Noëmi Panizieri
Passionate Psychologist and Well-being Expert
To be booked as/for
Speaker, Trainer, Workshops, Consultant, Coach
Communication, Stress Prevention, Resilience, Burn-out Prevention, Well-being
Noëmi Panizieri is a psychologist and coach specializing in workplace well-being for nearly 20 years. She supports organizations in fostering kindness and relational accountability. With her expertise, she helps teams shift their perceptions to drive profound behavioral change.
Her core values are authenticity, enthusiasm, and freedom. Passionate about well-being topics, Noëmi enjoys working with groups of all sizes, providing them with practical tools to create a more harmonious and productive environment.
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Noëmi Panizieri
Merci Noemi Panizieri pour cette journée inspirante. Elle a permis des mises en perspective de sujets complexes et d'actualité. Un réel plaisir d'y avoir participé.
Une excellente opportunité de réfléchir out of the box
Ce fut pour moi une excellente expérience. Un concentré d'humanité tout en étant pratico-pratique, une réflexion ludique et profonde
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