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Stress and Burn out

What is it? How to recognize it? How to prevent it?

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To stay energetic, motivated and enthusiastic, we need to take good care of ourselves and recognise in time the signals that can lead to exhaustion. 

During this presentation you will learn :

  • what the difference is between being overworked and being burnt out

  • when positive stress threatens to turn into negative stress; we will also look at the different forms and degrees of stress

  • how you can recognise the symptoms and warning signs in yourself and others

  • how you can prevent stress and burnout

You will also learn how we ourselves have much more impact on our lives and our stress levels than we think. 

Thanks to the insights you have gained, the concrete advice and immediately applicable tips,  you can immediately make a big difference  in energy and enthusiasm.

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“Fascinating and inspiring, instructive and full of enthusiasm. Florence understands the art of captivating an audience. Amazingly well brought, she anticipated the topics that matters to us ” according to a happy customer. 

Florence’s talks are based on 25 years of combined experience in the world of the Internet and digital media and mental well-being in the workplace. She held various roles in Sales & Marketing within the internet sector and worked for The Reference, ONE Agency, Dear Media and Duval Union Consulting (now Scopernia). Simultaneously, she delved into health sciences and was a certified mindfulness trainer for years. She was one of the core members of Better Minds at Work during several years. 

Today, she is Managing Partner of the speakers' bureau Speakersbase, which she co-founded amidst the COVID pandemic. Florence Pérès is the author of the reference work 'Digital Detox’ (Lannoo) and published 'Survivalgids voor tijden van verandering' (Lannoo Campus) and 'Survivalguide for times of change' (Lannoo Campus). 

Expect passion, inspiration, interaction, evidence-based insights, practical tips & tools and a certain entertainment level during her presentations. Her keynotes are seamlessly delivered in Dutch, French, and English. Visit

Florence Pérès

Author, enthusiastic speaker and expert in coping with change, adaptive resilience, digital balance and focus.

#1 speakers agency

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