Laughter yoga team building

Laughter makes employees feel better about themselves, making interactions with colleagues and customers more motivated and friendly.
More detailed information
A laughter session consists of three parts: warm-up and relaxation, laughter-stimulating exercises and the laughter meditation or free laughter. This does not include the after-party because the social aspect afterwards is a very important factor. Laughter opens doors and brings people closer together. As Charlie Chaplin said, "The shortest way between two people is laughter."
During the first part, we try to become aware of ourselves, the environment, the here & now through relaxation and breathing exercises. We prepare ourselves and our bodies to laugh. Just as in a relaxation exercise you say to your body, "I want to relax," we now say to our body, "I want to laugh." And the will to laugh is essential.
During the second part we are going to focus on laughter-promoting exercises: we are going to rediscover our own laughter from a stimulated "made" laughter through simple but funny exercises. The laughter-promoting exercises are interspersed with breathing exercises (the yoga part) because laughter is a very intense activity.
The last part is the laughter meditation or free laughter: then for about ten minutes we concentrate only on laughter.
Laughter yoga is based on the fact that we don't have to wait for something to happen to laugh: we make ourselves laugh. The social and interactive aspects are very important here: seeing laughter makes you laugh! Similarly, the body makes no distinction between a fake laugh or a real laugh: the same beneficial effects - both physical and mental - are the result (stimulates circulation, lowers blood pressure, relaxes, massages the digestive system, makes it easier to put things into perspective,...).
But of course the main reason to do it is simply because it is incredibly fun! Laughter can't be explained - it has to be done! An original teambuilding, no doubt!
Keynote by
Luc started his career as a sales representative for Colbrandt, a company selling car radiators. When Colbrandt went bankrupt after 10 years, Luc started his own company: the Airco and Radiators Center Ghent. He later took over Christal BVBA, a company that specialized in car radiators. Luc sold ARC Ghent in January 2013. In 2006 he followed a laughter training with Dr. Kataria (Paris) and in 2009 a two-year training as a creative agog at Balans (Ghent). Luc Van Imschoot is a certified laughter yoga facilitator, certified laughter teacher and certified creative agog. He offers accessible, low-threshold workshops, all around laughter in order to sitmulate the team spirit, to destress or to simply feel good about yourself
Certified laughter yoga facilitator, certified laughter teacher and certified creative agog
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