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Finding each other in 2024

Every day is a choice, a choice between polarization and connection. Explores the quest for more common ground, at the kitchen table, at work, and in society.

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There is a need for more individuals who choose 'we' over 'us versus them'. In the workplace, every company Elke knows is grappling with fostering connection as many people work from home. Translated to society, the lack of connection is aggravated by social media bubbles, an increase in individualism, and a growing us-versus-them mentality, posing a threat to democracy, especially in the election year of 2024.

Around many kitchen tables, achieving connection is difficult, and loneliness in society is on the rise. Therefore, it's time for action. Every day presents the choice to either polarize or seek what unites us. But even if one desires connection, the question is: HOW can it be done in concrete terms? 

This talk is brimming with inspiration and tips that can be implemented starting tomorrow, whether it's at the kitchen table, in the workplace, or in society.

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Elke believes that a diverse, inclusive professional world stimulates innovation, performance, personal growth, and talent. She breathes this ethos every day and embraces all initiatives across academic, political, economic, media, and social spheres that align with her purpose. Diversity represents a growth opportunity not only for society but also for every company. However, effective implementation requires inclusive leadership. Developing an inclusive corporate culture is one of the keys to success in this endeavor.

Given her strategic expertise and hands-on experience, Elke actively engages with leaders from various disciplines who share her ambition, constantly question themselves, and are fascinated by the power of diversity in all its dimensions. Together, they strive to move the business world forward, taking diverse steps every day. In addition to delivering inspiring keynote speeches, Elke conducts interactive workshops both in-person and online, facilitates strategy journeys, and fosters community building.

Her solutions for inclusive leadership are grounded in global best practices and the real-life experiences of numerous leaders. Elke recently completed the INSEAD Gender Diversity Program and co-authored the book 'Who Run the World: The Power of Female Leadership,' where she frequently shares her expertise across different media platforms. Through her Fierce Ladies Tribe, Elke empowers women to develop their full potential. She also co-founded 72Hours Reload to create unique experiences and encounters and initiated the Straffe Madammen network.

Throughout her extensive professional career spanning stakeholder engagement, corporate communications, public relations, and public affairs, Elke has collaborated with leaders across political, media, academic, and business sectors. She has shared her vision and insights on inclusive leadership on more than 100 conference stages, contributing significantly to advancing diversity and inclusion agendas in various industries.

Elke Jeurissen

Entrepreneur, Community Builder (Inclusive Leaders Connect, Straffe Madammen, 72Hours Reload), co-author of 2 books, (step)mum of 5.

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