Digital fitness

Our work is broken and in need of major maintenance
More detailed information
Digitization and digital transformation are the order of the day in many organizations. In the face of an exponentially increasing flow of information to process and increased work-from-home situations, this is putting considerable pressure on employees' clout, workload and job satisfaction.
Digital Fitness. A theme that includes Digital Awareness, Digital Skills, Personal Development and Personal Knowledge Management. A whole framework in which the various components intertwine. These themes have been severely underexposed to Management and HRM for the past 15 years. COVID-19 has made it even clearer that digital fitness is essential alongside mental and physical fitness. (And just like mental and physical fitness, this needs to be worked on continuously.)
Especially in the domain of personal knowledge management there is an incredible amount to be gained for every organization. It takes some practice, looking differently at the dogma of the document, micro notes and the new text renaissance but the power it gives and the peace it brings are more than worth it!
Extremely suitable for everybody who spends hours a day on computer and smartphone and seriously wonders if it can't be done better and smarter, and above all more effectively.
Keynote by
Martijn Aslander has been one of the most experienced speakers in the field of the network and information society for more than 15 years. His books Easycracy and Never finished are standard reading material for many managers. As a standup philosopher, he researches and articulates possibilities for tackling problems and capitalizing on opportunities every day. In his keynote, Digital Fitness he is once again pioneering the future of work. Martijn Aslander 'looks' at the world through a social and economic lens. With passion and humor he maps out the complex impact of technology on society for his audience. He describes the current and future implications of these developments for the networked information society. Martijn is a hands-on inspirator who explains in an accessible way what is going on in this world. He synthesizes this into an understandable picture of what is going on and what it means for organizations, business models, markets and innovation. His unique ability to challenge business-leaders and help them think outside the box has brought him into boardrooms around the world. He helps business-leaders of global brands to future-proof their operations. Martijn likes to shake things up, make the audience wonder, but also inspire people. In doing so, he offers his audience actionable insights.
Tech philosopher, professional lifehacker and connector of people, information and ideas.
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