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  • keynote Transforming to a data powered organization and enabling Artificial Intelligence

    < back Transforming to a data powered organization and enabling Artificial Intelligence How to generate relevant data and set it to good use through Artificial Intelligence (AI) More detailed information The future is data-driven and artificial intelligence relies on data. How do you transform your organization to make data an integral part of your modus operandi. In this talk Bert Van Wassenhove starts from a clear focus on the customer and how he or she thinks in the different stages of the customer journey. With this in mind, you learn how to tackle a transformation program to grow your data capabilities. To fully leverage the generated data, he also delivers a four-stage approach to make AI work for your organization. After this session, the participants will have a clear view and practical framework to start mapping out the data-transformation for their organization. With the “LEARNING" format (please contact us for more details) they get the opportunity to have their work challenged and fine-tuned with the speaker. Request a quote Submit About Bert Van Wassenhove is not a book publisher, but a "venture publisher", with significant experience in marketing and digital media – and by leveraging his network – Bert helps people and organizations take an innovative or transformative concept and turn it into a sustainable company. Today he is CEO of Solvice, an AI company focussing on solving complex decision intelligence problems. Authenticity is always a key value in his undertakings. Bert Van Wassenhove Venture publisher guiding innovative and transformative concepts to become sustainable companies.

  • keynote The fundamentals of teamwork

    < back The fundamentals of teamwork What conditions must be fulfilled to speak of strong teamwork? More detailed information Like a table has 4 legs to support it, a team also needs 4 foundations. In this keynote / workshop you will get a view on how a team functions properly and you can immediately put it into practice. Whether we like it or not, organizations expect a lot of cooperation between people. Sometimes this goes well, sometimes it goes wrong. Too bad that we often leave this to chance. After this workshop, however, you will know what you can do to improve teamwork. This workshop/ keynote gives you insight into four fundamental questions that every team needs to be able to answer gives you a tool to analyze your team functioning gives you tools to get started with each foundation offers you background so you can continue with this later on Can be booked as an inspiring keynote session, but also as a guidance project for existing teams or training for team leaders. Request a quote Submit About Tom is an occupational (work) psychologist with over 25 years of professional experience. His mission is to help people work and live better, happier and healthier lives by stimulating them to grow and believe in the power of personal leadership. His work focuses on everything that has to do with 'working together', 'leadership' and 'personal growth'. Tom helps organizations, teams, managers and employees with these themes via coaching, advice, training, workshops and lectures. He is also a part-time lecturer at the Karel de Grote Hogeschool in Antwerp, where he teaches HRM, occupational (work) psychology and applied psychology. In March '21 he launched the site ' ' full of good practices and background material on 'connection in the workplace'. Tom Dijckmans Labour Psychologist - 25yrs experience - passionated about human interactions on the workfloor

  • keynote The Metaverse Generation

    < back The Metaverse Generation How to thrive in the exciting virtual future More detailed information The third wave of the Internet is unfolding in front of our eyes, but what is it all about and which opportunities will the Metaverse/Web3 shift create for business & society at large? Looking at the number of players involved, the attention of investors & the fast growing spending on virtual identities, services and products...the game is really on. There is a generation waiting on our doorsteps, flourishing in virtual worlds and virtual communities. They think and act differently, from leisure over work and everything in between. So how can you create value and grasp the opportunity? This presentation will guide you through the different layers of Web3 & the Metaverse and how you can leverage its potential to serve the next generation of customers, citizens and communities. Prepare yourself for the promising future of the Metaverse generation and get ready to delight them. Request a quote Submit About Dado Van Peteghem is a seasoned entrepreneur, renowned speaker, and thought leader in digital transformation, innovation, and ecosystem thinking. As a founding partner at the transformation advisory firm Scopernia, he has been instrumental in guiding organizations towards embracing the digital age. Dado is also a co-founder of startups such as Social Seeder and Speakersbase, platforms that have made significant impacts in their respective industries. Dado holds a degree in Communication & Computer Sciences from the University of Ghent, where his passion for merging technology with strategic communication first blossomed. Over the years, he has delivered over a hundred keynote speeches annually, captivating audiences with insights into the intricacies of digital transformation and innovative strategies for success. As an accomplished author, Dado has contributed to the business world with his published works. His previous books include "Digital Transformation" (2014) with Jo Caudron, "Corporate Venturing" (2018) with Omar Mohout, and "Metasystems" (2020) with Nils van Dam, all of which have been well-received for their practical wisdom and forward-thinking perspectives. Dado's latest book, "The Virtual Economy," co-authored with Jeremy Denisty, delves into the evolving landscape of virtual worlds and communities. In this groundbreaking exploration, Dado and Jeremy shed light on the emerging opportunities within the third wave of the Internet, characterized by artificial intelligence, immersive virtual environments, and blockchain technologies. "The Virtual Economy" offers a roadmap for businesses, governments, and society to harness the potential of this new era, providing strategies to engage and serve the next generation of customers, communities, and citizens. As a member of the strategy committee at leading fashion group Chalhoub Group in Dubai, Dado brings a global perspective to his work, often bridging insights from the Middle East and Asia with international trends and best practices. With his deep expertise and visionary outlook, Dado Van Peteghem continues to inspire and empower organizations worldwide to thrive in an ever-evolving digital landscape. Dado Van Peteghem Leading expert in the digital sector, frequent speaker, author and entrepreneur.

  • keynote The journey to inclusive leadership

    < back The journey to inclusive leadership Why diversity is not a problem, but a growth opportunity for your organization. More detailed information Are you part of the problem or part of the solution? Goal: Learn why diversity is not a problem, but a growth opportunity for your organization. In this management dialogue, Elke shares stories about organizations making it happen. She helps you identify the blind spots and drivers for change, also in your organization. She creates awareness amongst leaders & managers that developing a more inclusive culture is a growth opportunity for the company. And that they all have an active role to play. They discover how THEY can make a difference by taking action as an individual and as a leader. Format: Interactive online dialogue, combining short 10 min. talks with brainstorm exercises in breakout rooms guided by Elke. All elements are focused on connecting D&I to your business agenda and built around the central goal – developing all diverse talent. Desired outcome: Create more awareness on the WHY for more inclusive leadership. We want participants walking out with the key take away "I have an active role to play and can be either part of the problem or the solution". Request a quote Submit About In her vision of diversity, equity, and inclusion, Elke encapsulates her philosophy succinctly: "Don’t fix the people, fix the culture. " She believes that inclusive leaders play a pivotal role in making diversity work within organizations. They view diversity as a growth opportunity for the company, embracing challenges posed by differing perspectives and actively seeking diversity within their teams. Understanding that inclusion is not solely an individual responsibility but a collective endeavor, Elke has developed a model comprising five drivers, initially introduced in 2019 as part of her INSEAD Gender Diversity Program. In her podcast , she elaborates on her recipe for cultivating truly inclusive workplaces. Having shared her vision on inclusion through over 150 keynote talks and leadership workshops, Elke has assisted numerous companies in identifying their next best steps. In 2024, she launched the Dutch podcast Bindstof , featuring interviews with inclusive leaders across society, focusing on fostering connections beyond differences. Elke emphasizes the importance of creating awareness throughout organizations, identifying and transforming barriers for diverse talents into accelerators, and holding leaders accountable for change. Drawing from global best practices and the real-life experiences of hundreds of leaders, her solutions for inclusive leadership are rooted in tangible successes. Recognizing persistent barriers faced by women in non-inclusive workplaces, Elke founded Fierce Ladies in 2012, a platform where women support each other's growth. Through initiatives like role model talks, growth academies, and international retreats, Fierce Ladies aims to dismantle systemic barriers and empower women across sectors and generations. With a rich professional background spanning stakeholder engagement, corporate communications, public relations, and public affairs, Elke has collaborated with leaders in various spheres, including Microsoft, HP, and SBS media group. She has shared her insights on numerous conference stages and is a co-author of the book "Who run the world, the power of female leadership." As of April 2022, Elke serves as President of the Board at VDAB, the Flemish agency for employment, driving initiatives for an inclusive job market. At home with her husband Jo, Elke endeavors to foster inclusivity within their blended family of five children aged between 18 and 30, with the excitement of welcoming their first granddaughter soon. They believe that respecting and embracing the diversity of personalities and talents around their dinner table is fundamental to their children's growth. For Elke and her family, inclusivity is an ongoing journey of learning, with each day presenting new opportunities to cultivate inclusiveness. Elke Jeurissen Entrepreneur, Community Builder (Inclusive Leaders Connect, Straffe Madammen, 72Hours Reload), co-author of 2 books, (step)mum of 5.

  • keynote speaker Tom Dijckmans

    Tom Dijckmans Labour Psychologist - 25yrs experience - passionated about human interactions on the workfloor To be booked as/for Languages Tags Speaker, Trainer, Coach, Workshops Dutch Teamwork, Human Interactions, Connection at the workfloor Biography Topics Testimonials Pictures Get a quote Biography Tom is an occupational (work) psychologist with over 25 years of professional experience. His mission is to help people work and live better, happier and healthier lives by stimulating them to grow and believe in the power of personal leadership. His work focuses on everything that has to do with 'working together', 'leadership' and 'personal growth'. Tom helps organizations, teams, managers and employees with these themes via coaching, advice, training, workshops and lectures. He is also a part-time lecturer at the Karel de Grote Hogeschool in Antwerp, where he teaches HRM, occupational (work) psychology and applied psychology. In March '21 he launched the site ' ' full of good practices and background material on 'connection in the workplace'. Topics Change Surfing the waves of change Lees verder Workshop for coworkers More Change Surfing the waves of changes Lees verder Workshop for managers and leadership More People Skills Influence others, start with yourself Lees verder Behavior evokes behavior. But maybe not always the desired one. More Team Dynamics The fundamentals of teamwork Lees verder What conditions must be fulfilled to speak of strong teamwork? More Hybrid Working Connection in a Hybrid Workplace Lees verder Who replaces the coffee room? More Testimonials Sessions Pictures you can use to promote your event Get a quote Request a Quote Keynote of my preference submit Pictures Quot Anchor 3

  • keynote Houston, we have a problem

    < back Houston, we have a problem Navigation the digital revolution More detailed information In this engaging keynote, Rik takes the audience on a journey through three decades of digital revolution and its profound impact on humanity. He illuminates the formidable challenges spawned by this disruption and underscores our responsibility in their creation. There's no external savior; the solution lies within ourselves. Rik delves into the positive, negative, and downright ugly consequences of our technological advancement. From disruption and artificial intelligence to privacy and the storming of the Capitol, his presentation explores various themes with boldness and critical insight. Rik fearlessly examines our current digital reality, weaving in pop culture references like 'the Upside Down' from Stranger Things and literary works such as Lord of the Flies, alongside pivotal moments in technological history. Personal anecdotes, including encounters with figures like Alexander Nix, enrich the narrative. While his tale initially seems to lead to a bleak conclusion, Rik surprises with a twist that instills hope for the next 30 years. Request a quote Submit About Rik is an author, futurologist, business philosopher, coach and above all a very inspiring keynote speaker. He looks at companies and organisations from his unique and surprisingly broad perspective and makes it clear to them how they can continue to be relevant in the ever digitising society of the future. He likes to challenge them to distinguish themselves within and even outside of their industry. Rik writes and speaks passionately about business models, entrepreneurship, leadership, marketing, customer focus, sales, (digital) innovation and the interconnectedness thereof. Rik Vera International keynote speaker, coach, author and advisor on the impact of all things digital on society and business.

  • Speakers and keynotes on Future of Work

    Keynotes and speakers on Future of Work < Back Explore enlightening keynotes and expert speakers dedicated to the future of work. With technological advancements, globalization, and evolving workforce dynamics, the workplace is undergoing significant transformations. Booking a keynote speaker on the future of work can provide invaluable insights, strategies, and best practices to adapt to changing work environments, foster collaboration, and enhance productivity and employee well-being. Discover our curated list of future of work-focused keynotes and speakers, and empower your organization to thrive in the evolving work landscape! Richard van Hooijdonk The organisation of the future How to prepare an organisation for a future of exponential change. Read more Rik Vera The New Normal Navigating the Digital Work Landscape Read more Isabel De Clercq Unlock Your Career Potential Debunking Myths and Empowering Action Read more Katja Schipperheijn The future of work and learning, Learning Ecosystems Workshop Read more Saskia Van Uffelen Digital Skills: Prepare your employees for the digital transformation Are your employees future-ready ? What can they do to maximise their growth potential in a digital world. Read more Martijn Aslander Never finished Based on the book nominated for Management Book of the Year 2016 Read more Katja Schipperheijn What can we learn from children to create the future of work? This motivational yet slightly provocative keynote takes you into the world of our children to shape the future of your organization. Read more Katja Schipperheijn The impact of AI on the future of organisations and humanity AI is neither hype nor new! However, it is more urgent than ever to include in a future-proof strategy. Read more Fiona Passantino The AI-Human Co-Creation Workflow Understanding AI and augmenting the Human for non-technical professional teams Read more Lesley Arens Rethink | Reboot | Retool HR This keynote offers you an original performing and sustainable framework to explore what is expected and needed from HR today and tomorrow. Read more Tom Ryckaert Disruptive Workplaces How to create your sustainable and future proof work environment Read more Isabelle Gonnissen Choose Positive 2.0 - the missing link of AI The human being in the ever changing environment of AI Read more Tanja Verheyen Lifelong learning For a fulfilling career Read more Fiona Passantino AI-Powered HR Supporting the most Human role of them all Read more Jochen Roef The future of HR, today! Make your HR practices future proof Read more Elke Geraerts The New Now Building Resilience in a World Where Change is the Only Constant Read more Mariam Harutyunyan Attract, retain and develop diverse young talent Changing trends in workplaces that are put in motion by the newest generations entering the job market Read more Stefaan van Hooydonk The Power of Curiosity in L&D For Learning and Development Professionals Read more Katja Schipperheijn Continuous improvement through innovation and learning Keynote and workshop based on the book Learning Ecosystems, finalist best international business books Read more Jochen Roef AI in HR: What’s real?! Clarifying 7 misconceptions about HR technology in 2024 Read more Dirk Schyvinck Longevity: how organizations can prepare for the age of longevity Organizations and generations: a new look on 10 trends impacting the future of work. Read more Request a quote Keynote of my preference (leave blank for personal advice) Submit

  • keynote From Art Thinking to Game Changing

    < back From Art Thinking to Game Changing Many leaders want to change the game of the market in which they are operating and make an impact on society. These challenges require creativity and innovation. More detailed information The playing field of business leaders is becoming more complex and less predictable. Disruptive evolutions are rapidly approaching companies and business leaders are looking for new and different ways to address these challenges. Many leaders want to change the game of the market in which they are operating and make an impact on society. These challenges require creativity and innovation. Art is more than an object, a melody or a “performance”. It is also a way of thinking, working and living: an attitude. From the art world, there are cognitive processes and methods that help us not only live and work more creatively and innovatively, but also be radically innovative and transformative. Art thinking also teaches us how to deal with uncertainty, ambiguity and helps us to form a picture of the future. Our aim is to anchor art thinking within companies. During the presentation or workshop we will zoom in on the concepts of game changing, innovation and creativity. We will also explain how to increase creativity and innovation by learning from the cognitive processes and methods of artists and designers whose core activity is to be creative and innovative. There are more than forty such specific artist characteristics. Depending on the time we have, we will deal with qualities such as imagination, positive belief, visualization, experimenting, research, problem creation, looking for the paradox, observing and making new connections. During a keynote or a workshop, all these concepts are explained and deepened through many examples, diagrams, and case studies. The presentations provide new insights, are inspiring, and provide tools so that concepts can later be implemented within the organization. Request a quote Submit About Erwin Van den Brande is on a mission to bridge the gap between the cultural and creative realms and the business world. Recognizing that companies face disruptive challenges requiring novel approaches and thinking, he advocates for mutual learning between business leaders and the art world. With a background in economics and experience in various management roles within technology companies, Erwin is also an entrepreneur who has founded multiple start-ups. Since 2010, he has pursued a parallel career as a visual artist, exhibiting his works in Belgium and internationally. His passion lies in uniting seemingly disparate worlds through art, viewing art as not just a form of expression but also a mindset for living and working. This vision led to the creation of Dual&Day, an initiative focused on facilitating connections between companies and cultural actors through "artification" processes. Erwin and Dual&Day offer a range of services including lectures, workshops, advisory sessions, publications, and concrete artification projects aimed at fostering creative collaborations and innovative thinking within businesses. Through these efforts, Erwin aims to harness the transformative power of art to inspire fresh perspectives and solutions in the corporate world while also enriching artistic endeavors with business insights. Erwin Van den Brande Advocate of paradoxes and oxymorons because they provide new insights

  • Test Event 1 | Speakersbase

    THE TITLE OF THIS EVENT Organized by Speakersbase for Voka This event is about cool stuff and all. ​ It takes place on A CERTAIN DATE and runs from THIS TIME TO THAT TIME . ​ It will be live streamed below

  • Speakers and keynotes on Sales

    Keynotes and speakers on Sales < Back Explore dynamic keynotes and expert speakers dedicated to sales excellence. In today's competitive business landscape, effective sales strategies and techniques are essential for driving revenue and sustaining business growth. Booking a keynote speaker on sales can provide valuable insights, innovative approaches, and practical skills to empower your sales teams, enhance customer relationships, and achieve sales targets consistently. Discover our curated list of sales-focused keynotes and speakers, and unlock the potential to elevate your sales performance, drive customer satisfaction, and achieve remarkable success in your market! Dado Van Peteghem Setting up ecosystem strategies for sustainable growth The power of the network for enterprises Read more Jozefien De Feyter Less contact, more impact Why the human touch in sales is crucial in an increasingly digital world Read more Véronique De Prycker HELP! I need to network Master the art of networking and have a better career Read more Jozefien De Feyter Sell like a woman Discover the power of feminine energy in sales Read more Jozefien De Feyter Sales: It's Everyone's Business Why every employee contributes to the revenue Read more Rik Vera The Guide to the Ecosystem Economy Unveiling the Blueprint for Sustainable Business Success Read more Fiona Passantino AI-Powered Sales Introduction to AI for the non-technical Sales Professional Read more Rik Moons Stupid questions do exist and active listening is super easy Read more Alain Thys The Customer Fitness Code Monetise customer experience Read more Suyin Aerts The importance of networking ​ Read more Request a quote Keynote of my preference (leave blank for personal advice) Submit

  • keynote speaker Dorien Leyers

    Dorien Leyers Doriens hosting style is both dynamic and engaged and her sense of humor is never far away. To be booked as/for Languages Tags Moderator, Host Dutch, French, English, Spanish hosting, Moderating Biography Topics Testimonials Pictures Get a quote Biography Dorien started working as an event manager back in 2006 but she never lost touch with her life on stage and hosted and moderated (inter)national events for BMW, Umicore, Viabuild, VDAB, Bacardi-Martini, Securitas, ... in Dutch, French, English & Spanish. For her, being a good event host & moderator is all about analyzing the needs of your clients, understanding the content, being flexible, being able to improvise on the spot and putting a dash of personality into everything you do. Topics Working with Dorien is always a pleasure; the thorough preparation and enthusiasm with which she works out the various presentation assignments is a real relief and a true unburdening for every customer. Push To Talk Wim Kegelaers Dorien was the perfect host for our All Employee Meeting. With her professional charm, excellent preparation and extensive experience, she immediately puts both panelists in the studio and colleagues at home at ease. Eneco Jean-Jacques Delmée, CEO Testimonials Sessions Pictures you can use to promote your event Get a quote Request a Quote Keynote of my preference submit Pictures Quot Anchor 3

  • keynote speaker Tony Crabbe

    Tony Crabbe Business Psychologist, and author of the global best-selling Busy (Nooit Meer te Druk) and Een Nieuw Begin To be booked as/for Languages Tags Speaker, Workshops, Consultant English Attention Management, Time Management, Focus, Leadership, Productivity, Energy, Wellbeing, Work Life Balance, Stress, Burnout, Innovation, Collaboration, Learning Biography Topics Testimonials Pictures Get a quote Biography Overwhelmed, distracted, exhausted? Struggling to produce or find balance in our hybrid reality? Tony focuses on how to thrive in a world of too many demands, expectations and messages. How to be successful in your work, and flourish in your home life. Tony's mission is to help people and organizations harness the power of human attention, and use our brain to its full potential. He believes the other great pandemic we face is a lack of attention; a state of perpetual busyness. Despite what we might think, busy is not an inevitable consequence of modern life, it´s a choice. More than that it´s a dumb strategy and a bad set of habits. Tony's talks are grounded in evidence, told as stories and built to become coherent and practical toolkit for our times. They don´t just inspire people, they trigger people to take action. The help people to find a path to a work and life beyond busyness. Topics Hybrid Working Managing a hybrid workforce Lees verder Build team performance and mental health in a virtual and hybrid context. More Testimonials Sessions Pictures you can use to promote your event Get a quote Request a Quote Keynote of my preference submit Pictures Quot Anchor 3

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