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Surfing the waves of change

Workshop for coworkers

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Every organisation is in full transition, including yours. The world evolves rapidly and one wave of change after another is rushing towards your employees.

Dealing with this is not easy for everyone. Some embrace change, for others there is fear, resistance or some form of stress.

This workshop of half a day helps your employee to be able to 'cope' with the frequent changes that take place. As an image, we use a surfer who consciously deals with the fickle sea : he/she knows his/her qualities and pitfalls, he/she keeps a clear view of what is coming, makes clear choices, does not take every wave, rests, takes care of himself, is almost never alone, ...

During this session

  • we work on self-knowledge : how do I deal with change?

  • we offer insight : which factors make it easy or difficult to deal with change?

  • we offer tools to deal with change more consciously.

Participants go home with insights and concrete practical tips to surf the waves of change more relaxed.

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Tom is an occupational (work) psychologist with over 25 years of professional experience. His mission is to help people work and live better, happier and healthier lives by stimulating them to grow and believe in the power of personal leadership. His work focuses on everything that has to do with 'working together', 'leadership' and 'personal growth'. Tom helps organizations, teams, managers and employees with these themes via coaching, advice, training, workshops and lectures. He is also a part-time lecturer at the Karel de Grote Hogeschool in Antwerp, where he teaches HRM, occupational (work) psychology and applied psychology. In March '21 he launched the site '' full of good practices and background material on 'connection in the workplace'.

Tom Dijckmans

Labour Psychologist - 25yrs experience - passionated about human interactions on the workfloor

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