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  • keynote Yoga Nidra Neuroscience Crash Course Experience

    < back Yoga Nidra Neuroscience Crash Course Experience A workshop combining of neuroscience, drumming, yoga and singing More detailed information Did you know that sleep is the key to optimal emotional balance, health and growth? If you're not getting enough quality sleep, it can affect every aspect of your life. But did you also know that there are meditation and breathing techniques you can use to enter a different state of consciousness and actually reset and revitalize your brain during the day? In this workshop, you'll not only learn about how this works scientifically, but you'll also get to experience it for yourself. You'll leave this workshop feeling rested, rejuvenated, and with a better understanding of how to get the most out of your sleep. You’ll also leave with the knowledge and skills to reset your brain whenever you want! After participating in this dynamic experience, a number of things happened: You’ve received ground-breaking information and neuroscience-clarity about the power of sleep and other states of your mind. You understand the energetic and resting processes of your mind. You’ve discovered how the experience of deep-rest contributes to focus and resilience in a stressful environment. You’ve experienced how simple use of breath-exercises and Yoga Nidra meditation can bring instant relaxation. You’ve experienced what it is like to be sung to sleep. You can use sleep and yoga nidra for resilience against stress. You’ll go home with techniques you can use for optimal decision-making during stressful times. You’ll go home with the ultimate sleep checklist with tips and tricks. This yoga nidra neuroscience experience will give you the tools you need to improve your sleep and “active rest” during day increasing your overall health. In just one session, you'll walk away feeling rested, rejuvenated, and equipped with the knowledge to reset your brain whenever needed. Request a quote Submit About Leo Van Woerden is not just a neuroscientist and sleep expert; he embodies a lifelong dedication to unraveling the mysteries of the human brain and optimizing our well-being. With a rich background as the son of doctors and growing up in a bustling household of six siblings, Leo's innate energy and curiosity were apparent from a young age. His journey into neuroscience was sparked by his own experiences with ADHD, a diagnosis that fueled his passion for understanding human biology and optimizing performance. Leo's studies at the Vrije Universiteit in Amsterdam illuminated the profound impact of lifestyle factors, particularly sleep, on cognitive function and mental health. This insight became the cornerstone of his work. Leo's expertise extends beyond theory; he has developed practical products and techniques aimed at achieving optimal states of mind, focus, energy, and sleep. Through personalized insights and a deep understanding of neuroscience, Leo empowers individuals to take control of their health by shaping their behaviors, nutrition, and environment. Drawing on his comprehensive knowledge of the brain, sleep science, nutrition, and natural supplements, Leo has crafted tailored solutions designed to meet the unique needs of the modern, Western lifestyle. His mission goes beyond education; Leo combines his positive energy and drumming skills to create engaging workshops, lectures, and training sessions that offer participants a captivating "neuroscience crash course." Leo's approach is not just informative but transformative. He connects with audiences on a personal level, instilling a sense of empowerment and motivation to enact lasting changes. With Leo's guidance, understanding, and enthusiasm, navigating the complexities of brain health and well-being becomes not only manageable but an exciting journey towards optimal living. Leo van Woerden Son of doctors, misdiagnosed with ADHD. Leo is a neuroscientist, speaker, coach, consultant and trainer. Giving neuroscience crash-courses using his drums.

  • keynote How to be(come) a sage leader?

    < back How to be(come) a sage leader? Male leadership is associated with words like strong, dominant, assertive, competitive. Female leadership is associated with words like emotional, empathetic, compassionate, collaborative, intuitive. But what about sage leadership? More detailed information Véronique introduces a new way to look at leadership by using masculine and feminine as approaches instead of male and female. Feminine does not equal women and masculine does not equal men. No woman is exclusively feminine and no man is exclusively masculine. We all have a mixture of masculine and feminine perspectives, values and behaviours. Women can operate in masculine ways and men can operate in feminine ways. What if we understood the difference between the masculine and feminine approach and know how to leverage both. What if we could move along a wide span from masculine to feminine, depending on the circumstance. This would only require recognizing and understanding what is masculine and feminine … Request a quote Submit About Started her first real business at the age of 50 after having traded marketing expertise time for money during 14 years during which she started up, managed and reorganized marketing departments and teams, ranging from 4 tot 40 people, for a wide variety of local and international businesses and sectors. She ventured into the unknown by starting up a wholesale food business. She made – all – the first time entrepreneur mistakes one can imagine, irregardless their age. After three years she sold her start-up, wondering why and how too many female entrepreneurs sabotage the growth of their business. Her research led to the launch of a female-only accelerator programme and a first book ‘The one million euro woman’, in close collaboration with UCLL (KULeuven) where Véronique is a marketing, entrepreneurship and leadership skills lecturer. She talks about scaling your business, self-limiting beliefs and leadership skills. Véronique Bockstal Serial entrepreneur, scaling & fundraising coach, author 'De vrouw van 1 miljoen', lecturer marketing & entrepreneurship and researcher female entrepreneurship

  • keynote Health & happiness

    < back Health & happiness Why health & happiness is the single most important thing in (y)our lives More detailed information In this keynote, Christophe delves into the undeniable truth that health and happiness are the cornerstones of our lives, exploring their transformative impact on employees, customers, and even ourselves. The talk illuminates how all human actions are fueled by universal aspirations and demonstrates that acknowledging these aspirations is key to creating lasting value and meaningful connections. (This keynote can be adapted for diverse audiences, making it suitable for company-wide meetings, plenary sessions, and various events.) Watch Christophe Speak Request a quote Submit About Christophe Jauquet is an internationally recognized author and keynote speaker, renowned for his fresh and distinctive perspective on critical topics such as customer centricity, innovation, and emerging trends. His presentations guide businesses towards expanding their horizons by emphasizing health and happiness in customer engagement, innovation endeavors, and future planning. Tailored to suit the specific objectives of each event, industry dynamics, cultural nuances, and audience requirements, Christophe's keynotes are consistently finely tuned and relevant. He has delivered speeches in over 25 countries across a wide range of industries including healthcare, consumer business, finance, travel, automotive, retail, and real estate. Christophe is the author of the book "Healthusiasm," writes a popular bi-weekly newsletter on future scenarios, and hosts a globally popular podcast on the US-based 'Shift Forward Health' Channel. He is recognized as a visionary leader, having been quoted by Deloitte in their 2022 Global Life Sciences Outlook and featured as a guest writer on renowned websites such as Healthcare Transformers by Roche. Before establishing his own business, Christophe held various roles as an intrapreneur at Pfizer Inc., where he received several global innovation awards. He further honed his expertise by collaborating with pharmaceutical companies such as Roche, Takeda, and GSK, as well as consumer brands like L'Oreal, Nestlé, and Pepsi. Today, Christophe Jauquet inspires business leaders about the future of business in a health-conscious world. He has developed innovative tools to efficiently implement his vision, working towards making the world a healthier and happier place, one business strategy at a time. Christophe Jauquet Health marketeer on a mission to make the world healthy & happy.

  • keynote Cracking the Productivity Code

    < back Cracking the Productivity Code Unveiling Fresh Insights and Shattering the False Promises of Time Management More detailed information Are you tired of clichéd approaches to time management that offer false hope? Does your important work always seem to take a backseat? Are constant interruptions and pop-up notifications leaving you dissatisfied at the end of each workday? If you're ready for a game-changing keynote, look no further. Isabel De Clercq is here to challenge conventional wisdom and provide fresh insights that go beyond the illusion of complete control. In this captivating presentation, Isabel empowers business leaders, team managers and employees to make conscious choices about their focus, attention and productivity. It's not about gaining full control over your to-do lists. Instead, it's about regaining control over value creation for customers and leveraging your time effectively. Unlike other productivity and time management gurus who make empty promises, Isabel unveils the ultimate truth about productivity, dismantles the myth of absolute control and emphasises that our condition humaine, with its time and talent limitations, is not a threat but rather a liberation. By sidestepping the blame game on technology, Isabel reveals the true culprits responsible for our fragmented attention and provides tangible tools for organisations, teams and individuals to break free from the cycle of inefficiency. Her mission is to transform work environments into healthy spaces where employees can thrive, feel a sense of accomplishment and focus on tasks that truly make a difference. Get ready to shatter the status quo , challenge outdated notions and discover fresh perspectives that will revolutionise your approach to productivity. Isabel De Clercq's keynote is your ticket to unlocking true productivity and embracing a new era of meaningful work. Request a quote Submit About Meet Isabel! She graduated in Romance Philology and after a career at the University Language Centre of Ghent University and Wolters Kluwer Belgium, she has now become a sought-after keynote speaker and consultant. Isabel specializes in advising companies on their quest for sustainable work practices, disseminating her expertise through books, blogs, and podcasts. With a wealth of fresh perspectives, she's poised to revolutionize your approach to productivity in the hybrid workplace. Drawing on the latest research, Isabel adeptly bridges the gap between theory and practice, transforming scientific insights into actionable steps. Her approach is a breath of fresh air, injecting positivity into every step of your journey. Isabel's charisma extends beyond the stage. With a robust workshop background, she understands that the strategies advocated by the world's organizational gurus often clash with the complexities of real-world scenarios. Leveraging her extensive experience, Isabel translates even the loftiest ideals into practical steps tailored to our daily reality. Isabel De Clercq is passionate about the pursuit of good and sustainable work practices. She believes in the pivotal role played by what she terms the Holy Trinity: the individual taking responsibility for their own happiness, teams establishing effective agreements for synchronous and asynchronous collaboration, and organizations unequivocally embracing leadership and focus time. Expect a captivating storyline, firmly grounded in scientific research and always translated into the everyday reality of organizations. Audience members not only leave energized but also armed with a checklist of tips & tricks and a questionnaire to further their engagement. Isabel De Clercq Author and speaker passionate about the pursuit of good and sustainable work practices

  • keynote Roll over Beethoven

    < back Roll over Beethoven The problem with creativity More detailed information Creativity is an often misunderstood word, something that blocks rather than motivates people and organisations. In this talk you'll learn about the problem of creativity and how to unlock innovation in your company or organisation. Request a quote Submit About Fredo, originally Frédéric De Smet, embarked on his journey after graduating in 2001 with a master's degree in Art Science and History. His academic pursuits centered on a philosophical exploration questioning the intrinsic value of reality, drawing from interdisciplinary studies in art, film, postmodern philosophy, and popular culture. Concurrently, Fredo delved into the professional realm as the head of production at local radio station, marking the inception of his diverse career trajectory. His inherent passion for pop culture steered Fredo towards a vibrant career in the local nightlife scene. Over a decade, he transitioned from a music producer and curator, traversing cities such as Paris, London, Barcelona, New York, and others, all while shaping his understanding of media, audiences, and experiential marketing strategies. This culminated in the development of innovative initiatives spanning virtual reality experiences, audio narratives, art fairs, and conferences, both as a freelance creative and as the entrepreneurial force behind Avenue L, a concept agency. In recent years, Fredo has carved a niche as an independent curator and consultant specializing in human-technology relations. His insights and expertise led him to advisory roles at esteemed institutions such as the public broadcaster VRT and as an advising curator for the acclaimed Hello, Robot exhibition at Design Museum Ghent. Furthermore, Fredo spearheads Gent M, an online publisher and think tank that critically examines the ethical and tangible impacts of technology on society, showcased through platforms like podcasts. Fredo's unique perspective and multidisciplinary background enable him to shed light on the unseen aspects of our evolving relationship with technology, guiding individuals and organizations to navigate the complexities of this rapidly changing landscape. Fredo De Smet Ask him anything about technology, change and creativity. But also about culture, both in society and organisations.

  • Speakers and keynotes on Team Dynamics

    Keynotes and speakers on Team Dynamics < Back Explore enlightening keynotes and expert speakers dedicated to enhancing team dynamics. Effective teamwork is essential for achieving organizational goals, fostering innovation, and creating a positive work culture. Booking a keynote speaker on team dynamics can provide valuable insights, strategies, and practical tools to improve collaboration, communication, trust, and productivity within teams. Whether it's building high-performing teams or resolving conflicts, our curated list of team dynamics-focused speakers offers expertise that can empower your teams to work cohesively, achieve synergy, and drive collective success. Discover our lineup of team dynamics speakers and unlock the potential for a stronger, more motivated, and successful team! Julie Brown Uniting Forces: Team Building and Collaboration Nurturing cohesion and empowering teams to achieve extraordinary results Read more Hermina Van Coillie How do you increase psychological safety in your team? A critical success factor for innovation, retention and growth. Read more Najima El Kasmi Building Bridges: Mastery in Intercultural and Intergenerational Communication Navigating the Tapestry of Diversity in Modern Business Read more Rudy de Waele Elevate Collaboration with the Transformative Power of Socratic Dialogue! Unlock the potential of collaborative thinking and co-creation to foster meaningful dialogue and enhance the art of active listening. Read more Johan De Keyser Build your Dreamteam What are the four fundamental qualities to build a high performing dream team? Read more Hermina Van Coillie The fascinating dynamic between trust, control, and supervision in the workplace And why trust is the solution Read more Veerle Dobbelaere Omgaan met grenzen Voorkom burn out en leer je grenzen aan te geven Read more Jan Puype Meet your colleague Parc Solvay and Sonian Forest in La Hulpe Read more Brecht Buysschaert Half day teambuilding: the power of team dynamics Interesting keynote, followed by fun workshops improving team cohesion Read more Johan De Keyser Dynamic equilibrium, from (im)power to strength in work relationships How a dynamic balance in working relationships can ensure that everyone can use their full potential to achieve great results together. Read more Charlotte De Metsenaere Fun Teambuilding (Online) Teambuilding based on improvisational theatre Read more Tom Dijckmans Connection in a Hybrid Workplace Who replaces the coffee room? Read more Najima El Kasmi Psychological Safety Unlocking Innovation through Trust and Openness Read more Julie Heyvaert How to boost engagement through human relations? Experience moment Read more Tom Dijckmans Influence others, start with yourself Behavior evokes behavior. But maybe not always the desired one. Read more Julie Heyvaert How to boost FLOW and human energy on your work floor? ​ Read more Tom Dijckmans The fundamentals of teamwork What conditions must be fulfilled to speak of strong teamwork? Read more Martine Reyners Discover your voice Experience a harmonious team Read more Najima El Kasmi Leadership in Change Turning resistance into growth Read more Cedric Dumont Dare to jump! Empower success in times of disruption: dare, lead, grow and flow Read more Sofie Fransen The power of teamwork Operating as one for optimal performance Read more Rik Moons What you can learn from a plane crash? Safety at work Read more Minke Tromp Blind Spots What don't you see (about yourself) that still influences your relationship with others? Read more Request a quote Keynote of my preference (leave blank for personal advice) Submit

  • keynote Artification

    < back Artification Organizations are seeking other, new, original and authentic ways to set up their marketing, boost their brand, foster innovation and initiate research. The arts and culture can help in many ways. More detailed information Artification refers to a concept of management in which an organization uses the power and sublimity of the arts to upgrade itself. Originally, artification was a sociological concept. More and more activities that were not previously considered art are now being classified as art. Pieter-Paul Rubens, for example, was not considered an artist in his day, but rather a craftsman. Photography was not experienced as art in the beginning. And more recently, Street Art has been exhibited in museums, sold in galleries and taught in art schools under the influence of artists such as Jean-Michel Basquiat and Keith Haring. However, artification has also become a management concept in recent years. A growing number of companies and organizations collaborate with artists, designers, and cultural actors. The phenomenon is not really new. Coca-Cola and Toulouse Lautrec have already worked together for marketing purposes a century ago. By working together with the art world, Absolute Vodka became the world's number one brand. However, we have seen an intensification in recent decades. Companies are seeking other, new, original and authentic ways to organize their activities. The arts and companies can collaborate in a number of ways. This collaboration can range from simple synergies to more complex hybrid collaborations. The arts are important to companies for five main reasons. To begin with, it helps make new connections with new and existing audiences. Secondly, companies such as Absolut Vodka, Benetton, and banks are using the arts to support branding and infuse their brands with an aura of art. We also observe that artists often think and see the world differently than other people. Therefore, artistic interventions can have an impact on insight, team dynamics, methods of working, and organizational transformation. Creativity and innovation are also in high demand in many companies. AirBnB, Uber, Eosta, and BinkBank have influenced many companies to become game changers in the markets in which they operate. In order to accomplish this, one must look at the methods and cognitive processes of artists who are driven by a desire to be creative and innovative. Rather than going from point A to point B, we need to reinvent point B. Art thinking methods includes imagination and visualization, experiments, asking questions, recognizing paradoxes and also knowing one's own cognitive processes with regard to creativity. Finally art can be considered a research tool and an artist becomes a researcher. Abbvie, a pharmaceutical company, has commissioned a group of artists to create works of art reflecting on the impact of hepatitis C on the lives of people living with it. In addition to the medication, a patient's quality of life is affected by how he is approached by his immediate environment. During a keynote or a workshop, all these concepts are explained and deepened through many examples, diagrams, and case studies. The presentations provide new insights, are inspiring, and provide tools so that concepts can later be implemented within the organization. Request a quote Submit About Erwin Van den Brande is on a mission to bridge the gap between the cultural and creative realms and the business world. Recognizing that companies face disruptive challenges requiring novel approaches and thinking, he advocates for mutual learning between business leaders and the art world. With a background in economics and experience in various management roles within technology companies, Erwin is also an entrepreneur who has founded multiple start-ups. Since 2010, he has pursued a parallel career as a visual artist, exhibiting his works in Belgium and internationally. His passion lies in uniting seemingly disparate worlds through art, viewing art as not just a form of expression but also a mindset for living and working. This vision led to the creation of Dual&Day, an initiative focused on facilitating connections between companies and cultural actors through "artification" processes. Erwin and Dual&Day offer a range of services including lectures, workshops, advisory sessions, publications, and concrete artification projects aimed at fostering creative collaborations and innovative thinking within businesses. Through these efforts, Erwin aims to harness the transformative power of art to inspire fresh perspectives and solutions in the corporate world while also enriching artistic endeavors with business insights. Erwin Van den Brande Advocate of paradoxes and oxymorons because they provide new insights

  • keynote Why Employe Advocacy is the future of your organisation

    < back Why Employe Advocacy is the future of your organisation The incredible impact of your co-workers' voices can create a tremendous effect on your sales, marketing, brand image and recruitment. Therefore it should be seen as a strategic important asset for your future growth. More detailed information Patrick has been enabling employee advocacy programs with more than 350 organizations worldwide. As CEO of Social Seeder, he looks at the results of such a program and knows the do's and don'ts on how to create a long-lasting impact on your business, thanks to the authentic voice of your co-workers. Request a quote Submit About After more than 20 years as commercial director in several international companies, Patrick decided to launch Social Seeder with his partners 6 years ago. The reason was that we all underestimate the gigantic power of word of mouth. Along the way, companies forgot how to really communicate with impact. It’s all about having relevant and authentic messages. Today, Social Seeder is helping over 250 organisations in their employee advocacy program, and whow…they have learned a lot; the failures, the quick wins, the do’s and don’ts on how to create an authentic footprint as an organization. Sharing these insights is Patrick's real passion. Patrick De Pauw CEO of Social Seeder. Employee advocacy expert.

  • keynote Cyberdangers and The Human

    < back Cyberdangers and The Human Will we ever learn? More detailed information During this lecture Eddy Willems will give you his view on the cyber dangers which threatened the world the past years. Why is a 33 year old problem still the biggest security problem these days? Did we ever learn? Eddy shows the real threats. The business world is unfortunately a popular target for cyber attacks. What is the real favourite modus operandi of the cybercriminals? What should you be afraid of as a company or organisation? Are you sure you did the right thing to solve these cyber security related problems? Malware, hacking, ransomware or maybe even cyber wars between countries are analysed and showed to you in a way you haven’t seen before. 3 decades of security experience bundled in a short pragmatic and passionate view on how to solve the basic problem and possibly the cyber dangers now and in the future. Request a quote Submit About Eddy Willems is a globally recognized cybersecurity expert from Belgium. He serves as a board member for three prominent security industry organizations: EICAR, AVAR, and LSEC. Additionally, he holds the positions of Resident Security Evangelist and Global Security Officer at G DATA Cyberdefense. Eddy's involvement in the cybersecurity field dates back to 1991 when he became a founding member of EICAR, one of the world’s earliest security IT organizations. Throughout his career, he has held numerous additional roles within various security industry organizations. His expertise is regularly sought after by several CERTs, press agencies, print and online publications, as well as broadcasting media, including CNN. In October 2013, Eddy published his debut book, 'Cybergevaar,' in Belgium and the Netherlands under Lannoo. This was followed by a German translation and an updated English version titled 'Cyberdanger,' published by Springer in 2019. He is also a co-author of the Dutch science fiction cyberthriller ‘Het Virus,’ released in 2020. Eddy is renowned for his engaging speaking style and regularly delivers lectures and presentations worldwide, catering to audiences ranging from children to cybersecurity experts. He has spoken at prestigious events such as TEDx, captivating diverse audiences with his insights and expertise in cybersecurity. Eddy Willems Cyber Security Guru | Inspiring Speaker | Author #Cyberdanger | Security Researcher | Director | Security Evangelist at G DATA CyberDefense

  • keynote Dare to jump!

    < back Dare to jump! Empower success in times of disruption: dare, lead, grow and flow More detailed information Key messages : 1. Everything starts with self-awareness and being ultra-connected with our environment. 2. Dealing with stress, fear and uncertainty 3. Transformational leadership: Growth mindset: embracing change, agility and flexibility. Owner’s mindset: being radically accountable is the first step to transform. Purpose-driven mindset: The why-power in times of crisis. 4. Resilience and bouncing back: cognitive reframing 5. Collaboration & communication in times of crisis: trust within high-performing teams, turn your team of stars into a start team Request a quote Submit About Born in Brussels, Belgium, Cedric has always been involved in action and adventure sports. He is a pioneer in base jumping and wingsuit flying and has been a member of the Red Bull team since 2000. "For me, it's all about freedom, commitment, and pushing your limits. It takes me to amazing places, teaches me respect for the environment and others, motivates me to improve, and keeps me humble on those high gravity days." Cedric studied High-Performance Psychology. Fascinated by the power of the mind, he began by giving fellow professional athletes the mental edge and skills necessary to achieve their goals and unleash their full potential. In extreme environments where one is expected to perform and assess risks, hyper-awareness has been the foundation of his consistent performance and survival—it's either flow or die! "Living a comprehensive lifestyle and being in the present moment are key. This includes energy management, feeding the mind with healthy insights, and generating positive thoughts." Cedric divides his time between leading expeditions, flying, speaking, writing, and consulting for elite athletes and major companies worldwide. Cedric Dumont Adventurer, Performance Psychologist, Speaker and Author.

  • keynote How to stay positive in times of trouble? Reframe and Feel through.

    < back How to stay positive in times of trouble? Reframe and Feel through. Being positive is not a mindset you can just turn on. You need to practise in thoughts and feelings. More detailed information It has been researched and proven: people who have a positive outlook on life build up reserves that they can use when things get more difficult. You become more resilient, more social, more emotionally intelligent and even physically healthier. But being positive is not as simple as the internet tells us. When things get difficult, we experience that forced positive attitude to life as toxic. Living a positive life is not about ignoring or pushing away everything that is negative. After all, every human life, every professional life, goes through a valley every now and then. Reframing and feeling through are two ways of dealing with 'problems' and 'difficult emotions' and thus enable us to maintain a positive mindset. Request a quote Submit About Johan Terryn studied Language and Literature (UAntwerp) and Communication Science (UGent). He soon embarked on a career in media. Both in radio and TV, in public and commercial broadcasting. Johan discovered all genres there. From light entertainment to better documentary work. He wrote screenplays, did final editing, acted, presented and directed. Yet he remained hungry to grow substantively. He did this by following a professional coaching course. And to delve into NLP and Systemic work. As a Professional Certified Coach, he has been coaching TV stars and business leaders since 2017. Since 2020, he has been telling stories to better connect people with themselves and with each other. He conducted a major narrative study on 'mourning' in the podcast "Het uur blauw". That resulted in a book and a theater performance. He has a project about 'regret' with "Tot onze grote spijt" that includes a podcast, a book and a performance. He also writes columns for Radio 1 and hosts the podcast "Seks verandert alles" with Rika Ponnet. Johan Terryn Media content creator & Soulpreneur, Speaker & Author on matters of the soul, creativity and positive thinking

  • keynote Self-Mastery

    < back Self-Mastery Be excellent in every aspect of your life More detailed information Many people lack Self-Mastery, and that’s why they don’t succeed in life as they’d like to or could. Self-Mastery is not only the ability to control one's desires or impulses or to gain control over the one thing you can control in any situation: yourself. It’s about transcending mediocrity. It’s about practicing being excellent in every aspect of your life. So let Véronique help you in becoming the very best you can be with her #OnToMastery program. Available as keynote, training, but also as individual coaching. Request a quote Submit About Véronique De Prycker is driven by her belief that the economy, health, and education are the three main pillars and driving forces behind a prosperous society. As an experienced keynote speaker, certified trainer, and mentor, it’s her passion to help professionals and B2B companies in achieving their professional & personal success and obtain mastery over their life. Especially the differences between men and women are a great passion of hers. In the workplace, this translates into questions like … Why is it that women in general still have a hard time climbing the Corporate ladder? Why women don't seem to stand up for themselves enough yet? Why is there still a huge gap between men and women? …. These are questions she answers in her keynotes and workshops and she gives women practical advice they can apply immediately. Véronique's career spans more than 25 years of international experience, with previous years as a Financial Manager and CPA at Dredging International (DEME) and Deloitte, where she was a confidant of over 200 CEOs and helped over 300 companies and organizations in many different industries. This expertise in the day-to-day challenges of corporate life combined with her unique strategic and handson knowledge gives her an unusual and visionary approach to what effectively works in today's businesses. Véronique also strongly believes in giving back to society; she's (been) a volunteer in various organizations such as the Red Cross, Cliniclowns, Stop Colon Cancer, and different network organizations. She possesses the ability to translate theoretical models, methodologies, and strategies into practically applicable methods that have an immediate effect on daily results. People who work with Véronique not only immediately know what to do and how to apply new tools, tactics, or strategies, but they are also inspired by her positive and vibrant personality. Véronique De Prycker Helping B2B companies to close the gap between men & women and enhance the performance and impact of women through better leadership, communication, and networking

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