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  • keynote Why Innovation Fails & 7 Keys to Success

    < back Why Innovation Fails & 7 Keys to Success How to innovate your organisation to stay relevant in these challenging times? The do's and don'ts of sustainable innovation. More detailed information To remain successful, organizations must be able to respond effectively to the fast pace of change or event stay one step ahead of it. To make it possible, it is crucial to look at the future in the right way. This means embracing uncertainty, seizing opportunities, and recognizing threats in good time. Why Innovation Fails not only teaches you how to look at the future, but also explains the most frequently made mistakes and highlights the most common pitfalls in the innovation process. In addition, you will gain greater insight into the technological evolutions of the next ten years and discover how this insight can be turned into a concrete approach that will build future-proof and successfully innovation companies and organizations. In this compelling keynote, Joachim De Vos takes you into the future, how to correctly assess it with your organization and how best to structure innovation. He does this from concrete examples and gives very useful tools to get started right away or to make your existing innovation efforts more successful. The book on which the keynote is based was launched in June 2022 and immediately became management/marketing book of the month. Request a quote Submit About Joachim De Vos (Professor, MSc. Eng. MBA) has been a prominent figure at Living Tomorrow since 1995, a premier international innovation platform engaging with over 5 million visitors to explore potential futures. In 2007, he founded TomorrowLab, an innovation consulting firm that has collaborated with more than 600 companies on various aspects of innovation, future strategy, technology, and open innovation. Concurrently, he serves as a professor of scenario planning at the University of Ghent. Additionally, he is the author of the book "Why Innovation Fails," which delves into the saga of Kodak alongside the digital camera's inventor, Steven Sasson. Joachim is renowned for his insights into the future and how organizations can navigate forthcoming changes. He speaks with fervor, vision, and keen insight, drawing from his extensive practical experience working with diverse companies and understanding consumer perspectives. Whether discussing the unfolding landscape of tomorrow or preparing organizations for imminent shifts, Joachim brings a wealth of knowledge and expertise to the table. Joachim De Vos International keynote speaker, author, business owner/executive & professor foresight. Focus on future, technology, foresight, strategy and innovation and how to prepare your organization.

  • keynote The Winning Mindset for leaders

    < back The Winning Mindset for leaders How to deal with change and prime your team and yourself for success More detailed information The only constant in the world is change. Companies grow, adapt, innovate, move,… As humans we want that change, but are programmed to keep the status quo. So how do you deal as a leader or professional with that in your organization? How do you take away the uncertainty for yourself? How do you know what part to play in this new context? Well, by learning to inspire yourself every day to take action, to being able to see the opportunity that it brings and to create positive experiences for yourself. In this high energy, interactive talk, Marnick will show you and your team the 3 insights that will get you pumped and help you take on any new challenge that comes your way. Request a quote Submit About Marnick Vandebroek is a frequently asked and highly rated Belgian keynote speaker and trainer on the topics of storytelling, leadership communication and mindset linked to driving innovation, digital transformation and change within organizations. He helps, trains and coaches over one hundred business owners, managers and professionals all across Europe to express themselves in the most powerful way. He works with people from multinational brands to promising start-ups and scale-ups that want to inspire both themselves and others to transform their ideas into action. He runs his business, together with his lovely wife and business partner, Natalie Vandergraesen. Marnick has a background in digital marketing, HR, stand-up comedy, is a certified NLP (neuro-linguistic programming) practitioner and just a stand-up guy. On a personal level, he is happily married and has two amazing cats. In addition, he loves writing, drawing, comedy, obstacle runs and pumping iron in the gym like Arnold Schwarzenegger. Marnick is the author of the book Stand Up to Stand Out: Expressing yourself in the most powerful way. A 5 step guide to stronger and more impactful communication and storytelling. Check Marnick Vandebroek Helping you build trust in the workplace by turning your messages into engaging stories. #standuptostandout

  • keynote Communiceren met impact

    < back Communiceren met impact Of je nu een organisatie leidt, een team of voornamelijk jezelf, je kan niet niét communiceren! More detailed information Naast de spreekbeurt die we vroeger op school moesten houden en voor velen onder ons een ware kwelling was, hebben we niet geleerd om te spreken voor een publiek. En of dat publiek nu een klant, collega, medewerker is, of je in een meeting iets wil zeggen, een presentatie houdt of spreekt voor een zaal, jouw doel blijft hetzelfde: je wil impact maken. Als actrice en spreker staat Veerle al meer dan 30 jaar op het podium — inclusief knikkende knieën en klamme handen. Ondertussen kan ze jou helpen om op te staan en te zeggen wat je te zeggen hebt. Zodat je… … gehoord wordt wanneer het zinvol is … je impact hebt met jouw boodschap … jouw unieke stem durft laten horen. In deze keynote komen de hoe, wat en waarom van zelfzeker spreken aan bod. Het is voor leidinggevenden en medewerkers bedoeld die de impact van hun communicatie willen verbeteren. En voor teams die gaan voor: … betere communicatie … betere samenwerking … meer (zelf)vertrouwen … meer efficiëntie Je haalt er concrete modellen en handvaten uit die de impact van je communicatie verhogen waardoor je met minder moeite, meer effect behaalt. Wie beter communiceert is productiever en ervaart .. … hogere impact; … meer effect; … sterkere verbinding; … minder stress; ….minder onbegrip; In een uur deelt Veerle haar kennis, inzichten rond dit thema. De keynote is opgebouwd rond praktische handvaten en ervaringen. Ook als opleiding beschikbaar! Tijdens 2 halve dagen gaat Veerle met jullie aan de slag : wat is het belang van goede communicatie welk model is van toepassing een goede lichaamshouding die je kracht geeft eigen case voorbereiden eigen case uitvoeren feedback op jouw prestatie Request a quote Submit About As an actress, she is highly attuned to her breathing, which forms the basis of how she utilizes her body as an instrument to embody a role. In her role as a coach, she is well-versed in understanding the impact of stress on the body. She harnesses the power of breath, which is readily available to everyone, to attain more rest, a crucial element for personal growth. She encapsulated this knowledge in her book "ADEMRUIMTE." By cultivating awareness of emotions and their physiological effects, by observing and gaining control over our thoughts, and by using breathwork to release tension from the body, individuals can create literal and metaphorical space. This space allows for better stress management and enhances enjoyment in various aspects of life such as work, relationships, and health. Veerle boasts over a decade of experience in the business realm, having developed numerous workshops and training programs focusing on wellbeing, creativity, and communication. Through her webinar titled "Hoe creëer ik meer ademruimte mentaal en emotioneel?" (available in Dutch only), participants can invest in their company's most valuable asset: its people. Veerle Dobbelaere Human behaviour and emotions have no secrets for Veerle, since she masters them being an actress. As a professional certified coach she uses this experience to improve collaborators' well-being.

  • keynote Innovation for the longevity economy of tomorrow

    < back Innovation for the longevity economy of tomorrow Innovations are not only a matter of youngsters for youngsters More detailed information The longevity economy of the 50plus is a new emerging market with an underserved generation of wealthy people. Discover new opportunities for innovations during this talk, aimed at an audience of market experts, marketeers and innovators What will you take away from this webinar? Reaching new 50+clients Inspirational innovations The secrets to build an age-friendly business Request a quote Submit About Dirk Schyvinck is a trained sociologist and marketeer with a long and successful track record. He has held various national and international management positions in media, marketing and banking. In his book "What if we soon turn 100?" he shows himself to be an advocate of urgent social innovation alongside technological innovations. His inspirational and motivational speeches have already inspired many marketeers, HR managers and other senior managers about the longevity economy and the role of diversity in the workplace. Dirk Schyvinck Successful marketeer, sociologist and expert in longevity and aging.

  • keynote A Bumpy Road with 5 Milestones

    < back A Bumpy Road with 5 Milestones Navigating Challenges, Embracing Growth: A CEO's Odyssey through Entrepreneurial Terrain More detailed information In this captivating keynote, Brecht Buysschaert, the seasoned CEO of Springbok Coaching, takes the audience on an introspective journey through the highs and lows of entrepreneurship. This presentation unfolds as a rich narrative, offering profound insights derived from Brecht's personal experiences as a manager, colleague, husband, and father. He opens with a relatable acknowledgment of the challenges that entrepreneurs face, painting a vivid picture of the entrepreneurial landscape as a bumpy road. The metaphorical terrain serves as a canvas for the keynote's central theme: the transformative power of navigating five key milestones in the entrepreneurial journey. Discovering IKIGAI Balancing Act - Team and Personal Needs The Thin Line Between Bore-out and Burn-out Delving Inward for Self-Discovery Embracing Slowness and Building Dream Teams Brecht weaves his personal anecdotes and experiences into each milestone, creating a narrative tapestry that resonates with the audience. The challenges and triumphs become tangible, relatable stories that inspire and enlighten aspiring entrepreneurs and seasoned business leaders alike. Request a quote Submit About Brecht studied Physical Education at KU Leuven, graduating in 2004. After a decade in international sales for various Belgian top companies, Brecht decided to step away from the rat race and pursue his own mission: Health & Well-being at Work. In 2014, he founded Springbok Coaching. Today, Brecht, along with business partner Diederik Joukes, leads a team of 10 well-being consultants and health coaches, supplemented by 100 ad hoc coaches. They have made a significant impact in over 150 companies with their long-term approach to giving well-being at work the attention it deserves. In 2020, Brecht authored the book "Whealthy Workplaces," a practical guide filled with tips and inspiring testimonials from prominent leaders. Brecht Buysschaert On a mission to make the world a better place by creating health & wellbeing at work

  • keynote Blind Spots

    < back Blind Spots What don't you see (about yourself) that still influences your relationship with others? More detailed information Based on the assumptions you have, you believe you are doing the right thing, but what are you missing due to your own presuppositions? In which patterns are you keeping yourself trapped? This keynote by Minke Tromp is the first step in improving team dynamics and engage on a deeper level with your conversation partners Request a quote Submit About Minke's extensive experience as a boardroom consultant/coach and as a speaker/guest lecturer makes her the ideal conversation partner for navigating choices, decisions, and determinations. She enhances your capacity for critical thinking and provides alternative solution perspectives, enabling you to forge not only better but also stronger connections with yourself and your environment. Minke Tromp Applied Philosopher, entrepreneur, author and speaker with a passion for connecting wisdom and impact from a philosophical/anthropological perspective to provide added value

  • keynote Hybrid Work - Working Together Apart

    < back Hybrid Work - Working Together Apart Is a Reset Necessary? More detailed information In this captivating keynote, Isabel De Clercq explores the challenges and opportunities of hybrid work, presenting a refreshing perspective beyond the hype . While remote work has brought numerous benefits, it is not all sunshine and rainbows. Recent research reveals that hybrid work brings about digital overload and makes it harder for individuals to disconnect after work. Furthermore, the shift to hybrid work threatens knowledge sharing, especially among younger employees who no longer have access to the rich, informal conversations in the physical workplace. It's clear that a reset is needed. Is it possible for organisations to establish clear guidelines without being overly controlling? How can we ensure lasting connections between individuals who see each other less frequently? What valuable lessons can we learn from other organisations' experiences? In this thought-provoking keynote, Isabel De Clercq empowers organisations, leaders and employees to make hybrid work after COVID a resounding success. Drawing from extensive research, she provides practical insights and actionable strategies, steering clear of clichés and empty buzzwords. Drawing from extensive research, she provides practical insights and actionablestrategies, steering clear of clichés and empty buzzwords. Join us as we embark on a journey to redefine "working together apart" and create a harmonious and productive hybrid work environment. Let's navigate the challenges, seize the opportunities and shape a future where connectivity thrives, fostering true collaboration and engagement. Request a quote Submit About Meet Isabel! She graduated in Romance Philology and after a career at the University Language Centre of Ghent University and Wolters Kluwer Belgium, she has now become a sought-after keynote speaker and consultant. Isabel specializes in advising companies on their quest for sustainable work practices, disseminating her expertise through books, blogs, and podcasts. With a wealth of fresh perspectives, she's poised to revolutionize your approach to productivity in the hybrid workplace. Drawing on the latest research, Isabel adeptly bridges the gap between theory and practice, transforming scientific insights into actionable steps. Her approach is a breath of fresh air, injecting positivity into every step of your journey. Isabel's charisma extends beyond the stage. With a robust workshop background, she understands that the strategies advocated by the world's organizational gurus often clash with the complexities of real-world scenarios. Leveraging her extensive experience, Isabel translates even the loftiest ideals into practical steps tailored to our daily reality. Isabel De Clercq is passionate about the pursuit of good and sustainable work practices. She believes in the pivotal role played by what she terms the Holy Trinity: the individual taking responsibility for their own happiness, teams establishing effective agreements for synchronous and asynchronous collaboration, and organizations unequivocally embracing leadership and focus time. Expect a captivating storyline, firmly grounded in scientific research and always translated into the everyday reality of organizations. Audience members not only leave energized but also armed with a checklist of tips & tricks and a questionnaire to further their engagement. Isabel De Clercq Author and speaker passionate about the pursuit of good and sustainable work practices

  • keynote speaker Johan Terryn

    Johan Terryn Media content creator & Soulpreneur, Speaker & Author on matters of the soul, creativity and positive thinking To be booked as/for Languages Tags Speaker, Moderator, Coach, Workshops, Host English, Dutch Positive Thinking, Creative Thinking, Regret, Reframing, Throughfeel Biography Topics Testimonials Pictures Get a quote Biography Johan Terryn studied Language and Literature (UAntwerp) and Communication Science (UGent). He soon embarked on a career in media. Both in radio and TV, in public and commercial broadcasting. Johan discovered all genres there. From light entertainment to better documentary work. He wrote screenplays, did final editing, acted, presented and directed. Yet he remained hungry to grow substantively. He did this by following a professional coaching course. And to delve into NLP and Systemic work. As a Professional Certified Coach, he has been coaching TV stars and business leaders since 2017. Since 2020, he has been telling stories to better connect people with themselves and with each other. He conducted a major narrative study on 'mourning' in the podcast "Het uur blauw". That resulted in a book and a theater performance. He has a project about 'regret' with "Tot onze grote spijt" that includes a podcast, a book and a performance. He also writes columns for Radio 1 and hosts the podcast "Seks verandert alles" with Rika Ponnet. Topics Resilience & Well-being How to stay positive in times of trouble? Reframe and Feel through. Lees verder Being positive is not a mindset you can just turn on. You need to practise in thoughts and feelings. More Motivation & Ownership The power of regret as a compass for the future Lees verder How do you use regret as a feedback instrument to make better decisions in the future? More Testimonials Sessions Pictures you can use to promote your event Get a quote Request a Quote Keynote of my preference submit Pictures Quot Anchor 3

  • keynote The Imperative of Explainable AI

    < back The Imperative of Explainable AI Demystifying the black box More detailed information Without understanding the reasoning behind AI decisions, broad acceptance and trust in these technologies is not possible. Explainable AI (XAI) should clarify the inner workings of AI systems, so the user can understand why the machine makes a particular decision. The core learnings of this session are based on 10 years of experience at Solvice in working with AI and complex decision intelligence issues with customers worldwide. Also read Bert's blogpost on this topic . Request a quote Submit About Bert Van Wassenhove is not a book publisher, but a "venture publisher", with significant experience in marketing and digital media – and by leveraging his network – Bert helps people and organizations take an innovative or transformative concept and turn it into a sustainable company. Today he is CEO of Solvice, an AI company focussing on solving complex decision intelligence problems. Authenticity is always a key value in his undertakings. Bert Van Wassenhove Venture publisher guiding innovative and transformative concepts to become sustainable companies.

  • keynote speaker Gerrie Smits

    Gerrie Smits Chief Curiosity Officer. Intrigued by the impact of tech on business, people & society. Author/Facilitator/Speaker. To be booked as/for Languages Tags Speaker, Host, Moderator, Trainer, Workshops Dutch, English Sustainable business, Ethics, Fair value, Organisation design, Collaboration, Humanity, User-centricity, Zag to the Zig, Impact, Framing, Tangible, Blockchain ▶️ Watch Gerrie on stage. Biography Topics Testimonials Pictures Get a quote Biography Clients have described Gerrie as accessible, enthusiastic, and adept at simplifying complex concepts. He embraces this characterization. He enjoys challenging the status quo while also appreciating the value of common sense, a trait that comes with experience (or as some might say, age). With 25 years of experience in industries disrupted by the internet, Gerrie has become a hands-on expert in navigating the digital landscape. His expertise has benefitted various clients, spanning from FMCG corporates to AI startups and from government agencies to the World Chambers Congress. While he remains up-to-date with digital trends, he tends to frequently use words like 'user,' 'why,' and 'alignment.' His fascination with blockchain led him to write a book about it ('Blockchain is WTF'). Prior to his immersion in digital, Gerrie's diverse background included writing about music, producing television, founding two companies during his 15 years in London, and serving as a civil servant. Topics Web3, Metaverse, AR & VR Metaverse: immerse or curse? Lees verder If a giant like Facebook/Meta decides to pivot and embrace a tech trend, it's worth paying attention. But what is 'the Metaverse' and what does it mean for your business? More Web3, Metaverse, AR & VR Is Web3 a fad or is it fundamental? Lees verder Discover the building blocks of Web3 and the impact on your business More Web3, Metaverse, AR & VR The future of finance Lees verder ​ More Marketing The Customer of The Now-Future Lees verder In this talk, Gerrie shows you how to understand consumer-centric trends to use them in your own context. Don’t pre-dict, but start pre-pare for the now-future. More Customer Experience Customer Centricity is rubbish. Long live Customer Centricity. Lees verder There’s more to Customer Centricity than your customer. More That was awesome. Exactly what we needed: clear and full of energy! SAP Senior Executive I just witnessed the PERFECT explanation of the blockchain is and it starts with an orange ​ Doron Wesly, Chief Marketing Officer Been awhile since I had an AHA moment like I did on stage when you were speaking Microsoft Julia Glidden, CVP Testimonials Sessions Pictures you can use to promote your event Get a quote Request a Quote Keynote of my preference submit Pictures Quot Anchor 3

  • keynote Trends 2030, are you ready?

    < back Trends 2030, are you ready? Afraid of the future? What lies ahead? More detailed information Tomorrow's world is just around the corner, with robots performing repetitive and predictable tasks, and sensors and cameras representing the digital feelers of our world. Self-learning algorithms will intervene on time and offer the best solutions at astonishing speeds. We will soon have cheap, autonomous transportation options at our disposal, while 3D printing technology will enable us to print everything we need. Virtual reality will enable us to experience anything we can possibly desire. But will we be safe? Will we not be outsmarted by cybercriminals? The acceleration of smartification has begun. Are you prepared? Request a quote Submit About As a futurist, keynote speaker, and trendwatcher, Richard van Hooijdonk is an authority on new technology. He has several chip implants because he wants to physically experience the future. His inspiration sessions have been attended by over 550,000 people. He has given more than 2,000 lectures across 35 countries. With his international research team, he researches many trends in the field of robotics, drones, self-driving systems, 3D & 4D printing, sensors, blockchain, quantum computing, neurotech, biotech, platforms and augmented & virtual reality. Combined with artificial intelligence, these technologies offer groundbreaking opportunities, but also lead to challenges and threats for people, organisations and governments. Richard is driven by a desire to inject innovation and imagination into the mindsets of the people and organisations who are going to shape the world of tomorrow. With the right forward-looking mindset, he believes that we can better effect change for the improvement of our health, happiness, and prosperity. Richard van Hooijdonk Renowned trendwatcher and futurist and the man with several chip implants in his body.

  • Keynotes on Sales, marketing & customer experience

    Sales, marketing & customer experience Find out how marketing helps you breaking into a new market and how you can sell with maximum return thanks to an optimized user experience. < Back to all topics Customer Centricity Christophe Jauquet Every customer wants to be healthy & happy Read more How to sparkle in telling and selling your Story Olivier Van Duüren Shoot for the heart, capture the mind and end with a smile. Communicating your ideas is the currency of today to evolve your personal and business brand. Read more Customer Centricity is rubbish. Long live Customer Centricity. Gerrie Smits There’s more to Customer Centricity than your customer. Read more CX or EX: the chicken or the egg? Inge van Belle High employee engagement (EX) leads to high customer satisfaction (CX) Read more Mastering Voice-Over Geraldine Vandercammen Techniques for Effective Communication Read more No More Boring Webinars Cyriel Kortleven Tools to create interaction and engagement in online sessions Read more Your co-workers voices are gold! Patrick De Pauw How can you build a strategic employee advocacy program creating more business opportunities. Read more Innovation for the longevity economy of tomorrow Dirk Schyvinck Innovations are not only a matter of youngsters for youngsters Read more AI-Powered Sales Fiona Passantino Introduction to AI for the non-technical Sales Professional Read more Stupid questions do exist Rik Moons and active listening is super easy Read more How to ruin your reputation in a split second? Véronique De Prycker Avoid these commonly made mistakes that ruin your professional opportunities. Read more From Identity to Image Céline Malyster The Power of Personal Branding for Entrepreneurs and Intrapreneurs Read more Sales: It's Everyone's Business Jozefien De Feyter Why every employee contributes to the revenue Read more HELP! I need to network Véronique De Prycker Master the art of networking and have a better career Read more Storytelling Guido Everaert Stories build brands and organisations Read more Customer Experience Post Covid19 Geert Martens The impact of Covid19 on customer experience Read more Transforming to a data powered organization and enabling Artificial Intelligence Bert Van Wassenhove How to generate relevant data and set it to good use through Artificial Intelligence (AI) Read more Mastering the Art of Interviews Geraldine Vandercammen Essential Techniques and Practical Skills Read more The Privacy Revolution: A New Era of Customer Engagement in the Wake of Third-Party Cookies Renout van Hove The Role of Customer Data Platforms and How to translate this to your world Read more Inclusive marketing and communication Fatima Llouh The value of inclusive communication Read more Translating Spotify's Success to Other Industries Renout van Hove How to craft success? Read more The importance of networking Suyin Aerts ​ Read more Less contact, more impact Jozefien De Feyter Why the human touch in sales is crucial in an increasingly digital world Read more The Customer of The Now-Future Gerrie Smits In this talk, Gerrie shows you how to understand consumer-centric trends to use them in your own context. Don’t pre-dict, but start pre-pare for the now-future. Read more Revolutionizing Marketing Strategies Renout van Hove Master the Marketing Automation Canvas - workshop Read more The Age of Relevance Tom De Ruyck Creating experiences that are hyper relevant, Instagram-able and memorable Read more The Customer Fitness Code Alain Thys Monetise customer experience Read more Metaverse for marketing Clo Willaerts What are the opportunities for marketing? Read more Marketing Post-Corona Clo Willaerts from Profit to Purpose Read more Level Up: what you can learn from the world of games Dado Van Peteghem Insight into the dynamics behind the innovation and the tactics that create strong, revenue-generating fan communities Read more The Media - how to get your story out there Lisbeth Imbo ​ Read more Riding the Data Wave Renout van Hove Unleash the Power of Data Clean Rooms to build your own Google Empire Read more Sell like a woman Jozefien De Feyter Discover the power of feminine energy in sales Read more Questioning the why, the importance of asking the right questions Suyin Aerts Unlocking Success Through Being Inquisitive Read more

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