hooijdonk Renowned trendwatcher and futurist and the man with several chip implants in his body.

  • Keynotes on Sales, marketing & customer experience

    Sales, marketing & customer experience Find out how marketing helps you breaking into a new market and how you can sell with maximum return thanks to an optimized user experience. < Back to all topics Customer Centricity Christophe Jauquet Every customer wants to be healthy & happy Read more How to sparkle in telling and selling your Story Olivier Van Duüren Shoot for the heart, capture the mind and end with a smile. Communicating your ideas is the currency of today to evolve your personal and business brand. Read more Customer Centricity is rubbish. Long live Customer Centricity. Gerrie Smits There’s more to Customer Centricity than your customer. Read more CX or EX: the chicken or the egg? Inge van Belle High employee engagement (EX) leads to high customer satisfaction (CX) Read more Mastering Voice-Over Geraldine Vandercammen Techniques for Effective Communication Read more No More Boring Webinars Cyriel Kortleven Tools to create interaction and engagement in online sessions Read more Your co-workers voices are gold! Patrick De Pauw How can you build a strategic employee advocacy program creating more business opportunities. Read more Innovation for the longevity economy of tomorrow Dirk Schyvinck Innovations are not only a matter of youngsters for youngsters Read more AI-Powered Sales Fiona Passantino Introduction to AI for the non-technical Sales Professional Read more Stupid questions do exist Rik Moons and active listening is super easy Read more How to ruin your reputation in a split second? Véronique De Prycker Avoid these commonly made mistakes that ruin your professional opportunities. Read more From Identity to Image Céline Malyster The Power of Personal Branding for Entrepreneurs and Intrapreneurs Read more Sales: It's Everyone's Business Jozefien De Feyter Why every employee contributes to the revenue Read more HELP! I need to network Véronique De Prycker Master the art of networking and have a better career Read more Storytelling Guido Everaert Stories build brands and organisations Read more Customer Experience Post Covid19 Geert Martens The impact of Covid19 on customer experience Read more Transforming to a data powered organization and enabling Artificial Intelligence Bert Van Wassenhove How to generate relevant data and set it to good use through Artificial Intelligence (AI) Read more Mastering the Art of Interviews Geraldine Vandercammen Essential Techniques and Practical Skills Read more The Privacy Revolution: A New Era of Customer Engagement in the Wake of Third-Party Cookies Renout van Hove The Role of Customer Data Platforms and How to translate this to your world Read more Inclusive marketing and communication Fatima Llouh The value of inclusive communication Read more Translating Spotify's Success to Other Industries Renout van Hove How to craft success? Read more The importance of networking Suyin Aerts ​ Read more Less contact, more impact Jozefien De Feyter Why the human touch in sales is crucial in an increasingly digital world Read more The Customer of The Now-Future Gerrie Smits In this talk, Gerrie shows you how to understand consumer-centric trends to use them in your own context. Don’t pre-dict, but start pre-pare for the now-future. Read more Revolutionizing Marketing Strategies Renout van Hove Master the Marketing Automation Canvas - workshop Read more The Age of Relevance Tom De Ruyck Creating experiences that are hyper relevant, Instagram-able and memorable Read more The Customer Fitness Code Alain Thys Monetise customer experience Read more Metaverse for marketing Clo Willaerts What are the opportunities for marketing? Read more Marketing Post-Corona Clo Willaerts from Profit to Purpose Read more Level Up: what you can learn from the world of games Dado Van Peteghem Insight into the dynamics behind the innovation and the tactics that create strong, revenue-generating fan communities Read more The Media - how to get your story out there Lisbeth Imbo ​ Read more Riding the Data Wave Renout van Hove Unleash the Power of Data Clean Rooms to build your own Google Empire Read more Sell like a woman Jozefien De Feyter Discover the power of feminine energy in sales Read more Questioning the why, the importance of asking the right questions Suyin Aerts Unlocking Success Through Being Inquisitive Read more

  • keynote Putting transforming while performing into action

    < back Putting transforming while performing into action - Help you to Transform while Performing (Why) - Accelerate the co-creation and adoption of your Strategy and Culture (What) - Mix of Visualisation, Inspiration, Facilitation and Co-Creation (How) More detailed information We help people to see and sense inside-out and outside-in Through a combination of inspiration and co-creation we reflect on the why, what and how of personal and business transformation We visualise your current and future state, and co-create the bridge towards that future, listing strategic initiatives, priorities and capabilities for your organization Request a quote Submit About In September 2016 Olivier Van Duüren launched The Dualarity ( ), a business and a book, on how to take the pain out of your personal and business transformation, leaving you with a regained sense of spark. After 22 years working in the senior international executive ranks at one of the world's most successful technology companies called Microsoft, he has a unique perspective on the intersection of innovation, transformation, human behavior and societal changes. Olivier has held several senior level global and regional positions at Microsoft spanning sales, operations, marketing, business development, change management, innovation and strategy across consumer, online, retail, advertising, publishing and enterprise crossing all industries (B2C-B2B). He started at Microsoft in 1994 working out of the Benelux to global travelling out of Paris, London, Seattle and New York. He is an active founding investor in 9.5 Ventures ( building tailor-made startups for Corporates. He is a board member or strategic advisor in multiple startups and corporateas. He publishes in Newsweek. Olivier is a professor at the Zigurat Business School (linked to the university of Barcelona) for Technology and Innovation, guest lecturer at different Business Schools, a member of the Professional Speaker Association and Key Person of Influence UK (KPI). As part of The Dualarity Jixso partnership the ‘Visual Senseformers’ he helps organisations to envision and visualise a future proof strategy and culture, ready for the transformational age. Olivier Van Duüren An international public speaker, trend sensemaker, executive whisperer, startup builder, transformer, innovator, active investor and author. Olivier is a thought leader on personal and business transformation advising companies to find balance between performing and transforming. Olivier works with global, regional and local organisations from startups, scaleups, medium to large organisations.

  • keynote See what’s happening on the Outside

    < back See what’s happening on the Outside ​ More detailed information Get insights on the key global trends: Digital drivers (from network, IOT, AR, AI, Data, … to global networks), changing demographics-changing demand (5 living generations – the connected generation), the battle of the ecosystems/platforms/business models, the low touch economy, the planet revolution, a new global geopolitical order, the skills shift in the future of work Disruption: from industrial revolution 1.0 to 4.0. Or are we in 5.0? The future of kids born today Request a quote Submit About In September 2016 Olivier Van Duüren launched The Dualarity ( ), a business and a book, on how to take the pain out of your personal and business transformation, leaving you with a regained sense of spark. After 22 years working in the senior international executive ranks at one of the world's most successful technology companies called Microsoft, he has a unique perspective on the intersection of innovation, transformation, human behavior and societal changes. Olivier has held several senior level global and regional positions at Microsoft spanning sales, operations, marketing, business development, change management, innovation and strategy across consumer, online, retail, advertising, publishing and enterprise crossing all industries (B2C-B2B). He started at Microsoft in 1994 working out of the Benelux to global travelling out of Paris, London, Seattle and New York. He is an active founding investor in 9.5 Ventures ( building tailor-made startups for Corporates. He is a board member or strategic advisor in multiple startups and corporateas. He publishes in Newsweek. Olivier is a professor at the Zigurat Business School (linked to the university of Barcelona) for Technology and Innovation, guest lecturer at different Business Schools, a member of the Professional Speaker Association and Key Person of Influence UK (KPI). As part of The Dualarity Jixso partnership the ‘Visual Senseformers’ he helps organisations to envision and visualise a future proof strategy and culture, ready for the transformational age. Olivier Van Duüren An international public speaker, trend sensemaker, executive whisperer, startup builder, transformer, innovator, active investor and author. Olivier is a thought leader on personal and business transformation advising companies to find balance between performing and transforming. Olivier works with global, regional and local organisations from startups, scaleups, medium to large organisations.

  • keynote speaker Yoav Nir

    Yoav Nir Co-inventor of ClickShare®, Virtual and Augmented Reality pioneer and author of the book Game-changing Innovation To be booked as/for Languages Tags Speaker, Trainer, Workshops Dutch, English, French, Hebrew Intrapreneurship, Start-up, Scale-up, Problem Solution Fit, Product Market Fit, Innovation ▶️ Watch Yoav's TEDx talk. Biography Topics Testimonials Pictures Get a quote Biography Creative entrepreneur Yoav has an outstanding track record as the inventor of ClickShare and a pioneer in Virtual Reality. He excels at crafting and executing innovative and strategic visions for products and market strategies. Public speaking is his preferred method for sharing his extensive knowledge and over 20 years of experience. Yoav aims to entertain, motivate, and inspire audiences, infusing his talks with his unique brand of dry humor. Drawing from his gut and personal experiences, he covers the full spectrum from theory to reality to best practices. Specializing in topics such as game-changing innovation, creativity, intrapreneurship, and navigating uncertainty with perseverance, Yoav captivates audiences with his insights. Topics Innovation The Corporate Unicorn Lees verder ​ More Marketing From idea to product-market fit Lees verder Testimonial of a Corporate Entrepreneur More Innovation Busting the myths of innovation Lees verder Yoav inspires with his humor, chotspe and savoir-faire. The audience can immediately take their Innovation insights and learning with confidence into practice. More Yoav’s inspiring presentation on our CEO-seminar in March 2018 - clear, transparent and illustrated with a lot of examples from the insurance industry - was particularly complementary with the concrete cases of innovating solutions presented by Insurtechs and was very much appreciated by the CEOs of the insurance companies that are members of Assuralia. Assuralia Gino Leroy, Director Thanks Yoav for the original insights on innovation and how to change the game. It was nice that you took the time to listen to our different startup companies and giving them tailor-made recommendations. I got a lot of positive feedback after the event! Start it @ KBC Kjell Clarysse, Community Manager Every two years Televic organizes the Televic Tech Day with the tagline: Technology meets Business, Business meets Technology. The largest group of attendees for this mostly internal event are our R&D departments (150+ engineers). As a technology-driven company we value innovation, however, we may not forget the business side and the value it creates for the customer. Yoav succeeded in engaging our audience and as a closing keynote concluded a great day. Not only bringing his own story but also relating to the other speakers and presentations we had during the day. His names and speech still pops up months after the event, so that definitely means he left his mark. Televic Bruno Van Den Bossche, CTO Testimonials Sessions Pictures you can use to promote your event Get a quote Request a Quote Keynote of my preference submit Pictures Quot Anchor 3

  • keynote speaker Marnick Vandebroek

    Marnick Vandebroek Helping you build trust in the workplace by turning your messages into engaging stories. #standuptostandout To be booked as/for Languages Tags Speaker, Trainer, Moderator, Workshops, Consultant Dutch, English Storytelling, Leadership, Employee communication, Mindset, Personal development Biography Topics Testimonials Pictures Get a quote Biography Marnick Vandebroek is a frequently asked and highly rated Belgian keynote speaker and trainer on the topics of storytelling, leadership communication and mindset linked to driving innovation, digital transformation and change within organizations. He helps, trains and coaches over one hundred business owners, managers and professionals all across Europe to express themselves in the most powerful way. He works with people from multinational brands to promising start-ups and scale-ups that want to inspire both themselves and others to transform their ideas into action. He runs his business, together with his lovely wife and business partner, Natalie Vandergraesen. Marnick has a background in digital marketing, HR, stand-up comedy, is a certified NLP (neuro-linguistic programming) practitioner and just a stand-up guy. On a personal level, he is happily married and has two amazing cats. In addition, he loves writing, drawing, comedy, obstacle runs and pumping iron in the gym like Arnold Schwarzenegger. Marnick is the author of the book Stand Up to Stand Out: Expressing yourself in the most powerful way. A 5 step guide to stronger and more impactful communication and storytelling. Check Topics People Skills Stand Up to Stand Out Lees verder How to build trust in the workplace and inspire people to take action? More Motivation & Ownership The Winning Mindset for leaders Lees verder How to deal with change and prime your team and yourself for success More Testimonials Sessions Pictures you can use to promote your event Get a quote Request a Quote Keynote of my preference submit Pictures Quot Anchor 3

  • keynote speaker Martijn Aslander

    Martijn Aslander Tech philosopher, professional lifehacker and connector of people, information and ideas. To be booked as/for Languages Tags Speaker, Workshops Dutch, English future of work, digital fitness, easycracy, information society, lifehacks Biography Topics Testimonials Pictures Get a quote Biography Martijn Aslander has been one of the most experienced speakers in the field of the network and information society for more than 15 years. His books Easycracy and Never finished are standard reading material for many managers. As a standup philosopher, he researches and articulates possibilities for tackling problems and capitalizing on opportunities every day. In his keynote, Digital Fitness he is once again pioneering the future of work. Martijn Aslander 'looks' at the world through a social and economic lens. With passion and humor he maps out the complex impact of technology on society for his audience. He describes the current and future implications of these developments for the networked information society. Martijn is a hands-on inspirator who explains in an accessible way what is going on in this world. He synthesizes this into an understandable picture of what is going on and what it means for organizations, business models, markets and innovation. His unique ability to challenge business-leaders and help them think outside the box has brought him into boardrooms around the world. He helps business-leaders of global brands to future-proof their operations. Martijn likes to shake things up, make the audience wonder, but also inspire people. In doing so, he offers his audience actionable insights. Topics Button Easycracy Lees verder A new way of working, organizing and collaborating More Button Digital fitness Lees verder Our work is broken and in need of major maintenance More Future of Work Never finished Lees verder Based on the book nominated for Management Book of the Year 2016 More Testimonials Sessions Pictures you can use to promote your event Get a quote Request a Quote Keynote of my preference submit Pictures Quot Anchor 3

  • keynote Building an Innovation Culture

    < back Building an Innovation Culture 4 Characteristics of a Future Proof Organization More detailed information Businesses are being confronted with a Transformation Tsunami. They need to be able to adapt constantly to survive rapid change. But is it enough to adapt your business to the next megatrend? To adopt the next-big-technology-thing? To slightly tweak your business model to evolving customer needs? Probably not! To be future proof, we need to completely reinvent business models and embrace disruptors like Generative AI throughout our organization. And above all… we need to redesign our organizations to make our co-workers ready for any change that lies ahead. In his keynote talk, Tom will elaborate on how to create a culture of innovation and reinvention by embracing the principles of ‘purpose’, ‘empowerment’ and ‘collaboration. Moreover, he will explain how to activate them across the business by installing new daily habits around each of these. After all, organizations don’t innovate… people do! Request a quote Submit About With 100 talks every year, Tom De Ruyck’s keynotes have inspired professionals across the globe to future-proof their business and ways of working. He has spoken in more than 50 countries and on 6 continents at major marketing, technology, customer experience and consumer insights events. Next to being Chief Growth Officer and Partner at global consultancy Human8, Tom is a teaching Professor at IESEG School of Management in Paris. He is co-author of 'The Consumer Consulting Board' and published over 80 papers and articles in academic journals and business magazines. Tom was awarded for his work many times, amongst others by the American Marketing Association, the CMO Council Asia and ESOMAR. Tom De Ruyck Tom’s talks will challenge your thinking and spark your view on the future of business & customer experience in this dynamic and high-tech world.

  • keynote Mastering the Art of Interviews

    < back Mastering the Art of Interviews Essential Techniques and Practical Skills More detailed information In this workshop, participants will acquire essential skills for conducting effective interviews, covering all stages from preparation to follow-up. They will learn techniques for creating a comfortable environment, asking open-ended questions, and managing challenging situations. Through practical exercises and role-playing scenarios, attendees will practice and refine their interviewing skills to gather valuable information and insights. Request a quote Submit About Geraldine is a versatile professional with a rich background in acting, directing, voice coaching, and journalism. With over two decades of experience in France, she graduated from the prestigious European acting academy, 'Le Cours Florent,' and has captivated audiences at renowned events like the Festival of Avignon. Her expertise extends beyond the stage, as she has moderated debates for esteemed institutions such as ENISA, the European Commission, and WWF. Geraldine's voice has become a staple in commercials and advertisements for major brands like Apple, Dyson, and Louis Vuitton, resonating across television, radio, and online platforms in multiple languages. Her talents also shine through in various multimedia projects, music videos, audiobooks, and museum tours, enriching diverse storytelling mediums with her captivating narration. Since 2020, Geraldine has expanded her scope to international journalism, collaborating with media outlets worldwide as a producer, fixer, and journalistic collaborator, bringing compelling stories to life in France. Geraldine Vandercammen Driven by curiosity, fueled by originality, and rooted in journalistic excellence.

  • Keynotes on Climate, energy & sustainability

    Climate, energy & sustainability CSR is growing in importance. Be ready for tomorrow's future, as there's no plan B when it comes to our planet. < Back to all topics Climate-neutral in 2050 Johan Albrecht How organisations can make a difference Read more No healthy people on a sick planet Christophe Jauquet Health & well-being as the biggest drivers of the sustainability trend Read more Decolonising sustainability Dr. Audrey-Flore Ngomsik Sustainability sciences are full of hidden biases Read more From Sustainability to Regeneration Tom De Ruyck 8 transformation codes to help you drive positive change Read more Energy transition, how to get a competitive edge? Niels Vankrunkelsven Take the leap and position your organization and yourself to strengthen your resilience and success. Read more The Energy trilemma Johan Albrecht Energy should be reliable, sustainable and affordable. How do you reconcile these objectives ? Read more Climate change from 1856 to 2050 and beyond Niels Vankrunkelsven Unveiling the past, present, and future of climate change: a journey to climate neutrality. Read more Rethinking leadership for a sustainable future Dr. Audrey-Flore Ngomsik How to become a sustainable leader Read more Care for the Planet Isabel Verstraete Care for the Planet as a strategic pillar in your brand positioning Read more Stop Convincing Wannes Van Giel How you help customers and consumers to adopt sustainable choices Read more Climate change polarization Niels Vankrunkelsven The power of collaboration to overcome polarization and build a greener future Read more Sustainable food, are we there yet? Dr. Audrey-Flore Ngomsik ​ Read more How to enhance a more sustainable cosmetic industry? Dr. Audrey-Flore Ngomsik ​ Read more My positive impact? Near to zero! Niels Vankrunkelsven The surprising power of individual actions in climate mitigation Read more From energy crisis to climate neutrality Johan Albrecht The energy paradox and alternatives that contribute to climate solutions Read more Climate friendly eating Dr. Audrey-Flore Ngomsik Can fruits and vegetables save the world? Read more How to make a difference? Merijn Tinga Plastic pollution is a worldwide epidemic. By now we are aware of this but how does real change come about? Read more Corporate Social Responsibility is here to stay Dr. Audrey-Flore Ngomsik ​ Read more Can circular economy be an answer to more sustainability Dr. Audrey-Flore Ngomsik Everybody is talking about Circular Economy. But do you know what is it in details, on how it applies to your business? Read more The link between CSR, ESG and SDG Dr. Audrey-Flore Ngomsik Why the "S" in CSR, the "S" in ESG and the "S" in SDG must go hand in hand for successful business practices! Read more Ignoring the climate crisis is (soon to be considered) bad for business. Dr. Audrey-Flore Ngomsik Why ignoring climate change is becoming a risky business Read more Greening the Office Tom Ryckaert Navigating ESG in the future workplace Read more The Return of Investment on social sustainability Dr. Audrey-Flore Ngomsik And why should social sustainability be part of your business? Read more

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