Robin Wauters
Seasoned tech strategist and communications expert, specializing in scaling startups and strengthening tech ecosystems through platforms
To be booked as/for
Moderator, Speaker, Host
Dutch, English
Technology, Big Tech
Robin Wauters is a longtime European tech observer who founded the region's premier information portal and market intelligence platform, Tech.eu, and currently the founder and managing director of Profoundo, a strategic communications advisory firm for fast-growth technology scale-ups and investors.
He is part of the founding team behind BeCentral, the digital campus located in Brussels Central Station that has helped thousands of people learn technologies, grow a startup and have a positive impact on society, and helped start the Syndicate One seed investment group, which helps ambitious Belgian early-stage tech company founders realise their visions.
As an executive advisor to the non-profit Pulse Foundation, which exists to promote and stimulate entrepreneurship in Belgium, he is helping to upscale BEyond, the country's only accelerator for technology scale-ups.
Robin is on a mission to boost the competitiveness of the Belgian technology, startup and investment ecosystems, but also at a pan-European scale as an incoming board member of the European Startup Network.
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